The Sheriff's Outcast Bride
Page 8
“It doesn’t matter. I love Ryan and I want to be his wife. The sooner the better.” Even now she couldn’t believe he really wanted to marry her. Surely some of the mud his father had slung at her would have stuck in his mind. He must have doubts. Back in civilization in this town where he was obviously known and liked, he might have second thoughts about marrying her. It would mean cutting all ties with Vaughn and probably Jase. Was it selfish expecting him to sacrifice so much?
“The bath is ready.” Alf coming back broke into her brooding.
“Come along, my dear.” Maude linked arms with her and they passed through a curtain behind the shop counter. They entered a well-furnished parlor, spotlessly clean, which made her feel even more wretched.
Out in the kitchen, resting on the cobbled floor was a large tin hip bath. A tall man like Ryan would have to scrunch himself up to fit, but for her she could stretch out almost fully.
“You get undressed and hop in,” Maude instructed. “I’ve got lavender soap to wash your hair with.” She clomped off.
Becky stepped out of her clothes and kicked them aside. If she never saw them again it would be too soon. Climbing into the tub, she sank into the warm water with a sigh. What bliss.
Maude returned holding a square of soap and a couple of towels. “Would you like me to wash your hair?”
“Yes please, that would be divine. I’m sorry to have come here in such a state.”
“Don’t worry about it. Ryan has been a good friend to us in the past. Nothing we do for him will ever repay him for what he did for us”
Becky wanted to ask what Ryan had done for them, but didn’t quite dare. When she stretched her legs out, only her feet dangled over the edge. Maude soaped her hair and rubbed it vigorously. Becky closed her eyes at this unaccustomed luxury. She used to wash Lucinda’s hair for her, but the act was never reciprocated Stop thinking of Lucinda. She cares nothing for you. Her dirty fingernails meant more to her than your life. It was soul destroying.
Ryan said he loved her, but did he? More like pity for the predicament she was in. Obligation? The doubts kept spinning around inside her head.
Maude, once she finished washing her hair, used a jug of water to rinse out the soap. “I’ll get you a coffee. You can drink it while you relax in the tub for a few more minutes.”
She left Becky to fret and worry. What if Ryan didn’t return for her? What would she do? Perhaps she could find work here? Broken Hills was over fifty miles away from Blackwood. She would be safe here. Maybe she could change her name, Becky Smith sounded ordinary and safe. “Stop being ridiculous,” the voice of reason scolded. “Ryan offered to marry you, he loves you. Why can’t you take him at his word?”
Because of being downtrodden and made to feel inferior for so long, I don’t have any confidence left.
Maude’s return interrupted her conflicting emotions.
“There you are, dear, drink this then you’ll have to get out of the tub. Ryan is not the most patient of men. Alf wasn’t either. Took me a while to train him.”
What a lovely woman she was.
Maude held the towel out for Becky as she climbed out of the tub. She felt herself flush at the woman’s scrutiny of her naked body.
“You have beautiful white skin. You’re small and dainty, but I’m sure you’ll be able to give Ryan some fine babies. He’s had a lot of disappointment in his life. That father of his.” Her lips drew into a tight line. “Should be ashamed of the way he treated him.”
“He’s a vicious pig of a man.” Becky clamped her hand over her mouth, but it was too late. The words had already tumbled out.
“An apt description,” Maude said. “Come along, get dressed. Can’t keep your groom waiting.
Becky was dressed in her new clothes, with Maude brushing her hair when a grinning Ryan sauntered in, freshly bathed and shaved by the look of him. Her heartbeats escalated. What a handsome man he was.
“Ready?” His gaze swept over her and by the gleam in his eyes, he approved of her appearance.
“Thank you for all your kindness,” Becky said, as she kissed Maude’s cheek.
“Mind you bring Becky over to see me before you leave in the morning.”
“Yes Ma’am.” Ryan gave her a slight bow.
“Alf,” Maude called out. “You go with these two young things; I’ll watch the store.”
“No need, the preacher is coming here.” Ryan grinned. “I saw him at the barbers. Had a nice talk with him. Hard to believe he’s a man of the cloth, used to be a gunslinger in his younger day. Had some good tales to tell.”
“I didn’t know that,” Alf said. “Not being a church going man, I don’t know much about him.”
Reverend Nolan was a slightly bow legged man, testament to his years in the saddle most probably.
They were married in Maude and Alf’s parlor, with them acting as witnesses.
“I now pronounce you man and wife.”
The words brought tears to her eyes, but she valiantly blinked them back. Ryan had married her, just as he had promised. After tonight, she would truly be his wife in every sense of the word.
“You may now kiss your bride.”
Ryan bent his head and his lips covered hers. He kissed her thoroughly, and she returned them wantonly. The preacher clearing his throat loudly, finally drew them apart. “Save that for when you’re alone,” he said with a benign smile.
“Thank you so much,” Becky said.
“A pleasure, my dear. I hope you will both be very happy.”
“Thanks, we will be.” Ryan shook the preacher’s hand.
“Coffee anyone?” Maude asked.
“No thank you. I have to go out to one of the ranches to visit a sick member of my congregation.” The preacher wished them all the best and hurried off.
“You’ll have coffee?” Maude turned to Ryan.
“Certainly not,” Alf said, standing in the doorway between the shop and the parlor. “You want a whiskey, don’t you, boy?”
“I sure do.”
By the time the men had finished their whiskey and the women their coffee, it was late afternoon. “I’m taking Becky to the diner for supper. Like to come?”
“We can’t.” Maude gave a regretful sigh. “My sister invited us to her place for supper. It’s her birthday, but we’ll see you in the morning.”
“You sure will. Mightn’t be real early.” Ryan grinned as Becky’s cheeks burned.
“Thank you, Maude.” Becky gave her a hug. “You also, Alf.”
“Our pleasure,” Alf said. “I’m glad Ryan is going to settle down with a pretty gal like you.”
They left the friendly couple via the shop entrance, stepping straight into the main street.
“I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.” Ryan clasped her hand. “Things will be good between us Becky. I know you’ve had a hard life since your mother died, but I aim to make it up to you.”
“I love you Ryan Mulligan.”
He gently squeezed her hand. “I love you too Mrs. Mulligan.” He lowered his voice. “In an hour or so I’ll show you exactly how much.”
Alice’s diner was only small, with half a dozen tables set up. The girl who came up to them eyed Ryan boldly.
“What can I do for ya, handsome?”
His fingers increased the pressure on Becky’s hand. “My wife and I would like a table for two.” He smiled.
“Oh, all right.” Her tone became petulant, almost whiney.
She couldn’t be more than about fourteen or so Becky thought, composing her features so as not to embarrass the girl by laughing out loud.
Her red painted mouth pursed slightly. “Over by the wall, ya can sit there.” She sashayed up to a young man who had just entered.
Ryan burst out laughing. “I think she liked me.”
“She couldn’t be more than about fourteen.” Becky tried not to sound waspish, but she didn’t welcome any woman’s interest in Ryan. He was her husband and she had the wedding ring to pro
ve it.
An older version of the girl hurried over. “I’m Alice, owner of the diner, would you care to order?” She handed out menus. “I don’t serve alcohol.”
“We weren’t about to order any,” Ryan said. “Coffee would be much appreciated.”
“I’ll bring out a pot so you can help yourselves. What would you like to eat?”
“I’m having a steak with vegetables and gravy thank you.”
“I’ll have the same,” Becky said. “Smaller portions please.”
Alice bustled off. Ryan picked up Becky’s hand and played with her fingers. “About Montana. Would you be too disappointed if we didn’t buy a ranch there?”
Her heart plummeted. “I’d live anywhere with you Ryan, even under a piece of canvas, but please, don’t ask me to return to Blackwood.” Tears filled her eyes. “I…I couldn’t.”
“Sonofabitch,” he muttered. “I don’t expect you to. After what they did, I have no desire to ever set foot in that place again.”
He played with her wedding ring. “I met the preacher at the barbers of all places and we got to talking. One of his congregation has a cousin who wants to sell up and go back East. Apparently that’s where their son lives. The wife isn’t well. Anyway, it’s a working ranch, not real big, but it would be a start for us, and it’s only about three days ride from here.”
She watched excitement light up his eyes, turning them from a deep grey to a misty blue.
“They’re eager to sell, and the preacher reckons if we offer them a fair cash price they’d take it. We could virtually move in straight away. What do you think?”
“Sounds good, but where is it?”
“Nowhere near Blackwood, well over a hundred miles away. It is eight miles out of Dyson’s Creek. It will be perfect for us,” he went on with enthusiasm. “I mean; we could build it up. There could be a chance to buy more land in the future, so we could increase our holding.”
Their meals arrived. Succulent steak, fried vegetables slathered in gravy, served with slices of crusty bread to soak up the juices. Becky tried not to drool. The steak melted in her mouth it was so tender.
They both ate hungrily. It had been several days since she had eaten anything but beans.
“Better than cold beans,” he said between mouthfuls.
For dessert they chose apple pie. Their meal was unhurried, and by the time they had finished it was dark. Ryan paid the bill, and hand in hand they strolled out of the diner and into the street.
A couple of cowpokes lounging outside the saloon stared as they passed by.
“I booked the best room in the hotel,” Ryan said. “Not sure what it will be like, though.”
“Well, anything is better than the hard ground I’ve slept on over the last few days.” She laughed, feeling so happy she could have danced up the street.
“Yeah, it must have been terrible for you. I’d like to get my hands on those sonsofbitches.”
Chapter Ten
The hotel was a two storied building painted in a drab brown with windows on the second level. Above the front door was a large rectangular window with fancy green glass.
Inside, the reception area was carpeted, as were the stairs leading to the upper floor. The manager rushed over to greet them. His mouth gaped a little when he saw her attire, but he recovered himself quickly and gushed. “Welcome to the Palace Hotel. May your stay be a pleasant one.”
Becky stifled a laugh. What a pompous man he was.
“Breakfast will be served in the dining room between seven and ten o’clock.”
“Thank you, we’d like to go to our room now. My wife and I have had a long tiring day.” Ryan winked at her, and she camouflaged a laugh by turning it into a cough.
“Your luggage?”
“We don’t have any.” Ryan obviously got tired of the useless chit-chat. “Give me the key and we can find our own way up.”
After the man handed him the key, Ryan linked arms with Becky before they climbed the stairs.
Their room, number ten, was down the end of a hallway. Ryan opened the door and stepped aside so she could enter first. He closed the door with a slight click.
Becky glanced around with interest. Floral carpet covered the floor. A large double bed with a deep blue quilt, a dresser with a lamp on it, and a large wardrobe was all the room contained. White lace curtains fluttered at the open windows on either side of the bed.
“If this is their best room, I’d hate to see their worst one,” he said, inspecting everything with one encompassing glance. “I wanted something special for you.” He grimaced. “And this certainly isn’t it.”
“It’s quite nice. I don’t care about the room, only the man in it.”
“Nicely said, Mrs. Mulligan.” His smile lit up his eyes. How could she have ever thought him severe and ruthless?
He leaned over and turned down the bed covers. Nervous anticipation flowed through Becky. Would he be disappointed with her inexperience? Regardless of the lies and innuendo Vaughan and Wes had spread about her, she was still a virgin. Should she tell Ryan? Heat rushed to her cheeks just thinking about discussing such intimate things with him right now.
He took off his black leather vest and started unbuttoning his shirt.
“If you’re nervous about undressing in front of me I’ll turn my back, but after tonight, there won’t be an inch of you I won’t have touched, beautiful Becky.”
When he started to undo his pants she turned away.
Ryan tried to curb his impatience. Becky was skittish and embarrassed, something that surprised him. She wasn’t wanton like Wes made out. A quick roll in the hay with fumbling young men wasn’t much of an introduction to sex.
He hated the thought of another man touching her, not because he was a prude. He’d had plenty of women himself over the years, and didn’t believe in double standards like most men did when it came to women. He didn’t like the idea of sharing Becky. The very thought was like acid eating into his gut.
Climbing into bed, he pulled the covers up to his waist, leaned back on the pillows and closed his eyes.
“I haven’t got a nightgown,” Becky wailed.
He grinned to himself. Even if she had been wearing one he would have disposed of it quick smart. “Come to bed, darlin’, I’m anxious for you. Thunderation.” His shocked exclamation echoed in the room. She had snuffed out the lamp.
“I always get undressed in the dark.”
He heard her moving around then nothing. What was she doing? He was tempted to dive out of bed and drag her into his arms. The sheet rustled, her perfume infused his senses. She lay beside him stiff as a poker. Rolling over, he pulled her into his arms and tasted her lips. Like a starving man invited to sit at a banquet table, he devoured her soft sweet mouth. Excitement surged through him when he felt her heated response.
Once she was his wife in the true biblical sense of the word, he held her close. “I’m sorry if I hurt you, darlin’. I didn’t realize. I hate myself for letting my impatience cause you pain.”
“Don’t be. It only hurt for a moment, then it was beautiful. I’ll never forget it.”
“Go to sleep, darlin’, you must be exhausted. I expected too much from you.”
He played with her hair, savoring the feel of the long, silky strands slipping through his fingers. Soon she slept, but he couldn’t. The careless way he had taken her innocence appalled him.
He had believed some of his father’s lies, and fueled by his desperate need of her, passion overrode the care he should have taken. The moment he had breached her virginity, he’d known, even before she cried out. It was too late by then. Like a rutting stallion he couldn’t stop.
What in tarnation had he been thinking of to believe his father. All these years he had lied about Becky, viciously maligned her with Wes’ help. He’d be tempted to put a bullet in both of them if their paths ever crossed.
Becky woke up and stretched like a contented ca
t, satiated and happy because she was truly Mrs. Ryan Mulligan now. Reaching out a hand she discovered the other side of the bed was empty. Momentarily disappointment surged through her because he had left their marriage bed. Deserted her. It was broad daylight, the sun streamed in through the lace curtains.
For the first time in years she had slept in. No wonder he was up and about. They had a lot of things to do before they left town. Rolling over, she picked up his pillow and hugged it because the scent of him still clung to it.
After a night of passion, she should have been exhausted, but wasn’t. Had he still been in bed with her she would have asked him to make love to her again and again, like he had done last night.
He had been shocked on discovering she was a virgin, apologizing profusely for hurting her, but that was one kind of pain she didn’t mind. She had always vowed to save herself for a man she truly loved, and she had. It hadn’t been easy though, not with Vaughan and Wes stalking her. Her skin heated up on remembering how nervousness had quickly turned into wantonness under Ryan’s tutelage.
A sheet of paper on the dresser caught her eye. She climbed out of bed, and naked as a newborn, padded over and picked it up.
I didn’t want to wake you. I’ve gone to the bank and livery. Order your breakfast and I’ll meet you in the dining room. From your loving husband Ryan. He had underlined the loving.
After washing and dressing, Becky made her way down to the dining room. It wasn’t large, but was quite pretty with blue and white checked cloths covering the tables. Several people were already eating and they stared at her with undisguised interest. She wore boy’s clothing and carried her hat. Her long hair tied back with a narrow strip of leather, attested to her gender. The diners were probably wondering why a woman would dress in male attire. She much preferred it to skirts and corsets. Less restricting, although she would have liked to have been married in a pretty gown.
Don’t be greedy Becky Mulligan. You’ve married the man of your dreams. A knight in shining armor, who had bravely ridden to her rescue.
A girl came up to take her order. “I’ll have bacon and eggs and some flap-jacks please. Could you bring me a coffee pot and some cream please? My husband will soon be joining me.