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Betrayed (Atlanta's Finest Series Book 5)

Page 12

by Sharon C. Cooper

“You’re a singer?” Sofia asked him, setting piping hot blueberry pancakes, eggs and three strips of bacon in front of Zenobia. She also placed a glass of orange juice next to the plate.

  “I sing for fun, but I’m not a real singer,” Angelo explained. “Not like Zen.”

  That was the first time she’d heard him refer to her as Zen. He was one of few people who actually called her Zenobia.

  “You should get him to sing something for you, Mamita,” Zenobia said between bites. “He sounds better than some of the entertainers out there who have record deals.”

  For the next few minutes, the three of them chatted over breakfast as if they’d done it for years. It was going to be hard to go back to normal when Angelo’s assignment ended. Zenobia loved having him around. He filled a void in her life that had been dormant for far too long. She wasn’t looking forward to going back to life as usual once they went their separate ways.

  “Are you done eating?” Angelo asked her as he stood with his plates.

  “I think so, but you don’t have to help clean up. I can—”

  “Neither of you will help. Cooking and cleaning give me something to do.” Sofia took the plates from Angelo and shooed him back to his seat.

  He settled back on the bar stool and placed his hand on Zenobia’s back. She wasn’t sure what his intent was, but the small circles he was making with his hand stirred her woman parts awake. A touchy-feely kind of guy, she loved having his hands on her. If only she could persuade him to touch a few of her more intimate areas.

  “What’s on the agenda today?” he asked her.

  “I need to for us to run a few errands, and then this evening Octavia wants me to—”

  “Who are you…really?” Sofia interrupted, her unflinching gaze drilling into Angelo. “My mija has never let a man stay overnight in the house. Yet, you have been here for days. You do everything together, but you don’t sleep in her room. I know this.” She waved around the wooden spoon that she’d been washing. Droplets of water flew across the counter, one landing on Zenobia’s forehead. “Your room is above my room. I only hear you.”

  Unease crept through Zenobia as she and Angelo shared a look. She didn’t want to lie to Sofia. Not because Angelo and his team wanted to keep the charade going. No, she didn’t want to lie to the most important person in her life because she trusted Sofia. Zenobia also didn’t want her worrying. For days, Sofia seemed to buy their story about dating. Especially since she hadn’t said anything to the contrary.

  Apparently not.

  “Mamita, we—”

  “No more lying, mija.”

  Zenobia almost laughed when Sofia pointed the spoon at her, daring her to speak anything but the truth. Memories of when she was younger, and Sofia used to ream her out for lying, surged through Zenobia’s mind.

  God, she loved this woman. During some of the most trying times in her life, Sofia was always there. Teaching her. Loving her. Good or bad, she never left Zenobia’s side. She was the one constant in her life.

  “I see how you look at her…with such passion.” Sofia’s voice softened as she spoke to Angelo, and she no longer waved her wooden spoon. “You take very good care of her. Your mother raised you right. You’re a good man, but there’s something happening. Something you both are keeping from me. Mija’s eye. New locks on door. New alarm. You care very much, but you no sleep together. What has happened?”

  Angelo chuckled and ran his hand over his mouth and down his chin. He looked at Zenobia. “Your mamita is very perceptive.”

  “Tell me now,” Sofia demanded, back to waving her spoon.

  “I do care about Zenobia,” Angelo said, reaching over and curling his hand around hers. At the heartrending tenderness of his touch, something too intense to identify flared inside of her. There was no doubt their attraction to each other was real, but it was moments like this that she also wanted their relationship to be real.

  Together they told Sofia about what was going on and the role Angelo was playing. He also told her that she would soon be meeting other members of his team, and that they had every intention of finding the person involved. In the meantime, she couldn’t tell anyone that their relationship wasn’t real. Angelo also assured her that they’d keep both her and Zenobia safe.

  Sofia moved around the center island and wrapped her arms around Zenobia’s shoulders. “You should have told me. I would’ve come home sooner, mija. You can’t keep secrets like that from me. Remember before…”

  An icy chill scurried down Zenobia’s spine, afraid Sofia would say more. When she didn’t, Zenobia made eye contact with Angelo. Of course, he was alert and watching them both. Since that meeting at Supreme, she’d had a feeling that he somehow knew that she was holding something back. She hadn’t shared everything. Sofia’s words just confirmed his suspicions.

  Would he question them? Or would he continue the way they’d been going, where she fed him information about herself a little at a time?

  “Secrets destroy,” Sofia continued. “No more. No more secrets, mija.”

  “I know, Mamita. I know.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lounging on the leather sofa in Octavia Hilton’s home office, Angelo observed Zenobia with her manager. They were across the room at a round conference table discussing the details of an endorsement contract. He didn’t know the dollar amount attached to it, but Octavia seemed pleased with what she’d negotiated. Zenobia, not so much.

  She smiled at the right time and nodded as they went over the contract’s details. Even the mention of other entertainers who would be included in the project—some of her idols—didn’t get much of a rise out of her.

  Angelo wondered if her subdued behavior had anything to do with the conversation between her and Sofia during breakfast. “Secrets destroy,” Sofia had said. “No more. No more secrets, mija.”

  The ghostly expression that Angelo had witnessed on Zenobia’s face after that comment had all of his protective instincts rising to attention. She was afraid of something or someone. Ever since that conversation, she’d been lost in her thoughts and answering questions with one-word responses. Whatever was on her mind was definitely bothering her. If only she would confide in him.

  Angelo readjusted his position, crossing one of his legs over the other and spreading his right arm along the back of the sofa. In their short time together, he’d become sensitive to her moods, needs, and some of her quirks. Like the way she nibbled on her thumbnail when she was nervous or uncomfortable, the way she was doing now.

  Zenobia was also starting to chip away at the armor around his heart. Something he never thought would happen. It had been a long time since he’d allowed a woman to get as close as she was getting. There was just something about her. Even with her secrets, he was falling for her, and that wasn’t a good thing.

  So far, out of the people on their short list of suspects, they’d only been able to rule out Damon, the owner of DLC Security. For the last three months, he’d been out of the country on assignment, providing protection for an A-list actor.

  As for Zenobia, Supreme hadn’t found anything incriminating in her past or the lives of those in her inner circle. Yet, that feeling that she was keeping something important from them, whether she knew it or not, bugged the hell out of Angelo. Hopefully, she gave him something soon that would shed light into her situation. Until then, he’d bide his time and stay alert.

  “Thanks for all the work you put into this deal,” Zenobia said to Octavia and stood, slinging the strap of her Louis Vuitton purse over her shoulder. “I’m glad it’ll be a few months before filming starts. That’ll give me time to wrap up this next album.”

  “Speaking of the album. When are you getting back in the studio?” Octavia asked.

  Looking to be in her early fifties with a fair complexion and shoulder-length red hair, she was stylishly dressed. The low-cut white dress with sheer sleeves stopped just below her knees. Instead of dressing for a meeting at home, she looked as if sh
e was dressed for a hot date.

  “Later this week,” Zenobia explained.

  “I trust that the last song is almost done, because you’re really pushing the deadline.” Octavia smoothed her hands down the sides of her hips, and glanced at Angelo with a slight smile. She’d been flirting all evening. At first, he thought she was just kidding around, but as the night went on, he quickly realized she wasn’t. Some of her comments to him were inappropriate, but he blew them off. From what he’d heard about the manager, she was just being herself.

  “Everything will be done on time,” Zenobia said, an edge to her tone. Angelo met her gaze as she sauntered across the room, then slid her hand into his.

  “Angelo, if things don’t work out between you and Zenobia, give me a call.” Octavia winked at him. He hadn’t liked the woman upon first meeting her, and he liked her even less now.

  “That’s never going to happen,” Zenobia said, a bite in her tone as her grip on his hand increased.

  “No?” Octavia’s left brow lifted.

  “No. I’m going to treat him so good he’s never going to want to leave my side.” Zenobia looked at him, a gleam in her eyes.

  Angelo leaned down and kissed her sexy lips, making sure to keep it short. He had to be strong. He knew from experience that one kiss from her always sparked a desire in him to go further.

  “Have a good night, Octavia,” he said as they left the office. She followed them down the short hall where dark hardwood covered the floor and abstract paintings graced the walls.

  Walking out of her home, Angelo took in their surroundings. Octavia lived in Johns Creek, a suburb of Atlanta, in a neighborhood graced with one large house after another. Like Zenobia’s, her home was positioned deep on the lot away from the street. It was late, and the limited lighting along the driveway and in the front yard had him extra vigilant.

  With one hand at the small of her back and his other arm free where he could easily reach for one of his guns, Angelo guided her to his Dodge Charger. He helped her into the vehicle, then hurried around to the driver’s side.

  “You didn’t seem all that excited about the commercial deal,” he said as he drove down the long driveway and onto the street. “Why’d you sign the contract if you really weren’t that interested?”

  “I’m interested in the project, it’s just that I’m leery of trusting anyone right now, especially Octavia. She can be an insensitive businesswoman, and I don’t always know if she has my best interest at heart.”

  Angelo understood being skeptical of people. After leaving the DEA, he didn’t trust anyone. When he joined Supreme Security, the Atlanta’s Finest team almost seemed too perfect. But after a few assignments, Angelo soon learned that they were great at what they did and more importantly, they had his back.

  “At the end of the year, I think I’m going to cut ties with my manager.”

  Angelo glanced at Zenobia, splitting his attention between her and the highway. “Why? And don’t tell me it has anything to do with her flirting with me?”

  “That’s part of it. It’s apparent she doesn’t respect me. The way she was flirting with you all evening proved it. I wanted to snatch out her hair.”

  Angelo’s mouth twitched as he fought back a laugh. She sounded serious, but there was a sweetness about her that made it hard to imagine her causing harm to any human being.

  “It’s more than the flirting with you, though. I don’t really like her. I’ve seen her mistreat too many people for the sake of getting what she wants. It’s only a matter of time before she does the same to me.”

  “Like mess with your mind or have you kidnapped?”

  Zenobia shook her head. “No, I honestly don’t think she’s behind those incidents. I wouldn’t put planting listening devices in my home past her, though, but not the other stuff.”

  Angelo wasn’t as convinced. He hadn’t ruled anyone out. It was only a matter of time before the culprits identified themselves.

  “I think it’s time I start looking for new representation. Maybe I’ll wait until after I know for sure what I want next out of my career.”

  “Well, let me know when you’re ready. I know a guy.”

  She snorted a laugh, but quickly covered her mouth.

  “Why is that funny? I do know someone. Have you ever heard of Wesley Bradford?”

  Her eyes widened. “Of course. He’s one of the most sought-after agents in the entertainment business. It’s impossible to even get an appointment with him, let alone get him to take you on as a client. So, you really know him?”

  “I do. He’s Hamilton’s father-in-law.”

  Despite almost getting Dakota killed a couple of years ago, Wesley had made a complete one-eighty, and seemed like a different, new and improved person. Hamilton and Dakota had found a way to forgive him. Angelo might not be the forgiving type, but had mad respect for anyone who had that ability.

  “Would you be willing to introduce me one day? Not yet, but one day?”

  “Yeah.” Angelo changed lanes, went around a slow-moving car, and then hopped back into the right lane.

  “What’s wrong?” Zenobia asked.

  “Nothing,” Angelo responded absently, and checked his rearview mirror again, his attention on the large Ford truck three cars back.

  “Then why do you keep looking in your mirrors?”

  He chuckled, a little surprised that she was paying attention. “I’m looking because that’s what drivers are supposed to do.”

  No need worrying her when he wasn’t sure they were being followed. Though the streets were dark, with intermittent light illuminating from the limited number of streetlights, he had noticed the vehicle earlier. The first few miles, it had been directly behind him. It wasn’t until traffic thinned and the driver had several opportunities to go around him, and didn’t take them, that Angelo started to get concerned.

  For the past week, he’d been with Zenobia around the clock, going where she went and taking the time to get to know her. A fascinating woman, she didn’t hang out much. When she’d mentioned early on that she was a loner, his time with her was proving that. The more time they spent together, the more infatuated he became with her.

  Now, if only they could figure out who was after her. Egypt and Laz had found some interesting information on Elijah. A sealed juvie record and a couple of misdemeanors in his adult life. He owned a courier business, but still, there was nothing that led them to believe that he was a danger to Zenobia. Angelo had insisted they keep digging.

  Glancing in his mirror periodically, Angelo had changed lanes three times, only to see the truck do the same thing. Now he was certain they had a tail. The driver probably hadn’t done anything crazy because of traffic, but now there weren’t as many cars on the street. Ten o’clock on a Wednesday night, and the traffic was thinning as they drove toward Highway 85.

  “If somethin’s wrong, tell me.” Zenobia glanced over her left shoulder to look out the back window as Angelo activated his car’s Bluetooth while he increased his speed. He wasn’t sure who was on front desk duty at Supreme, but it didn’t matter. He wanted to at least alert someone of the possible problem.

  “What’s up?” Kenton’s voice boomed through the vehicle’s speakers after one ring.

  Instead of saying that he thought they had a tail, Angelo gave his friend their location, knowing Kenton would immediately get Wiz to tap into the vehicle’s GPS. “We’re heading southeast. Huge, dark four-door Ford truck with equally dark windows, three…no, two cars behind us and picking up speed.”

  Cameron “Wiz” Miller, one of the owners of Supreme Security-Chicago, was a computer genius who could hack any network, including the city’s street cameras. The guy had developed numerous systems and devices to keep all of their people safe. Even their cell phones and some of their personal vehicles had built-in mechanisms that could be tracked through Supreme’s network.

  Angelo didn’t have to look at Zenobia to know that her gaze was burning into him. She
remained quiet, but her breathing increased as she shifted in her seat to look behind them.

  “An—Angelo,” Zenobia stammered, panic in that one word as she gripped his right arm while looking out the back window.

  His gaze shot to the rearview mirror, just as the truck cut off the car that was right behind Angelo. “Ken, we have a problem.”

  “Laz is in the area, and Wiz is taking care of the cameras. We got you. Stay safe.”

  They disconnected and Angelo pressed on the gas. He swerved into the left lane, cutting a car off, ignoring the blaring of their horn, and sped ahead. Weaving in and out of traffic, he managed to put some distance between them and the truck.

  “Stay safe?” Zenobia screeched, her nails digging into Angelo’s arm. “Shouldn’t they, Laz, Kenton, and whoever else, be doing more?”

  “They are. Don’t worry. Just hold on.” He swerved back into the right lane and sped through an intersection on a yellow light. A quick look in his mirror showed the truck running the red light and quickly gaining on them. Angelo’s stomach muscles twisted, and his pulse pounded in his ear. He wanted to stay on the main drag so that Wiz could get them on camera. Yet, he also wanted to lose the asshole who was determined to run them down.

  Though she looked tense, Zenobia said nothing as he darted in and out of traffic, then at the last possible second, Angelo took a sharp right. Tires squealing, he made the turn almost on two wheels and barreled down a side street. The driver who’d been following them had missed the turn, but Angelo had no doubt that they would show themselves again soon. He zigzagged around a few parked cars and made a couple of right turns, then a left that would take him back to the main street. He pulled back into traffic which was thankfully unusually light.

  “I think you lost them,” Zenobia said, splitting her attention between looking out the back window and out the front one.

  He floored the gas pedal. “I need to get us out of—”

  “Look out!” she screamed.

  “Sonof…” Angelo’s heart leaped into his throat as the Ford truck appeared from his right, barreling into the intersection toward them. “Hold on!”


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