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Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

Page 38

by Nikita Parmenter

  “It’s your fault Everleigh” his voice is like ice and pierces straight through me.

  “He’s dead because of you” Riot shouts at me, making me flinch, they laugh cruelly.

  “You should’ve never come back here” Rafe sneers, his handsome face twisted.

  “He’s never coming back because of you!” Jensen growls.

  “His blood is on your hands” Cash says finally.

  I crumble to the floor their words shattering me, but Cash’s words trigger a memory and before I can blink, I’m thrown backwards in time.

  I’m walking home from another drop off, I don’t have my bike yet, but I do have my knives and most people know who my dad is and don’t fuck with me. I had let that give me way more confidence than it should’ve, and I had dropped my guard allowing my memories of the boys I left behind to consume me. Suddenly I’m dragged back into the dark confines of an alley a grubby hand over my mouth, the guy smacks my head into the wall of the alley, making stars float across my vision and splitting the skin.

  A knife is pressed into my side and I cry out as he drags it across my skin, wrong day to wear a fucking crop top, at least I would’ve had a bit more protection if I had worn a normal top. The knife creates a deep gash the wound immediately dripping blood down my side.

  Fuck, I’m in so much trouble.

  I start to thrash, trying anything to escape, adrenalin dulling my pain, suddenly remembering my knives I twist and squirm trying to reach one, as he presses his body against the back of mine causing bile to rise in my throat.

  “That’s right bitch struggle, you’ll just pass out quicker from the blood loss and then the real fun can begin” his rank breath assaults my senses as his grating voice speaks into my ear. This time his words cause me to wretch, the only thing stopping me from puking my guts up is that you actually have to have something in your stomach to throw up in the first place.

  Panic starts to grey the edges of my vision as fear rises and tries to consume me. With tremendous effort I push it all away. I can freak out later if, no when I survive I can breakdown. The guy is still really close behind me; I slam my head back as hard as I can, and he yells in shock his grip loosening the smallest amount. That’s all I need as I slip my knife out and bring it down to my side, I thrust it backwards straight into his leg, he stumbles back bellowing in pain.

  “You, fucking little cunt” he curses as he staggers but doesn’t go down.

  This guy must be on something, to be stabbed and try to come at me again without even skipping a beat. Probably something my dad sells. Some would call it poetic justice if I met my end fighting against a man my dad had supplied with drugs.

  I swing my knife again as he comes barrelling towards me and catch him in the arm. Still, he doesn’t go down. I turn to run but my movements are starting to slow the deep wound in my side making me sluggish. He grabs my ankle and I fall, yelping as I feel another slice open up on my leg. Spinning at the last second I thrust my knife up in a desperate attempt to get away, his knife cuts my shoulder and I gasp in pain but he rears back as he falls on to the ground my knife buried in his stomach. I stagger up despite the pain in various parts of my body now and yank my knife out of his stomach, blood coats my hands.

  So much blood.

  Luc’s face suddenly flashes through my mind, it’s his blood too.

  My fault. It’s all my fault, so much blood.

  Fall apart later. I pull out my cell phone.

  “Police, what’s your emergency?”

  “Hello, I’ve just witnessed a stabbing, the man was trying to assault a girl. He had a knife and hurt her, she managed to get the knife and stabbed him and then ran away” I tell her quickly as I grab his knife knowing it’s covered in my own blood, I walk away from the alley as quick as my bleeding body will allow.

  The nightmare skips again and I’m lying on the stained sofa in the trailer.

  “You know I have painkillers and a numbing agent so I can stitch her closed without it hurting her.” My father’s go to doctor says as he sets his stuff up on the battered coffee table.

  “No! She brought this on herself, she doesn’t get painkillers!” My father growls coldly.

  “Very well” the doctor says.

  As the needle pierces my skin for the first time, I whimper. I’ve been stitched up a few times by this point but only a couple of those times without a numbing agent and I have never been in this much pain before.

  My father pulls out his knife.

  “For every noise that you make, I’ll add to your knife wounds” he snarls at me, slicing my shoulder so suddenly that I can’t hold back my scream.

  The scream from my nightmare follows me into the waking world and I bolt upright in bed dislodging Luc and Cash as I scramble to the end of the bed, bolting out of the room and into the bathroom. I turn the sink tap on as hot as it will go and start to scrub my hands. I haven’t had to do this for a long time, the nightmare and then memory repeats through my mind on a constant loop. I can still feel his blood on my hands, both of their blood on my hands and I continue to scrub harshly.

  “Get off, I’ve got to get it off” I mumble. “Why isn’t it coming off?” I cry.

  “What have you got to get off Sunshine?” Riot says softly from behind me making me jump, I glance over to them all stood in the doorway.

  “The blood.”

  Logically I know there isn’t any blood, but my illogical side is in control right now.

  I see the guys all share a worried look, but I can’t focus on that right now and I go back to scrubbing my hands.

  “They’re clean Ever, you can stop now” Rafe says his rough voice gentle.

  He steps up behind me and gently takes my hands out of the scolding water.

  “Ow fuck!” He curses as he feels the temperature of the water and turns the cold tap on, taking my hands in his he sticks both of our hands under the water.

  “What?” Jensen asks worriedly.

  “She had the water scolding hot, I don’t know how she could stand it” Rafe says as he takes my hands from the cold water and gently wraps them in a soft white towel. He picks me up as if I weigh nothing and plops me down the bathroom counter, his eyes study my face before he looks over his shoulder “Trick” he grunts, stepping to the side as Trick takes his place and step’s between my legs.

  “What happened Ever?” he gives me the look I could never say no to when we were kids and it all comes spilling out of me.

  “I dreamt that I was in the car with Luc and that the crash was worse, and he didn’t make it,” I swallow as tears start running down my cheeks again.

  Luc immediately comes up next to Trick and puts my hand on his chest so I can feel his heartbeat, it calms me, and I take a deep breath.

  “You guys all blamed me, saying it was my fault and that I should never have come back.”

  The guys all yell out their protests.

  “Shut the fuck up, let her finish” Trick growls and they instantly quiet.

  “Then one of you said that I had his blood on my hands.”

  “So that’s why you were washing your hands, you thought you had Luc’s blood on them?” Riot asks.

  “No, the words triggered a memory and I got sucked in.”

  The guys all stiffen.

  “What memory, Sweetheart?” Trick asks firmly.

  “I was walking home from a drop and let my guard down, some guy attacked me, he stabbed me” I lift my top up and show them the puckered red scar, the guys go deathly still, “he laughed as I struggled telling me to keep it up because I’d pass out quicker from the blood loss and then the real fun could begin” I swallow down the bile that tries to rise.

  Luc’s breathing is coming out in harsh pants, his chest rising harshly under my hand.

  “I’m sorry Luc, I can stop?” I say glance up at him.

  “No, we need to hear the rest. I’m ok, well I’m fucking not but we need to know” he says harshly, his hand gripping mine tightly wh
ere it rests on his chest.

  “Ok tell me to stop if it gets too much” I implore, and he nods. “I fought harder, then I remembered my knife. He had his whole body pressed against mine so I didn’t have enough room to grab it, so I threw my head back as hard as I could in the limited amount of space I had. Whilst he was distracted I got my knife out and stabbed him in the leg.”

  “Fuck” Riot growls.

  “He must’ve been on something, probably something my dad had supplied, because it didn’t slow him down in the slightest and he came for me again this time I caught his arm with my knife and tried to escape but he grabbed my leg and I went down. As I fell, he cut me again on my leg” I lift my leg and show them the scar on the back.

  “Fucking hell, Angel” Jensen growls, horror and rage warring in his tone.

  “He ended up on top of me pawing at my clothes.”

  The air is sucked out of the room as the tension rises along with their rage and fear for me.

  “I stabbed him in the stomach, and he reared back thankfully throwing himself off of me. I couldn’t leave my knife in him, so I went to get it as well as his one, since it was covered in my blood. I then rang the police anonymously. My hands were already bloody but ended up slick with blood as I pulled the knife out, in the nightmare it was Luc’s blood too.” I swallow hard.

  “So that’s when you woke up screaming?” Cash asks quietly.

  I debate for a moment before deciding I don’t want to hide anything from them.

  “No, there’s more.”

  “How the fuck can there be more you got away?” Jensen curses panicked. “Right?”

  “Yeah, I got away from him, but I couldn’t go to a hospital. They were a big fuck no, so I had to go back to the trailer. I don’t even remember how I got there I was in so much pain and the blood loss was making me woozy. I had three open wounds, although the one on my side was by far the worst one.”

  “Three?” Rafe growls.

  “Yeah he caught my shoulder too” I show them the scar left behind. “You sure you want to know what happens next, it’s not pretty” I warn them.

  “And what you just told us was?” Trick asks incredulously.

  “No but that was done by a stranger” I whisper.

  “What the fuck” Riot curses loudly.

  “Tell us” Luc commands.

  “It’s hazy but I remember the doctor telling my dad that he had painkillers and topical anaesthetic so it wouldn’t cause me any extra pain whilst he stitched me up. My dad refused and said that I needed to learn my lesson.”

  “What!?” Jensen roars.

  “When the needle pierced my skin the first time I whimpered, dad pulled out his knife and told me for every noise I made whilst the doctor was stitching me up, he would add to my wounds. The funny thing is, because I kept whimpering, he kept slicing me which meant I had more wounds that the doctor needed to stitch up. It was one of the longest nights of my life, it finally ended when I passed out” I finish, steeling myself for whatever reaction I’m about to get.

  The room is silent and still as they absorb the horror that I’ve just told them.

  Jensen comes forward.

  “I am so fucking sorry Ever, if he wasn’t dead, I’d kill him myself and fucking enjoy it. Please don’t take this as anything to do with you but I am extremely angry, and I need to burn it off” Jensen pleads with me to understand that he’s not running from me.

  “I understand, go” I say softly.

  His lips crash down on mine as he kisses me hard and fast before pulling back and striding out the door.

  “Wait up, dude” Rafe calls before turning to me. “I’m going to go spar with him for the same reason.” Rafe says before leaning down and kissing me softly his tongue parting my lips, kissing me like we have all the time in the world and a complete contrast to Jensen’s kiss, although both of them have me craving more.

  I watch as he leaves with Jensen and then turn back to face the others who have all been quiet.

  “Oh Luci, come here I’m ok now” I say as my eyes land on his tortured features.

  He stumbles towards me as Trick moves out of the way for him and Luc buries his head in my neck, I wrap my legs around him tightly as well as my arms, one of my hands reaching up to stroke his hair as he takes deep breaths.

  “You, Everleigh are the strongest and most amazing person I know” Trick says his honeyed voice strong.

  He steps around Luc squeezing him on the shoulder in support before turning my face towards him and crashing his lips down on mine, my hand grabs onto the front of his shirt and pulls him as close as I can get him with my other arm still wrapped around Luc. Trick takes complete control of the kiss, his tongue bar creating sensations which make me wish his tongue was buried somewhere else. I moan as Luc’s lips start to kiss up my neck, guess he’s feeling better. He nips my neck just below my ear and sends a jolt of pleasure spearing through me and straight to my clit.

  Trick nips my lip once before he trails his lips down the opposite side of my neck, Luc turns my head and takes my mouth in a desperate kiss, all his fear and rage are put into that kiss and I meet him stroke for stroke. They pull away at the same time. I dazedly look around my eyes landing on an amused Riot and Cash. I blush hard having completely forgot they were in the room.

  “Don’t be embarrassed Ever that was hot as fuck” Cash chuckles heatedly as the others shoot him shocked looks.

  Cash obviously isn’t normally this outspoken. He shrugs before stepping forward, Luc moving off to the side to let him through. I think he’s going to kiss me, so it takes me completely by surprise when his head dips down and takes my nipple in his warm mouth through the thin material of my camisole. His tongue swirls around the stiff peak before he bites down gently.

  “Fuck” I breath out on a moan hearing it echoed around the room by the guys.

  “Fucking hell, Cash” Riot groans from where he’s stepped up next to Trick.

  He has the perfect view of what Cash is doing to me, they all do. Cash the fucker, chuckles against me. With my nipple still in his mouth the vibrations make my core clench with need as my clit throbs. I wriggle on the counter and Cash’s eyes dart up to mine darkening with lust. He releases my nipple suddenly causing me to moan as the cold air hits my wet camisole and heightens the sensations, fucking hell. His hand weaves into my hair as he stands pulling my head back in a firm grip that has me practically vibrating with need.

  Cash smirks as he sees the desire light up my features.

  He hums in approval, “you like it when I pull your hair Ever?” He growls huskily tugging my hair once, I moan as my core aches with need.

  “Answer him Ever” Trick orders as he takes my earlobe into his mouth and bites down.

  “Fuck yes” I moan out.

  Riot grins wickedly as darts forward doing what Cash did and taking my nipple in his mouth, Luc looks on his eyes heated as he watches me. Riot pushes my camisole up and cold air caresses my pebbled nipples before he takes my nipple in his mouth again, I cry out as he sucks hard sending a bolt of pleasure coursing through me and setting every nerve ending on fire, Cash’s lips descend on mine in a searing kiss.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful” I hear Luc murmur.

  A hand that can only be Trick’s traces up my side and cups my other breast his fingers pinching and rolling my nipple between his skilled fingers, as his lips trace down my neck.

  I’m vaguely aware of someone running down the hall.

  “Fucking hell I always miss the good stuff” Jensen grumbles, “Jenny’s coming up here to check on Ever” he adds quickly, “fairly sure we don’t want her finding you guys like this.” Jensen chuckles as the guys don’t stop their ministrations with my body.

  “Guys!” Luc commands loudly.

  “Fucking shit” I curse as what Jensen said registers.

  The guys stare at me wide eyed, before they scatter each giving me longing looks, Jensen gets a wicked grin on his face as his gaze d
ips of my naked top half.

  “No time for that, out, tell Jenny I’m in the shower” I say, hopping off the counter desire still coursing through me and making my legs unsteady.

  Jensen’s grin widens as I start to push him out the door.

  “You know I’d be happy to stay and help you ease that ache, no one would know” Jensen offers as I manage to get him out the door and he spins to face me.

  “If I let you come in the shower with me right now, we won’t be coming out for a really long time and we don’t have time for that, I’ll just take care of it myself” I smirk as his heated eyes blaze with desire, before I shut the door in his face and lock it, turning towards the shower I hear him yell.

  “If you think I’m moving one inch whilst I know you’re in there, doing that Angel you are severely mistaken” he growls.

  “And what are you going to be doing whilst I’m naked and dripping wet, water cascading down my body as my hand dips between my thighs and finds my clit?” I tease.

  “Ever” Jensen growls in warning, which only succeeds in turning me on more.

  I step into the shower and do what I told him I would, one of my hands reaches up and pinches my nipple as my other one travels down my stomach and dips between my thighs parting my folds and circling my clit, my body is wound so tight from this morning that the pressure builds instantly before I shatter, waves of pleasure crashing over me as I cry out my release quietly. I hear a thump on the other side of the door as I come down from my orgasm, my body satisfied but still craving more from my gorgeous guys. Just thinking about one of them buried inside me has my desire rising again and I push it back down.

  “Fucking hell. Ever Angel you’re going to be the death of me with the sounds you make” Jensen growls.

  I should be embarrassed that he heard me, but I realise I’m really not. It actually made it hotter knowing that he was listening to me. I finish washing before turning off the shower and hopping out, wrapping myself in a towel and realising that in my haste to take care of myself, I forgot to go back to my room and grab some clothes, damn it. I walk towards the bathroom door when I hear voices outside.


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