His Scandalous Love

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His Scandalous Love Page 8

by Anya Summers

  “Well, I must tell you as your attorney, it is ill-advised and against my advice that you change your will in this manner without a paternity test. As your friend of more than twenty years, I think you’re being a fucking moron. But if you’re happy and there’s no talking you out of it, I will get the paperwork drawn up over the next few days and then drive out to have you sign it,” Kent replied.

  “Thank you for your concern. I’d also like to include something for Liam’s mother, Jenna,” Carter added.

  “Fuck me. Has she put a spell on your dick or something?” Kent barked through the phone.

  “Now that’s no way for a counselor to talk,” Carter chided with a deep chuckle.

  Kent snapped, “Bite me, Carter. So has she put your dick in a clamp? Say the word and I will get the rest of the boys over there with voodoo priestesses or some shit to help you get rid of her curse.”

  “No. I’m completely of sound mind and body. She’s the mother of my child and I want her cared for, the end. While I appreciate your concern, this isn’t up for debate,” Carter responded. His decision would ensure that Jenna was cared for. Regardless of where their relationship went or didn’t go, she had given him a son. To Carter, that counted, and he would see that financially, at least, she didn’t have to worry anymore.

  Call it Dom pride, the cowboy code, he didn’t really give a damn. But from what little he’d surmised, Jenna had been the one to take care of everyone and everything. She’d not had anyone watching her back and ensuring her safety. He wasn’t going to leave her with nothing should something happen to him.

  He didn’t care if she ended up hating him one day, he’d rather she be okay and pissed as hell at him than continuing to struggle when she didn’t need to.

  “Jesus, I was worried you would say that. You got it, I will include the stipend for one Jenna Mallory—after I have a drink or two, or ten. If only my clients would actually take my sound legal advice instead of ignoring it. Would make my life and my blood pressure so much better,” Kent said without rancor.

  “Thanks, Kent. Don’t worry, you know I hear you, but in this I already know I’m Liam’s father.”

  “Suit yourself,” Kent said and disconnected the call.

  At the knock on his door, Carter glanced up and found Herb standing in his doorway.

  “Herb, I was just getting ready to come help you and Kyle, what’s up?” Carter asked, rising from his desk.

  Herb wiped a red bandana across his forehead, swiping at sweat, and said, “Tallulah and Starlight are going to need the vet. The heat seems to be getting to them something fierce.”

  Carter’s gut clenched. Two of his prize mares. He asked, “They aren’t taking the electrolytes well?”

  “Nope, and avoiding the salt licks. I already called the vet. Josh Barrett is on the way. I know Derrick’s scheduled for the pregnant mares later, but Derrick can’t get out here this morning.”

  “Thanks for handling that. And I don’t remember if I told you to do this or not, but hire as many hands as you think we need to fill slots. You’re right that we need extra and I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner.”

  Herb shrugged his shoulders. “It happens. A man gets busy trying to outrace something, he doesn’t lift his head up to view the rest of the world.”

  Carter wiped a hand over his face. And there he’d been thinking no one on the ranch had noticed his malaise. Apparently, Spencer and the gang weren’t the only ones this past year who had. He replied, a bit miffed, “Well, you have my permission to tell me to get my head out of my ass. Especially now with Liam here, I can’t guarantee I won’t be sleep deprived—or what sleep will be like for me in the foreseeable future, so I might need you more, or we’ll need more help than just four additional hands.”

  “A newborn will do that to you. We’ve got your back. And you and the missus will adjust,” Herb said with a shrug.

  That was part of his—or should he say their—problem. Carter wanted to seduce Jenna back into his bed but after the insights he’d gained when she’d let slip about the injury she’d sustained bringing Liam into the world, he was at a loss. He didn’t want to harm her or cause further injury. When he finally got a chance, he’d conduct some research. As it was, his plate for today was overfull. Shoving his phone in his back pocket, he strode around his desk.

  “Let’s get a look at Tallulah and Starlight. See what we might be able to do for them until the vet gets here,” he said, following Herb out of his office.

  He didn’t correct Herb about the ‘missus’ part. Especially not when he’d had that same thought since he’d woken up across from her, their son nestled between them: that he wanted more permanence with Jenna. Starting with getting her back into his bed. He would have to check and see how soon a woman could have sex after childbirth. He wouldn’t rush her, but the seduction to get her there began now.

  * * *

  Carter made the short walk from the barn to the main house just as the sun dipped beneath the western mountain range. Dottie strode down the path with a smile on her face.

  “Evening, Dottie.” He tipped his hat her way and got a smile from her.

  “Mister Carter, have a good night,” she said with a small grin and passed him by, meeting Herb at the stable doors before heading off to their house.

  He climbed up the back porch steps and opened the back door. Liam’s voice was oh-ing at something. And pleasure unlike anything he’d known settled in Carter’s soul. The homey sound of his son’s voice hit him right in the chest. Carter had been an avowed bachelor, living in this huge house alone going on five years now since his father had passed. He hadn’t realized how solitary and lonely he’d become. He washed his hands and wiped his boots, hung his hat up and then entered the kitchen.

  Inside, he discovered Jenna at the kitchen sink with Liam, giving their son a bath. Liam waved his hands and feet in excitement, his eyes trained on Jenna. But it was the smile on Liam’s face that rocked Carter.

  “There, my love, cleaning every nook and cranny,” Jenna said in a sing-song voice that drew a high-pitched giggle from Liam.

  “That’s it. So, what should we read tonight? I know last night with moving here to your daddy’s house we missed our reading time, but what about your ducky story tonight?”

  Liam cooed, his tiny little fists pumped in the air. Carter took that as a yes to the book.

  “Yes, I know you love that one.”

  It charmed him, watching her with Liam. It was clear she adored him. He stomped his boots on the doormat, not wanting to startle her.

  She shot him a grin over her shoulder. “Oh, hi. We were just having bath time. It’s one of Liam’s favorite things. I hope you don’t mind that I’m using the kitchen sink. It’s just better with his baby tub since he’s so small.”

  “Jenna, it’s fine. This is your home now. Whatever you and Liam need.” He approached.

  Liam’s eyes, so like Carter’s own, stared up at him. His mouth formed a tiny circle and he cooed and held his fists out.

  Carter bent and kissed the tiny hand. Then he said, “Let me go wash up from today and I can help you with whatever you need.”

  “That would be nice,” Jenna replied with a hesitant grin.

  Carter left her and showered quickly, opting for a tank top and pair of Under Armor black pants. His hair was still wet as he walked barefoot back into the kitchen. Jenna had Liam in his carrier with one of his toys dangling above him, keeping him occupied while she set the table for dinner.

  “You didn’t have to do that. I could have helped you with this,” Carter commented, his stomach growling at the heady aroma of the lasagna and garlic bread.

  “I know, but you’ve been working out in the heat all day. And all I did was reheat dinner. Dottie’s the creator of the feast,” Jenna replied. She’d even put a beer by his plate.

  “Good to know.” He took his seat. Liam was in his, watching them. “I’ve been thinking. I’m sure there are items Liam needs. I’ll
give you a credit card and you can order whatever that may be.”

  Jenna winced around a bite of food and said, “Carter, we’re already living here. It’s enough—”

  “Jenna, when I told you I want to be involved in his life, that includes taking care of his needs; clothing, toys, diapers, you name it. Now, I’m not skilled in the art of buying things for a baby, especially a newborn, and I’m sure there is stuff he needs. I didn’t see much in the way of clothing or other items for him.”

  She stiffened, her eyes flashed, and she replied, “It took us a lot to get here to Jackson Hole. We had to liquidate all of Dad’s things—”

  He put his hand over the one of hers closest to him that was gripping her fork—mainly to keep her from stabbing him with it—and said, “That’s not a judgement of you, darlin’. I know things have been tough for you but I’m here now to help with him. That encompasses everything. Either you do it, with an eye for what he needs, or I will make the best guess and buy things for him,” Carter said with a shrug. He didn’t want to injure her pride, but he wouldn’t negotiate on this when it came to their kid.

  “Okay. I will. Thank you.” She nodded.

  “What did you and Liam do today?” he asked, not really used to having anyone with him at dinner.

  “Well, we finished unpacking. We FaceTimed with Meghan. He really loves his aunt, couldn’t stop laughing. She does these funny faces with him that he really gets a kick out of. He ate a lot, pooped a lot, we took a nap, and that’s about it.”

  “Sounds fascinating,” he commented.

  “Don’t lie. You and I both know that it’s not rocket science, but this time with him when he needs me this much won’t last forever.”

  “No, it won’t. Tomorrow I’ll give you more of a tour of the place, show you where everything is in the house.”

  “That would be great. On Monday, we’re going to ride into town with Dottie to see his pediatrician. Because of his tender belly, she suggested putting him on some medicine to help with his acid reflux, and I think that’s something we should do,” Jenna explained.

  “Has it been that bad?” Carter asked, concern surging in his chest.

  She shrugged a single shoulder, acting like it was no big deal. “Well, I didn’t want to at first, hoping his issue would correct itself. Babies can have stuff like this crop up and it not be serious. We tried the non-medicine route with his pillow and the way he sleeps, but it hasn’t corrected itself. I just want to give him a little relief, especially at night.”

  “What time is the appointment? I will take you,” Carter said, already thinking about what he would move around on Monday. It would be tough, but doable.

  “You don’t have to take off for this, really. We can manage, and Dottie already said she would take us.”

  “What time? And I’m taking you two. Don’t worry about the ranch, that’s my job,” Carter directed.

  “Carter, I don’t think—”

  He flexed his hands. Jenna always pushed the limits of his patience. He growled, “Just because I can’t spank the hell out of you right now, doesn’t mean I won’t figure out another way to discipline you. Stop baiting me and acting like you have to figure it all out on your own. You don’t. You have me. We will go to his doctor’s appointment together.”

  “Fine. You’re still a badass Dom, I get it.” She rolled her eyes and he smothered his grin. The moment he knew she was no longer hurting from childbirth, he would redden her behind. He should start keeping a tally.

  Then Jenna stood and took her empty plate over to the sink. When she put the rinsed off dish into the dishwasher, he held his tongue.

  “If there’s anything you need to do for yourself, I can watch him for a bit,” he offered, noting she still had dark circles beneath her eyes. Whatever he needed to do to ease the workload on her shoulders, he would do.

  “I would dearly love a shower, if you don’t mind. Here’s his binky and his favorite toy, and he’s not ready to eat for a bit. If you need diapers, they’re—”

  “Go, Jenna, it will be fine. Liam and I can hold down the fort, right, son?” he said with a wiggle of his brows as he scooped Liam out of his carrier. Liam raised his fists and kicked his tiny legs in response. They’d go sit on the back porch and have some father and son time.

  “All right, I will be quick,” Jenna replied and left with a last glance over her shoulder that seemed to sizzle the air between them.

  “Take your time.” The attraction between them was as potent as ever. There were other ways Carter could love her without vaginal penetration. Carter remembered how wild she become when he’d given her oral. Which meant he just needed to adjust his approach to her seduction. With a final glance at the now empty hall, he shifted his focus to his boy. He and Liam headed out the back door, where he sat in a rocker and Liam giggled at the fireflies.

  Chapter 8

  Jenna had been dying to try out the shower in her bathroom. She shook her head. Inside of twenty-four hours it had become her bathroom. Hopeless was what she was. The stall was large enough that she could put pillows along the basin and curl up for a nap if she wanted to.

  She didn’t hesitate to strip out of her soiled clothes and take advantage of the small reprieve Carter was giving her. Before Liam, she’d been the queen of fastidiousness and now, on her top alone she had breast milk stains, a spot of spit up—and it was in her hair, too, she believed—and part of her shirt still smelled like pee.

  When she’d been changing Liam earlier, she’d turned to dispose of his diaper in the genie only to turn back to a clear stream of urine splashing him in the chest and face. Which of course had startled and enraged her little man. It was not the first time or likely the last that he had peed on himself—and her in the process. Nothing in the world said ‘I love you’ quite like wiping another’s bum.

  Jenna sighed, standing under the hot spray. She had kinks in her muscles the size of Alaska. And she loved this shower. It wasn’t right to love inanimate objects but she hadn’t realized how much she needed this small slice of silence and self-care. Guilt washed over her. She adored her son but it was constant round the clock attention. Who knew that getting the opportunity to shave her legs and underarms would feel like heaven? Or washing the grime from her hair? The cleanliness of it now would feel so good.

  Granted, she could use a bikini wax in the worst way, but her doctor had suggested she give her body a minimum of twelve weeks of healing before she did that. She already had her appointment booked at the nearby spa. Although she had no idea how she was going to get there, considering she didn’t actually have a car.

  That would change. She was only twenty-one credit hours from her degree in accounting. Then she could get a decent paying job that wasn’t waitressing, become a bookkeeper and accountant for a company, maybe even start her own company after she gained some real world experience. It would mean she could finally pull her weight with a decent income. Be a mom her son could be proud of because she could support him.

  It was a topic she needed to address with Carter. Jenna rebelled at the idea of living off him. It wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate his desire to see that Liam’s needs were met as well as hers, but they were co-parents. She needed to feel useful. Even if her income barely dented the surface for a while, it mattered to her, deeply, that she play an integral role in financially supporting Liam.

  Most women would likely call her an idiot for not jumping for joy at the size of Carter’s bank account and how generous he was being. But to her mind, she would be taking advantage of him when she was perfectly capable of providing for their son. Perhaps not as lavishly as he could, but that was part of the whole co-parent gig. He’d pick up the slack, and it relieved her to know that Liam would have what he needed from here on out.

  But she wasn’t letting go of her need to work and support herself. Just because her body zinged to life whenever Carter was near, they weren’t a couple. And she wouldn’t live off him, although she would give th
em a few more days to get settled before she approached Carter about the matter. And yes, she realized her impersonation of an ostrich was spot-on and award worthy.

  Jenna washed her hair twice, because it needed it, and she wanted to make sure all the vomit, spit up and drool were gone. Granted, she’d have more by this time tomorrow but maybe here, with Carter’s assistance, she could at least work to keep it from building to icky proportions. She exited the shower and dressed in a tank top and pajama bottoms. She dried her hair, loving the feeling of it being clean.

  When she emerged from the bathroom, she drew up short and stopped. Carter was standing in her room, changing Liam’s diaper. Liam howled, pumping his fists in anger at being denied his nightly meal, and her breasts ached. Her little man definitely did not like missing a meal.

  “Hey my love. Are you a little hungry?” she murmured.

  “Sorry to barge in but he didn’t care for having a wet diaper,” Carter explained.

  “No, he doesn’t, just wait until you get a muddy one. Then he’s really a handful. It’s no bother. Thanks for watching him so I could shower,” she replied, ignoring the ever present spark of electricity that flowed between them. His woodsy scent made her toes curl and she had the distinct urge to lean in to him.

  Carter moved to toss the dirty diaper in the genie and she picked Liam up off the dresser—aka the changing table—grabbed one of his burping cloths and headed over to the bed. Liam would be down for the count after his feeding. And so would she. She stifled a yawn.

  “If you’d like to read to him while I nurse him, you could. His duck book is right on the nightstand there.” She indicated, setting Liam down, then clambering up into bed. His reflux pillow was already present. She propped her back against the headboard with a host of pillows, making sure she was situated before she picked Liam back up.

  “I’d like that,” Carter said and walked over to them.

  He settled his big body beside her, heat emanating off him as he lifted the book off the nightstand. He leaned in close, his gaze on Liam suckling on her breast. A flash of lust crossed his face and then it vanished. But it was enough to stir her, made her body pulse in yearning. Would she ever not want him? Because they’d been here for a day, and already she’d fantasized about him, nearly kissed him, and her body craved him even after all this time.


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