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Twice Shy

Page 16

by Aurora Rey

  It took her a second, but only a second. And then her throat went dry and other parts of her did the opposite. The thought of strapping on with Amanda was ridiculously sexy. Having Amanda bring it up, ask for it? Well, that was next level.

  If that’s not your thing, it’s okay.

  Crap. She’d been so busy getting turned on, she’d not answered fast enough. Before she could make her fingers work, another message came through.

  But I’m trying to be bold. And then, So I thought I’d ask.

  In another time and place, maybe she’d be eloquent. This was neither that time, nor that place. Sorry, you melted my brain a little and I couldn’t type.

  Amanda replied with a smiley face.

  Yes. So many times yes.

  It took a second for Amanda to reply this time, although when it came through, it was a single word. Phew.

  Her brain had yet to resume normal functioning, but Amanda needed to understand exactly how welcome her invitation was. Can’t tell you how sexy it is that you asked.

  Amanda’s answer to that was the smirking emoji.

  A member of the crew brushed past, reminding her where she was. Something about being in Amanda’s space, even under construction, made the whole exchange even hotter. She moved to a quieter corner and considered what to say back.

  Requests? Preferences? Things I should know? It was at least sort of a sexy reply. It also saved some of the negotiation that could be hot in the moment but just as easily could be awkward as hell.

  I’m not overly picky. But I’m also not delicate.

  Quinn’s already active imagination kicked into overdrive. Not that she kept an arsenal of toys, but the description gave her everything she needed to know. Perfect. She hesitated for a moment, then sent a follow up. Just like you, I think.

  Amanda’s reply was a blush and Can’t wait to see you later.


  “What are you grinning at?”

  She looked up to find Joss studying her with amusement. “Nothing.”

  Joss lifted a brow. “I thought we were better friends than that.”

  They were. They’d known each other for close to ten years. “Sorry. It’s my own sheepishness, not anything to do with you.”

  “What’s got you so sheepish? Or maybe I should be asking who?”

  Joss so had her number. More than Arti, and so differently than her sisters. Like kindred spirits or something. Even if they didn’t spend loads of time together off the clock, Joss got her. And she liked to think the feeling was mutual. “Or maybe you already know and don’t even need to ask.”

  That earned her a smile. “Fair enough. Do I get to ask about the specifics?”

  “I’m seeing Amanda tonight.”

  “Definitely worth smiling over. Why sheepish, then?”

  Quinn blew out a breath. “She asked me to pack a bag.”

  “Ah.” Joss nodded. “Nice.”

  She could leave it at that, but they were sort of having a moment. And this wasn’t the kind of thing she could say to anyone else. “And to pack.”

  “Oh.” Joss let the word drag out. “Very nice.”

  “I’m going to try not to think about how long it’s been.” She could have said the same thing about sex in general last week and that had turned out all right. Okay, way better than all right.

  Joss clamped a hand on her shoulder. “Like riding a bicycle.”

  That’s what she was afraid of. “Have you ridden a bike lately?”

  Joss laughed. “As a matter of fact, I have.”

  “Wait, are we talking about metaphorical bikes or literal ones?”

  “Who says it can’t be both?”

  It was Quinn’s turn to laugh, then. “I needed that. Thank you.”

  “Any time, my friend. Any time.”

  She was tempted to linger, but Joss had work and so did she. “Text me if you need anything. Otherwise I’ll stop back in a couple of days.”

  “Will do.”

  Quinn turned to leave but Joss called her name. “Yeah?”

  “I don’t expect you to kiss and tell, but have fun tonight.”

  She offered a nod. “Thanks.”

  Work was the last thing on her mind at this moment, but she had two projects waiting on her desk. She also had several hours to fill before she’d see Amanda. And as much as she didn’t like to think of herself as the impatient sort, keeping busy would help them go by faster.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Quinn let out a contented sigh. She could get used to having a girlfriend who liked to cook.

  “So, Joss thinks things are moving along on schedule?”

  She contemplated a second helping of potatoes but thought better of it. “From what I can tell, yes. Demo is completely done, framing is underway, and materials are arriving on schedule.”

  Amanda raised a hand. “Not that I was doubting, based on what I saw today, but I’m glad.”

  “The thing with renovations like this is the parts you see take the least amount of time. Does that make sense?”

  “That’s usually the way with cakes, too.” She tipped her head slightly. “Usually.”

  “There are cakes that take longer to decorate than bake? I mean, I know those crazy ones on TV, but ones for real people?”

  Amanda sniffed, making her worry maybe she’d accidentally said something offensive. “Sometimes real people want those crazy designs.”

  It hit her that she’d sampled plenty of Amanda’s work, but she’d not seen much of her decorating. “Do you like doing that? The elaborate decorations?”

  “It has its moments. I like the creativity of it, doing something I’ve never done before. But it’s always the inside that counts.”

  They were talking about cakes, but she got the feeling the philosophy extended to all aspects of Amanda’s life. Reassuring in a way. Not that she thought Amanda might be superficial, but it seemed like her ex had one of those big, flashy personalities. The kind of personality she couldn’t even pretend to compete with. It made her feel better to think Amanda didn’t put a lot of stock in—or perhaps more importantly, have an inherent attraction to—that sort of person.

  “What? Why do you look so concerned?”

  She didn’t want to bog down their evening with the trajectory of her thoughts. “I’m imagining you on one of those shows, disheveled and frantic, climbing a ladder to decorate a cake as the clock winds down.”

  Amanda shuddered. An honest to God shudder. “It wasn’t a huge production, but you’ve already seen me frantic.”

  She smiled at the memory, and everything that had unfolded since. “You were adorable.”

  “You are way too kind.”

  “Not at all. We all have those moments. At first, I was afraid I’d made so little impression you found me forgettable.”

  Amanda’s smile managed to be both sensual and playful. “Absolutely nothing about you is forgettable.”

  She didn’t want to read too much into the compliment, but it was hard not to. For someone with a track record of being overshadowed, Amanda finding her memorable went a long way in boosting her confidence. Paired with the text exchange from earlier, it was enough to give her some swagger. Okay, maybe not quite swagger, but closer to it than she’d been in a while.

  “What? You seem incredulous.”

  Not the time to own the extent of her slump. Especially since she’d sort of done that the last time. “I was calculating out how to return the compliment without being corny.”

  Amanda raised a brow.

  “See, now that ship has sailed. Such a shame.”

  “Maybe I like corny.”

  It was a game now, not some self-deprecating move she’d kick herself for later. “No, no. Don’t try to make me feel better now. The next thing I know, you’re going to be calling me nice.”

  Amanda took a sip of her wine, studying Quinn over the rim of her glass. “You are nice.”

  She shook her head. “You can’t tell a woman she’s nic
e, then ask her to strap on.”

  Amanda set the glass down. She leaned back in her chair and folded her arms. “Well, that’s just silly.”

  “I have it on pretty good authority the two are mutually exclusive.” Part of her problem of late, landing in the you’re too nice category.

  “I reject this hypothesis.” The comeback—instant and adamant—made Quinn smile.

  “Do you, now?”

  “I do. And I’m going to prove it.”

  She had no idea how Amanda would go about such a thing, but she was having fun. “How do you propose to do that?”

  “Well, we’ve already established you’re nice.”

  Quinn let out a sign. “We have. Kiss of death, really.”

  “But you came prepared to…” Her gaze flashed to Quinn’s crotch. “You know.”

  Oh, this was fun. “I did.”

  “And if I asked you to take me to bed right this instant, surely you wouldn’t want to disappoint me.”

  “I don’t think I could deny you a thing you asked for.” Even if the full truth of that gave her a hitch of anxiety.


  “Yeah?” Even knowing where the conversation was headed, getting Amanda to say the words was a total turn-on.

  “Take me to bed.”

  She got up from the table. “Do you want to clean up first? I’m more than happy to do dishes when a beautiful woman cooks for me.”

  Amanda shook her head.

  Quinn extended her hand. “Well, then. Lead the way.”

  * * *

  Amanda blew out a breath. She sat on the edge of the bed, one leg crossed over the other. Her foot bounced. She forced it to stop. Why was she nervous?

  Because she’d gone back and forth about fifty times before asking Quinn if she liked to strap on. Because a tiny part of her still worried Quinn’s reply, while enthusiastic, was more about pleasing Amanda than herself. Because it had been more than ten years since she had done it with anyone and that alone was scary as hell. What if her body didn’t work the same way? What if she’d put it out there but couldn’t actually do it? What if—

  Quinn emerged from the bathroom in a pair of loose fitting boxers and a black T-shirt. Amanda couldn’t stop her gaze from going right to the bulge in the fabric. Even as her mouth went dry, wetness gathered between her thighs. Nerves or not, she wanted this.

  Quinn crossed the room slowly, like she was giving Amanda time to get used to the idea. Or maybe she was psyching herself up. Her gaze moved up and down Amanda’s body. “I feel underdressed.”

  Amanda stood, the black silk of the slip slinking over her body. She’d hesitated about putting it on, but was glad she did. “You’re dressed perfectly.”

  Quinn lifted a brow.

  “Well, maybe with one or two exceptions.” She grasped the hem of Quinn’s shirt, lifted it up and over her head. She smiled at Quinn’s bare breasts, several shades paler than her suntanned arms and shoulders. “Much better.”

  Quinn’s hands went to her waist, sliding up to her breasts, then down to her hips. “I’m torn between wanting to take this off and wanting you to keep it on. You are absolutely stunning.”

  “It’ll come off eventually.” The compliment fueled her courage. She cupped the cock in her right hand. Even through the cotton, the firmness and the weight of it ratcheted her arousal up a few notches. “Although I think your shorts should come off now.”

  “I’m pretty sure your wish is my command.”

  “Allow me.” She slid her hands into the waistband. The leather of the harness was smooth and warm under her fingers, the tautness a delicious contrast to the softness of Quinn’s skin. She swallowed.

  “If you’re having second thoughts, it’s okay. I never want you to feel pressured.”

  “Oh, no. That’s not why I hesitated.” She looked into Quinn’s eyes. “I was savoring.”

  “Ah. Well, in that case, take your time.”

  She slid the shorts over Quinn’s hips and they fell to the floor. The dildo sprang to attention. She took it in her hand. Like the harness, it had warmed from the heat of Quinn’s body. “Definitely savoring.”

  Quinn threaded her fingers into her hair and pulled their mouths together. Amanda sank into the kiss, happy to let Quinn take the lead. At least for now. When they tumbled onto the bed, the cock pressed against her, making the material of her lingerie pull tight. The constriction managed to turn her on and frustrate her at the same time.

  Her body hummed with increasing urgency, but Quinn seemed in no hurry. She moved against Amanda slowly, kissing and caressing like it was all she wanted to do. There was almost a reverence to it, and it made Amanda’s heart flip uncomfortably in her chest.

  She kissed Quinn’s shoulders, her collarbones, her neck. Basically anything she could get her lips on with Quinn’s body pinning hers to the bed. She was torn between impatience and longing for this exact moment to never end.

  Quinn shifted slightly. Her fingers grazed down Amanda’s thigh and back up. When they slid over her and dipped inside, Amanda arched off the bed. “Oh. Yes.”

  Quinn stroked her languidly, again as though they had all the time in the world. “You feel so good.”

  Amanda shook her head. Not to disagree, but to indicate that was supposed to be her line. Only her brain had lost the ability to form sentences.

  “No?” Quinn looked in her eyes but didn’t stop.

  “I mean yes.” She switched to a nod. “I mean, you, too.”

  Quinn smiled, a trace of smugness in her eyes. Maybe it shouldn’t have been, but it was really, really hot. “Good.”

  Amanda continued to nod and Quinn continued to stroke. Until the strokes turned into thrusts and Amanda’s eyes rolled back and closed of their own volition. She so wanted to come, but she didn’t.

  As if sensing her indecision, Quinn eased her hand away and knelt between her thighs. She slid the head of the cock up and down with excruciating precision. “You’re really wet, but I think a little lube never hurt anything.”

  Amanda, suddenly at a complete loss for words, nodded.

  Quinn picked up a small bottle and squirted some onto the dildo and her hand. She tossed the bottle aside and slid her fingers over Amanda. The sensation, hot and slick and featherlight, made her gasp. “You’re so perfect.”

  Again, all she could do was nod.

  “You’ll talk to me, right? Tell me if you want more or less or if something doesn’t feel good?”

  She managed a breathy, “Yes.”

  “You don’t mind if I touch you first, do you? You feel so amazing.”

  As Quinn spoke, she slid her thumb across Amanda’s clit, then traced slow circles over it. “Uh-huh.”

  “Ms. Russo, are you at a loss for words?”

  The comment, playful but confident, made her laugh. “Something like that.”

  “Let’s see what we can do about that.” Without stopping the movement of her thumb, she eased two fingers into Amanda, all the way to the knuckle. Amanda gasped. “You seem ready.”

  “So ready.” Any nerves about being out of practice evaporated. “So very ready.”

  Quinn eased her fingers away and positioned the head of the cock. “I’ll go slow.”

  She was about to say there was no need, but Quinn eased inside of her and even the most basic of words vanished. A moan of pure, raw pleasure escaped. It had been too long. Way, way too long. And yet, she couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone but Quinn.

  “Are you okay?”

  At the genuine concern in Quinn’s voice, she opened her eyes. She must have conveyed sufficient meaning with her look because Quinn smiled. And then she began to move. As promised, she started slow. With each languid stroke, her body welcomed Quinn in, molded around her. Like their bodies were made to fit together.

  Quinn shifted forward, taking one of Amanda’s nipples into her mouth. The added sensation, paired with the change of angle, sent her tumbling into orgasm. It caught her by surpri
se and left her body quaking. Quinn stilled.

  “Sorry. That sneaked up on me.”

  Quinn grinned, this ridiculously sexy and self-satisfied grin. “Don’t apologize. Unless, maybe, you’re asking me to stop.”

  Amanda shook her head. “Please don’t stop.”

  Quinn kissed her again and resumed fucking her. Amanda wound her arms around Quinn’s neck, her legs around Quinn’s waist. She’d never been so glad for dragging herself to yoga two mornings a week.

  They moved together, Amanda lifting her hips to meet Quinn each time. The pace quickened, along with the force of each thrust. She felt herself building to another orgasm. She managed to work in a handful of yeses and pleases in between the noises she couldn’t seem to contain.


  The way Quinn said her name as she came did her in. Amanda’s body tensed, her own orgasm tumbling right after. She clung to Quinn as Quinn continued to move, riding it like a wave with her until they were deposited, breathless and spent, on the shore.

  Quinn collapsed on top of her, blanketing Amanda’s body and pressing it into the mattress. Amanda kept her arms and legs around her, willing her not to go anywhere.

  “I’m crushing you.”

  She held tighter. “You’re not. Don’t go. Not yet.”

  Quinn stilled and they lay like that for a long while. Her breathing steadied and her skin cooled. Still, she wasn’t quite ready to let Quinn go. She once again found herself at a loss for words, but it was different. If Quinn had managed to short-circuit her brain before, this overload had more to do with the heart. She might not be ready to own that out loud, but she wasn’t the kind of woman to deny it.

  “Are you sure I’m not crushing you?”

  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “No, but you’re probably not comfortable like that.”

  “Maybe. But it sure as hell has its perks.” Quinn pulled just far enough away to slip off the harness. When she came back, she opened her arms and Amanda settled in. As amazing as the sex was, the ease of how well they fit together had to be a close second. She’d never wanted to admit how much she’d missed this kind of intimacy in all her years of being single.

  Quinn, who’d been tracing circles on Amanda’s shoulder with her finger, paused. “Penny for your thoughts.”


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