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Roar of the Lion : Celestra Forever After 7

Page 17

by Addison Moore

  “I have to go.” I begin to stagger off, and he pulls me back by the elbow.

  “Cooper”—he squeezes his eyes shut, and there’s a distinct look of remorse on his face—“months ago he blackmailed me. He said if I didn’t give him an edge with Laken, he would tell Skyla the truth.” He gives a subtle nod, and suddenly everything that transpired in the last year makes perfect sense.

  A dull laugh squanders in my chest.

  “And that’s why he was your new best friend. That explains his presence at every function, at every juncture.” I tip my head back and let the rain slap me senseless. “Shit,” I growl it out like a roar. “Here I thought it was dumb luck, and yet Coop was playing a superior game all along.” I shoot a sharp look to Gage. “Some brother you turned out to be. You cost me everything.”

  He shakes his head. “I have no doubt you will pay me back in spades.”

  “You got that right.” I take off like a bat in flight.

  Cooper Flanders, I don’t give a shit if you’re about to do your best to bring another life into this world. I do not care what you are up to at the moment.

  We’re going to have another little chat.

  The first thing I do when I jump into my truck is shoot Coop a quick text. Turns out, he’s not home pumping my wife with his super sperm. He’s at the lab with Ezrina.

  I waste no time heading out that way.

  Now that I’ve cut ties with the Barricade, Ezrina, Nev, and Logan are far more accepting of me. So when I show up at Whitehorse and barge in as if I own the place, it won’t be one bit suspicious to them.

  I’m glad about it, too. The truth is, I miss working side by side with Ezrina. She’s the freaking genius, not me. I’m not even close. But I was close to the serum. And she’s damn close to the serum. Together we should be able to knock this out, easy as scarfing down a bag of potato chips.

  Celestra will be back on top in five minutes.

  My brother will eat shit and die. Literally.

  Laken will look into my eyes and I will feel her light again. There is only life in Laken’s eyes for me. I bloom under the warmth of her love like a flower in the spring. I am hers completely. And to think Coop feels the same—well, it’s damn unfortunate, for him—hell, at the moment for me.

  Whitehorse is the stately mini-mansion that Logan built for Skyla out of the piddly money he had left in the world, out of his bionic love for Skyla.

  Skyla is Logan’s Laken. Hell, she’s Gage’s Laken, too.

  I pause for a moment and glance to the sky as a morbid curiosity pulses through me. Why so many mirror images in our lives? Why must I look like Gage—and I don’t believe for a minute just because I’m older that he looks like me. Why must Coop look like Logan? Why must both Skyla and Laken require the undying devotion of two men who believe with every fiber of their being that they are their true soulmates, the one true love of their lives?

  I stagger my way to the porch, but before I storm in like I thought I would, I turn and look to the bruised purple sky. A feeling overcomes me, and I don’t like it. Am I being played? Is this all some cosmic joke, some predetermined destiny that I’m stepping into—walking a path that was outlined by some unknowable being—although, I’d bet all the money in my bank account that being is very knowable. In fact, I’ve met her many regrettable times.

  Could Candace have hatched some big scheme? Laid out my heart like a game piece? What does that make me? An actor in some prehistoric script? A puppet? A piece to the puzzle? A pawn in someone else’s game?

  I shake my head at the thought. No. Regardless of it all, my heart, my feelings for Laken are real. And if it’s true, that Candace chose Laken for me to war over, to desire more than my next breath, then I am eternally grateful to her. She chose wisely. I am forever in her debt. It is a privilege, and an honor, to feel so inescapably in love with Laken. I wouldn’t trade what I feel for her, not for fame, not for fortune, not for any Faction, not for a win in some war that my ego may or may not be invested in. Candace Messenger is wise beyond comprehension for allowing me into Laken’s life on such an intimate level.

  But why Coop? Why Gage and Logan? Why the emotional sparring? Is it because Candace Messenger is a bitter bitch who doesn’t believe in happily ever after?

  Maybe. And if that’s the case, I’d like to know who burned her so badly that she’s taking it out on the rest of us.

  A pair of headlights pulls up, and I turn to see Demetri evicting himself from that Rolls Royce Phantom he likes to cruise around the island in.

  “Son.” His eyes light up with certain mischief once he spots me. “Paying a visit?”

  “I’m here to see Coop.”

  “And I’m here to see Ezrina.”

  I take a moment to stare into my father’s cold, dead eyes.

  “What do you want with her?” It’s an honest question. My father doesn’t come around knocking on someone’s door unless he very much wants something.

  “I’ve come to ask a favor of a private nature. I’m sure you understand.”

  “Of course. I’m the enemy, and you’re not talking. I’ve got news for you, Pops. She’s the enemy, too.”

  I give a quick knock before heading on in and bypassing the small harem Logan has taking up in his living room. Downstairs, the lab is pristine and sanitary, white as an avalanche. And I find Ezrina dropping Gage’s decapitated head back into a clear box filled with blue keeping solution.

  “Bath time?” I give a curious nod her way.

  Ezrina looks up, her paper-white face glowing against that slash of red across her lips.

  “Your brother took us captive for a time. Destroyer.”

  Coop strides up, a look of annoyance on his face. “Someone shoved Gage’s head in the freezer to preserve it. Was it you?” There’s an accusing edge to his voice, and I do my best to ignore it.

  “No. But I might have if I had the chance. It’s a nice little reminder of what happens when my father decides to have his way.” I glance over at Demetri, and an easy smile glides over my lips.

  Demetri’s chest puffs up, and that devilish gleam takes over his eyes as he nods to Ezrina and to Nev who’s standing behind her.

  “Ezrina”—Demetri strums her name out like a command—“might I have a word with you?”

  Nevermore puffs his chest out twice as wide. “Not unless I’m right there with her.”

  “Very well.” Demetri leads them into the room to our left where the resurrection magic happens, or at least it used to.

  “Coop.” I hitch my head to the side and he follows me over a few feet. I give a quick glance around. “Where’s Logan?”

  “Upstairs with the baby.” His expression dims. “What do you want? Need to add to your soliloquy? Thought of a fun comeback?”

  I study him for a moment. “I talked to Gage.” My hardened expression lets him know exactly what we we’re talking about, and his eyes round out for a moment.

  “Okay.” He shrugs. “So what? Laken came to me on her own. It was nothing I did and everything you did.”

  “Fair enough. But I never expected you to lie down and die.”

  His lips purse as he examines me. “And I certainly don’t expect you to roll over anytime soon.”

  “I’m fresh out of people to blackmail.” My eyes stay trained on his, and it takes a lot of restraint not to rip his throat out. “You played dirty to get Laken. You know all about the hellish scenario Gage and I are up against.” I shrug. “How’d you find out?”

  His lips twitch as if he couldn’t decide if he wanted to tell me or not.

  “Coop, you do realize that if Skyla finds out, it will be game over for Celestra. Gage isn’t going to relent. No matter what she says, Skyla doesn’t have it in her to be separated from him.”

  He lifts a brow. “Or Dudley? Or her mother?” There’s a chord of amusement in his voice, and something about it scares the hell out of me.

  “You are not allowed to be the wild card. You, Cooper Flanders
, were born to play it straight. Yes, you fought for Laken. You resorted to blackmail. But I don’t think for a minute you’re foolish enough to unleash the beast and tell Skyla the truth. You hate the Fems. You want me to burn in Hell for all eternity. Let it go.” A part of me can’t believe the words as they leave my lips. But I’m not saying them for me. I’m saying them for Laken, and what she wholeheartedly believes in. And if I’m being truthful, I’m starting to believe it, too. Gage and I were trashing humanity to get our damn way. Maybe I could do a little good while I’m still in existence.

  “Why aren’t you afraid?” Coop folds his arms across his chest, squinting over at me as if he were trying to read me like a book.

  “Gage sold me out at every turn. He’s the one that ripped Laken from my arms, not you.”

  He shakes his head “It’s never you, is it, Wes? It must be nice to constantly point the finger at someone else and never take the blame yourself.”

  “Does Laken know? Is she privy to the dirty details? Does she know you were blackmailing Gage to get an all-access pass?”

  “No.” His expression turns to stone. “And not because I’m afraid of what she’ll think of my actions. That part, I’m pretty sure she’d cheer on. If Laken knew, she would feel obligated to spread the word to all the wrong people.” His lips flicker. “With that being said, I’m going to tell her.” A smile glides over his face. “When the time is right. When I can figure out exactly how this should play out to benefit my people.” He leans in, his eyes telling me off all on their own. “You see, Wes, I am privy to something no one else knows. Not even you.” A dull laugh pumps from him. “The irony? You gave me this knowledge. You were just too stupid to procure it for yourself.” He takes a step back and lets me marinate in his incomprehensible words. “You never held the cards, Wes. I simply let you think you held them until I got what I wanted. And now that I have her, all bets are off the table.”

  He starts to take off, and I yank him back by the shirt.

  “You’re going to tell me what you know, Coop. You’re either going to tell me now or tell me later. Either way, you will come to me because you will need my help. In the grand scheme of things, I am in charge. Not you. You have your place—as a thorn in my side, nothing more, nothing less. You are of exactly that much importance. When the Justice Alliance gave me that vision of Laken and me enjoying a restored relationship, I don’t believe for a minute that it had anything to do with what transpired last year. In fact, I believe it is very much in the future. So you see, Flanders, your days are numbered. I have time on my side. I have Laken to look forward to. All you have is a secret that I’m guessing could, and should, benefit our people. And if you can’t figure out what to do with it just yet, then that assures me I need to analyze the situation because God knows this must be a whopper.”

  He takes a deep breath, and I can see him contemplating this with that faraway look in his eyes.

  “You’re right about one thing, Wes. It would be nice to have you by my side to pick apart what I know. It is a secret for the ages and I am baffled, not only by what it means, but what it can do, and how it might work. And yes, I will have to find the best scenario for it to benefit my people before I go wide with this. It would have been nice to see your thoughts on the matter. But contrary to what your ego chooses to believe, you are not all that necessary. I don’t think so. Candace doesn’t think so because she gave Laken to me. And Demetri certainly doesn’t think so because he gave the kingdom to Gage. Who thinks so highly of Wesley Edinger? That would be you. Newsflash: Ezrina doesn’t need you either.”

  He takes a step toward the door before turning my way once again. “And we both know where Laken stands. You are not only unnecessary to her, you are unwanted.” His chest pumps with a dry laugh. “Your kids love you—for now. When Mally grows up and finds out you were ready to throw her away, she might feel differently. When Eli finds out the things you put his mother through, you will have one hell of a war on your hands. Same with Wesley Cooper. Charlie will despise you for keeping her away from her true father. And Tobie? I guess she’s the true wild card, isn’t she? With Chloe’s blood mingling with yours, her Fem lineage battling it out with the Celestra within, she will have to be a firecracker just to survive. Her teen years just might send you to an early grave. I’ll enjoy a cold beer and watch you implode. I don’t need you either.”

  He shouts a quick goodbye to Ezrina and Nev before heading up the stairs, and I listen as his thundering footsteps dissipate.

  As much as I hate to admit it, his words stung like shards of glass rolled in fire.

  Cooper knows a secret. And he all but admitted he needs my help to make heads or tails out of it. I’m going to make damn sure he tells me sooner than later. With my brother off the chain, God knows we need the edge in this war, and we need it now.

  I roll up my sleeves and head for the lab.

  Now to nail that serum to the wall.

  The hell Ezrina doesn’t need me. Candace wishes she could control me. Demetri would have been better off putting me in Gage’s place, and Laken still loves me. I will fight to keep my children’s love and respect no matter who I wronged along the way.

  Sorry, Coop. I am a changed man who succeeds in all I do.

  First, I’m going to secure the win for Celestra, and then I’m going to secure Laken for myself.

  I almost feel sorry for you, Coop.


  A Web of Deceit


  The Falls of Virtue thunder behind the sapphire amphitheater as the magistrates from both the Fem and the Sector armies come together.

  Delphineous, an angelic being from the order of the prognosticators, stands before me, tall, pale, and wholly transparent, leaning heavily toward the ghostly. His broad forehead and sharp nose bow my way as we consider the task at hand.

  “We have five Factions to contend with, Your Grace,” his deep voice rumbles.

  “I have five Factions to contend with,” I correct him. “Rothello, Aramous, and Delario of the Decision Council are in agreement that I hold the power alone. There will be wars,” I warn as my voice electrifies over the hum of the masses that have gathered before me. “Delphineous will be utilized to offer foreknowledge to Celestra.” I sigh. “Or whichever Faction sits supreme at the time.”

  A chuckle comes from the left and my eyes magnetize over to find Demetri seated with his cohorts, Barnabas, Belshazzar, and Micah.

  “Dare you laugh at me?” I muse. “Must I press you under my thumb for all to witness?”

  A low groan comes from the crowd as I gleefully deliver the barb.

  Demetri knows no better sparring partner than me, and he expects nothing less while we’re alone. However, it seems he’s underestimated my ability to spar out in the open.

  Demetri glowers my way, but that smile remains trained on his face.

  “My dear”—he starts in that falsely soothing tone he loves to exclude at the expense of his own sanity—“allow me to lend my expertise in the matter. It is I who is in charge of the Fems and have tempered them to be a frightful army that no one should dare contend with. I should rule the Nephilim with a fair but firm hand, and I will see to it that this breed of creatures—that mind you, I had a hand in creating, rules alongside the Fems in the heavenlies.”

  Sector Marshall balks, “You had a hand in creating them, did you? Are you now in the position of God? What you meant to say is that you coerced our angelic brothers to enter into a carnal relationship the Lord had not ordained for them. You caused a problem to appear, and now, we are here, trying to navigate the destinies of a people who should perhaps have never existed.”

  “He is right,” I say to Demetri. “You merely pushed the stone that caused the avalanche. These beings you called to life with your wicked enticing—even the great flood could not extinguish them. They insist on existing. Shall you be the father of these people? No. I shall be their mother. To quote the Master, ‘I will declare myself your ene
my, Demetri. I will raise my fist against you. I will knock you down from your heights.’ Though He was bent on destroying Babylon, I choose to destroy you.”

  A hush falls over the crowd as all eyes are cast toward the blemish among us.

  Demetri sharpens his wicked demeanor my way, his own eyes boiling like cauldrons, his anger masked by a thin smile.

  “You have no reason to destroy me, my fair maiden. You have my heart, and you choose to squander our love. You’ve destroyed everything that matters already.”

  Sector Marshall chuckles. “Must you throw your heart in her face each time she demonstrates her prowess? Admit defeat and move on. You’ve ruined things for yourself as far as she’s concerned. Dare I say, there are other celestial fish you could fool into handing over their affection. Certainly a Fem of your standing could no more than point the finger and your finest pick will come running.”

  A light bout of laughter rumbles through the crowd.

  It is a dangerous game to prick Demetri’s ego. And Sector Marshall is walking a wax rope over a very hot fire.

  Demetri postures toward him, that knowing grin widening by the mile.

  “Much like you, Sector, I suppose this is true,” he says. “But unlike you, I do not dawdle in the ordinary. I should enjoy a noble woman of honor, one of staggering beauty, one that I have deemed worthy—and I have found only one.”

  A breath of indignation catches in my throat. “Are you suggesting Sector Marshall has far lower standards where love is concerned? That a fine Sector such as himself could not garner a woman such as myself? I won’t bother to contradict you with words, Demetri. I will do so with action.”

  “No,” Demetri roars it out as he stands to his feet. “You will not cavort with this celestial eel. You do realize I absolutely abhor him. This rivalry of ours should not be extended to your chambers. It would not bode well for anyone involved.”


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