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Betrayed (Atlanta's Finest Series Book 5)

Page 17

by Sharon C. Cooper

  Angelo’s mind skidded to a halt. What were the chances that Rock had anything to do with Zenobia getting away? Part of him was tempted to pose the question to Jared. But the last thing Angelo wanted to do was bring any more attention to Zenobia. Jared was like a dog with a bone. He’d want more details and might dig up more shit to harm her than help her.

  Nah, Angelo would keep anything about her between him and Supreme Security. They’d get the answers he needed.

  “All right, man. Thanks for the info,” Angelo said. “If you run across anything useful about the cartel, let me know.”

  “Hold up. How you gon’ ask me all these questions without telling me why? What are you working—”

  “Later, man.” Angelo hung up, knowing he would never hear the end of it for hanging up on his friend twice in a matter of weeks.

  Angelo looked up just as Myles strolled to the front door. He gave a quick knock before pushing open the door.

  Angelo set his phone on the counter. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “I could ask you the same thing. You stormed out of the house without a backward glance. Care to tell me what’s going on with you and the angel?”

  Myles referred to Zenobia as the angel since hearing her singing around the house. He leaned on the back of a rickety dining chair and gave Angelo a pointed look.

  “I know you like her and all, but you’re getting a little too serious. She’s a client, remember?”

  “Yeah, I know. Which is why I’m pulling myself off her detail.”

  Myles stared at him for a few minutes, then narrowed his eyes. “Really? You’re that into her?”

  Angelo nodded, and Myles released a long whistle. “Well, damn. So much for faking. I’ve never known you to fall for a client.”

  “Yeah, this is a first. I told you from that first encounter, there was something about Zenobia. We mesh. You know what I mean?”

  “Hell, nah, I don’t know what you mean. I try to stay as far away as possible from any romantic entanglements. You know, like you used to.”

  Myles had said on more than one occasion that he would never marry, or even get seriously involved with a woman. Angelo had pretty much said the same thing but look at him now. He couldn’t imagine being away from Zenobia for any length of time. That realization still boggled his mind.

  “I know you’re going to do whatever the hell you want, but be careful with this one. Zen seems like a real sweetheart, but I have a feeling she’s more than what she seems. I’d hate for you to get in too deep.”

  Zenobia had a checkered past, but Angelo knew enough people, like Laz and Myles, whose pasts were just as shady. He had no intention of abandoning her just because of what she’d been through with the Cameesos.

  “Too late. I’m all in,” he said.

  “Yeah, I figured.” Myles stood up straight and folded his arms across his chest. “So, what’s got you hiding out here? I assume it has something to do with why Laz was about ready to yank you out of Zen’s room earlier. What happened and does it have anything to do with why she had to hire us?”

  “Let’s just say we might have a serious problem.”

  Not wanting to share every detail, Angelo gave his friend the highlights of his conversation with Zenobia. He wasn’t surprised that Myles had knowledge about the cartel. As former CIA, he had associates all over the world and planned to make a few calls. That was one thing Angelo could say about Supreme Security. With all the contacts the bosses and security specialists had, the company was very well connected.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t have told Zen that the cartel might be back on the scene. She was skittish after the crash. How’s she doing now?”

  “Not too good when I left her upstairs. We were planning to go out to dinner, but she changed her mind, preferring to stay in until we know more.”

  “Actually, that’s the other reason I came out here. One of Laz’s contacts at Atlanta PD said they found the truck that slammed into you and Zen.”

  Angelo perked up. “When? Where?”

  “A couple of hours ago on the Georgia/Florida border about seventy-five miles north of Jacksonville. The truck was torched, along with a body inside that has two gunshot wounds.”

  Angelo growled in frustration. “Let me guess. One of those was a shoulder wound.”

  Myles nodded. “And the other, a close range shot to the guy’s left temple. They’re hoping to get an ID with the dental records, but the vehicle is toast.”

  “Of course it is,” Angelo said dryly. At least the guy who attacked them didn’t get away, assuming he indeed was the one in the torched truck. This news should’ve made Angelo feel better. Instead, it brought home the fact that the people they were dealing with were even more dangerous than he first believed. Realizing that the hit was professional sent his concern for Zenobia’s well-being skyrocketing.

  As if reading his mind, Myles clapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. We won’t let anything happen to your woman,” he assured as he headed to the door.

  “I know, but considering all she’s been through, it might take her time to believe it.” Angelo grabbed his phone. It was time he called the office.

  “Parker and Laz are on duty. I need to make a run. You need anything?”

  “I’m good, but can you ask Sofia to check on Zenobia? I need to call Egypt.”

  “Yes, to Sofia, and good luck with trying to get off of Zenobia’s security detail. If you walk, she might clam up, and I think she knows something that could help us. Something she probably doesn’t even realize she knows.”

  “I’m not leaving her. I’m just going to be by her side in a different capacity…as her man.”

  Myles shook his head. “This has got to be a first.” He chuckled as he left the house.

  “Yep, definitely a first,” Angelo mumbled and dialed Egypt.


  “Well, if it isn’t the future Mrs. Kenton Bailey. Got a minute?”

  Egypt laughed. “Mrs. Kenton Bailey. It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”

  “It really does, and I can’t wait to witness the day you lock down my boy.” Kenton was one of his best friends, and Angelo couldn’t have picked a better woman for him.

  “By the way, we’re not having a long engagement. We’re thinking Labor Day weekend. That gives us a few months to plan a small church wedding, and then maybe a cookout.”

  “Sounds good to me. I’ll be there.”

  “So, what can I do for you?” Egypt asked. “How’s it going with Zen?”

  “It’s…going. There have been a couple of developments that I need to fill you in on. First, though, what exactly did you find on her during your search?”

  “I gave you what I found. Why? Did we miss something?”

  “I need you to dig deeper. She never knew her father, but can you see what you can find on him and her mother? Also, can you get information on her cousin Kira’s parents? And I need you to probe into Sofia’s background, especially her family or any connections she has in Mexico City. No information is too small.”

  “Oookaay. Care to tell me what’s happened?”

  “Yeah. How much time you got?”


  Hours later, Zenobia ventured down the back staircase that led into the kitchen, not surprised to see Laz standing at the bottom of the steps. That meant another security specialist was near the main stairs.

  How had her life come to this? People watching her every move. Stuck in the house for fear of getting attacked if she stepped out into the real world. It was no better than being kept on the Cameeso’s compound suffering under lock and key.

  Guilt stabbed Zenobia in the chest at that last thought. Her current situation was nothing like her life in Miami. At least now, the people guarding her truly cared about her well-being, and she wasn’t a prisoner in the house. It was on her that she was afraid to go anywhere. Angelo assured her that they’d keep her safe if she wanted to go out. But Zenobia wasn’t in the right frame of mind to be o
ut in public.

  “Hey, Laz,” she greeted. “You don’t have to stand around. Make yourself comfortable. I promise I won’t leave the property without letting one of you know.” He nodded. The only visible sign that he considered her instructions was a slight loosening in his shoulders. Yet, he didn’t move from the spot.

  “I’m glad you came down, mija. I was about to check on you again,” Sofia said when Zenobia walked into the kitchen and kissed her cheek. “You need to eat. I made a lasagna and a tossed salad for the boys and there’s plenty left.

  Zenobia smiled at her boys reference. The men of Supreme were huge and there was nothing boyish about any of them. Except for maybe how sweet they treated Sofia. It was going to be hard to see them leave once Zenobia didn’t need round-the-clock protection.

  “Angelo’s not back yet?” Sofia asked.

  Zenobia shook her head as she nibbled on the lasagna Sofia had set in front of her. “No, he’ll be gone for a couple of hours.”

  After hanging out in the guest house, Angelo had returned to the house to let her know that he had to go into the office. He was no longer on her detail, and Zenobia wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Would it mean she wouldn’t see him as often? He said that wouldn’t be the case. Yet, he wasn’t there.

  Then there was the fact that he had to share her story with his team. Even if she understood the reasoning, it still didn’t make the situation less embarrassing. So far, no one treated her differently. Yet, it was like walking around with the scarlet letter C on her chest. They knew she’d been with Cameeso, even if it wasn’t by choice. That had been one of those secrets she had planned to take to her grave.

  Sofia pushed the plate closer to Zenobia. “Eat, mija. You no eat enough. You haven’t eaten all day. Stop worrying.”

  Zenobia glanced toward the stairs, surprised that Laz wasn’t standing there, but glad that she and Sofia were alone.

  “I can’t help but worry. What if Angelo is right? What if the Cartel is—”

  “No,” Sofia said forcefully, waving her index finger. “They will never hurt you again. Lo entiendes?”

  “Yes, I understand,” Zenobia said automatically, though she wasn’t sure Sofia was right. Powerful drug dealers had their way of getting what they wanted. Zenobia didn’t want to believe that the Cameeso Cartel had somehow rebuilt, but who else would be trying to get to her? Who else would be bold enough to try and snatch her right off the street? Who else would be reckless enough to try and yank her through a car window?

  The ringing of her cell phone was a welcomed distraction. Otherwise, she would drive herself nuts thinking of the what-ifs. She glanced at the screen, hoping to see Angelo’s number, but instead it was her cousin.

  Zenobia pushed away from the counter. “I need to take this,” she said to Sofia and started up the stairs. “Hello.”

  “Hey, girl. How are you?”

  “I’m all right. How’s things with you?”

  “Oh no you don’t. You’ve been held up in that big house with that gorgeous tall drink of water, and I want details. Is he as good in bed as I think he is? And don’t even try and lie and say you haven’t done anything with him.”

  As Zenobia entered her bedroom and closed the door, she couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her face. Now, Angelo, in that capacity was a subject she wouldn’t mind talking about.

  Feeling lighter than she’d felt all day, Zenobia giggled and fell back on the bed. “Girrrl, let me tell you. He’s all that and then some.” For the next hour, they talked and laughed about everything and nothing. She didn’t give every detail of her rendezvous with Angelo but gave enough to let her cousin know that he knew how to please a woman. Girl talk was exactly what Zenobia needed to take her mind off her problems.

  “Are you guys still attending Tremaine’s release party this weekend?”

  Zenobia stared up at the ceiling. Since she backed out of their first-date plans for the evening, they’d decided the party would be their official first date.

  “We’ll be there. What about you guys?”

  “Please. You don’t even have to ask. I’ve been thinking about that party for weeks, and I can’t wait to rub shoulders with the rich and famous. Oh, and my dress came today. Elijah’s eyes are going to fall out of his head when he sees me in this little number.

  Zenobia laughed and scurried off the bed and went to her walk-in closet. It never got old to see the crystal chandelier sparkle to life when she flipped the light switch. As large as one of the spare bedrooms, the customized space was decked out. A center island with drawers on both ends held jewelry and accessories. Angled shelves accommodated over a hundred pairs of shoes. A remote-controlled lighting system illuminated the see-through cabinets easily displaying her clothes. Any feature Zenobia could have possibly wanted in a closet had been included.

  As her cousin went on and on about her dress, Zenobia pulled out three outfits that she hadn’t worn yet. A white strapless dress with a beaded bodice that stopped just above her knees. A red one-shoulder gown with a deep split that would showcase her left leg. And the last one was a little black dress that was conservative in the front, but the back had a deep V that stopped just above her butt.

  “Well, let me get off this phone,” Zenobia said. “I need to try these dresses on to make sure they fit.”

  “Oh please. Anything your little skinny ass wears looks amazing, but I’ll let you go. Me and my boo are hitting the club tonight. I need to finish getting dressed.”

  After they said their goodbyes, Zenobia tried on all three outfits. Twice. By the time she was done, she still hadn’t decided which one to wear.

  Wrapped in a short silk robe, she stood in front of the garments when the bedroom door opened, then closed. Seconds later, Angelo stood in the doorway of the closet.

  Seeing him dressed in all black, like that first day they’d met at Supreme, stirred all of her girlie parts. He had left his suit jacket somewhere and only wore a black button-up shirt, tie and pants. Sexy and dangerous looking, the man had her nerve endings standing on edge and sizzling.

  “You came back.” Her voice was breathier then intended as she fiddled with the belt of the short robe.

  “Of course I did.” Angelo moved slowly toward her, undoing his tie with every slow step he took. “I told you, baby. We’re in this together. That hasn’t changed. Nothing has changed.”

  The ends of the black tie hung down Angelo’s chest as he started unbuttoning his shirt, and a jolt of desire spread through Zenobia’s body. She loved watching him undress.

  “What were you doing?” he asked, dropping the shirt and tie onto the closet’s center island. That left his muscular upper body completely bare, and her mind skidded to a halt.

  “I um…I was um trying on outfits for the party Saturday night.” She gave a jerky nod toward the three choices hanging on hooks in front of her. “Do you have a preference?”

  “The white one,” he said, barely glancing at either of the garments. His gaze was solely on her.

  “The white one it is,” she said absently, too caught up with watching him remove a condom from his wallet before he unfastened his belt. Aroused and ready for whatever he had in mind, Zenobia waited with bated breath as he undid his pants and let them drop, along with his underwear, to the floor. At some point he had already kicked off his shoes.

  Backing her up to the island, Angelo caged her in with his hands on either side of her. “I’ve missed you,” he said seconds before capturing her mouth in a hungry kiss.

  No one had ever kissed her with such abandon, making her feel like the most important and cherished person on the planet. There had been moments in the day when she wondered if he’d return. Questions bombarded her mind. Could they move forward as a couple? Would he think she was tainted? Would he look at her differently?

  Now those questions didn’t matter as his large hands slipped inside of her robe, and he caressed her bare skin. As a matter of fact, nothing mattered but the way
he was worshiping her mouth and setting her body on fire.

  We’re in this together, his words from moments ago penetrated her muddled mind. We’re in this together.

  Zenobia gasped when he turned her suddenly and her back was to him. “Relax, baby,” he crooned.

  The ripping of foil caught her attention and while he sheathed himself, a sexual hunger she never knew existed filled her. Angelo nudged her legs apart and bent her forward slightly. When he started teasing her clit with the pad of his finger, Zenobia’s knees went weak. Man, he knew how to get her juices flowing.

  Angelo moaned near her ear. “I love that you’re ready for me.”

  His shaft bumped against her moist opening, and Zenobia sucked in a breath, practically melted against him as he slid into her heat.

  Holding her close, he moved in and out of her slowly at first but soon picked up speed like a man possessed. All thoughts flew from Zenobia’s mind. With her hands splayed on the counter and her body vibrating with pleasure, she was barely hanging on.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she panted with each thrust as they grew harder and more urgent, and Angelo’s arm around her waist tightened. His fingers burned into her skin and Zenobia’s breathing became more labored as waves of ecstasy throbbed through her body.

  “Ze…nobia,” Angelo growled against her ear and the gruffness of his voice along with another hard thrust sent them both barreling over the edge of control.

  Zenobia’s body exploded into a trillion little pieces, and she collapsed against the island. Angelo’s weight bore into her as they both battled to catch their breaths. They stayed in that position for the longest time, neither mumbling a word. If this was what it was going to be like with him, she was all in.

  We’re in this together, the words continued to play through her mind. We’re in this together.

  Chapter Twenty

  Angelo rubbed his hands together as he anxiously paced the family room. The guys had already been ribbing him about being nervous for a first date, but that wasn’t what had him riled. Atlanta’s Finest goal had always been to keep their clients safe, and normally Angelo didn’t doubt their abilities. Until now. Now all he could think about was what if they failed Zenobia? What if this unknown enemy lurking in the shadows managed to get the jump on them?


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