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Proving A Point

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by Lexi Archer

  Proving A Point

  Lexi Archer


  1. Never Happening

  2. Tension

  3. Hot and Wet

  4. Harsh Realities

  5. Dirty Little Game

  6. Big Secret

  7. Coming to Terms

  8. Would You?

  9. Fantasizing

  10. Out With the Guys

  11. Commands

  12. Girl on Girl

  13. Homecoming

  14. Proposed Swap

  15. Proving A Point

  More from Lexi Archer

  Proving A Point

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2019 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, April 2019

  Let your fantasies come true with Lexi Archer…

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  Never Happening

  “And I’m telling you I don’t care how many times you tell me it turns you on. That’s never happening,” Diana said.

  I tried to hide some of the frustration I felt. More than anything, though, I was trying to hide the hardon that was threatening to overwhelm me and lead to an awkward situation.

  I mean it wasn’t every day that you confessed to your bride-to-be that the one thing that turned you on more than anything was the thought of other guys fucking her. I guess I should’ve been glad that she wasn’t trying to kick me out or something.

  I’d heard of guys who had that happen when they finally got around to confessing their big secret.

  “Is it that I’m not enough for you or something?” she asked, looking up at me and seeming genuinely hurt.

  “What?” I asked. “That’s not what I’m trying to say at all. You’ve always been my number one girl, and you’re always going to be the only girl for me!”

  “Yeah? Well if that’s the case then why are you hitting me with this stupid fantasy?” she asked.

  I paused for a moment to try and figure out where the hell I needed to go from here. Because I had no idea what the fuck she was going on about.

  “Um, I’m afraid I don’t understand where you’re getting that you’re not enough for me from me telling you the thought of you fucking another guy turns me on,” I said. “Maybe you could explain the stations that logic train is stopping at or something?”

  “Well you’d only say something like that if you were trying to get permission to fuck other girls,” she said. “Why else would a guy confess to something like that? It makes no sense otherwise!”

  And now we were getting to something that I could totally understand. Sort of. For all that nothing she was saying really made all that much sense. Clearly she hadn’t been listening to me when I told her why this turned me on.

  That was the advice. Make it all about me and not about her. About how much it turned me on thinking about her fucking other guys. I needed to make it about me because otherwise I ran the risk of making her think… Something.

  I don’t know. I was just following some advice I found online. I figured this was the kind of thing I needed to get out in the open before we walked down the aisle rather than waiting for most of our marriage to spring it on her and then finding myself on the business end of divorce papers.

  Only it wasn’t working out quite like that.

  “Look. I can assure you that the last thing I want is to fuck other women,” I said. “I mean I see other women and I think they’re attractive, but it’s not like I want to actually fuck them or anything. I mean sure there are some women that I’d fuck if I was single and all that, but…”

  I trailed off. From the look she was giving me, a deep glare if I’d ever seen one, she wasn’t all that happy about my attempts to dig myself out of a hole. If anything it would seem that my attempts to dig out of the hole were only making that hole deeper and deeper.


  “This isn’t about me trying to fuck other women,” I said. “At no point do I think I said anything about fucking other women. This is totally about me getting turned on thinking about you fucking other guys, and nothing more.”

  She stared up at me and there were tears welling up in her eyes. Oh fuck. This is probably the last thing I wanted to happen with this discussion, and now here it was about to happen. She looked like she was on the verge of blowing her stack.

  “I can’t believe you’d want me to be a slut like that!” she said. “I can’t believe you’d think I was ever capable of doing something like that! All I ever wanted was you, and now you’re saying that’s not good enough for you?”


  “And on top of that you’re telling me there are other women you want to fuck?” she growled. “What the fuck is that even about?”

  I shrugged. I didn’t know what else to say. What else was there to say at this point? Finally I sighed. There wasn’t anything else to say.

  “Y’know what?” I said. “Maybe it’s time we drop this, because clearly it was a bad fucking idea for me to ever bring it up in the first place.”

  “You’re damn right it was a bad idea for you to ever bring it up in the first place!” she said. “I can’t believe you’d ever want me to be a slut like that.”

  I sighed. Turned to leave the bedroom. The really fucked up thing was I was still rock hard thinking about all the things I’d like to see her doing with another man. Only now it was looking like that wasn’t likely to happen any time soon.

  “Forget we ever mentioned it,” I said.

  I stepped out of the bedroom and started gathering sheets and a comforter from the linen closet without really thinking about it. On the one hand this seemed like the kind of night where I could look forward to sleeping on the couch, and on the other hand after the way she’d just reacted to me telling her about this fantasy I honestly wasn’t sure if I wanted to sleep in the same bed with her.

  I knew this fantasy was asking a lot. It was a fantasy too far. The kind of thing that was really out there.

  The problem was I also knew it was a fantasy that I couldn’t live without. I knew there was no way I was going to be happy in a relationship where this wasn’t the kind of thing I could ever indulge in, and with our wedding coming up in less than a month I was pretty sure that meant this was going to be the end of all our fun before it even began.

  Son of a bitch.



  I woke up to the dulcet tones of my phone screeching at me and letting me know that it was time to get the fuck up. I groaned a couple of times as I tried to figure out where the hell I was, then rolled over and remembered that I’d slept on the couch.

  At least it was a nice and comfy couch. That was about the only good thing I’d had going for me for the past week. I rubbed my eyes to get some of the sleep out of them and then looked down the hall towards the bedroom.

  Diana had never actually gotten around to kicking me out of the room. No, she’d simply walked out here on the first night when I’d voluntarily set up shop on the couch, smiled as though all was right with the world, and then gone back to our room and slammed the door.

  She did the same this morning. She stepped out of our room and my breath caught. For all that we hadn’t been speaking for a few days now, she was still beautiful. And something told me she was doing this on purpose.

  She’d stepped out
of the bedroom and was going to take a shower in the hall bathroom. Not the one that was attached to our bedroom. Which meant she was coming out here on purpose. No doubt to try and fuck with my head.

  Well if she thought she could do that… Honestly she was right on the money. I stared at her naked body like a starving man might stare at some food that was just out of reach.

  Because we sure as hell hadn’t been physical with each other for at least a few days. That was just as frustrating as everything else about this, for all that I wasn’t sure what the hell I was going to do about this.

  I knew I couldn’t live with the thought of never being able to live with this fantasy. I knew I couldn’t live without Diana.

  I also knew that if I broke things off with Diana there would be bills for the upcoming wedding to think about, but at the same time it would be a hell of a lot cheaper than a divorce and I might be able to find someone who would be willing to indulge in this fantasy at some point down the line.

  Not someone who wasn’t even willing to listen to me and did her best to shut me down before we could even have a real conversation.

  She looked at me in her full naked glory, that was another thing I was sure she was doing to taunt me, then sashayed her way into the bathroom. The door closed behind her and I heard the shower turn on in there.

  Fuck. I was so fucking hard just from looking at her. From thinking of all the things I wanted to do to her. The real bitch was I was also thinking of all the things I wouldn’t mind watching someone else do to her.

  She hit me with a look that was pure sex. Which was more than she’d hit me with in quite some time. It was the kind of look that had my cock hardening as, again, I thought of all the things I’d like to do to her.

  But it was also something that wasn’t going to happen. She slammed the door shut loud enough to let mek now I was still in the doghouse for what I’d confessed to her, and that was that. I heard the shower turn on, and I knew that the water was running down her body.

  I also knew that she probably didn’t want anything to do with me. She’d been spending the past few days glaring at me and generally acting like she was royally pissed off. As though it was my fault.

  I mean maybe it was sort of my fault, but what the fuck ever. The point is she was the one who’d been running me through the wringer, and the more I thought about it the more pissed off I got thinking about it.

  I found myself standing from the couch. Blinking the last bits of sleep away from my eyes. It’s not like it was all that difficult to blink the last bits of sleep away from my eyes considering that show she’d just given me had woken me up nice and good.

  So I walked over to the bathroom entrance. I tried the handle, and was surprised to realize the thing wasn’t locked. It’s not like there was any reason for us to have any of the doors locked in the apartment, but then again it’s also not like she’d been all that happy with me lately.

  Still, the door was open, and that was enough for me. I stepped into the bathroom, still not entirely sure what the fuck I was doing. She was behind the shower curtain, but she hadn’t realized I was in here with her. At least she hadn’t started yelling at me to get the fuck out of there which I figured she would’ve been doing if she had any idea that I was in there.

  I took a deep breath and started taking my clothes off. She was the one who’d walked through the apartment wearing nothing, after all. She was the one who’d given me those eyes. She was the one who seemed to be enjoying driving me wild and teasing me.

  Well I was going to show her.

  I pulled my clothes off and my cock stood straight out. Oh yeah. The rest of me might be pissed off at her for the way she’d been treating me over the past couple of days, but my cock knew who was buttering our bread and it was open for business and ready to have a little bit of fun.

  Even if there was a part of me that couldn’t help but think that this might be the last bit of fun that we ever had together if she continued acting pissy like she had been lately.

  What the fuck ever. I took a deep breath and stepped through the curtains, willing to take whatever came at me as a result of interrupting her in her pre-work shower and knowing this could end with a very pissed off fiancee and me getting kicked out of the bathroom and maybe even the apartment if this really pissed her off.


  Hot and Wet

  Nothing happened, but it wasn’t because my future wife was happy to see me in there with her in the shower. No, I figured it had everything to do with the fact that she had her eyes closed and she was running her hair under the water.

  No, she wasn’t just running her hair under the water. It looked like someone was just as turned on as I was. At least if the hand down between her legs was anything to go on.

  Holy shit. She was in here playing with herself! Maybe there had been more to that look she gave me as she pranced through the apartment as naked as the day she was born. I was suddenly glad that I’d taken advantage of this golden opportunity.

  Even if there was still a part of me that felt like this wasn’t a good idea. That maybe it wasn’t a good idea to get hot and heavy with someone who was willing to treat me the way she’d treated me because she couldn’t handle me confessing something important to her.

  But then there was the sight of her playing with herself, pressing one of her fingers in her pussy, and I’m gonna be honest. With my cock as rock hard as it was I was having trouble thinking of anything but how fucking hot she looked fingering herself.

  Diana opened her mouth and a little moan escaped from her lips. I could hardly believe that she was in here playing with herself like that, but at the same time it’s not like it was a huge surprise that she was in here playing with herself like that. Not when I was pretty sure she was just as hard up as I was after being without the dick for a few days.

  Hey, we might be going through some trouble right about now, but that didn’t mean we didn’t have a good sex life when you really got down to it. We got it on pretty regularly, and that was part of the reason why I thought she just might be down with the idea of getting a little bit of strange from some other dude’s dick.

  Even if it had turned out that she wasn’t as down for it as I’d thought she might be.

  “Oh fuck Craig,” she moaned, biting her lip.

  Well then. That got my cock even harder than it’d been before. I arched an eyebrow, but I also held my fucking breath. Because you bet your ass if she was saying the name of my best friend, and best man for our upcoming wedding assuming that wedding still happened, then I was going to stand here and try to figure out exactly where the fuck this was going.

  “Yeah Craig,” she whimpered as she pressed another finger inside her. “Oh yeah. He’s totally into this, the fucking loser.”

  Her hips were churning now. My cock was as hard as I think it’d ever been. There’d been a moment when I’d worried about the possibility that my future wife might’ve already been cheating on me with another man.

  I’d followed some of the stories from other men who were interested in convincing their wives to do something like this. I knew that it was something that happened at least some of the time, even if it was a rare thing. And I knew that the guys who found themselves in that situation usually weren’t sure whether or not that was a blessing or a curse that their wives had been sleeping around on them the entire fucking time they’d been fantasizing about having their wives sleep around on them.

  “Fuck,” she said, getting a little louder.

  She opened her eyes and glanced to the door. It would’ve been funny if it wasn’t so fucking serious. The only problem being that I was standing right there in the shower with her, and there was no way she could miss me standing right there with her now that she’d turned to have a look out of the shower.

  Sure enough when she turned back she saw me standing there with my cock jutting out from my body. She regarded me for a moment, then jumped as she let out the kind of yelp that can only come f
rom a woman who thought she was in serious trouble.

  I wasn’t sure if that was because there was a man who was in the shower with her and she hadn’t quite registered that it was me standing in there freaking her the fuck out, or if she was freaking the fuck out because she’d realized that I’d been standing here with my cock jutting out listening to her fantasizing about Craig fucking her while she finger fucked herself.

  Either way she jumped and tried to get out of the shower. The only problem being she wasn’t really thinking straight, and so she went tumbling as she nearly fell out of the shower.

  Luckily I was right there to catch her. I picked her up like it was nothing, which was easy to do since she really weighed nothing, and cradled her in my arms. I stared down at my beautiful wife to be and wondered what the fuck we were going to do here. She stared up at me knowing she’d been caught and looking as though she was having trouble figuring out where the fuck we were going to go from here.

  Then nature started to take over. Sure I might’ve been pissed off at her. That anger might’ve been what prompted me to come in here in the first place to do… something. I wasn’t even sure what the fuck my plan was at this point.

  But now there was something else taking over. I mad my woman in my arms and she was so light and so warm and so wet and so fucking sexy. And she’d just been going to town on herself thinking about another man fucking her even though she’d told me straight up that would never happen.


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