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Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

Page 15

by Nikita Parmenter

  Luc comes up beside me and throws an arm around me before dropping a light kiss to the top of my head.

  “Thank fuck for that Dragonfly, normal is boring” he chuckles but its strained and harsh.

  He gently tilts my chin up to face him, his eyes scanning my face before zeroing in on my split lip, a dark emotion flashes through his eye’s before he takes a deep breath, pulls me closer and glances away. I can literally feel the tension radiating off him as he forces himself to breathe deeply. I glance at the others and they shake their heads, warning me not to ask. Ok then, something else that they will tell me when they are ready, I guess.

  “Time to remind the fuckers of this school who runs it then boys?” Cash flashes a dark grin, as the others nod.

  Riot and Rafe bend down to the now both conscious idiots one and two. They roughly pull them up to standing before grabbing them with one hand on the back of their necks and the other securing their arms behind their backs in a secure hold. Jensen flips Stinky over so he’s on his back, then grabs his foot and in a show of strength, starts to drag the fucker out the door. Riot and Rafe follow behind him and then the rest of us. Luc pulls me along with his arm still around my shoulders, his form is still tense and as I study his features, I notice the shadows hiding in his eyes for the first time. Cash comes up on the other side of me and holds my hand, squeezing it gently.

  “Wait, where are we taking them?” before anyone can answer another question pops up in my mind and I blurt it out, “hang on what about the fucking teachers we’re screwed if any of them spot us!” I hiss worriedly.

  “We’re taking them to the cafeteria to remind the rest of them what happens when they mess with one of ours and don’t worry about the teachers, they won’t say shit” Trick grins wickedly.

  Clear as fucking mud that was.

  “Well that’s not fucking vague at all.” I grumble.

  Cash chuckles at me and squeezes my hand in his, “don’t worry about it Ever, you’ll see.”

  There’s no point in questioning it any further anyway since we’ve just arrived at the cafeteria, Jensen still dragging a bloody Stinky behind him. Stinky, although conscious seems to have enough self-preservation that he doesn’t even bother to protest or struggle and just lies there letting himself be dragged down the school corridor. Just before we get to the doors to the cafeteria, Jensen drops back allowing us all to go ahead of him.

  Trick violently pushes the cafeteria doors open causing them to crash against the wall, all noise in the cafeteria stops as the students turn to stare us. Gasps echo around the cavernous room, as people start to spot the beaten and bloodied guys held in Riot and Rafe’s grips. However the entire cafeteria stills and almost as one, moves further away from us, when Jensen comes through the doors dragging Stinky by his foot and unceremoniously drops him with a thud, next to the guys. Stinky groans in pain on the floor but no one steps forward to help him.

  With a dismissive nod from Trick, all of the teachers in the room walk out of the two exits in the cafeteria without a word. The tension in the room ratchets up a few more notches as no one dares to make a sound. I knew these guys ruled the school, but this is insane even the teachers listened to them. Trick jumps up on the closest table as the kids sitting there scatter immediately, most of them leaving trays of food and even their bags.

  “It seems that a few of you have forgotten exactly who runs this fucking school” Trick starts his voice hard and so cold that it sends a shiver down my spine. “So let me make a few things fucking clear, Everleigh is ours. If any of you continue to say the disgusting things you have been saying to her all day, or touch her in any way, then I will personally meet you in the fucking Pit” there’s a deep inhale at the mention of the Pit, an almost frenzied anticipation laces the already taught atmosphere of the room, “and if that doesn’t make you reconsider your actions enough, then you’ll go up against Jensen instead” truly terrified looks are shared between the shaking crowd members. Trick smirks over his shoulder at me, “if you’re truly unlucky, you’ll get to step into the Pit with Ever.”

  I grin savagely, then chuckle as several people who’ve been given me shit all day flinch back. That’s right fuckers, I stayed quiet, so I didn’t beat your asses black and blue and end up pissing off the only adults to show me kindness recently but I fucking could’ve and would have relished in it.

  “Am I understood!” Trick suddenly roars causing the majority of them to jump.

  “Yes” I’m surprised that the majority of them answer.

  Trick nods in satisfaction as he hops down from the table with ease, the cafeteria is still silent, so everyone hears when Jensen crouches down next to Stinky and wraps his hand around his throat, lifting the top half of his body off the floor. Stinky’s hands fly up to grab hold of Jensen’s arms as his slightly less swollen eye grows wide, the other eye swollen shut. Jensen bends closer, a sinister grin on his face, making his handsome features savagely beautiful.

  “This is your first and only warning, you will not get another fucking one. If you come near Ever again, I will take you apart piece by fucking piece and no one will ever find what remains of you after I’m done” he growls.

  Of course, little fucked up me squirms as desire floods my system at the lengths Jensen is willing to go to protect me, and the danger, always the danger. Jensen glances up at me, still holding onto Stinky’s neck and winks at me, fucker knows what he’s doing. I glare at him as the other guys chuckle. Jensen’s grin widens before he abruptly let’s go of Stinky’s neck causing his head to bounce off the floor. Riot throws an arm around my neck as we walk towards our normal table and a wide-eyed but smirking, Rylie.

  “Well fuck me, you were right she does think it’s hot when you let your violent side out to play” Cash chuckles darkly.

  I shoot a glare over to Cash and he just shrugs at me completely unrepentant. Once we get to the table and sit down, the cafeteria seems to breathe a sigh of relief and the students slowly go back to eating lunch as conversations resume. No one goes to help the three assholes still on the floor but eventually they get themselves up and limp out of the room. Around ten minutes after that, all the teachers start to come back in, taking their watchful positions around the room and the lunch staff come back and start to serve lunch again. Riot and Jensen get up to grab some food and end up getting something for everyone.

  “Glad you are back guys, some of the idioit’s in this school were starting to forget their fucking manners” Rylie growls.

  “We let things slide for a while.” Trick says apologetically. “Atlas leaving threw us” he admits quietly.

  My curiosity peaks when he mentions Atlas, as it does whenever they mention him. I’m getting more curious every time he’s mentioned.

  Riot and Jensen arriving at the table interrupts me asking anything about Atlas. They’ve ended up bringing a couple of trays back, overflowing with food and we all help ourselves. Luc is sat silently staring at the table and I watch him worriedly, something about the classroom scene has really affected him. It affected the others too but they seemed satisfied with beating the assholes to a pulp and scaring the ever loving shit out of the entire cafeteria. Something about Luc’s reaction makes me think that it’s affected him on a deeper level, but the guys told me to drop it, so I do.

  Trick scoots closer to me, lowering his voice as conversation flows around us. I turn to face him as he leans in so no one can hear us and grabs my hand under the table.

  “How’s your head Ever?” he asks, his concerned gaze scanning the cut on my forehead.

  “Better, thank you. The pain killers are still working, and that fucker didn’t hit me hard enough to cause any real damage, the cut on my lip is tiny it will heal in no time.” I shrug.

  His eyes dart to my lips and anger contorts his face as he gently raises his hand, cupping my face as he ever so slowly runs his thumb across my split lip, so gently in fact that it doesn’t cause me any pain at all. He looks angry and sad and to
be perfectly honest I’m absolutely fed up with all the bad emotions that have come along with the shit storm that has been today. So, deciding to lighten the mood, I turn my head towards his palm still resting on my cheek, dart my tongue out and lick his palm, not a flirty delicate lick either but a full on lick, from the bottom of his palm all the way to the tips of his fingers.

  “What the fuck Ever?” Trick asks incredulously, amusement dancing in his grey eyes.

  Rafe obviously saw what I did because he suddenly erupts into loud laughter, he signs to the guys telling them what happened which sets the whole table off. Earning us curious looks from the surrounding tables. Whilst everyone’s still laughing, I lean in close to Trick, wrapping my arm around his waist, as his arm comes around my shoulders. I lay my head on his shoulder and explain quietly.

  “I didn’t like the sadness in your eyes” I tell him.

  He tenses up before he sighs heavily. He leans his head against the top of mine.

  “You always surprise me, Dragonfly” he chuckles before falling quiet again. “You’re perfect for us, Sweetheart” he mutters so quietly, I’m not entirely sure I was supposed to hear him. I don’t have a good response to that anyway so I pretend I don’t hear.

  “So, what’s everyone doing this weekend then?” Rylie asks.

  “There’s a party out at Jameson Ranch on Saturday if you guys fancy it?” Cash asks glancing round at all of us.

  “Sure, sounds like fun. After today I could definitely use a good time” I chuckle.

  “Yeah I’m up for that” Rylie shrugs. “I’ve got work during the day on Saturday and then again on Sunday afternoon, but I’ll be free for the party. Do you want to get ready at mine?” Rylie asks turning to me.

  Her question throws me through a loop. I’ve never actually had proper friends. I had acquaintances at my old school, people I hung out with, out of necessity to try to curb how lonely I always felt but I didn’t trust them, and they didn’t trust me.

  Which was understandable. Almost everyone knew what my dad did, hell most of the kids bought product from him or someone he was in charge of. None of that meant that I did the usual girly things, like getting ready for a party together. I didn’t even have someone to talk to if I had any problems, although to be fair what the fuck would I have told someone back then anyway? It’s not like I could’ve really spoken to anyone about my dad’s business and the shit he put me through.

  “Sure, that sounds good.” I agree a nervous excitement filling me.

  “I’ll text you my address.” Rylie grins and I get the feeling she, like me hasn’t had many girl, friends either.

  “Hey, what about us?” Luc whines, pouting and seemingly back to normal apart from the shadows he’s trying to hide, swirling restlessly in the depths of his eyes.

  “Yeah Ever, you can’t abandon us.” Jensen grins joining in, his tone amused.

  “Ever” Rafe growls, smirking. Once he’s gained my attention he continues in sign. “I’ll help you get ready for the party. I’m even willing to help you in the shower” a dirty grin lights up the cheeky fuckers’ features. The guys instantly fall about laughing as Riot claps him on the back.

  “Good idea, dude,” he winks at me as he swings his arm over Rafe’s shoulder, “What do you say, Ever?” he smirks. “Want us to help you shower?”

  I chuckle at the identical look of heat that flashes in their eyes as they glance from each other to me smirking wickedly. This sets the other guys off again and my grin widens. I am so fucking tempted to say yes, we could have a whole lot of fun together, although I have a feeling that there wouldn’t be a whole lot of getting ready happening. We would most likely end up missing the party all together and I wouldn’t give a flying fuck.

  But I can’t sleep with them, if I do it could ruin my friendships with them or with the others. I’m supposed to just stay friends with them.

  For their sakes.

  I like all of them equally, that seems impossible but it’s true. I wouldn’t be able to choose between them and just that could cause a rift between me and them and them and each other. I absolutely refuse to do that to them.

  As much as it hurts, I need to take a step back. Not from them, I’m in too deep with them now and couldn’t put any distance between us even if I wanted to but I do need to tone down the flirting. It’s not fair to them or me, especially since it most likely means more to me than it does to them. That has the potential to hurt me more than anything. It would be better to take a step back now before I fall any deeper and there’s no coming back from it.

  It’s all very well me saying all that but, in all honesty, even I know that I’m lying to myself and it won’t work. I have to at least try to put some distance between us in that way though because then at least I’ll know that I really did try to stop myself from falling for them.

  As if you haven’t already fallen in love with them, a tiny voice in the back of mind whispers and I shut that shit down quick.

  Maybe I can talk to Rylie about it tomorrow? That’s a scary concept in itself, sharing a part of me that has the potential to destroy me, but it’s Rylie. I know I can trust her.

  Rylie obviously reads something on my face because before I can even open my mouth to say something, I’ve got no idea what was going to come out, she jumps in with a smirk and a distraction.

  “Nope, no and no” she grins, shaking her head for emphasis, “you guys get her all the time, she’s mine from four pm tomorrow until the start of the party where you guys will no doubt steal her away again” she chuckles at the guys who pout.

  I mouth thank you at her, grateful for her intervention, she’s just amazeballs. The guys all turn to me, Jensen and Cash giving me puppy dog eyes. I instantly crack up laughing.

  “She’s right, and I’ll be spending all day with you guys anyway, we will literally be apart for like four hours if that” I chuckle pointing my fork at the pouty twins. “Cut that shit out.”

  They chuckle.

  “Come on you needy fuckers, she’s right it’s only four hours” Trick grins, teasing Jensen and Cash.

  A dark look crosses Jensen’s features but it’s gone in a second and he turns the topics back onto something other than party. That brief glimpse was enough though and although it started off as a joke, a real insecurity is hidden in the green depths of his eyes. A glance at the others shows slight tension running through all of their postures now, that wasn’t there before the conversation started.

  Rylie notices it too and raises an eyebrow at me, in question. I shrug, frowning before starting to get angry at the thought of them wanting to control me in any way. I honestly thought they were better than that. As I force myself to calm down and not explode at them in the middle of the cafeteria, the real reason behind their behaviour practically smacks me in the face.

  I pull out my phone needing to reassure them now. The bells about to ring though and this isn’t something that needs to be overheard, so I set up a group chat.

  Me: I promise you all that I am not going to disappear again. I know you’re all worried, but I haven’t heard anything from the feds in a while. No news is good news. I’ll be careful and I’ll stay alert. I’ll even send you guys texts, so you know I’m ok. I would never willingly leave you guys again, not that I did the first time but I refuse to live in fear that someone my dad worked with is out there trying to find me. We aren’t going to be leaving her house apart from to go to the party and you guys will be there.

  I press send and watch their expressions as they each pull out their phones and read the message. The tension in their bodies lessens but doesn’t go away completely, they each send me a soft smile as the bell rings. I stand up to grab my backpack and Rylie comes up next to me threading her arm through mine, I say a quick goodbye to the guys as they go off to their separate classes and me and Rylie go to ours.

  “So, what was that about?” Rylie asks as we make our way through the hallways, there’s a distinct lack of crude comments being thro
wn my way. Looks like the fuckers, took my guys warnings seriously.

  “They were just worried about me.” I explain simply.

  Rylie knows something happened back home but she doesn’t know the details and I want to keep it that way. It’s safer for her, the less people that know the better.

  She studies me for a minute as we take our seats before nodding to herself, “fair enough, we won’t be leaving my house though and the guys will be at the party, so it’s safe” she says, understanding shimmers in her eyes and no questions are asked.

  “You’re freaking amazing, you know that?” I grin.

  “And don’t you forget it” she smirks at me.

  The rest of the day thankfully passes with no more incidents, no more drama and thank fuck for that because I swear if one more thing happens, I’d just walk straight out. When the final bell of the day rings, I jump up and race out the door and through the crowded hallways. When I push out the front doors of the school with the rest of the student’s, a cold wind smacks me in the face and sends shivers racing through me.

  Fucking hell it suddenly got cold here. It’s not surprising really, it is December, the last couple of days have been fairly mild though. Of course, I would be slightly warmer if I hadn’t left my hoody on the floor of the classroom this morning, but like fuck did I want to keep it with Stinky’s blood all over it.

  I step to the side and out of the flow of the students as I glance around the parking lot trying to spot where the guys parked the truck this morning. Finally, spotting it, I set off at brisk pace wrapping my arms around myself to try a keep some heat in. In true Ever luck though, I’m not even halfway to the truck before the sky opens and fat, freezing cold droplets start rapidly falling from the sky. I glance up at the darkening sky and growl at it like a crazy person.

  “Stop glaring at the sky and run to the truck Ever” Luc chuckles as he throws an arm over my shoulder, trying to shield me from the worst of the rain as we race towards the truck.


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