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Bang Lords Box Set (4 Book Series includes All Bonus Chapters)

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by Dani Stowe

  I don’t mean to be standoffish and I don’t really care he’s being so forward or that anyone notices us holding hands. But I do care that one person might see us. For whatever reason, the last thing I want is to be seen holding another gentleman’s hand if I should run into my old neighbor and friend, Elliot Crowe.

  Chapter 2


  I can’t fucking believe it. She has no idea who I am.

  I put my palm out and signal with two fingers at Charlotte to enter the elevator with me. She’s slow to move. In all my life, I never would’ve suspected she’d become so insecure. I wonder if that’s why she’s a bit skinnier than I remember. But she’s still beautiful.

  Fucking gorgeous.

  I heard she was still single and jobless and I can’t help but think Nick might have had something to do with all that. He can get obsessive about wanting to control things, but he’s psychotic when it comes to being vengeful.

  “C’mon,” I tell her as I lean out to toss the empty coffee cup in the trash. I slip my hand into my pocket to feel for the Bang...


  Just one pill.

  One little slip under my tongue is all it’s going to take and I’ll know for sure once and for all how Charlotte Prescott feels about me.

  She is the reason for all of this—her and her three friends. The fucking Cunt Squad: Charlotte, Ursula, Nancy, and Taloulah, whom we all call Loulah.

  Those chicks drove us crazy with their fucking sleepovers and makeover parties—always hanging out in front of Charlotte’s open window, dancing nearly naked. And they knew exactly what they were doing—teasing us all the time—trading lingerie, lip gloss, secrets, and all that hot girly shit.

  High school was already hard, but it was harder for us geeks because we got picked on a lot. And the Cunt Squad was no different. Looking back, Nick was right; all those girls were doing was taking advantage of us to feed their egos. Every time one of those beautiful girls danced in front of the window with her cotton hip huggers or thong, we would enjoy the show. But once the morning school bell rang, a new show would begin and me, Jax, and Don were at the center of it. Those girls, along with the rest of the student body, just watched us as their boyfriends pummeled us with their fists.

  No one would lay a finger on Nick though. The rich kid showed up new in town during freshman year escorted by bodyguards, each two-times bigger than any of our high school’s starting linebackers.

  But it wasn’t just that Nick had bodyguards; it was obvious he was a punk. A sneaky, smart, and admittedly good-looking punk. He had a way of getting what he wanted from people simply because he had the balls to seduce, exploit, swindle, bribe, and particularly charm the panties off an unsuspecting soul. After the first time he saw me get my ass kicked, he offered to be my friend. He offered protection in exchange for homework.

  The first time Nick came over to collect an assignment was the first time he saw Charlotte and the rest of the Cunt Squad. They were singing karaoke in their underwear and he leaned up against my bedroom window to watch. I made it clear right away that Charlotte was mine and Nick laughed with sinister flare. Everyone knew Charlotte belonged to the quarterback at the time.

  It was that night I learned Nick’s true nature. He stopped watching the girls and began to fumble about my room flipping through books and skimming through my closet as if he was taking inventory of my belongings, but I recognize now, he was really taking inventory of me.

  He asked a bunch of random questions about what I thought of the president, my teachers, bullies at school, and especially about Charlotte next door. The first thing to come out of my mouth was Charlotte and I grew up together, but she and I somehow grew apart. Nick seemed amused, but more so by my fascination with other living things. He tapped on the glass of every creepy crawler I had tucked in a jar. I was into bugs back then, which I mentioned Charlotte couldn’t stand like most people who came over, although Charlotte had never been over. Surprisingly, Nick wasn’t the least bit turned off by the bugs.

  “Lord of the Flies,” Nick mentioned as he picked up a jar of mealworms. “Have you read the story?”

  I recall acknowledging I’d read the novel about a bunch of young boys who become savages after getting stranded on a deserted island. I had no choice but to read it. It was a requirement in English class.

  “Do you know what that book is really about?” Nick asked.

  At fourteen, I knew Nick was smart, though he was a different kind of smart. I suspected he was smarter than me despite my 4.3 grade point average and membership in most honor clubs, so I gave him a shrug as my answer. I figured it was a trick question.

  He shook the jar of mealworms before he strut back over to the window where he smiled, watching and listening to the half-naked girls singing and dancing next door.

  “Take a guess,” Nick demanded. “Tell me what you think that book is about.”

  I had written a five-page essay on the story by William Golding, but I couldn’t for the life of me remember what any of the main themes were. “I don’t know,” I replied. “A couple of kids learning to survive in the wild.”

  “No,” smirked Nick. “That book is about power.”

  Charlotte keeps her head down and her eyes on the floor as she enters the elevator with me.

  I still can’t believe she doesn’t recognize me.

  I shake the pill in my pocket. It makes a sound and it startles her. I smile when she turns to look. When I catch her eye, she blushes. Her lashes flutter and she smiles before looking away. The way I appear now compared to how she last saw me a dozen years ago as a skinny geek—I know I look different. Much different. It’s obvious I already have power over her.

  As the elevator doors close, I pop open the little round pill box in my pocket.

  I pause.

  Do I really need to take this?

  It’s possible I don’t.

  It’s possible Charlotte might go out with me if I just asked her.

  I think about the night we saved the girls from the house fire and the kiss Charlotte let me have afterward. She told me if there was any way she could repay me, she would try so I asked her for a kiss.

  Her face went blank. She bit her lip and nodded. I was nervous as fuck, but I knew it was going to be my one and only chance to ever get something out of her, so I took that chance. It was horrible of me, really. She was still shaking from the whole event of nearly being burned alive, but the second my lips touched hers, it was me who was set on fire, which she quickly extinguished. Almost immediately, she put her hand on my chest and pushed me away—but not before I thought I felt her kiss me back.

  We grew up together. We were friends until high school when she got beautiful and I...well, I was miserable and genuinely believed I’d be miserable forever—until our kiss.

  The one kiss. It changed me. I became more motivated than ever to be smarter, to work harder, to become a man no woman could resist. And I’ve had a lot of women since that kiss, but I keep going back to the one.

  It was like Charlotte was torn between herself in that moment our lips briefly touched. And for the past twelve years, no matter how many times I’ve run the scenario in my head, I’ve never come to a concrete conclusion. I believe she wanted to kiss me back, but I’ve never been sure.

  And now’s my chance to find out.

  Twelve years I’ve been working on this formula, on a pill that when taken under the tongue will cause women to reveal their true inner desires to you.

  If Charlotte is even remotely interested in me, her interest should peak. The pheromones I will put off in mass quantities once I take the pill will either stimulate her nervous system and then her reproductive organs thus increasing her hormonal reaction to me or turn her off completely, if that’s how she really feels.

  She will either love me more or hate me in excess. Whatever is at her core will present itself.

  Just looking at her standing next to me unaware of who I am and what I’ve become—
it’s fucking killing me.

  It’s as bad as high school. It’s like she’s teasing me all over again. I look at her long legs in those beige high heels and I want to wrap them around me. I look at her ass tucked tight in her fitted navy skirt and I want to yank up that skirt and smack that ass until it’s beet red, punishing it for always bouncing around in her bedroom, but never bringing it over to let me bite it.

  I look at the profile of her face. I want her to look at me. I want her to see me. But she’s still looking at the floor. It makes me ill. It makes me sick that Charlotte doesn’t keep her head up like she used to.

  Despite the time and distance, I realize I haven’t grown up at all. I still feel the same way about Charlotte as I always have. If I could create a formula that would take all her worries away, I’d do it.

  But this—what I have in my hand. The Bang. It’s all I got.

  I lift my tongue and pop the pill.

  Chapter 3



  “You okay?” asks Mr. Nine coming closer from behind. His breath of spiced milk and coffee tickles my nose.

  “I’m fine, thank you,” I reply trying not to look at him because I’m embarrassed. I didn’t realize I’d made a sound until it already came out of my throat.

  My core feels warm, my skin over my arms tingle under fine hairs that have come to standing, and my breasts feel like they’ve become engorged.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?” Mr. Nine asks and I feel him just slightly brush up against me.

  The minor touch sends a thrill straight to my sex and my knees weaken while my nipples harden. The inner lining of the fabric of my bra suddenly feels like sandpaper and I arch my back to create a gap, but all it does is scrape my nipples with a rough scratch.

  I feel a jolt. I nearly topple over as Mr. Nine catches me, his hands at my waist, which turns me on further, like a switch firing me up. Suddenly, the elevator comes to a stop and a buzzing resounds.

  It hurts. The buzzing is hurting my ears and I escape Mr. Nine’s grasp and reach for the elevator doors.

  “I think we’re stuck, but don’t worry,” says Mr. Nine, reaching for the controls where he manages to stop the buzzing, “This happens all the time. We won’t be in here for very long.”

  “No, we can’t be stuck,” I whine as I smooth my hands over the crack between the doors then my arms over the cool metal encasing because I’m so hot—I’m on fire!

  “What’s the matter? Are you claustrophobic?” he asks, checking me out from head to toe with a curiously open mouth.

  The cold elevator doors on my palms, the scraping of my bra on my nipples, and now? My toes! They feel wedged painfully into the tips of my shoes and I want them to be free—and wet! I imagine my toes in Mr. Nine’s wet mouth!

  I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I want it off! I want it all off! I feel like I need to be naked only to be soothed, licked, and swabbed by the man in here with me...

  No. I want to attack the man in here with me.

  I bang on the doors.

  “Hey,” Mr. Nine coos softly and grips my hips.

  Strangely, I’m comforted by his touch until he turns me around.

  Green eyes. Green eyes. Green eyes.

  He has only two eyes though my sight can’t help but wander between them as I feel like they’re everywhere and enormous, like planets just discovered in a great universe that are beckoning me to come and explore.

  No. He wants my pussy to land on his face and explore.

  Mr. Nine licks his lips.

  Pink lips. Soft lips. Wet lips.

  They’re begging to be licked. They’re begging to be kissed. I think they even want to be bit.

  I notice his teeth.

  Square. White. Beaming. And capable of a good chomp.

  I want to bite him. I want him to bite me.

  I envision Mr. Nine’s teeth tearing at the straps of my bra to free my sore, engorged, and aching breasts so he can take my teat into his warm, slippery, sucking mouth.

  I want his whole mouth.

  I let my tongue lead the way to kiss Mr. Nine as I tip on my toes to lean up and into him, but he pushes me back and my core burns.

  My back hits the cold elevator doors sending a jolt of electricity down my spine. It powers me up and Goddamn. I get a full, clear view of Mr. Nine and he’s. So. Hot.

  I don’t know what’s come over me, but I want him. The smell of him—his cologne, the spice, the coffee, it’s all over me. I’m baking in his scent, but I want to be roasting. I can only imagine the hot flesh that lurks under his expensive threads and I want him on me—spread all over me.

  I peep down to the bulge at his groin and my pussy pulses.

  I want him in me.

  Chapter 4


  I look down into Charlotte’s eyes—big, wide, needy. She tries to kiss me again, but I keep her pinned to the doors.

  It works! The drug works: Beta-Androgenic Nervine for the Gynoecium, aka Bang.

  “Sweetheart?” I ask and I see her lip quiver with the mere sound of my voice.

  My heart is happy and heavy at the same time. She’s into me—that’s for sure.

  Charlotte’s reaction is an indication she was into me before I slipped the drug sublingually under my tongue where it dissolved quickly—working almost instantly and now her feelings are exaggerated. But the way that she’s squirming, like an animal—flush and panting, it worries me a little. She’s like an animal in heat and I’m sure I could get my little fox to take me any which way I want.

  But I must check myself. I’m officially the first human test subject for this drug and what’s happening to Charlotte is a side effect. I’m also not sure how long the effect is going to last or if there are any other side effects.

  My dick is hard. I’m good there.

  God, I’d love to take advantage of her right now.

  The crazy dance she’s doing—squirming in her own skin, makes me want to take control of her. I really should teach her a lesson for all that teasing she did when we were younger. But for both our sakes, I need to keep my head straight and think this through like a scientist.

  I feel fine. No numbness, swelling, itching, or skin discolorations that I can tell.

  I bend my head to look Charlotte straight in the face. She has some mild perspiration along her forehead at her hairline and her cheeks are flush. She’s staring at my groin and I can’t help but chuckle. “How are you feeling right now?”

  Her mouth pouts, which I don’t expect. “Mr. Nine,” she mumbles. “Do you even know my name? I want to hear you say my name.”

  I gulp and let go of her wrists to scratch the back of my head and rub my jaw. I forgot. She thinks we’ve just met and I’m about to tell her who I really am. I’m about to come clean, but as I open my mouth—

  “It’s Charlotte,” she says reaching forward and coming off the doors to slide her fingers into the waistline of my pants, making my dick throb.

  I grab her wrist again as her other hand cups my package and squeezes gently. It’s me now that feels like I’ve been drugged. Her hand is hugging my cock, stroking it up and down beneath the fabric, sending a thrill throughout my body.


  “Mr. Nine.”

  Fuck. I can’t resist.

  I push her back against the doors and press my body against hers. “Charlotte,” I whisper in her ear before I lean over to hike up her skirt.

  She hooks a leg around me and I can’t believe this is happening! I’m like that kid again, that lovesick teenage kid, except this time I’m about to have that one piece of history from that one person I always felt belonged to me.

  She reaches for my belt and I cradle her head in my hands to look at her. “Do you want this? Do you really want this?”

  Charlotte frees my zipper and my dick springs out. Her eyes dip and widen with surprise.

  I smile. “It’s over nine inches.”

sp; “I want it,” she says fisting my length and I move in to kiss her. “Just don’t tell Elliot.”

  “What?!” I step back before our lips can touch.

  “Oh no, no. Please!” she whines and starts to unbutton the front of her blouse. “Please, I need you. I need you right now. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but please Mr. Nine.” She bumps her butt back against the doors as if in a tantrum. “I need some relief,” she groans in a deep, dark voice.

  She grabs my hand and places it inside of her bra and forces me to knead her breast with her hands. She moans as she does this and I’m wondering to myself why I’m even taking a breather or questioning what’s happening.

  I should just fuck her. Right?

  “Why wouldn’t I tell Elliot?” I ask instead, like a dumbass.

  “Because I want him to know I respect him and that I wouldn’t ordinarily do something like this in his place of business.”

  She frowns as I remove my hand and tuck myself back into my pants. She grabs my fingers and I have to flick her hands away to zip up my fly.

  “Why would you care about Elliot or any of his business?”

  She rubs her face and then her breasts. “Mr. Nine, please. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m aching. I need you to take care of this. Take care of me. I need you to fuck me.”

  Unfortunately, I think the drug works too well. Charlotte is still sexy, but she looks like a junkie.

  I lean up against her, placing my palm flat on the mound over her center and she moans. I rub her, circling the upper portion of her folds with the heel of my hand to tease her—to give her just enough firm pressure yet not enough friction to get her hooked and keep her hanging. “Tell me, Charlotte, why you seem to care about Elliot, but you hardly know a damn thing about him.”

  “Mr. Nine—”

  “Tell me and I’ll get you off.”

  Charlotte laces her fingers around the back of my head. “I didn’t want to know him.”


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