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Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

Page 21

by Nikita Parmenter

  “Hey guys, mom said breakfast is ready” Cash’s dad yells from the other side of the door, the handle rattles as if someone is pushing down on it.

  We all freeze in panic, Trick and Cash have my underwear halfway down my ass their other hands wrapped around their dicks, my nipple is still in Jensen’s mouth as he stares up at me wide eyed, Riot’s forehead is resting against mine leaning over me from behind and I still have Rafe and Luc’s rock hard dicks in my hands, I clench my hands slightly and they both groan rocking their hips forward.

  “Naughty Everleigh” Trick scolds as he bends down and somehow manages to bite the very top of my thigh. My hips buck up against Jensen, rocking against his dick, making me moan. Only his thin pyjama trousers and my underwear are separating us right now and I really wish there was nothing at all.

  “Fuck” he groans, before growling, “everyone, stop fucking moving.”

  “Everything ok in there?” Cash’s dad asks from the other side of the bedroom door as the handle rattles again. My eyes dart over to it and I see it dip.

  “He’s coming in” I whisper frantically.

  Everyone looks utterly panicked before Trick yells, “people pile!”

  I quickly but reluctantly move my hands away from Luc and Rafe’s dicks and close my eyes preparing to be squished as the guys all pile up. They snap back open when I realise, that there’s no extra pressure on me. My eyes meet a highly amused Jensen, who is in the press up position above me again. His hips still against mine, stopping the rest of them from crushing me. He winks at me and I grin. The guys used to do this when we were kids and Jensen was always the one who would try and stop the other guys weight from squishing me completely, even as a child. My heart melts as my blood heats again at his blatant show of strength.

  “Don’t look at me like that right now, Angel” he growls.

  I wink and chuckle.

  “What on earth are you lot doing?” Cash’s dad asks incredulously as he enters the room.

  “People pile like when we were kids” I feel Riot shrug from up by my head.

  I try to hold in my giggle at the utterly ridiculous explanation.

  “You guys are a lot bigger than you were when you were kids, is Ever under there?” He demands.

  “Don’t worry Marc, they aren’t actually squishing me. Apparently I was taking too long to get up” I chuckle as I reach a hand out between Rafe and Trick gently brushing their nipples on the way past, just to fuck with them. I wave at Cash’s dad as proof I’m fine. My little tease of Trick and Rafe backfires as they each reach a hand down and gently pinch my nipple in retaliation all hidden from the view of Cash’s dad.

  My hips buck upwards and Jensen dips his head down quickly, silencing my moan with deep kiss, that makes my brain short circuit and then winks at me cheekily when he pulls back.

  “Alright I’ll leave you to it then, be down in five” He says still sounding somewhat bewildered as he shuts the door behind him again.

  The guys all get up from the people pile, Rafe and Luc flopping back either side of me, Riot collapsing across the top of the bed. With Trick and Cash leaning back against the footboard of the bed and Jensen kneels back, still between my legs and shakes out his arms, I pull my shirt back down.

  It’s silent for a beat before I suddenly start giggling at the absurdity of it, it’s not long before everyone joins in, I scoot up, so I’m sat next to Riot at the top of the bed.

  “Did you see his face?” Trick chuckles.

  “There’s no way in hell he believed us” Cash laughs.

  “What the hell else would we have been doing though?” Jensen shrugs between laughs.

  “Well he definitely wouldn’t of guessed what we were actually doing” I smirk and wink at them as I stand up and hop off of the bed grabbing my bag and making my way to the bathroom before I stop and re think, “actually, is there any point in me getting dressed? We’re going swimming, aren’t we?” I ask.

  “Good point, here” Riot chucks a pair of boxers at me and I raise my eyebrow in question. “Well I assume you don’t want to have breakfast with Cash’s parents, in just Cash’s shirt and your little black panties” he winks. “Hence, the boxers, none of our sweats are going to fit you” he says as he grabs his swim shorts out of his bag and goes into the bathroom to change.

  “I’m not sure any of us would be able to concentrate if you just wore that down to breakfast, Sweetheart” Trick grins as he grabs his bag and steps out of Cash’s room to find somewhere to change.

  The others nod in agreement as they follow him out, Jensen shooting me a wink, Rafe kisses my forehead on his way past and Cash and Luc kissing each of my cheek’s. When the room is emptied of my guys, I just stand there in shock. It occurs to me that I just got up close and personal with them all and it seems a bit redundant for them to change elsewhere now, although I guess I sort of appreciate it.

  Wouldn’t have minded watching them get changed, can’t say any of us would’ve actually got dressed though.

  “Well then…” I whisper to myself, unsure how to process the delicious happenings of this morning.

  As my brain starts over think it, I force the self-destructive thoughts back and instead, a giant grin crosses my lips, that was better than my wildest fantasies. If only we hadn’t been interrupted. My mind wanders for a second before I reluctantly force myself to focus.

  My panties are soaked courtesy of our escapades, sexcapades?

  I snort out loud and my joke. I’m sure that’s a thing.

  My body heats just thinking about it again. I last approximately two seconds before my mind is drawn back to it. It felt right being with them like that. Like it was more than just sex or messing around. I’m so not looking too far into that wayward thought. I slip my underwear down my legs, deciding to just wear Riot’s boxers for now. We’re going swimming straight after breakfast and Cash said his mom had loads of spare brand new swimsuits, in case his friends wanted to swim and forgot their things. I only have one clean set of underwear left that I packed anyway, and I’d rather wear soft cotton boxers without panties than put my jeans on after swimming, without them.

  I’ve just finished pulling up Riot’s boxers and I’m tying them to the side with one of my spare hairbands so they don’t fall down, when the bathroom door opens behind me and Riot comes out in a cloud of steam rubbing a towel through his black hair and wearing his bright blue board shorts and a grey t-shirt.

  “The guys gone to get ready?” he asks.

  “Yep, I’m ready now” I say settling my shirt back down, so it lands mid-thigh.

  I bend down to pick up my underwear, of course Riot takes the opportunity to smack my ass. I spin round with a squeak and then walk to my bag stuffing my underwear in the bottom of my bag with my dirty pyjamas from last night. I walk towards the door, putting a little extra sway in my hip as I glance over my shoulder at Riot.

  “Promises, promsies” I say huskily, “don’t smack it if you’re not going to follow through, Riot” I wink.

  He growls and races after me as I sprint out the door, giggling as he quickly catches up to me, his arms wrapping around my waist as he lifts me up, bring my back to his chest as he buries his head in my neck. He places a soft kiss just behind my ear.

  “You’re going to keep us on our toes aren’t you Sunshine?” he says softly, and I giggle.

  “Of course, I am” I grin.

  “We wouldn’t have it any other way” Luc grins grabbing my hand and tugging me gently away from Riot. “Come on, I smell bacon” he says excitedly, the rest of the guys joining us.

  “Hang on a fucking minute, you distracted me. Are you wearing any underwear under that shirt?” Riot suddenly asks.

  All movement in the hallway stops as the guys heads snap towards me. I chuckle as sashay my way towards the stairs.

  “Of course, I am” I lift my shirt up to show Riot’s boxers, “see” I grin wickedly as I hop down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

what I meant Ever” Riot growls behind me.

  The guys overtake me as we get to the kitchen, all of them wearing devious little smirks. They’re up to something. An arm encircles my waist from behind as a hand lands on my thigh. Luc spins me in his arms as he backs me into the wall by the entrance to the kitchen, I can hear the guys all talking with Marc and Kat.

  The arm around my back brings me in closer, as his hand moves to the back of my thigh. He slowly runs his hand up the back of my leg and right under the loose bottoms of Riot’s boxers as he smirks down at me. I gasp as his hand runs over my bare ass cheek squeezing tightly before his fingers move up to find the waist band of the boxers. He slowly moves hand back down and places a searing kiss on my lips, leaving me panting before turning and walking into the kitchen. What the fuck that was about?

  I follow him into the room, all the guys look up expectantly as he enters.

  “Nope” he shakes his head and grins at them.

  It hits me, he was searching for my underwear. I smirk at them all as I sit down, sneaky bastards.

  “How did you sleep Ever?” Kat asks kindly.

  “Great thanks” I smile around a piece bacon.

  Rafe chuckles next to me, and I shoot him a look, my manners are still rusty.

  “Good. You guys are going swimming, today right?” Marc asks, looking around at everyone.

  “Yup” Cash answers.

  “Don’t forget you’re having lunch with us; I need to talk to Everleigh and I’m assuming she’s going to want you all there too” Kat reminds us. “It’s nothing to worry about but I don’t really have the time to talk to you about it now. I want to make sure everything is in place before we do tell you, hence the need to go into the office this morning” she explains, vaguely.

  Before I can question her any further, she’s kissed Cash on the top of the head, said goodbye to the rest of us and rushed out the door, with Marc smiling reassuringly at us and following her out.

  “Well that was odd” Rafe signs.

  “I’m nervous” I admit quietly. Rafe grabs my hand under the table and squeezes it gently, I look up into his dark blue eyes.

  “Don’t worry, Ever, we’ve got you” he rumbles quietly and I smile in thanks.

  My nerves calming from a boil to a simmer, I know they’ll be there for me, no matter what Kat and Marc want to talk to me about.

  “Come on, come on, come ooooonnnn” Jensen whines, “I want to see Ever’s smoking hot body in a bikini.” He winks at me as I blush.

  “Oh, that she blushes at but when several of us have our mouths on her, no blush in sight” Trick chuckles.

  The casual way he mentions this morning throws me for half a second before I stick my tongue out at him, he opens his mouth no doubt to suggest something else I can do with my tongue, that in all honesty with my body still heated from this morning, I will definitely take him up on. Cash interrupts him before he can say anything though and I’m not sure if I’m relived or not.

  “Ok that’s enough of that, or we will never get to go swimming. Come on Ever I’ll show you where mom keeps the swim suits so you can get changed” Cash invites, holding his hand out to me. I take it and let him pull me up. “You guys clear up breakfast” he grins as we walk out the room and back towards the front door.

  Just before we get to it, we turn down the same hallway as the cinema room and walk right down to the end. Going through the thick door, my nose is immediately assaulted by the smell of chlorine. The pool is massive, there are two doors on the right of the room that lead into what looks like changing rooms, along the left side of the pool are several loungers set up next to a small bar area. There are massive patio doors at the very end of the room, that look like those ones I’ve seen on TV that completely open up the entirety of the end wall and although separated, the pool continues on the other side of the doors and out into the garden. Since it’s winter though the outside pool is covered up.

  “Wow” I say turning to look at Cash.

  “Yeah, mom and dad had it put in after they both won a really big case” he shrugs, grinning. “Mom keeps the spare suits in here.”

  He leads me to the doors on the right side of the hall, that I correctly guessed were changing rooms, and into the women’s one, he points to a tall cupboard in the corner similar to the one in his bathroom.

  “Suits are in there; I’ll leave you to it gorgeous” Cash grins as he opens the door wide, I can just make out the other guys coming in.

  “Come on Ever, hurry up” Jensen yells from out by the pool before running, doing a flip and ending in a massive cannon ball in the pool.

  “Show off!” I yell, as his head comes up out of the pool.

  Cash chuckles as he shuts the door to the locker room, and I rummage through the cupboard he pointed out. There’s not much choice in my size but I manage to find a plain black, tie top bikini with simple black bottoms. That’ll do. I quickly change and rush out to the pool area, I haven’t been swimming in so long and it’s one of my favourite things to do.

  The guys all smile as I make my way over to the deep end. I try not to notice how gorgeous they all look in their swim shorts, if I start to notice I’ll get distracted and after this morning I think we need slow the fuck down. I don’t regret it, absolutely fucking not but, I have no idea what’s going on and my poor little heart couldn’t take it, if it’s just a bit of fun them.

  Shaking off my thoughts and resolving that today will be a day of only fun, I grin at them all before running and jumping doing my own cannonball, I break the surface of the water to the guys whoops and laughter.

  “Does anyone want something to drink?” Riot asks pulling himself out of the pool.

  We’ve been messing about in the pool for well over an hour now and I’m starting to get tired.

  “Yes please” I say, shamelessly watching his muscles move as he finishes pulling himself up and out of the pool.

  I subtly try to wipe my chin just in case I drooled and look away catching Rafe’s eye, he winks at me having just watched what I did and I smirk back before pulling myself out as well and going to sit on one of the towel covered loungers by the bar area. The rest of the guys soon follow us over and Riot hands out sodas to everyone.

  “You guys never told me about this cabin we’re supposed to be staying in during winter break, we’ve only got a week left of school” I say excitedly, I’ve never been on vacation before and a vacation just me and the guys, with no interruptions, sounds fucking delicious. My mind drifts back to this morning and what could’ve happened if Cash’s dad hadn’t interrupted.

  Wait, no bad Ever.

  “Oh fuck, I completely forgot we hadn’t talked to you about that” Luc chuckles.

  “It’s about a three hour drive away and right up in the mountains north of here, it’s the only cabin for miles, so it’s very private” Trick explains winking at me, and I roll my eyes at him, despite the fact that my own thoughts just echoed that sentiment.

  “Anyway” Cash continues, shooting Trick an amused look, “it’s normally snowing up there at this time of year, and we have snow mobiles that we take up to take out on some trails around the cabin. There’s a hot tub too” he grins, “we’ll have to stop in the little town that’s about thirty minutes further down the mountain, so we can get food and stuff. We haven’t been up there since last winter, so we need to get it stocked.”

  “Sounds awesome” I grin happily, “when do we leave?” I say taking another sip of my soda.

  “Well our parents all want us to spend Christmas day with them obviously, so we’ll be going on the day after Christmas day” Rafe signs.

  “Huh, I forgot it was Christmas” I shrug.

  The guys all share a look.

  “What do you mean, Dragonfly?” Jensen asks cautiously.

  “I forgot that’s what people do. You know the whole presents, tree and all the amazeballs food” I sigh wistfully.

  “You didn’t celebrate Christmas with your dad?” Riot as

  “Nope, he was either high, drunk, beating on me or a mixture of all fucking three” I scoff and turn to the side and point to a small scar by my hip, “this was because I asked if we were getting a tree the first year we moved. I was missing you guys like crazy and barely left my room. The thought of Christmas made me not so sad anymore, he threw a beer bottle at me. I ducked but tripped and ended up falling on the glass shards behind me. It could have been worse” I chuckle darkly, “didn’t ask again.” I shrug.

  “That’s shit, Angel” Jensen curses, looking pissed.

  “It is what it is” I say, before I sit up straight. “Wait do you guys still have a tree?” I ask excitedly.

  “Of course, Sweetheart. We take turns each year whose tree we decorate all together and this year it’s our turn” Trick say smiling softly at me. “That’s why we haven’t put it up yet, we’ll do it all together at my house on Christmas eve.”

  “I can’t wait” I grin. “I’m going to go dressed, I’m starving. Did your parents say what time they’d be back?” I say hopping up and chucking my can into the recycling.

  “Around midday” Cash answers standing up too and checking his phone, “so around now actually. We could go and play something in my room until they show up?” Cash asks.

  “Sounds good” Jensen agrees as they all move towards the door, none of them having bought their stuff down here with them.

  I turn towards the changing rooms where I dumped my bag, there’s a shower there too so I can rinse the chlorine off. Yuk.

  “No Fucking way!” Trick suddenly exclaims. Making everyone jump.

  “What the fuck dude?” Riot growls.

  “Atlas just text me!” he says by way of an explanation.


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