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Page 12

by Riley Tune

  “It’s time to find out who is truly tonight’s champion of the cage,” the conductor said, as he stretched out his final words. The crowd slowly began to chant one single word slowly. Manis. “Will it be the newcomer?” the conductor said as he did a little spin from where he stood and pointed to Flex. “A man given to use by Abel. A man who seems to be powerful and strong in his own right. A man with hand to hand skills that took down two worthy contenders!”

  Flex looked around at the crowd that surrounded him as they continued to chant.

  Manis. Manis. Manis.

  “Or will it be our longest champion of the cage in arena history?” The chanting crowd exploded as one section of it slowly began to part and form a walkway. Flex turned to face the newly formed path and could see a large cloaked figure walking. “Will it be Mo’eizus’ favorite son?” the conductor said as the crowd continued to chant.

  Manis. Manis. Manis.

  With each word, they seemed to chant louder. The cloaked figure stepped into the arena and stood on the opposite side of Flex. Even though they were feet apart, Flex still had to look up at the massive man. A hand slowly lifted from under the cloak that revealed purple skin, with a crystallized texture to it. “Our strongest son!” the conductor continued. Flex looked over his shoulder to Abel who was visibly sweating now.

  Flex grimaced. He knew this was all an act and that he was only here to buy time so they wouldn’t jump into another Warden's circle, but now he was curious about this Manis fellow. He hated that he was, and for a moment he felt like the jerk he used to be back in school. Back when he and Hunter had their first encounter.

  The large purple hand finally unbuttoned the cloak, and as it fell to the ground the conductor screamed, “I give you, Manis!” The crowd went insane as the massive figure turned around and even did a little bow. Flex wasn’t as shallow as Hunter often accused him, but he truly felt like less of a man as he shared the arena with this titan.

  Flex wasn’t small by any means, neither were his muscles, but compared to Manis, he looked like a malnourished child. “You know what to do,” the conductor said. As soon as the words were out of his mouth the crowd was silent and watched Manis charge toward Flex. As he watched the giant approach, it took all of his control to not lift from the ground to fly out of the way.

  Instead, he raised a hand to catch the punch that Manis sent his way. The crowd went silent again as they watched Flex do exactly that. As Manis’ hand was held suspended in the air, he looked down on Flex. As their eyes locked, Flex could only hear the breathing of the man as he saw his purple disfigured skin up close. He tried to ignore the shaking in his arm as he held the attack back, but for a man like Flex, a man that had always been the strongest, it was hard to overlook.

  He had only met one person stronger than himself, and that was Impervious. A man who even admitted that Flex was becoming stronger than him. Manis delivered another blow with his free hand to the face of Flex, that sent him lifting several feet in the air. Had this been any other fight, Flex would have used his flying ability to correct himself in the air.

  Instead, he felt a massive hand wrap around his ankle and the world around him became a blur as Manis pulled him back down directly into another punch. This punch sent him to the ground with such force that the floor now had a tiny crater in it. Manis thrust his hands in the air as the crowd roared. Flex groaned as he pushed himself up from the ground as his tongue rolled around in his mouth. He could taste blood, and for a moment he was curious as to why. Then he realized he just had never been hit that hard before.

  “Okay so he’s strong,” Flex said to himself as he stood up. “Nerfing right, he’s strong,” Abel said as he watched Flex get up. “It’s that stuff on his skin,” Abel continued. “It’s braelium. The strongest mineral on the planet. It’s fused through his body. He may not be a hit with the ladies, but a spell like that makes him stronger than anything.” Flex chuckled some. “I noticed.”

  The crowd went quiet as Flex stood up and cracked his neck. His vision shifted some as he felt the room spin for a second. “Atlas, how hard did he hit me?” Flex said to himself. As he moved towards the purple goliath across from him, a single voice yelled from an unseen location in the crowd. “Hurry up, Ken Doll.”

  Flex smirked as he refused to lose with Hunter, and likely the others, watching the fight. “You take a punch well,” an accented voice that sounded more like a bark came from across the arena. “But nothing is stronger than Manis.” Manis tossed a punch at Flex that was dodged, as Flex delivered a solid blow to the purple mountain’s stomach.

  He had connected well too. Manis was hit so hard that his feet came off the ground. The crowd booed and hissed at this turn of events. “The newcomer isn’t going down easy is he folks?” The conductor asked as he spun around and hyped up the crowd. “But can he stop Manis?” At the mere mention of his name, the crowd shifted and came alive again.

  Hunter, Danielle, and Perkins moved slowly through the crowd, as they tried to avoid Abel’s team that was spread out among them. Perkins had her newly found blasters secured in her trousers and hidden from view. No doubt there were various other weapons around her in the guests of the arena, but she didn’t want to take any chances.

  “We just have to make it to Flex,” Perkins said. “I’ve heard how these fights get, and regardless if he wins or losses, once the battle is over it’s going to get crazy here. Something that I hadn’t considered until just now.” “Why?” Hunter asked as they gently pushed people out of the way as they moved. “Flex has put on a good show tonight, even landed some good hits on Manis.”

  Perkins took a look towards the area to check to see how Flex was doing. At the moment he and Manis were exchanging blows in the middle of the arena, with neither giving a sign of slowing down. “A good show means more people are rooting for the favorite. So, if Manis keeps his title, then they keep their funds, and will likely explode in celebration. A celebration that usually turns violent from misunderstanding.”

  “And if our boy wins,” Danielle asked as she followed behind them, bringing up the rear. “If Flex, an unknown suddenly wins then most of this crowd loses all of their funds, excluding Abel. If that happens, they will likely riot. Once the riot starts, bodies will drop. Of that I’m sure.” “Sounds like a good time, and an even better diversion for us to get out unseen,” Danielle said as she shoved a screaming man away that had bumped into her.

  Perkins had finally stopped in the front of the crowd now. From where they stood, each of them had a good view of the fight and how Flex was doing. Each of them winced as they witnessed Flex for the first time looking tired, with a bloody mouth.

  “It will be a good diversion,” Perkins said. “The downside is that a riot this big will have to be squashed, and I’ll give you one guess at who will be sent to do the squashing.” “Those creepy ass Wardens,” Hunter replied. Perkins nodded. “You win a prize,” Perkins stuck her hand in her pockets and acted like she was looking for something and then pulled out her hand brandishing a thumbs-up salute.

  Hunter was surprised at the state of Flex. The messy hair, heavy breathing, and blood were badges of honor worn by those in a fight, but Flex was just never one of those people. To think that this world could produce a person with strength on par with Flex was, well it was scary. While he and Flex may have started off as enemies, there was no doubt that they were friends now. Flex was his mentor, and Hunter made a mental note to kick this purple mountain’s ass if he did defeat Flex.

  He didn’t know how or when, but he knew he would. Then he realized that maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t have to as Manis went to kick Flex. A single move that was the beginning of the end for the hometown hero.

  Flex had seen his team watching the fight from the sides of the arena. Them being out meant that it was safe to leave and not be seen by the Wardens. All he had to do, was finish up with Manis. At that moment, a kick was rocketed to him. It was more so a purple blur than a kick. Flex was actually
surprised a person with such size could move with such speed. Before the kick could land, Flex caught it with one arm and with as much power as he could create, he slammed his elbow down on the leg. At that moment several things happened at once.

  First Manis screamed. A scream that echoed around the arena and caused the audience to go silent. They had never seen their champion in pain before. Why would they? Nothing was stronger or tougher than Manis.

  The other thing that happened was the soft clinking sounds that could be heard as several purple shards fell from the leg of Manis and hit the ground. There were murmurs coming from all sides of the crowd now as they began to grasp what they were seeing.

  Manis limped a little as he slammed one of his fists on his head to prep him for battle. “That hurt. You no stop Manis, though.” Flex smiled back at him. “I think I will.” The words were all it took for Manis who leaped from his good leg and sent a punch using his jump as momentum.

  Flex didn’t even dodge this time, instead, he caught the fist and applied pressure to the hand. So much pressure that the rock- like skin began to crack. “Do it,” Abel shouted from the side as he leaped in the air. Hunter fought back the urge to wrap the man’s head in a force field to see how long he could last.

  “Looks like we can bet on that riot,” Danielle said with a slight smirk as she watched the fight. With Manis still in his grasp, Flex did a leap of his own that sent him high in the air. So high that Hunter was pretty sure that Flex actually had flown some, and just used the jump to mask it. As Flex came down from the punch, he released the hand he was holding and buried his fist into the face of Manis.

  As his punch connected, cracks rippled through the dense surface of Manis’ face. The crowd was silent again. Only the jumping of Abel could be heard. Flex began to walk back to Abel, but then heard the crowd scream Manis as the conductor bellowed “this isn’t over yet, folks.”

  Flex inhaled and spat blood on the arena floor as he turned to face Manis. “Stop. You will not win this fight.” The only reply Manis gave was to hold up his fist and take his stance. Flex did not. A gesture that Manis didn’t care for as he slowly approached his smaller opponent.

  “You’re strong. Perhaps you’re even the Flex of your world,” Flex continued to speak as Manis inched closer. “But you have ventured into a fight you can’t win, against strength that you can’t match.” Manis continued his advance, and Flex slowly formed a fist.

  “If you had a mental spell, you would probably win, but you don’t. You rely on hitting hard and being durable. I respect that, but in those two realms, I remain undefeated.” “Laying it on a little thick, pretty boy,” Hunter yelled from the side of the arena. It was at this moment that Abel and Hunter locked eyes.

  Before he could even purse his lips to whistle, Hunter wrapped his head in a force field and slammed it to the ground several times. A smile of satisfaction stretched across his face. The crowd would have normally seen this and reacted badly, but Abel had few friends there. The friends he did have were too far away to help or care.

  “Have it your way,” Flex said as he ran towards Manis, ducked below his punch and grabbed his injured leg. In comical fashion, he spun the purple mountain of a man around and then released him into the air as he was propelled from the arena, smashing bone from the ribcage of the beast as he went.

  The crowd and conductor watched as Manis flew off into the distance and out of view. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of Danielle laughing, and Perkins saying one word. “Nerf.” then the conductor finally spoke. “We have a new champion of the cage.” After that, the arena exploded with anger, as the riot Perkins had feared, manifested.



  H unter Monroe wasn’t a person to run away from a fight. He normally charged right in. Being the son of a hero mother and infamous villain father usually left him as being a target for the greater super-powered community. The hate and cruelty came from both sides, so a fight, or two or five, was bound to happen, yet still, nothing could have prepared him for being in the center of a riot.

  His time in Purgatory Academy had prepared him for a lot of things. That was the way of places that were educating heroes of the future, and riots were addressed. Riots on a different dimension, inside the skeletal remains of a giant monster sadly weren’t on the syllabus.

  As the events unfolded around him, Hunter was trying to figure out the best course of action. “What would Flex do, if he himself hadn’t started the riot,” he said under his breath. Instead of dwelling on the question for too long, he glanced to Flex who was tossing men aside with a single hand as he and Perkins were withdrawing from their embrace.

  Flex kissed Perkins once more, and even as people screamed and raged around them, they found a second to smile about something. Seeing them made Hunter realize that Danielle wasn’t with him anymore. His first reaction was to panic, then he thought better of it. As his eyes scanned the crowd around him, he saw her about ten feet away.

  She had a fiendish smirk on her face and eyes that were as black as a windowless room. Tendrils of dark energy danced around her as she gladly took place in the riot. “We need to make a nerfing exit now,” Perkins said as she and Flex ran over to Hunter. “We have to work on implementing our dimensions curse words into your vocabulary more. Nerf just isn’t cutting it,” Hunter replied. “Later,” Flex said sternly. The tone he used was a solid indicator to Hunter that now wasn’t the time for jokes.

  “I really do hate to ruin her fun,” Hunter said as he formed a force field around Danielle from where he stood, and pulled it towards himself. As the force field moved, Danielle allowed her darkness powers to fade away and she glared at Hunter who was now afraid to face his lover. “Atlas, she’s gonna be pissed,” Hunter said as the force field stopped in front of him. “No doubt, she’ll be fine,” Flex said as he lifted Perkins up in his arms.

  “You couldn’t give me a few more minutes for Atlas’ sake?” Danielle said as the force field faded away. “Why should he have all the fun?” she asked as she eyed Flex whose mouth gaped open at her words. “He’s out here arena fighting while I’m stuck in some rusty shackles, and as soon as I try to have some riot fun you cut me off.”

  “Don’t look at me like that,” Hunter replied. “You think I wouldn’t like to mix it up in a riot?” Hunter tried to twist his face in a way to show that he was upset that they couldn’t fight, but he felt that his ruse was easily seen through. Instead of discussing the issue more, Hunter instead created a large blue force field around himself and Danielle who rolled her eyes some as she watched the force field come into life around her.

  Even over the crowd fighting around them, Hunter heard a faint booming sound as Flex, with Perkins in his arms, rocketed through the crowd and into the sky. Hunter glanced to Abel who was still scratching at the force field around his head. He had toyed with the idea of just leaving it on Abel’s head but thought better of it.

  Instead, Hunter removed it as he sent a salute over to Abel, and rose into the sky. Abel sat on the ground below, face flushed with anger and panting trying to catch his breath after being inside the small force field. “Later, Abe. Good luck not being an asshole,” Hunter said with a smirk as he flipped the panting Abel off.

  As they made their ascension into the sky, Hunter and Danielle could both see Flex hovering above them with a look of fear on his face. “What now?” Hunter groaned as he continued to rise into the air beside Flex.

  As he came to a stop, he understood why Flex had such a look on his face. Once beside them, Hunter extended his force field to surround Flex and Perkins who now stood inside with them. Adding the size and effort needed to support a total of four people was less of a strain on Hunter than it was a year ago.

  As they all floated in the sky, Hunter was finally able to see why he would feel a faint shake or tremor through the ground. Before them, or under them really, were five large creatures that to Hunter looked like they came dire
ctly out of a monster movie. Size- wise, each of them were larger than several football fields. Then Hunter realized that the skeletal remains that had become the arena, was much smaller than the beast now before him.

  Two of them looked like they could have been dinosaurs that time had forgotten. Another had the shape of a turtle but the face of something much fiercer. Complete with yellow eyes that looked tired, and teeth that had no lips to cover how sharp and large they were. The last two were so unique that Hunter couldn’t think of anything to compare them too, and he had a vast experience of seeing unique creatures on tv or even in video games.

  What was more surprising to Hunter than even the monstrous size of these beasts, was what they carried. Each of the five monsters had large cities on their backs that stood several stories high. “Perkins,” Hunter said as he broke the silence in his force field. “Want to give us a run down?” Perkins snapped out of her dream of watching the creatures and cleared her throat.

  “Um, yeah. Sorry. I’ve just never seen the Great Beasts from so high up before,” she stopped talking again and just stared at them. Only the obviously forced sound of Danielle clearing her throat snapped her out of it again. “Sorry. These are five of the six great beasts of Mo’eizus. Creatures of legend and longevity.”

  Flex narrowed his eyes. “Are they dangerous?” He slowly asked as he too continued to watch. Perkins shook her head. “Nope. Not at all. Well, we are pretty sure they were once before. They are older than anything else on the planet from what we are led to believe. Even in schools, we had to learn about them. Over time studies have been done on them and while they aren’t dangerous now, it’s safe to say they once were.”


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