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Roar of the Lion : Celestra Forever After 7

Page 32

by Addison Moore

  Logan’s flannel catches my eye, and I pull it to my face and take a deep breath.

  Logan. My Logan.

  I’m going to make everything right for us, even if I have to die to do it.

  The Matador, the Mexican restaurant where the rehearsal dinner is being held, looks like a time capsule of my love story with Logan. They may have changed the name, but inside it’s virtually the same with the colorful paper doilies strung across the upper walls, the dark wood floors, and the cheery music blaring through the speakers. The scent of freshly grilled fajitas enlivens my senses, and just as I’m about to stretch a smile across Chloe Bishop’s face, I spot the back room brimming with bodies of all my friends and family, with my children, Logan, and well, me—and suddenly I can’t seem to find a single thing to smile about.

  I make a beeline in that direction, and Bree waves me over to the empty spot next to her.

  “Just saving it for you—my other bestie.” She gives a cheeky wink. Her hair is yet again freshly dyed blonde, no doubt in honor of tomorrow’s nuptials.

  Rory is too busy barking orders at Lexy to notice me, something about hot pink banners and paper flowers. Gag me.

  All of the usual suspects are here. My sweet twins are being minded by Emma and Barron, Mom is holding Jaxson, and my sisters are both staring at their phones, as are Drake and Ethan. Ellis and Giselle are scarfing down the appetizers set out. Wesley is vying for Laken’s attention, but Coop is seated between them and he’s shaking his head at whatever Wes is trying to tell them. Emily has that pale water balloon of a boob out and is nursing Ella while the rest of the littles are running around playing tag in the corner of the room.

  I can’t help but note that Ezrina and Nev are missing. Not a shocker. Ezrina probably gave Rory some excuse about Alice having a runny nose, because face it, Ezrina and Nev are the last people to play along with bullshit. Believe me, I’m almost there myself. And, of course, Marshall. I asked him earlier if he would be here and he completely ignored the question.

  Tad walks into the events room, his pants hiked up over his ankle bracelet as if he’s trying to show it off. And he gives his belly a slap. “Just cleared the pipes and made room for some good eats. Let’s fill her up!”


  I watch as he takes a seat next to my mother and wonder what the hell she ever saw in him, and then it hits me. He’s not Demetri. For that I can be forever thankful.

  I give Logan a half-smile as I make my way next to Bree. Thankfully, Laken is seated across from me. I’ll be needing her support, seeing that Emma is within touching distance.

  Barron offers me a peaceable smile. “Chloe, how are you doing?”

  “I’m well, thank you for asking.” Leave it to Barron to be a saint no matter what the circumstances.

  Emma snarls my way while bouncing little Barron on her lap. Judging by the way he’s kicking and slapping, he’d much rather be in on that game of tag with his brother and cousins than being pawed by the wicked witch herself.

  “Chloe.” Emma’s lips twitch as my sweet angel finally makes a break for it. “I was just telling Barron we need to find a decent wife for Gage. He’s so very lonely.”

  I roll my eyes.

  What? Chloe balks. You’d better ask her who she’s thinking about, or I’ll be forced to take over again.

  Chloe, you didn’t smack, Lexy. I did. And you’re not supposed to be able to take over, I remind her.

  Have you met me?


  “And?” I pluck a nacho chip smothered in cheese off the platter before me. “Do tell. Who made the short list?”

  My heart begins to drum against my chest, and a part of me wonders if that’s Chloe’s doing or mine, probably both.

  Emma shrugs it off. “Of course, Kresley is my top pick. Always has been. She and Gage get along famously. Plus, she’s a natural with children. And she’s so very beautiful these days.”

  These days meaning post her elective surgery to resemble Laken. Ezrina went in and did another quick round to rectify it once Wesley’s scheme was exposed. I’ll admit, she’s pretty, but who the hell cares. Gage certainly won’t.

  I shake my head. “You’re delusional as usual, Emma. Gage isn’t into Kres. Never will be.”

  A choking laugh emits from her. “And you think he’ll take you back? You’re the delusional one, Chloe.”

  “Have you met your son? He tried to pass himself off as the father of my child. And have you seen what’s he’s done to the world?”

  A quiet hush falls over the table, and I glance to the masses.

  “As you were,” I snap, and just like that, I have all the privacy I want to tell off my witch of an ex-mother-in-law. “Look, Emma, let’s be real. Skyla gave you two little princes, three really. You get to play Grandma with Jaxson, too. There’s no need to shove an unappetizing, unwanted plate under your son’s nose just to spite her.”

  “This isn’t about grandkids, Chloe. This is about Gage spending his life with someone. This life can be a lonely journey, and he should have someone to share it with.”

  My eyes bug out as I look to Barron, and he shrugs.

  “Oh, come on.” It’s me scoffing now. “Gage had Skyla. She’s the only woman he’ll ever come close to having anything genuine with—that is, if what they had was genuine.”

  Emma closes her eyes. “It wasn’t. I’m afraid she was merely a means to an end. But I’m determined to find true love for him. I’ve gone as far as enlisting Demetri in an attempt to bring the perfect woman to him. Gage is a king, as you know, and kings deserve nothing but the best.”

  “Oh?” I’m almost amused by this. “And has Demetri tried uploading his son’s profile onto the latest Villains Only dating app?”

  She takes a quick breath, her orange lips writhing as if they were trying to inch themselves off her face. I wouldn’t blame them. I wouldn’t want to be stuck on her face either.

  She shrugs. “He’s put out the feelers. But Gage is picky. I’m afraid this is going to take some time. But she’s out there. I’m guessing she’s young. I’ve always thought of him being with a much younger woman. Forty-twenty, something like that. So it will take time. He’ll have to kiss a lot of”—she grabs Barron by the arm—“what’s the female equivalent of a frog?”

  “A frog.” Barron nods into her lunacy.

  “Well, frogs”—she tosses her hands in the air—“but it happens. I’m hoping it’ll be sooner than later. And you’re wrong, you know. Sure, he has the boys, but he’ll be a father again. And it will be even sweeter the next time around because his family will be nuclear, together. I’m betting he gets girls in the next round.”

  Next round? Chloe and I muse at the very same time.

  Logan pops up between us. “What’s going on?” He scowls at Emma first then me.

  Way to keep it genuine.

  Emma chortles. “Just talking about Gage. You know, Chloe. The obsession never ends.”

  My mouth falls open. “I did not bring up Gage. You brought him up yourself. I couldn’t care less who you were trying to breed him with.”

  See? Chloe chides. She gaslights at every turn. We should set her on fire, Skyla. Literally. It’s only fair.

  I nod. It’s not off the table.

  Logan rubs my back a moment before withdrawing his hand.

  “Let’s try to get along tonight,” he says it low. “We’ve all got a big day tomorrow.”

  “That’s right.” I offer up one of Chloe’s signature sarcastic smiles. “You’re marrying the love of your life.”

  Bree honks out a laugh. “And the love of Gage Oliver’s life.” She takes a sip of her margarita. “I heard you, Emma. But face it, you’re not getting any granddaughters from that boy. Logan is your best bet. Gage is stuck in the past. No matter how hard he fights it, no matter how fast he burns the world to the ground, he’s still stuck on Skyla. There won’t be anyone else for him. You can throw a twenty-year-old at him for the next sixty years and he s
till wouldn’t be satisfied.” She nods across the table at Wes. “Just like that guy. He’s stuck on Laken.” She draws out her name like a childish offense. “But who cares about any of that stuff? We’ve got the food coming soon. Listen up!” she barks and manages to get the attention of the entire table. Bree stands and holds up her drink, encouraging the rest of us to pick up the water glasses sweating it out on the table. “To Skyla and the love of her life, Logan Oliver. May the two of you have an amazing marriage that lasts until you’re centenarians. And may you knock boots all the days of your lives. Salute!”

  “Up, up, up!” Tad pauses the festivities as he stands. “I’d like to give a little toast myself. “To any damn Oliver who can get Skyla and her rugrats out of my house. Long live the king!”

  A groan works its way around the table.

  “What?” Tad looks to my mother who does her best to swat him.

  “Sit down,” Mom hisses. “They call Gage the king.”

  Tad glowers over at Logan. “And what about that one? What do they call him? It had better not be the mooch.”

  “More like smooch.” Lexy winks over at him.

  Something tells me my marriage to Logan will mean diddly-squat when it comes to her Oliver happy hormones.

  Logan steps over to Rory and takes a seat beside her, and she’s quick to pick up his hand.

  “Logan is a lion,” she purrs like the unwanted celestial stray she is. “And he’s not afraid to roar—especially not in the bedroom, now are you?” She gives him a playful peck to the cheek.

  “Oh, come on.” Bree groans. “You can do better than that.” She picks up a fork and starts banging it against the side of her glass, and soon Ethan and Drake are doing the same thing.

  “Would you stop?” I admonish them for acting like a bunch of lemmings.

  “Why?” Drake bangs a little harder. “The louder we are, the quicker they’ll bring out the food.”

  Laken shakes her head at them. “That’s not what it means.”

  Wes looks their way. “It means you want to watch your sister make out.”

  “Gross.” Drake drops his fork midflight.

  Ethan tosses his to the table. “Save that shit for later. I want some enchiladas.”

  As if on cue, the family platters of every delicious cheesy thing you can imagine are brought to the table and a feast ensues fit for a celestial king. Unfortunately, I don’t eat more than two tacos. I can’t risk letting Chloe’s delicate stomach ruin things for me. Tomorrow is go time, and I need to be in optimal form.

  Laken tips her head to the side. “How are things with you, Chloe?” she asks as Wesley takes little Wes from her so she can enjoy her meal. Misty and Ember are herding Charlie and Eli for her.

  “I’m great. And you guys?” No sooner do I finish the sentence than I note the fact Cooper’s fingers look swollen as if someone had blown them up with water. “Cooper.” I gasp.

  He makes a face as he glances to his hand. “I know. It’s acting up again. I gotta put a call in to Ezrina.” He gets up and takes off out of the room.

  Laken shakes her head. “I’m scared, I won’t lie. He’s allergic to the darn serum.” She bows her head in frustration. “I just don’t get it. Ezrina says there’s probably less than one percent of people who will reject it. Why Cooper? Why can’t we ever catch a break?”

  “I’m sure she’s working on something.” I shrug. “Besides, I hear there are rumors that once you’ve been tested for the markers, the government isn’t bothering to do a retest because it’s too costly.”

  Laken takes a breath and shudders. “Let’s hope so.”

  Wes reaches over and lands his hand over hers. “Don’t worry. Gage doesn’t have a single follower. He’s screwed. Celestra is moments from knocking him off the pedestal.”

  Laken looks my way. “Speaking of which, what the hell is it going to take to make that happen?”

  Rory turns our way, and I can feel her icy stare without bothering to look her in the eye.

  “You don’t ask her. You ask me,” she snips at Laken, and this end of the table freezes as we look in her direction. “I’m here, Laken. Chloe can’t answer the tough questions. That’s why she isn’t in charge.”

  I hate her. Chloe laughs. I can’t wait to see her writhing in pain tomorrow. I hope it hurts.

  That means it will hurt me once I take over, I point out.

  So be it.


  Laken takes a breath, her eyes bouncing to Logan’s momentarily.

  “Skyla”—she starts—“you’re busy. It’s the night before your wedding. You have a honeymoon coming up.”

  “What’s this?” She tips her ear our way. “What’s a honeymoon?”

  Brielle breaks out into a riotous laugh, mostly from the booze, but I’ll admit, Rory is a laugh a minute.

  “Come on, Skyla. It’s what the rest of us call a vacation with lots of booty.” Bree rolls her eyes. “But you just have to go and rub it in. Trust me, we know how lucky you are. You get to hop on the Oliver express every night.”

  Mom looks to Rory. “Oh my God, Skyla. Have you forgotten to plan your honeymoon? I’ll be glad to watch the kids for you. Have you thought about a cruise?”

  “A cruise?” Rory looks momentarily confused.

  Drake grunts, “I think Logan’s knocked her noggin into the headboard a few too many times. You’d better go easy on her, Oliver, or she’s going to be questioning who you are next.”

  Rory’s cheeks blush as she shoots an evil eye to the table.

  “Nobody laughs at me,” she seethes. “I’m in charge here. You’ll give me the respect I deserve.” She turns to Logan and pulls him in by the tie. “And you will give me this cruise honeymoon. I want lots and lots of booty from you.”

  She doesn’t bother to answer Laken’s genuine concern regarding the Factions. Figures. It’s all about her. Forget the people or how Celestra can get back up on the pedestal.

  Both of my stepbrothers groan at the thought of me getting any booty, but Tad barks out a laugh.

  “See that, Lizbeth? I told you she had babies on the brain. A hundred bucks says she’ll be knocked up before they cut the cake. Anyone want to bet against those odds?”

  Emma burps out a laugh. “Not me! I bet that will be the case before she walks down the aisle.”

  “Ha-ha.” I glower over at Wes as if this were all his fault, and to be truthful, a large majority of this is stemming all the way back to the Steel Barricade, of course.

  Bree starts in on trying to break her glass with her fork.

  “I want to see some tongue, Messenger. Put some meaning behind it, Oliver.”

  Rory grabs ahold of Logan and forces her lips to his, and I hate every minute of it. I don’t care if that is my body. I glare out the window.

  I can’t believe my mother has allowed this farce to go on for as long as it has. How dare she lock me out of Heaven. How dare she ignore my cries for help. And if my body dies tomorrow, my blood will be on her hands. At least Rory will be back in paradise where she belongs.

  It’s win-win for me.

  Chloe grunts, You won’t win, Skyla. But you’ll be getting your eviction notice tomorrow afternoon either way. You’d better make this work.

  I will.

  All night I have feverish dreams, my nightgown drenched with sweat as I writhe beneath the sheets. Gage comes to me, fiercely handsome, turning up the charm as he takes me by the hand.

  Let me make love to you. One last time. Just you and me. Let me prove my love to you. He nuzzles kisses to my neck, peppering them over my face.

  And for reasons unknown to me, I can’t find the energy to protest. Chloe certainly doesn’t mind the effort. I can hear her moaning, panting in anticipation right along with me.

  Skyla. Gage pulls back to look into my eyes. Those dimples of his dig in deep. My love for you is an unknowably deep ocean. How can you doubt me? When all is said and done, you will never doubt me again.

  With a
ll my might I try to push out a rebuttal, but I’ve been weakened by Chloe, by Gage, and there’s nothing left to do but surrender to this horrific fantasy.

  The scenery changes. Gage has landed us at Rockaway Beach, where an expansive blanket lies over the ebony sand we’ve spent so much time at. The ocean roars and whispers, the breeze is warm against my skin, and I marvel as I look down at my hands, my body, every inch of it my own.

  Gage takes his time with me, slow kisses, long licks of his tongue, creating erotic pathways that make every last part of me sing. Gage pleasures me first and leads me to earth-shattering heights as Chloe and I cry out at the very same time. Gage is in me, with me, demanding that my body shatter again and again, slow and easy, rough and rowdy, until the sun sears the blinds in Chloe’s bedroom and I moan to life.

  It’s my wedding day.

  “Oh my God.” It’s all I can say after that all-night flesh fest. I sit up with a start and glance at myself in the mirror across the way. Every inch of Chloe Bishop glows like a light bulb. “Well, someone had a good time last night.”

  Yes, she muses. And it was you.

  “Please, Chloe. You’re the reason we had that wet dream. I don’t think about Gage anymore. Not when I’m awake, not when I’m asleep.”

  Ha! Yes, Skyla. You caught me. I often dream I’m you and invite Gage to make love to me. Newsflash: that was no ordinary dream. He invaded our minds, he invaded your dream body. My God, the things he did to us. She sighs. Skyla, damn it all to hell. That’s what I wanted with him. All my life I’ve dreamed of Gage loving me that way—saying those things to me, looking at me that way. But it was all for you. I was just a voyeur.

  My heart crushes just listening to her. “I’m sorry, Chloe.”

  Don’t be. Her voice pitches as if she took a deep breath. Never say you’re sorry. It’s a sign of weakness. If you should be sorry for anything, it’s all your fault for lusting after him in your sleep.

  “Me? Please, Chloe. You’re the one that conjured him last night. It’s probably a nightly occurrence with you. I’m surprised you were able to wait this long.”

  Oh, shut up. That was no accident, and you know it. And how convenient. You get to have an affair with Gage right before you pledge your undying love to Logan. You’re sick, Skyla. I bet you and Gage will continue to get it on long after you and Logan tie the knot. And you’ll plead nighttime insanity just the way you are now. You should be ashamed of yourself. And don’t think for one second I won’t be telling Logan.


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