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Page 17

by Riley Tune

  “We have decided to take your head,” Zeva said as Power Prince tried to figure out who we were that she kept talking about. “Next time my brother should just come himself. I’ll never stop. I can’t stop. They won’t let me. In the end,” Zeva said as she raised her sword up in the air. “It will only be me and them. Me and my demons. I’m fine with that.”

  Her words were cut off as a blinding flash of pink exploded around her. It had happened so fast that she wasn’t sure how she missed it. When the light cleared, Power Prince still had his fists touching each other. The second wave of energy he created wasn’t as wide as the first one. He had to focus to keep it tight. As her mouth gaped open, the sword she created fell to the ground and caused snow to fly up as it landed.

  The remaining armor she had on her slowly cracked from the middle where a massive thin crater was. The focal point of Power Prince’s attack. Power Prince gritted his teeth so hard that saliva rolled down his chin as he removed his leg from the ice shard that was locking him to the ground. As he lifted it up, it began to heal but not as fast as his previous wounds. It hadn’t been twenty- four hours but it seemed that the healing boost from Life-Line was close to its natural limit.

  He stood over Zeva and looked down on her. Once the ice armor was gone, the gash he had created on her was larger than he thought. Had he not controlled it so well, the attack would have sliced her in half. Instead, she lay there in front of him. Unmoving with lifeless open eyes looking up to him and pooling blood on the snow she had created moments earlier.

  A burst of wind and a flash of light happened behind him. “It’s done,” Power Prince said as he turned around. His words came out slow as he avoided their eyes. “I see that,” Life-Line said as he looked towards the young woman's body on the ground. “Flex,” Power Prince began to speak but Life-Line spoke over him.

  “Flex will be fine. This was,” Life-Line wanted to select his words carefully. “Your first kill in the field. That comes with some feelings that no amount of training can prepare you for. And I wish I could say it would be the last time you feel this way, but it isn’t.” Life-Line placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “You did good, Kevin,” Vicky said from the side. Power Prince nodded towards her as he turned to look at Zeva’s body one last time on the red snow. Zeva Greene had taken her last breath that day, but because of him she couldn’t take any more lives, and he found peace with that. “Let me be the one to tell Flex,” he finally said.



  C ord looked from Flex to Hunter who still stood behind him. Then he looked at the force field around him. He had seen force fields like it before, but usually, they came from devices, not from people. He fought the urge to touch the pale blue bubble that swirled around. “Any day now,” Flex said to Cord.

  After cracking his back and taking a deep breath, Cord looked to Flex and for the first time showed a faint smirk. It only lasted for a second, and Flex saw it, but it was there. “Sorry, I left that out because I assumed you were smart enough to put that part of the puzzle together,” Cord replied.

  He slowly turned and looked to Hunter who was oddly relaxed at the turn of the conversation. Beyond Hunter, Cord could see Danielle with a smile on her face, and Perkins with her eyes wide. Then there was Cayden. He had moved from where he was sitting at the table to standing just beyond the barrier of the force field.

  “I made it out because Impervious saved me,” Cord said. “As you may have gathered, I’m normally not a fan of guns. During the mission I only have these,” He balled up his fists and shook them slightly. “And a sword. That’s it. Had I known three Warden’s Circles were to be there I would have rethought that decision. I fought with Icaro, but he is,” Cord shook his head as he looked for the words he wanted. “He’s very adept at hand to hand. He doesn’t need the weapons apparently.”

  Perkins' mouth gapped some from across the room. “He beat you in a fight hand to hand?” she asked. Hunter looked at Cord a little differently after hearing the surprise in Perkins’ voice. Cord must have been one hell of a fighter to generate such surprise from announcing that he had lost.

  “He did,” Cord replied. “Once that was over, he made me watch as my team was wiped out. Saving me for last, I can only assume. But then Impervious arrived,” Cord said as he grinned and rubbed his chin. “The Swordsmith and Gunner of the Warden’s Circle couldn’t hurt him. Even the Pain Conduit didn’t hurt him. Nerfing guy is immune to everything.”

  Cord laughed slightly under his breath as he met Flex’s eyes. “His speed ripped through their forces in almost an instant. When he found me, I was on the floor, beaten badly, and a Warden and Icaro had escaped somehow.”

  “Well, you have your answer,” Cayden said from outside the force field. “So, taking this nerfing barrier down.” Hunter looked to Flex who gave him a slight nod. Instantly, the pale blue dome that surrounded them faded away. Cord looked at Flex, and then to Hunter. “You may be a good leader after all. Question everything. That’s the only way you’ll make it in this world.”

  Cord pointed to Cayden. “Show Hunter and Danielle to where they can set up and get some rest after they eat. Perkins and Flex will be fine on their own. I assume Perkins remembers her way around.” Perkins gave a slow thumbs up as she tucked her blasters away. “I do,” she replied without even looking to him.

  Cayden sucked his teeth some but then nodded his head after Cord glared at him. “Sure. I’ll get them wherever they need to be.” Cayden said as he looked to Hunter and Danielle. He loved his brother, he really did. For as long as he could remember it was always them. Together against the world. Their parents had been killed so long ago that Cayden couldn't even remember them, but he knew it was because of their elite blood that they were taken away from them.

  He even often wished Cord was the one with powers and not himself. Maybe then the right brother would be destined to lead. He thought that maybe Cord would have been able to save their parents if he only he could have done then what Cayden could do now.

  Instead, it was him. Cayden. The second born. Born with powers that indicated his elite blood like a beacon glowing in the night, and he was still treated like a glorified lackey. That was also why he respected his brother so much. Many of the other members, well former members of Bravado often treated him in an unnatural way because of his lineage. Not Cord, though. His brother gave him a harder time if anything.

  That’s same love and respect that Cayden had for Cord, were driving forces of why he suddenly felt sweat on his brow, and a tremble run over his body. He took a single step and could feel a rolling stomach that he didn’t have only seconds ago. “Cord,” Cayden said as his words came out in a stammer.

  His eyes were expressing the fear that his words couldn’t. Cayden was the first to see it, but the rest of the room soon followed his eyes and found their attention directed at Cord. Cord let out a sigh as he wiped a single drop of dark blood from his ear. Flex and Hunter took a step back from him.

  “Don’t worry,” Cord said as he wiped his hand on his pants. It only affects the people of our world. Our studies show that those from your dimension shouldn’t be harmed at all by the Curse of Varo.” “Just the same, I’ll keep my distance,” Hunter replied. “I’m still part Spellborn.” Cord nodded his head in agreement. “That’s true.”

  “How long have you known?” Cayden asked with a steady tone to his voice. His words weren’t adept at hiding the anger that consumed him. “How long have you known and not told me?” “Relax,” Cord said as he moved his hands to calm the room. “Only a week or so, and it’s slow acting so we have time to figure something out, or get stuff in order.” His last words hit Cayden and Perkins like a kick to the stomach.

  “Get stuff in order?” Perkins replied. “Look it’s still early and we have you here now. We will figure everything out. These are very early stages, so spare me the sad looks,” Cord said as he turned around and motioned beyond Flex. “I’ll see y
ou all later. Get some food and rest if you need it. It’s going to be a long day.”

  The room remained quiet as his boots clicked off down the hall, growing silent as they continued. “Plot twist,” Danielle said to nobody in particular. “I didn’t see that coming.” She moved to the door and looked down the hallway in the direction Cord had walked. “Should he be walking around freely like that? I mean knowing that he is sick and all?” she asked as she turned to face Cayden and Perkins. “I was curious about the same thing,” Flex said.

  Cayden rubbed his hands over his now reddish eyes. “Early stages of the curse aren’t as easily spread. All the same, you and Hunter should keep a decent distance from him,” Cayden said as he looked at Perkins. She silently nodded. “I know it will be hard to stay away from his award-winning personality, but I’ll do it,” Hunter said. Perkins slowly walked over to Flex who put his arm around her. “Come on,” she said as she looked up to him. Flex looked down into those green eyes that he had fallen for and for the first time saw a sadness he didn’t think could live in a place where he normally saw so much joy. “It’s going to be okay,” he said slowly. “We will figure it out.” Perkins withdrew from his embrace and slowly walked out of the room, with Flex behind her.

  Hunter turned to Danielle and then to Cayden who was oddly standing still. “I’ll show you where you will be sleeping. You’ll both also have a change of clothes there.” Hunter nodded. “Cayden?” Hunter asked as they followed the young man down the hall. “What?” his snappy tone was almost as bad as his brother’s. Hunter looked at Danielle who made a face at the aggression in the remark but said nothing.

  “This Omega lady,” “Empress Queen Omega,” Cayden snapped back quickly. “Right,” Hunter said. “How much of a badass is she? I know your brother said she formed the Warden’s Circle, and ages slowly, but outside of that he didn’t go much into detail. I guess I’m just trying to figure out what we are up against, and how Impervious, a man that can shrug off anything, was captured?”

  Cayden lead them down an additional hall and stopped to look up. Danielle and Hunter followed his gaze but didn’t see anything outside of the ceiling. “Empress Queen Omega is more so a mystery than anything. We don’t know her lineage at all, but despite her gifts, she had been vocal that she isn’t elite like you or I. A normal Spellborn with such power shouldn’t exist, but yet she reigns.”

  Cayden opened a door to a small room that was fully stocked with a small bed, and some clothes. It had a funny smell, but Danielle fought the urge to comment on it. “She is above us in every way,” Cayden continued. Even her home, the fifth Great Beast flies above us all. Forever placing us in their shadow.”

  “Their shadow?” Danielle asked as she dropped down on the bed to test it out. It felt more like a detention cot to her, and less like a bed. In her youth, she had spent several years sleeping on such a cot, and would likely still sleep fine on this one, but still, the difference was noticeable.

  Cayden took a deep breath as if he was irritated with their questions. “Acropolis, is the city of wealth and only those in favor of Empress Queen Omega, are permitted to live there. In her presence. In her glory.” Hunter grimaced at Cayden. For all of their efforts to liberate the people, Cayden still spoke of Empress Queen Omega as if she was a higher being. Almost as if she was a god of some sort and not just a Spellborn that had risen to power.

  “All of that is well and good, but that still doesn’t explain how she stopped or prevented a person like Impervious from returning. Sure, she had formed the Wardens’ Circle, and ages slowly but big fucking deal. Even if you add in the wealth and power. It still was,” Hunter’s words were interrupted by Cayden. “Created. Not formed.”

  “Huh,” Hunter asked as his brow raised. “Created, not formed. We formed Bravado. Impervious and his team formed the Imperial Lords. Empress Queen Omega created the Wardens’ Circle.” Danielle finally stood up from the bed and looked at Cayden. “Are we missing something?”

  Cayden moved from the room and placed his hand on the door. “Empress Queen Omega wields power like none other. Elite or otherwise. Slowed aging is great, and so is wealth, but Empress Queen Omega has the power of creation, and to some that is more than life itself.” Cayden cleared his throat some.

  “I’m going to talk to Cord. He claims he wants to be alone, but I know my brother and that’s not like him. Change and rest. Some food should be in the dresser over there. The day will be long.” With those final words, Cayden backed out the room and shut the door with more force than was needed.

  Hunter swallowed and could hear it loudly around the silent room. Danielle had already made her way to find food in the dresser. What she held up looked like some sort of candy bar. Hunter remained still as he compared his powers in his head. Surely what he could do was more impressive than creation. For that matter, all of their abilities seemed more impressive than that.

  What bothered him was how Cayden still spoke about her. Even though he was a member of a rebellion with the sole purpose of liberating the people, he still spoke of her with respect. If that was how an enemy spoke of her, Hunter was afraid to think of how a supporter would speak of her. Not only that but with a power like creation, these same supporters would likely damn near worship her. His time on his own world had shown him all too well the lengths people would go for those they worshipped.

  As he heard Danielle open the candy and begin chewing, he felt that this situation was a lot more complicated than they expected.



  E mpress Queen Omega could feel her body stiffen while she tried to hold the pose perfectly as she spoke. She sat at a long wooden table trimmed with golden edges, and large chairs that were rumored to be the most comfortable in all of her kingdom.

  “How much more do we need to discuss Maridian?” She asked loudly to the man standing behind her while never looking away from the young painter standing in front of her. She wanted to turn and look at her subject but refused to break posture for anything.

  She had been sitting in the same chair several hours all to make sure everything was perfect. “We still have recent developments inside that awful cage arena, chrome distribution, the public request with the people, and new tributes to discuss, Empress.”

  The man called Maridian was a naturally tall man with a silky beard. A man that always made it a point to walk with his head held high and eyes forward, that was unless he was in the presence of his Empress. Then his posture and form were even more sharp than normal. She demanded it to be so. Excellence or nothing else. That was what their ruler expected and for Maridian he felt she deserved it and so much more.

  Empress Queen Omega took in a deep breath and repeated the words back to herself. “I didn’t expect chrome to be on the agenda for another day or so.” She relaxed her posture, and the painter standing before her flinched some as the brush visibly began to shake in his hand. Omega stood from her chair at the table and walked over to the life-size painting.

  As she did so, she tore away the cream-colored dress she was wearing only to reveal a white shirt, clean yet tattered pants, and large boots. As she stood in front of the painting, she cracked her back and took the knot out of her hair and allowed the pink layers to fall down to her shoulders. “That’s better,” she said out loud as she snapped her fingers several times. “Oh, sorry Empress,” the painter said as he quickly put down his paints and passed her a green jacket.

  The painter wanted to act quickly for his Empress but made every effort to not let a single paint- covered finger come in contact with the jacket. He feared he would not be making it back home if he did. “Thank you,” she said as she put the jacket on and adjusted it.

  It was larger than her thin frame needed, but it was the jacket she had always worn. The jacket protected her once, and now it meant the world to her. Not to wear it now after all this time would leave her feeling naked, no matter how clothed she was.

  Omega stood and
took in the painting. “Maridian,” she said over her shoulder as she adjusted her pink hair. The man quietly moved closer to her. Despite taking several steps, he made no sound and his robe barely moved.

  “Yes, Empress?” the man asked as he looked her directly in the eye. His empress loathed when her subjects didn’t respect her enough to look her in the eyes. The man who held the position before Maridian was rumored to have died for forgetting to do so. His family was taken care of, sure they would never want for anything again, but still, their husband, father, or brother was gone. Such was the risk while working for Empress Queen Omega.

  “Do you think this looks like me?” she asked as she looked at the painter. Even though she was talking to her aid, the painter felt things would turn bad for him if Maridian didn’t give promising feedback on the work. “I do, Empress,” Maridian said as the painter slowly began to breathe again. “This young man managed to capture your essence entirely. Even the strong cheekbones and tan complexion of your skin are mirror images of the person before me.”

  Omega took in a breath and tapped her finger on her side as she looked the painting up and down. “So be it,” she said as she dropped to one knee to tighten one of her boots. Once done, she looked over across the room and snapped her fingers. One of the two Wardens waiting near the entrance turned and walked over with its hands clasped behind its back, and stood near the painter.

  While most people feared the Wardens the painter actually felt calm as the faceless metal creature stood beside him. There was no need to fear the pet when the master was around, and the same went for a Warden when Empress Queen Omega was around. They listened to her without question and without hesitation. She was their creator. Their ruler and mother. Her word was their law throughout the land, and to her subjects her presence was divine.


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