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Reaper's Fire

Page 16

by Katherine Bogle

  So instead of facing it all, I buried myself in pillows and blankets and hid. A very adult way of coping if you ask me. Sometimes you just need to forget about the world for awhile and mope, and that’s okay.

  Unfortunately, my new roommates didn’t seem to agree.

  A soft knock at the door made me sigh. I peeked out from beneath my duvet, narrowing my eyes at the door as if that’d help me see through it.

  It was probably Ryker coming to console me, or maybe Ky wanted to lift my spirits. I wasn’t in the mood for either, and briefly considered ignoring the knock altogether. Maybe they’d think I was still asleep and leave me alone.

  “Clara?” Zane’s voice came from the other side of the door.

  My eyes widened. Well that was a surprise.

  Unease turned my stomach. I pulled my duvet tighter around me like the fabric was a shield. “Yes?” I called back.

  “May I come in?”

  Well that was awfully polite for the normally careless Reaper. Was he going to be nice just because I was upset?

  “I suppose,” I said carefully.

  The door clicked before easing open. Zane peeked in, put together as always with his full black body gear and carefully styled hair. He raised an eyebrow as our eyes met. “Are you… all right?” he asked.

  It was my turn to raise an eyebrow. Zane never asked after my wellbeing. “No,” I said bluntly.

  Zane took in my blanket cocoon and nodded as if he truly understood. Only, Zane didn’t understand. From the look on his face last night, I was sure of it. Killing a person was nothing to him. He’d never understand how I felt right now, like my world was caving in around me, slowly suffocating me.

  “What do you want?” I asked. I didn’t try to hide my impatience. All I wanted to do was forget about last night and seeing him was only bringing it all back in vivid detail.

  His nostrils flared, but he didn’t snap like I’d come to expect of the surly man. Instead, he met my gaze levelly. “The princess has summoned you.”

  I inhaled sharply. Nausea burned up my throat and I clamped my teeth shut hard to hold it at bay. Already? Elizabeth must have known I’d delivered, but she’d summoned me anyway. Was it to congratulate me, or deliver another ultimatum? Knowing her, it was probably both.

  “W-When?” I stammered. “When is she expecting me?”

  Zane worked his jaw as if he didn’t like it anymore than I. “Two hours from now.”

  I yanked up my duvet, covering my head as I groaned into the covers. This unbelievable bitch. I don’t think I’d ever hated someone as much as I loathed her. She was going to be the death of me if I wasn’t careful. “Fine,” I mumbled.


  I sighed and pushed the blanket off my head. “I said fine.”

  Zane’s lips turned up at the edges as if he might smile, but by the time I’d blinked, it was gone. I sat up, patting down my unruly hair. I’m sure that’s what he’d found so funny. “All right. We’ll leave in an hour.”

  “Okay.” I leaned against the headboard. Zane gave me one last long look before he slipped out of the room and closed the door again.

  As soon as he was gone, my eyes burned. Elizabeth. That wicked bitch really wanted to rub it in my face that I finally did what she’d asked. How was I supposed to get out from under her thumb? There had to be a way.

  After the first time I’d met the real Elizabeth, I’d made a promise. I was going to bring her down. Only, it was hard to do that when you were a powerless new demon afraid of your own shadow. I needed help. I needed someone who could stand by my side in this.

  I kneaded my lip as I glanced at my nightstand. My phone lay there charging beside the lamp.

  If I needed someone to help me, I had to pick one of the men in this apartment. I couldn’t bring Mom into this, and I couldn’t ask my friends either. So that meant I had to choose. Ryker had done nothing but help me since we’d met, and Ky was quickly catching up. But Zane?

  I sighed. I couldn’t trust Zane.

  Grabbing my phone, I unlocked it before flipping to the messenger app. I brought up Ryker’s contact and typed a quick message:

  ‘I need your help. I have to figure out a way to stop Elizabeth.’

  I hit send before I could talk myself out of it. As much as I didn’t want to involve Ryker in this anymore than I had already, I needed him. He was strong, and knew so much more about the supernatural world than I did. There weren’t many people in my new world that I could trust, but Ryker was certainly one of them.

  My phone beeped and I glanced down to find Ryker’s answer.

  ‘Whatever you need, love.’

  A smile crept across my face and my heart skipped. Love. That’s the first time he’d ever called me that. I wondered what it’d sound like on his lips in that crisp British accent.

  I shivered, and shook myself internally. Now wasn’t the time to be fantasizing about the hot vampire in my living room. I had a wicked witch to face.

  “You’re absolutely certain there’s no way she could figure out you delivered the soul instead of me?” I asked Zane at least the hundredth time that car ride.

  Zane sighed, gazing up at the ceiling for a moment before he looked back out the windshield. “I’m certain.”

  Still, doubt gnawed at me. If there was a way to tell, Elizabeth would find it, and she’d use it to nail my ass to the wall. “But what if—”

  “Clara,” Ryker said gently. He sat in the backseat, leaning forward to grip my shoulder. His touch sent butterflies flitting through my belly and warmth blossomed in my chest. I reached up and held his hand, earning a handsome smile from the vampire. “You’re spiraling. Listen to Zane. He knows far more about this than we do.”

  I bit my lip. He was right. Zane had years of experience dealing with Elizabeth and reaping. But that didn’t stop me from worrying. “You’re right,” I said on a sigh.

  Zane snorted. “Finally.”

  I cut him a look. “Shut up.”

  The Reaper rolled his eyes. “We’re nearly there.”

  My pulse pounded as I released Ryker’s hand and peered out the front window of the car. The Westmount Hotel loomed up ahead, dark clouds brewing in the distant sky. If it weren’t for the bad weather, Ryker wouldn’t be with us today. At least the weather was on my side.

  Ky purred and pressed against me until I pet his head. “Don’t worry, Ky. I’ll be fine.”

  The cat shifter had let his feelings be known before we left. He didn’t want me going anymore than I wanted to go. Ryker felt the same, but they both understood the gravity of the situation. Yet still they’d insisted on coming. I was only grateful that Zane convinced them they couldn’t go inside with us.

  Not that I wanted Zane going in there either. I might not trust him, or even like him much, but he’d taken many stab wounds because of my stupidity, and I didn’t want him to get hurt because of me again.

  Zane pulled up on the opposite side of the street, putting the car in park before he undid his seatbelt.

  “Wait,” I snapped.

  He froze, glaring at me with dark eyes. “You’re not stalling again, are you?”

  I shook my head. “No.” He narrowed his eyes further. “No, I mean it. I just… I think you should stay here with Ryker and Ky.”

  Zane’s eyes widened slightly. “What?”

  “You should stay here so you don’t get hurt again,” I rushed to explain, my cheeks burning. “If you go up there Elizabeth might find some reason to punish you, but if you stay here, she’ll have no one to use against me.”

  Zane’s shoulders relaxed, and I swear that ghost of a smile crossed his face again. “I’m going, Clara. Stop stalling.” He opened the door and stepped out before I could stop him.

  “Zane,” I growled. “I’m being serious.”

  Zane rested his forearm on the roof of the black sedan and leaned inside, meeting my stern gaze. “So am I.”

  I bristled. “Please, you’re not listening.”
/>   “Clara,” Ryker said. I looked back at the vampire, more arguments on my tongue. “Someone needs to be there with you.”

  I snapped my mouth shut. “Not if it means they get hurt.”

  “Get out of the car,” Zane said, straightening. He closed the door, cutting me off.

  “It’ll be fine,” Ryker said. Though he didn’t sound worried, his forehead wrinkled and his eyebrows were cinched—telltale worried signs. “Zane will protect you.”

  I scoffed and opened the car door. “There is not a single piece of that man that would protect me over himself.” I stepped out and placed Ky on the seat before giving them both a little wave. “I’ll be back soon. Be good.”

  Ky twitched his whiskers, narrowing his eyes indignantly. He knew I meant him. Ryker was always good.

  I smiled as I closed the door softly and followed Zane across the street. The Reaper stayed close, even as we walked up the steps to the Westmont. With every step my heart pounded harder. This hotel was giving me PTSD. Every time I went inside something bad happened. Zane was stabbed, ultimatums were delivered, and I’d left knowing I had people to kill if I wanted my loved ones to live. Nervous sweat dripped down my spine. I tried to tell myself that everything would be fine, but I knew better.

  Nothing was fine when it came to Elizabeth. Which is why I had to figure out a way to stop her from controlling me. Once I was out of her grasp, I could get my friends and Mom to safety and then figure out a way to deal with her for good.

  Did that mean killing a potentially ancient being? Maybe. Was she the only person I was actually down to kill? One hundred percent.

  “Breathe,” Zane said.

  I glanced up. His dark eyes were guarded, but something warm lay behind that mask. Before I could get a better look, my chest panged painfully and I took a breath. Good lord, he was right. I’d forgotten to breathe that’s how terrified I was.

  I nodded my thanks and the Reaper led the way across the lobby to the elevator. It wasn’t long before we were locked inside and ascending to my own personal hell.

  Chapter 19

  The second the elevator doors opened, a tinkle of a laugh met my ears. My eyebrows furrowed as I stepped out, peering down the long ornate corridor in search of the source. But the hall was empty, and the laughter distant. It didn’t sound like Elizabeth. Did that mean the queen of mean had a guest?

  I glanced at Zane, but his face was all stone. His fists clenched and his shoulders tensed. Did he know who was visiting Elizabeth?

  “Good afternoon.”

  I jumped, spinning to find Elizabeth’s butler standing several feet away. If I didn’t know he was a vampire, I’d think he’d teleported to the spot.

  “Good afternoon,” Zane mimed back in a deep monotone.

  The butler nodded his greeting and held out a hand to welcome us in. Zane was the first to move, striding away like we weren’t about to face a Princess of Hell. The one woman who could end everyone I loved.

  Cold sweat slipped down my spine and my hands shook as I slowly followed the Reaper. He didn’t look back, and kept a brisk pace as he marched towards my greatest enemy.

  We turned the corner and emerged in Elizabeth’s sitting room. The fire crackled in the marble fireplace, casting warm light over the princess and her blonde companion.

  The woman looked over her shoulder as Elizabeth glanced up. Her sparkling blue eyes were framed by thick black lashes, and her skin was pale, poreless perfection. I’d never seen a vampire with blue eyes, but what else could she be?

  “You’ve finally arrived,” Elizabeth said, her voice light and airy as she stood with a swoosh of her skirt. “It’s about time.”

  I looked between Elizabeth and her companion, my mouth dry. I had no idea what I was walking into, but I had a bad feeling. “Apologies,” I muttered.

  Elizabeth smirked and stepped towards me, motioning for me to take her seat. “Go on. Have a seat. I’m proud of you, Clara. You delivered.”

  I clenched my fists, rage boiling through me so fast that my lungs constricted. She was so damn condescending. She really thought she’d won just because I’d finally killed one dirtbag rapist in an alley.

  No fucking way. This bitch wouldn’t win. I wouldn’t let her.

  Slowly, I took a seat. The princess’ grin only grew as I obeyed her command while Zane slipped off to the side like a trained bodyguard.

  “Good girl,” Elizabeth purred. She ran her fingertip down her cheekbone, chuckling. “To be honest, I wasn’t sure you could do it. You have such a pure heart, but I knew your demoness would win out eventually.”

  I bit my tongue hard, searing pain barely holding back my retort. Instead, I remained silent, my fists shaking in my lap.

  Elizabeth’s devious smile turned menacing as she looked between Zane and I. “Her training is going well, I presume?”

  Zane nodded brusquely. “Yes, Princess.”

  “Good.” Elizabeth turned, and her eyes widened slightly as she spied her guest. “Oh where are my manners? Apologies, Helena. This is my newest… project, Clara.”

  Helena’s eyes scanned me from head to toe, her cold calculation rivaling Zane’s. “Hello.”

  “And Clara, this is Helena Beaupart, Queen of Vampires. We’re old friends.”

  My eyebrows shot up and my rage cooled slightly. Queen of Vampires? Did that mean the vampires worked on a monarchy system even today? “Hello,” I said politely. The last thing I wanted to do was make either of them angry.

  “If you don’t mind Helena, we’ll take a brief pause on our conversation. Shall I have Henry fetch you refreshments?” Elizabeth motioned at her butler, who promptly stepped inside the doorway.

  “Yes, please.” Helena sighed. “It’s been a trying time.”

  “Oh yes. I was so sorry to hear about Jade.” For the first time since we’d met, Elizabeth’s face melted into that of concern. Real concern, not fake empathy like she’d shown me as Eli.

  Helena nodded. “Thank you.” She cleared her throat before standing. “I’ll take those refreshments in the kitchen. We can speak more after your… meeting.” The vampire glanced at me and back at Elizabeth before following Henry out of the room.

  “Speak soon, love,” Elizabeth called after her.

  It was the strangest interaction I’d ever seen. Did Elizabeth actually have friends? Or at least people she cared for? I found it hard to believe, but if she did, maybe I could use them to my advantage somehow. I’d have to ask Ryker once we were back in the car.

  “All right,” Elizabeth said as she took a seat opposite me. “Let’s get down to business. How was your first kill, Clara-dear? It wasn’t so bad was it?”

  My stomach clenched at the memory of blood washing the alley floor, my own body covered after the fact. I shivered and clenched the hem of my shirt. “It was horrible.”

  She chuckled and rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on. Some part of you had to like it. You are a demon after all.”

  I ground my teeth so hard my jaw ached. “I did not enjoy killing someone, Elizabeth.”

  Her smile faltered. “What a killjoy. You’ll learn to love it eventually. After all, this is your life now.”

  Fucking bitch. I held my teeth shut as hard as I could. If I spoke now, I’d only get myself into trouble. No matter how much I wanted to tell her where to go and how to get there, now wasn’t the time. With a glance at Zane, my resolve only hardened. I wouldn’t be the reason he got hurt again.

  “Fine, be mad if you want, but in time you’ll be just like the others,” Elizabeth said, brushing off my silence.

  Hold your tongue, Clara. Hold. It.

  When I didn’t respond again, Elizabeth’s nostrils flared. She pursed her lips, anger flashing in her eyes. She wanted to see me squirm, and by not taking the bait, she was losing in a small way. I’d take my little victories where I could get them.

  “Fine,” Elizabeth said. She stood, hands on her hips. “You may leave.”

  Cold relief poured through me.
Thank, God.

  I nearly leapt to my feet in my haste to leave. I met Zane’s gaze, surprised to find relief there as well.

  I’d barely made it two steps before Elizabeth’s cold voice halted me in my tracks.

  “Oh, one more thing Clara-dear.”

  I stiffened, my whole body tense with rattled nerves. Slowly, I turned to look at the princess. Her smirk told me everything I need to know. She was about to fuck me over, and not in a fun way. “Y-Yes?”

  “You’ll deliver two souls to me now instead of one. You have a week.” Elizabeth’s eyes glinted with cold amusement. She was enjoying my suffering. Every minute of it brought her pleasure. She had to be from Hell. Only someone born of hellfire could be this much of a giant dick.

  “You can’t be serious,” I said on a breath. My fists shook, my nails digging into my palms. Zane took my elbow, squeezing in warning.

  Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

  My heart pounded hard as I stared her down. “Two souls instead of one? Already?”

  She shrugged. “It’s far less than I expect of my other subjects. You should be grateful. I could make it three.”

  Pain shot through my hands as my nails broke skin. She wanted me to be fucking grateful? This psychopath had to be stopped. No, she had to be put down. And I had to be the one to do it.

  “Two will be fine,” I said through clenched teeth. I barely got the words out. My whole body trembled with rage the longer I stood staring at her smug face.

  Her smile widened. “Good. Then I’ll see you next week.”

  Zane squeezed my elbow and pulled me forward. I let him move me, turning me back to the door and gently nudging me ahead. I walked woodenly, one foot in front of the other until finally we arrived at the elevator. As soon as we were inside, descending for the lobby, I slammed my fist against the wall and hissed out a breath.

  “Fucking bitch,” I growled.


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