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The Fight for Britannia IV: Fighting for Humanity

Page 20

by Saxon Andrew

  RJ went to his chair and saw Connie on his monitor. Angel rushed on the bridge and ran toward her chair as RJ said, “What’s going on, Connie?”

  “Sir, it appears the aliens are withdrawing thousands of their older model Planet Killers from their lines. They’re starting to form up above their lines and it appears they are going to be moving to your side of the core.”

  RJ fell back in his chair and sighed, “I was afraid they might do this. They’re going to move enough warships from the other side of the core to launch an attack against the Stealth Civilization.”

  “That’s how I see it, Sir,” Connie replied.

  “Where are they getting those ships?”

  “Sir, they’re leaving their front defensive lines intact and taking the Planet Killers they had in place behind their lines.”

  “Connie, I need you to find a route through their lines. It would help if you can find three.”

  “Where do you want them?”

  “I want three courses that are the closest routes to one of their inhabited planets.” Connie’s eyes went wide, and RJ quickly added, “The only way to stop those warships is to force them to be withdrawn from their current mission. The only way to do that is to attack some of their planets.”

  “Sir, you’re aware that the aliens have an energy field surrounding their units on that side of the core. If any of our warships penetrate that field, they will be immediately detected and the residue on them will allow them to be followed.”

  “I’ve been told that the new negative field will prevent any residue from clinging to our ship’s hulls.”

  “I wasn’t aware of that, Sir.”

  “I’m not going to have the Garrions using the negative field during an attack, Captain. I want them followed.” RJ paused and said, “Find me those courses, Connie!”

  “Yes Sir.”

  RJ turned to Matt, “Get Commodore Troastle on my console!!” A moment later, Mike appeared on RJ’s console, “Mike, I have a mission I need you to lead immediately.” Mike’s eyes narrowed and he nodded. “The aliens are moving thousands of their Planet Killers from the other side of the core to launch an attack against the Stealth Civilization’s home worlds. I must stop that from happening.”

  Mike nodded, “I can understand that, Sir. What do you need me to do?”

  “I want you to take two-hundred of the Garrions under your command and immediately leave for the other side of the core. Once you arrive there, Captain Horton will have three courses for you. Send three ships on each to attack a Britannia Alien inhabited planet.” Mike’s eyes widened and RJ continued, “The aliens have an energy field surrounding that side of the core and your three units will be detected the moment they penetrate it.”

  “Sir, is this a suicide mission?”

  “No, Mike. The ships that have been holding station behind their defensive lines on that side of the core are being removed to launch the attack on the Stealth Civilization. Your ships will be detected when they penetrate the field but there will not be any ships to stop them once they break through. Your ships will have an energy residue on their hulls allowing them to be followed and I want them followed. Once they attack their target planets, they can use the negative field to remove the residue. It would be good if they could make it appear they were destroyed attacking the planets. But if they can’t make that happen, so be it.”

  “Sir, I’ll personally lead one of the three units going in.”

  “Mike those days are over. You are now commanding a thousand Garrions and I can’t risk losing you in combat. Your experience is vital to us carrying out our mission. You will stay out of the action unless you’re absolutely needed to blast a path through the enemy’s lines for them to get through. If they make it through, get out of there and come back here.”

  “And if they don’t, Sir?”

  RJ lowered his chin, “Then you’ll send three more units in and divide your forces to clear a path for them.” RJ paused and added, “If just one of the three units break through, that will be enough to cause the aliens great distress. Get out and don’t allow your ships to be detected.”

  “Yes, Sir, I’ll be leaving momentarily.”

  “I’ll assign someone to relieve you while you’re gone. Choose the ships you’re taking with you quickly and issue their assignments as you move over the top of the black hole.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  RJ turned to Matt, “Select the most senior officer in Matt’s unit to take command of his ships.”

  Matt quickly turned around to his console and began entering data. Three minutes later, he contacted the officer relieving Commodore Troastle.

  • • •

  Mike looked at Edward, “Have the computer select the nine best ships to pull off this mission.” Edward’s fingers flew on his console and after a moment he turned to Mike, “Sir, I’ve been given a list by the computer. It has provided the nine best ships and have assigned them to the three most qualified officers.”

  “Contact them immediately and get them on my console. While I’m communicating with them, notify the other ships of what’s going on and tell them to prepare for combat.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Mike had the nine ship commanders appear on his console and he sent them the organization of the three units. He looked at them and said, “The organizational chart I just sent shows which ships you’ll be flying with on this mission along with the commander of each unit. The computer chose you as the most qualified to carry out this mission and I’m depending on you to make it happen.” Mike spent the next ten minutes going over their orders and was surprised that none of them showed any fear. Maybe this computer knew what it was doing. At the end he said, “The Admiral is hoping you can make it look like your ships are destroyed at the planet you’re attacking. But don’t take any unnecessary risks to do that. Use your negative fields to remove the residue from your hulls and fly around the core until you reach a place to go back through the energy field with your negative fields operating. They’ll detect your passing through it but if you quickly change course, I believe they’ll lose you. Any questions?” No one replied and Mike ordered, “Unit commanders, contact Captain Horton and get your assigned courses.”

  Mike turned to Ed, “Give me another list of nine ships to use in the event the first one’s don’t get through.” Ed nodded and a few minutes later, Mike contacted the second group.

  Connie contacted Mike, “Sir, you need to stay high over the core. The first Planet Killers are starting their move over the black hole.”

  “Thanks, Captain.”

  “Good luck, Mike.” Mike smiled. Connie was something special.

  Ed looked at Mike, “I almost wish we were doing this.”

  “I thought you were over the dangerous missions?”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, there’s no part of this mission that isn’t dangerous. If the first three units don’t make it through, we’re going in to clear a path. I think getting through is far less dangerous that attacking their front lines. They’ll be warned and looking for us.”

  Mike chuckled, “Maybe you can be happy about something?”

  “I’m ecstatic about my promotion to, Captain. I just hope I live long enough to enjoy the benefits.”

  • • •

  Captain Camilla Sue Hathaway moved her three ships to the course assigned to her and waited for the other two units to move into position. She stared at the tactical monitor and saw the giant energy field below her. “Cap, how do they know this course is a good one?”

  Camilla looked at Sam, “She has ships inside the energy field, and they’ve provided the best courses through. We’re going to have to trust them?”

  “Well, no matter what happens, it has been a joy serving with you.”

  “What are you saying, Sam?”

  “I was planning to ask you to marry me, but that will have to wait now.”

  Camilla’s smile was huge, “How do you know I’d accept your proposal.�

  “You know you like my singing and can’t live without it.”

  Camilla burst out laughing and turned back to her console. The other two units had arrived in position and she said just before she pushed the thruster handle fully forward, “Don’t lose your nerve if we get out of this.” The Garrion exploded ahead at maximum speed before Sam could reply.

  • • •

  Mike waited and couldn’t stand to wait any longer, “Connie, what’s going on?”

  “All three units broke through their lines successfully. There are thousands of alien warships pursuing them but the Garrions are opening the gap.”

  “Do the planets they’re attacking have defenses?”

  “They have each been assigned a Planet Killer.” Connie paused and continued, “It appears the alien’s warships on this side of the core have not been told about maintaining a blaster barrage around them.” Mike smiled and sat back in his chair. Thank the heavens that Connie had ships inside the aliens’ lines.

  • • •

  Camilla heard Sam report, “Sir, there is a Planet Killer moving out toward us from the planet.” Camilla gritted her teeth and Sam added, “It is not firing a blaster barrage, Sir.”

  Camilla hit her communicator, “Cobalt, we’re moving to the side of the incoming Planet Killer. Slow your approach and launch two heavy missiles at it as you move into range. Once it fires at you, activate your negative field and get out of here!!”

  “Order acknowledged, Sir,” Captain Ambrose answered.

  The planet was growing larger by the second and Camilla stared at the tactical. She quickly ordered, “Gemini, we’re not going to pick targets to hit, that entire planet is just one large city. Launch a spread of heavy missiles at the northern continent and I’ll launch at the southern.”

  “Yes Sir!”

  • • •

  The Cobalt rushed in on the Planet Killer, slowed, and launched two heavy missiles. The missiles disappeared ahead of the ship as the Planet Killer opened fire with its powerful main blaster. It hit the Cobalt and Ambrose activated the negative field. The blaster beam split in half and the Cobalt flew to the port side and moved out of the beam. In an instant, it flew away at maximum speed.

  • • •

  The commander of the closest pursuing Planet Killer stood up, “WHAT HAPPENED?”

  “Ship Leader, it appears the ship it was firing on was heavily damaged and crashed into it,” the Scanning Leader responded.

  “Fire all blasters at those ships when they’re in range,” the Ship Leader ordered. It was going to take more than just the main beam to take them out.

  • • •

  Camilla watched the planet approaching and yelled over her communicator,

  Gemini, slow your approach so that we arrive just above the atmosphere as the missiles hit the planet. Once they detonate, activate your negative field and fly at maximum speed to the portside.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  The two Garrions arrived just above the planet’s atmosphere and Camilla saw the pursuing alien warships moving in at incredible speed. The planet’s dark side lit up like daylight and the two Garrions activated their negative fields and flew away at maximum speed.

  • • •

  The Senior Leader in the pursuing warships watched his monitor and saw massive explosions on the planet’s surface. He yelled at his Scanning Leader, “WHERE ARE THOSE TWO SHIPS?”

  The Scanning Leader stared at his console and then looked up, “It appears they crashed their ships into the planet’s surface.”


  “They followed the missiles in and disappeared in the explosions. They must have suicided their ships, Ship Leader.”

  The Ship Leader slammed an appendage on his chair, “This wouldn’t have happened if our defenses weren’t weakened. Contact the Supreme War Leader and report on what happened here!”

  The Communication Leader activated his console and didn’t want to be the one delivering this message, but he had no way to avoid it.”

  • • •

  RJ sat in his command chair and watched thousands of Planet Killers moving over the top of the black hole and form up behind the aliens’ front lines. Suddenly, the ones that were still coming over the top stopped, reversed course, and moved quickly away. He smiled slightly, “It appears our attacks were successful.”

  Angel scowled and shook her head, “If I were them, I’d still launch the attack and end the threat.” RJ chuckled and Angel turned to him, “What do you find amusing?”

  “When the Henricks scouted the Britannia Aliens’ Territory decades ago, they discovered the ruling planet of the aliens is located on the other side of the core from us. Don’t you think they might not be so forgiving of being placed in danger while they launch this attack. I suspect the one that ordered this attack might be in some hot water.”

  • • •

  The Second greeted the new Supreme War Leader on the bridge and saluted him. The New War Leader returned his salute and smiled, “You are indeed fortunate that you were on record as to opposing this recent action taken by the former War Leader.”

  “I told him that he should not weaken any of our defenses to launch an attack, Supremacy.”

  “So, you did.”

  “What are you planning to do about this, Supremacy?”

  “We will take all the new warships built over the next six months and use them to attack the Stealth Civilization.”

  “How many ships will be in the attack, Supremacy?”

  “A little more than a thousand of our most advanced ships. That should be enough to handle this, wouldn’t you agree?”

  The Second had grave misgivings but he replied, “Yes, Supremacy. And we’ll be able to do it without weakening our defenses.”

  The War Leader smiled, “You wanted to get that on the record again, didn’t you?”

  The Second started to lie but said, “One can never be too careful.”

  The War Leader laughed, “I think I can work with you. At least you’re honest. Update me on everything that’s happened out here.” The Second nodded, activated the main wall monitor, and started the first recording.

  • • •

  RJ contacted Connie and asked, “Were any of our Garrions detected escaping?”

  “No, Admiral. The one’s chosen by Commodore Troastle managed to escape without being detected by the aliens. He chose good crews to carry out this mission. He’s leaving alien space now and should be back shortly.”

  “Thank you, Connie. Tell your crews they did an excellent job providing courses for our ships.”

  “I will, Sir. And thank you.”

  RJ scrolled down his communicator and pressed a button. Kendal appeared on his monitor and he asked, “Has Matt sent you a report on the mission?”

  “Yes Sir, he has.”

  “The mission was a success and I’m contacting you to request a promotion for one of your officers.”

  “Sir, that’s not necessary.”

  “I’m recommending that Commodore Troastle be promoted to Junior Admiral commanding the four Garrion units assigned to my unit. He pulled off the mission and he’s been invaluable in making our mission successful.”

  Kendal smiled, “I’ll send the recommendation to Admiral Connor and I’m sure she’ll approve it.”

  “You might want to contact him and be the one to congratulate him once it’s approved.”

  “Thank you for giving me that opportunity, Sir.” RJ nodded and ended the call.

  The crew stared at RJ and Joe asked, “Sir, how do you manage to keep track of all the details?”

  RJ laughed, “I have a great crew that frees me up to focus on them, Joe.” Angel laughed with the others but realized that RJ was growing as a commander. He was much more than she originally thought.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Time passed quickly and RJ knew he had to make a critical decision. Would he allow the Britannia Aliens’ attack on the Stealth Civilization to
proceed without interference or would he step in and attack. He had delayed the attack seven and a half months and by the time the attack was launched, he would have met the mission parameters of delaying them for eight months. Angel saw he was worried and asked, “Have you decided?” RJ shook his head. “Why would you want to intervene, RJ? You know they’ll be firing blaster barrages around their warships and our missiles will be ineffective in stopping them.”

  “I’m not concerned about the missiles, Angel.”

  “Then why would you consider attacking them?”

  RJ raised a shoulder and turned to her, “We have not used our cutters in any of the engagements. We know where we stand on the missiles and that issue is hopefully being corrected. What happens if our cutters aren’t capable of blowing through their overlapping blaster barrages.”

  Angel’s eyes narrowed, “I didn’t think of that. But surely our cutters can blow through their defenses.”

  “What do you mean by ‘our’?” Angel’s head went back slightly. “I have no doubt the Hare’s cutters will get through but what about the Garrion cutters. They’re only powered by three reactors instead of five and their reactors aren’t as large as those in the Hares.” Angel was silent as she thought about the issue and RJ continued, “Keep in mind that the Garrion’s cutters will have to be fired from at least eighty miles from their targets which will be the outer edge of the alien’s blaster barrages.”

  “I understand now, RJ. We have to find out if the Garrion’s cutters can get through those barrages.”

  “It’s not that simple, Angel.”

  “What am I missing?”

  “What if they can’t?”

  “I’m not sure what you’re asking, RJ.”

  “So our Garrions open fire on a thousand of their major warships and are incapable of hitting them. We already know the heavy missiles are ineffective against their barrages. I only have fifty King Hare Warships out here and there’s no possible way they can take out all of those ships. Once the Hares start hitting their warships, they will turn around and flee back to their territory and report the existence of our cutters.”


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