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A Love So Wrong: A Forbidden Romance

Page 4

by Katerina Winters

  Either oblivious to his son's growing rage or deciding to ignore it, Henry nodded. "Yeah, you did do a good job of that, didn’t you," he groaned. "Hell, I can still see that Darnell kid's terrified face as you dragged him by the back of the neck through town with a line of curious people on your tail as you stopped in front of his house and shouted for his daddy to come out of the house. I was so scared that man would have you put in jail, I was sure a few years of my life was taken off me that day."

  "Yeah, but you didn't try stopping me because you knew what that little shit was trying to do," Gideon's voice was dark and low.

  "Yeah…yeah, I did," Henry sighed and stared out into the darkness of the passenger window. "I knew then that it was probably best I let you handle it…because I would have just got my shotgun to make my point."

  When Jade had come home from school one day in her sophomore year with a worried tear-streaked face, the first year after Gideon graduated, leaving her on her own, Gideon had grilled her for what felt like an hour until she finally confessed that a senior at her school had been harassing her. The kid had caught her by herself on the way from school a couple of times, talking to her inappropriately, making sexual suggestions, and started calling her names when she refused or ignored him. Gideon did not hesitate. He left the house immediately and found that boy. He had told him in no uncertain terms just what he would do to the kid if he ever came near his sister again before marching him down the main street of Stardust Cove, past the courthouse and the police station to the nice big house his daddy owned. After calling his dad out of the house, Gideon repeated those exact words to the shocked and livid man standing on the porch. The crowd of people had unknowingly aided him that day. Each one would remember that moment and tell others until every citizen of Stardust Cove knew that Jade Lattimore was off-limits.

  Obviously, however, there was one piece of shit that didn't get the goddamn memo.

  "But this time isn't like that," Henry gently reminded him, pulling Gideon from his murderous thoughts. "Sandra texted me, saying she met the boy earlier this evening and he was nice."

  Gideon forced himself to take a deep breath and swallow his gut reaction before carefully speaking. "Dad, let's be real honest right now," he said evenly. "Mom is not the best judge of character. She nearly got scammed by someone pretending to be a credit card debt collector on the phone before Jade walked in and overheard the conversation."

  Henry scowled at the reminder of the event.

  "So, you can see why I can't readily take mom's opinion of a two-second meeting on some boy who wants to take Jade out the one night I'm out of town," he said crisply.

  "Gideon," Henry sighed heavily. "What are you going to do? Drag her away from her dates, stop her from dating entirely?" he reasoned. "No, I'm sorry, son, but I can't allow that. We let you date when you were her age, and she should be able…"

  "Dammit, dad," Gideon exploded, his grip on the steering wheel lethal now. "This is Jade we are talking about! The same girl who would not speak for nearly a year when we moved in with you guys. Jade, who spaces out at the drop of a dime and who has absolutely no experience with boys beyond Beans!"

  "Slow down, Gideon," Henry commanded, an edge of steel lacing the man's voice before he broke out into a small coughing fit. Settling down, he took a deep pull of his water before wiping his beard with the back of his hand. "I don't care how mad you are. You will keep it in the speed limit," he rasped.

  "Sir," Gideon acknowledged as he begrudgingly let his foot off the accelerator a bit.

  "Besides," Henry said tauntingly. "Her date will be over by the time we get home, so there is no use speeding."


  Putting the truck into park on the narrow concrete driveway that led to the large metal barn where they stored it, Gideon hopped out after killing the engine. Oh, he sped all right. He had shaved off thirty minutes off their trip. Proud of himself and ignoring Henry's grumblings, Gideon strode across the darkened lawn with wide steps, leaving Henry in his wake. Coming through the front door, Gideon ignored the delicious smell of food and walked purposely down the short foyer entrance and stopped at the open hallway that led into the living and dining room.

  Standing at the table, setting down a clean plate looking as if she had just walked through the door mere minutes ago herself was Jade. Agonizingly slow, Gideon dropped his eyes to her wedged heels and her dark blue skinny jeans. A few inches taller thanks to the shoes, Jade stood before him in a light he had never once seen her in, not even the night of her freshman dance. Pulling his eyes away from the curving lines of her jeans, he trailed them over the deep wine-red off-the-shoulder, ruched shirt that draped delicately over her slim shoulders and breasts. A gold bracelet jangled against her slender wrist as she put down the second empty plate. Gideon could see her tensing under his inspection, but he didn't care. He couldn't stop staring as he noticed the slight shimmer of sparkling lip gloss peek from behind the curly curtain of her honey-brown hair, that for once she decided to wear down. The need for answers mingled in his gut, along with barely checked anger. Scarcely able to rip his gaze from the transformed girl before him, he looked up just in time to see their mother pop around the corner from the kitchen.

  "Oh Gideon, doesn’t she look wonderful?" Sandra asked happily as she gave him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

  Hugging her back, Gideon caught Jade's eye over their mother's shoulder and gave her a wintery smile full of wrathful promise. "Oh yes, she looks absolutely stunning. Must have been some date to deserve this level of beauty," he said in a stilted voice as he pulled away from Sandra's hug, his piercing stare never wavering from Jade, who tried to avert her guilty gaze from his.

  Who was this boy? Did Jade like him? Was this boy spellbound by her like Gideon was? Did Gideon need to make yet another public example out of this kid?

  Not relenting his attack, Gideon settled his gaze on her cat-like eyes. "Why is that eyeliner I see?" he asked in a too cheery tone as he took an intimidating step towards her.

  Jade flinched, and he could feel her ready to bolt in the other direction, and Lord would he chase her down, he thought with sick satisfaction. But the deep sound of Gideon's name being called stopped his pursuit, saving her—for now.

  "Gideon," Henry said with tired warning as he rounded the entrance. Giving Gideon a reproving look, Henry hugged and kissed his wife before opening his arms to his daughter. Whisking past Gideon to the arms of her savior, Jade did not hesitate. Giving him a big hug and a kiss on his cheek, Jade instructed their father to sit down before serving him the hot soup.

  Calling upon patience, Gideon sat down stiffly in his chair and waited with an unholy eagerness for Jade to sit next to him.

  "Um," Jade cleared her throat as she hastily put down Gideon's bowl in front of him and scooted away. "Since I already ate earlier tonight, I was wondering if I could excuse myself and go to bed."

  "Of course—" Sandra began.

  "Oh, don't leave on our account," Gideon interrupted. He could hear the malevolence in his own voice at her attempt to flee but didn't care. He was going to pin her down someway or somehow, and he would get his answers. "Come sit," he offered. It was meant to sound like a friendly suggestion, but it came off as a frosty demand.

  "Ignore him," Henry held out one arm from his chair and accepted one last hug from Jade. "Of course, you can go, but just tell me really quick before you go, how was it? Did you have fun?"

  Gideon's stomach roiled at this. Fun was the last thing he wanted to hear.

  Pushing back some of her curls from her face, Jade gave Henry a big smile that felt like a blade to Gideon's throat before she nodded.

  "Yeah, I actually had a really good time. We went bowling and hung out at Judy's Diner," she said as she stepped back, purposely avoided looking at Gideon.

  "Well, I'm glad," Henry said. "Go and get some good sleep. I love you." Henry gave her another hug before she stepped back and hugged their mother with another goodnight.
  For the briefest of seconds, her hazel eyes met his across the table, and Gideon could see the flash of guilt before she pulled away. Turning, she practically fled down the dark hall, the final sound of her door opening and closing signaling she was safely tucked behind her bedroom walls. Gideon just smiled as he lifted his spoon of steaming hot soup. She was definitely not safe.

  Sandra chuckled as she gave Gideon a bright smile. "Now Gideon," she chided. "You should be happy that your sister is dating and having fun."

  Gideon gave his mother a broad smile, the same smile he used to always pacify the woman and get what he wanted. "No," he said simply, before shoveling down a spoonful of the soup.

  After cleaning the dishes and straightening the kitchen, Gideon waited until his parents slowly ambled down the hall to their own bedroom. The sound of their door closing felt like a grandfather clock striking midnight in an old castle. There was a finality to it that said all should be quiet, and all should be asleep. Well, not yet, Gideon thought with a smirk.

  Turning from the kitchen, he passed through the laundry area and turned into his bathroom off to the right. Taking his time, he showered, not even bothering trying to relax under the hot spray like he normally did after a long day. Fuck that, he had other more pressing matters. Walking the short distance from his bathroom to his bedroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist, Gideon shut his door to his room and dressed in a fresh pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Running a hand through his wavy hair, he didn't bother looking in the mirror. When his hair was wet, it was fine. When it was dry and had some product through it, it was also fine. It was when he let it dry without putting the much-needed product in it did his natural waves turn to full-on curls and then mutate into some sort of wild bush on top of his head.

  Walking around his bed, Gideon slid open his window and grabbed onto the top ledge. With practiced movements, he lifted his legs up and through the open window, using his upper body strength to hold himself up. Landing softly onto the grass, Gideon silently walked across the darkened lawn. Passing the front door and crossing the cement walkway and back onto the soft grass, he walked soundlessly up to the window that matched his own. Pausing, he waited for any sounds but heard nothing.

  Normally it would be rather difficult to open a window from the outside without making any noise, but this particular window had a trick he and Jade discovered years ago when they were kids. Gripping the window's seal and the metal framing, he lifted the window in its frame and pushed. Slipping out of its latch, the window complied with the pressure and moved easily to the side. Looking into the dark room, he let his eyes travel over the long lump in the bed as he silently parted the curtains and slipped through. Standing in her room now, Gideon inhaled the sweet scent. It smelled like the honeysuckle body spray he bought her as a gift set for Valentine’s Day last month. The airy, sweet scent, just like its namesake flower, suited her so perfectly. So unassuming at first glance, it wasn't until you looked back again and took a deep breath did you realize the invasive flower had you ensnared, promising that it tasted just as sweet as it looked.

  Gideon's eyes narrowed dangerously as he reminded himself why he was here. Did that boy tonight see the same thing he saw when he looked at Jade? Was he given the opportunity to taste what Gideon could not?

  Kneeling onto the bed on one knee, Gideon carefully followed the outline of the lump of covers before him, determining its shape with a smile. Placing one fist onto the mattress on the right side of the lump, he leaned slightly to the side as he found the small opening in the covers and the sleeping face hidden beneath. On this side of the house, it was much colder. Henry and Sandra liked it practically freezing when they slept, forcing Jade to keep multiple blankets on her bed despite the warm spring weather. Partially hovering over her body, Gideon didn't have to wait long as he watched Jade's face stir in awareness.

  Frowning slightly, she opened her eyes and met his. Captivated, Gideon watched as startled surprise washed away the remainder of sleep within her eyes as she realized what was happening. Her mouth opened as if to scream or yell at him, but she said nothing as she darted a frightened glance towards the door. Just a few feet from her door, across the hall, was the master bedroom. They would both be in trouble if they woke up their parents. Jade did not risk a sound.

  "So, about this date," he whispered harshly, enjoying the shock on her face.

  Anger brightened her hazel eyes, and she shifted under her covers, attempting to move out from beneath the cage he formed. Dropping his other knee on the other side of her legs, he trapped her in. Realizing this, she let out a small groan, and Gideon smiled.

  "Details," he demanded.

  "Why should I?" she whispered in frustration, giving up in wiggling out from beneath him. "I don't ask for details from your dates."

  With the covers tangled around her waist, Gideon could see the faint details of her green t-shirt from the thin rays of moonlight streaming in from the window into the dark room. Stretched over her breasts, the worn nightshirt served as a jolting reminder of the position they were in. Backing up, Gideon crawled down off of her bed, allowing her to sit up within the pool of covers around her.

  Sitting on the edge, he turned and gave her a goading smile. "Do you want to know? Cause I'll tell you if you really want to know."

  With an annoyed huff, she crossed her arms and turned her face towards the window, the soft moonlight highlighting the rounds of her freckled cheeks perfectly. Gideon smiled, hating himself for the tiny surge of elation in his chest. She would never know just how much he lived for these rare little displays of jealousy.

  Placing one hand on the other side of her legs, Gideon leaned back and gave her a hooded look. "So, tell me, why do I get the feeling you purposely kept this date from me?"

  "Because of this," she waved a hand at him. "You are so controlling. I knew you would be this way and would probably stop me from going. Why should I have told you?"

  "I'm not controlling," he said, ignoring the incredulous look she gave him in response. "I'm simply protective," he affirmed.

  "More like possessive," she countered. "You never want me to do anything while you get to do everything."

  He wasn't going to argue that, he thought. Partly because it was halfway true and because he had more pressing concerns.

  Leaning forward, he rested both of his forearms on his knees and clasped his hands together. "So, who was this boy?"

  Shifting in the bed, Jade answered readily but was purposely vague. "A senior in the Film Club."

  Gideon didn’t bother hiding the sneer at his lips. "And his name?"

  Giving him a pointed stare, Jade lifted one brow up in a defiant look. "No."

  He would have been alarmed at the sudden boldness if it wasn't for the death-grip she held her covers in. Letting his eyes travel slowly back up to hers, he gave her a solemn look. "I will find out."

  Did this boy, whoever he was, even see what Gideon saw when he looked at her? Did he see the bright warmth emanating off the kind young woman? Did he feel that bone-deep pull she called forth in a man that made him want to take her into his arms and hold her tightly? Or was he just like all the other boys her age and looked at the quiet, nerdy Jade Lattimore as nothing but a challenge, an ultimate sexual conquest to add to their roster? Gideon could feel his muscles harden at the thought. Looking down at the covers, he swallowed the bitter lump in his throat at the peek of soft brown flesh of her thigh peeking from underneath her crisp white sheets. Unwillingly, he pictured the hand of some grubby high school boy sliding up her warm thigh. No! Gideon stood abruptly. Fuck all of that, he thought with a shake of his head. That would not happen even if he had to nail her door and window shut each night.

  "No," she continued, oblivious to the emotional thunderstorm taking place within him. "I won’t tell you. I will not allow you to embarrass me again like you did with Darnell. I am just now getting a guy brave enough to approach me."

  Turning, he gave her a glittering glare
. "Darnell was a different matter entirely, and you know it. Besides, do you think I can't and won't go up to your school and walk into that film club and start politely," he paused, emphasizing the word, "asking questions?"

  "Gideon," she whined with a frown, swaying back and forth in agitation where she sat.

  The high-pitched little sound nearly made him relent. It was like a forbidden fruit being dangled in his face, unknowingly holding great power over him. Gideon steeled himself and sharpened his gaze.

  "These guys only see your innocence Jade, they see your beauty, and they want it. They want to claim it, and I cannot begin to tell you how I will not let that happen."

  "You can't just say that! You can't control my life because you don’t like the idea of me-"

  "No, I don't like the idea," he snapped with a near growl to his deep words.

  Jade jerked at his sudden rage. Seeing the shock on her face, he closed his eyes and scrubbed his face impatiently, guilty he made her feel this way.


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