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Moonlight Moments (Steele Family Book 2)

Page 11

by Emily Bowie

  “I have an errand to run.”

  I can feel my eyes already rolling, having no desire to get out of bed. Groaning, I put my pillow over my head, attempting to turn over. “I’ll be fine here,” I grumble out.

  “Nope, you’re coming.” His voice is so chipper, too peppy for anyone at this time in the morning.

  Trying to curl up into a tiny ball, digging deeper under my covers, I retort, “No.”

  My arm is dropped, and I spread out, thinking I’ve won this round, only to be bothered a few minutes later with a delicious-smelling cup of coffee. Peering over my blankets, I squint, checking if the color looks right. Damn it, it’s the perfect creamy brown color, telling me that he’s used the right amount of creamer.

  “How are you so awake?” It was well into the morning by the time we went to bed—or at least till he carried me to bed. “Did you even go to sleep?” Maybe he stayed on guard all night?

  Instead of answering, he places the hot cup closer to me, its smell taking over.

  Sitting up slightly, I grab the coffee and take a large sip. It’s perfect. Finally, my eyes adjust to being awake, and I notice Kellen is only wearing a pair of jeans, leaving his solid, lickable abs on display for me.

  It makes me want to pull him into my bed with me. He clears his throat, telling me that he’s noticed me ogling him. I shrug nonchalantly as I take my time, lifting my eyes to his face. He’s wearing a smug grin, looking pleased with my reaction to him.

  “You could join me in here,” I sweetly mention, batting my eyelashes.

  Stepping toward me, he dips down, kissing me on the lips and making me think I’ve won another round.

  “Sorry, sweetheart. We have to be on the road in five.”

  My body stills at the endearing term, making me grit my teeth.

  “I’m just fucking with you, Sloan.” He gives me a better kiss that has me opening up to him, our tongues massaging each other. My arms come up to pull him down on me, only for him to pull away. “You have four minutes.”

  He’s completely serious, irritating me beyond belief. Sitting up, I plan to push him away, but he steps back, smirking at me like a sexy, cocky god. I hate him in this moment.

  Placing my cup down on my bedside table, I stomp toward my closet, wearing only a short T-shirt. I allow the hem to come up enough for him to get a glimpse of what he’s missing. Bending down in front of him, I throw on a pair of tight jeans and take off my shirt, leaving him a great view of side boob. Taking my time, as I enjoy fucking with him, I grab a fresh T-shirt—sans bra—just to show him how much he annoys me. Peeking over my shoulder, I see he’s smirking at me, clearly amused by my mood.

  “Two minutes.” That smirk eats at me.

  I should be in bed. Has he not noticed I don’t do mornings well?

  Hating that my little show did nothing to persuade him to come back to bed, I head for plan B—putting on as many layers as possible to separate him from me.

  “If you wear that, you’re going to be a river of sweat.” He’s too smug about all this. Tossing my sweater on the floor, I storm out, but not before I grab my coffee.

  It’s not till we stop in front of Becca’s house that I speak. “What’s this errand?” I ask, confused by our location.

  He laughs, taking my hand in his. “Babysitting.”

  We’re not even up the driveway before two rug rats are running toward us, calling out, “Popsicle man!”

  “Popsicle man?” My eyebrow shoots up in question.

  “I’m a man of many talents.” He winks at me as the kids get to his legs and begin to hang off of them. He walks toward Becca, who is smiling at them, his legs exaggerating each step to give the two kids a ride.

  A pang of jealousy hits me. I hate the way Becca is looking at him. I want to run up to her and tell her to back off. I know my feelings are crazy and I’m in no position to claim him as mine.

  “You two are lifesavers.” She looks grateful while mouthing a silent thank you to me. Why is Three Rivers so damn nice? I just want to be allowed to snap at people when I’m in a bad mood. Now I just feel like a shitty person.

  Pushing my jealously down, I muster up a smile. “Kellen has it all planned out.” I give him all the credit, since it’s all him. The kids’ giggling catches our attention. I’m shocked to see how good he is with them.

  Is it possible he looks sexier now than he did this morning?

  “You monkeys ready to go?” Kellen is crouched down at eye level with them. It makes me wish I was better with kids. Little ones are foreign to me. I’ve never had to be near any, never mind entertain two of them.


  Looking over at Sloan, I see she has an awkward smile on her face that looks forced. Don’t all women love kids? I thought I had a definite foolproof date idea while making good on my promise. It has me second-guessing myself. Being around her seems to always have me doing that, keeping me on my toes.

  The kids are in the back of the small cab that has fold down seats on each side. It’s so small not even a bench would fit back there. They’re chanting “Popsicles!” and are becoming louder each moment. I can’t wait till they see what I have packed for them—a cooler full of frozen treats.

  “Here we are.” Sloan turns toward them as soon as we stop. She takes charge by letting them out as I head to the back to get the cooler.

  “Did I hear someone say popsicles?” The kids are jumping up and down, cheering. Looking over at Sloan, I see she finally has a real smile on her face. The way she’s looking at me has me wanting to go to her and pull her in for a kiss.

  “You want one?” I can see no is on the tip of her tongue, so I toss a pink one at her anyway.

  “Thank you.” Her voice is soft, and then she begins laughing. It’s the most beautiful melody I’ve heard.

  Following her view, I see the sticky mess she is looking at. The little boy, Gibson, has popsicle dripped all down his arm and shirt, while the girl, Lacey, has decided to make a castle in the sand, the popsicle acting like a flag on top.

  “I hope you brought napkins.”

  I can feel my eyes go large and refuse to answer. I was so excited about these damn treats I never thought about napkins.

  “Gibson, come give Kellen a hug,” Sloan calls to him, catching Lacey’s attention as well.

  The two children get up with smiles on their faces, knowing full well what Sloan is telling them to do.

  “Oh no.” I slowly begin to back up then turn to do a full-on sprint, with the sticky kids following behind me. They chase me under the park’s slide, onto the bridge, until Lacey calls out to Gibson for them to trap me. He’s at the bottom of the slide, attempting to climb up, while Lacey is at the stairs, creeping her way toward me like I’m some wild cat she wants to catch.

  I chance a look at Sloan to see she’s all smiles, doubled over laughing at my expense. “I hope you like payback,” I yell out, causing her to laugh harder.

  Sloan is my weak spot. Soon as I’m ready to jump off the small structure, I feel two weights on my feet. Looking down, I see the kids sitting on each foot, their sticky hands wrapped around my calves as they hang on for dear life in anticipation of me walking around with them there.

  Bringing the kids back to where Sloan sits, I slowly begin to peel off my now dirty shirt. I make sure to stay right in front of her as I pour the one bottle of water onto my shirt to help clean up the mess.

  “You fight dirty, Steele.” At this moment, I can see her face light up with whatever thought that just passed through her. “Who wants to bury Kellen?”

  My head whips around to see her gloating at my expense. “Why are all these games about me?” I try to plea to her sympathetic side. She’s already digging in the bag Becca handed us, pulling out the shovels.

  Gibson and Lacey are cheering, racing to the sand and digging like their lives depend on it.

  By the time we’re ready to head home, all four of us are covered in sand. I feel more exhausted than I ever have
in my life. We have not stopped moving. It seemed like every fifteen minutes, we changed our activity. We all took turns burying each other; even with Sloan protesting, we managed to get her. There were sand castle contests, swinging, jumping off swings, tag, some games I had no idea what was going on, because Lacey kept changing her made-up rules.

  “How does Becca do this all day?” I ask Sloan after we drop off two very tired kids.

  “I’m pretty sure parks were made for parents to get a moment of rest. Most parents don’t play for hours nonstop. At least mine never did. I was lucky if I had someone with me when I went to one,” she confesses.

  “We never went to many parks,” I respond, thinking back on my childhood. “But there were four of us kids and then Luke. We made our own fun. When the bell rang out, we knew it was time to come home.”

  “I always wished I had a sibling. It always sounded like fun to me, even the fighting aspect of it.”

  That part makes me chuckle, knowing how much I love the banter that goes on between us.

  “So that’s why you fight with me so much,” I tease her, while glancing at her as I drive.

  “If you didn’t love it so much, I wouldn’t do it.”

  Stealing a look at her again, I have come to the conclusion that I want to spend all my time with this girl. She has this energy and sass I crave.

  “Thank you for coming.”

  “I had fun. To be honest, it was way more fun than I expected.”


  After heading home for a quick shower, we pull up to Nelly’s for Sloan’s shift. Like a gentleman, I get out, opening her door for her. I had fun with her today. My mind wants to fight these feelings for her, while my body retaliates.

  Pulling her so that her legs are around my waist, I stare down at her fuckable lips. The sight of her in front of me has my dick getting hard. My hands slide up and down her thighs as I try to reel my cock in from bending her over and fucking her right here and now.

  I need to kiss her. So I do just that.

  I kiss her like there will be no tomorrow. Grabbing her hair, I wrap it around my hand, giving it a light tug to move her closer to me. She moans into my mouth, matching each of my movements, giving it to me as hard as I give it to her.

  I need to show her how I feel. The thought that this girl could be it for me has me wrapped in a frenzy, kissing her harder.

  A whistle brings us up for air, and out the corner of my eye, I see Molly walking past us.

  “I’ll see you soon,” she chirps.

  Sloan giggles into my neck. “I can’t believe we got so distracted.” Her voice is soft, and I can hear the slight embarrassment.

  “Trust me, Three Rivers has seen Molly in more than one compromising position.” My tone is smooth, trying to make her feel better. “I’ll see you after work,” I say, nudging her face up to where I can see it before placing a chaste peck on her soft lips.

  “Can’t wait.” Her face is all smiles.

  I move out of her way and allow her to pass to head into work. I’m not ashamed that my eyes stay on her fine ass the whole way. This girl is perfect, inside and out.


  Tonight at Nelly’s, for the first time ever, it’s been slow. Painfully slow.

  “I see that Kellen is not only walking you home each night, but dropping you off now too?” It’s a statement, but her tone is more questioning. Molly’s curious eyes watch me, wanting to know more.

  Normally, I would’ve shied away from her question, but I want to talk to someone. She seems to be one of the only friends I’ve made so far. For the first time in a long time, I want people around me to share my life with, and this includes friends. I never realized how lonely I was until this town reminded me what having people around who support you is like. This town has been more than welcoming.

  Looking around, I see all our customers have been helped. No one is in earshot but the two of us. Chance has used the lull to take a rare break.

  Turning toward her, she is all smiles, looking excited for me.

  “What can I say? He’s persistent.” I can feel my smile taking over my face.

  “And you are loving every second of it.” Her hip hits mine playfully.

  “He is completely different than I expected, you know? He’s sweet and kind, so attentive. It’s hard not to fall in love with him.”

  I hadn’t meant to say I was in love with him. Was I? My own words stump me, and Molly’s eyes are wide, realizing what I just said before slapping her hand over her mouth.

  “Girl, you have it bad,” she says in awe, her smile never leaving her face.

  “I know.” My hands go to the side of my face, feeling my cheeks fire up with this new feeling surrounding me.

  “Just be careful,” she warns, taking me a little aback. “When I used to know him, he would be all those things, and then without warning, soon as he would hook a girl, he would lose interest. I was on the fishing line of his for far too many years, for those same things you just told me about.”

  I want to tell her this is not the same as high school and what’s happening between him and me is nothing like that. I want to defend him and us.

  She places her hand around my shoulder. “Ignore what I just said. I’m sure he’s grown a lot in the years since then. He would be stupid not to see what’s in front of him.” Her arm gives me a squeeze before she goes to check on one of her tables. But the seed of doubt is already planted, digging its way toward my heart.

  Molly is just trying to be a good friend. I can’t fault her for that. Seeing Chance walk back behind the bar, I decide to take a much-needed break. A moment by myself will do me good.

  “I’m going to take a quick break,” I call out, walking toward the back. I don’t stop until I’m outside, sitting on the small railing that lines the three back steps. Cigarette butts line the area, making me wish I had one. Trying to calm my nerves, I lift my imaginary cigarette with two fingers to my lips, taking a deep breath.

  It takes about four deep inhales before I feel my shoulders lower, relaxing. I even do a fake flick, knowing almost half of my butt would be red and ready to fall off.

  Taking another fake puff of my imaginary cigarette, I imagine the smoke traveling down my throat, scratching at it, before feeling the nicotine working its magic, hitting each and every nerve, before blowing out rings. I can’t help it; I love the act of smoking. It’s soothing and leaves me feeling relaxed. To this day, I have a hard time believing I had that much willpower to stop.

  “I have a real one if you want it.”

  I hadn’t realized I closed my eyes while I was envisioning everything. And this is one voice I will never forget. One I hoped I would never hear again. One that has the ability to scare me.

  The voice has me opening my eyes. “Hello, Ace.”

  My eyes narrow at him while I look him over. He’s wearing the same old black steel-toed boots, the size thirteens the foundation of his size. He’s wearing black denim, his thighs like tree trunks, giving him the ability to scare far too many people. His black V-neck stretches across his torso, completing his man-in-black look. His hair is past his ears, disheveled from wearing the helmet he’s holding. Just behind him is the same bike I used to love to ride.

  Ace is holding out his pack of Marlboros with one sticking out the edge, taunting me to take it. I bring my fingers up to my lips, but instead of relaxation, it brings me nothing. My sanctuary is gone.

  “Always stubborn,” he observes with a tsk to his voice.

  “What do you want, Ace?” My hands grip the pole I’m sitting on, wishing Molly or Chance would come looking for me.

  “No ‘I missed you’ hug?” His hands open up like he’s expecting me to walk right back into his arms.

  “Why did you break into my home?”

  His head tilts, noticing I called it home. I’ve never called any place that.

  “You mean my house?” he challenges. I stare at him, his words repeating in my head until my face mus
t light up with recognition. He’s the one who put the lean on Granny’s. I should have known better. I should have known it would have never been Kiptyn. This was another one of his power strikes against me.

  “That’s right. You owe me a hell of a lot of money, darling.” He smiles at me like this is the best thing to ever happen.

  The door opens, and Molly marches out before she stops, her frown disappearing as soon as her eyes land on Ace. “Hello,” she greets us, looking from Ace to me. “Who might you be?” She walks down the steps, placing her hand in his. Instead of shaking it, he brings it up to his lips to kiss, causing me to shudder and vomit in my mouth.

  “I’m Sloan’s husband,” he proudly states, and Molly’s head whips around toward me. If I thought she was shocked when I said I was in love with Kellen, that look held no candle to how she’s looking at me now.

  Slowly, Molly begins to back up. “I can cover you for about one more minute, but that’s about it. A big table just sat in your section.”

  I nod, unable to even fake a smile. My heart is beating faster than I would like. Honestly, I just want to go home and have a hot bubble bath with a glass of scotch.

  “Already thinking about how you can run away from this, huh?”

  I hate how this man knows me so well.

  “You can’t run from me forever,” he taunts, putting space between us. “I’ll see you again when you’re not so busy. We have family business to discuss.” His arrogant smirk flashes at me, his one dimple mocking me. How I ever loved this man baffles me.

  “Sign the divorce papers!” I shout after him.

  I know he received the wrinkled-up envelope I sent the last time I was in town. He called Kiptyn in a fury, threatening to ruin both their careers. Ruining the empire they had built together until they decided to part ways. Not only did he take half the business, but he also took me. I never realized it wasn’t about love to him. It was all about who had the most power. With me by his side, he knew Kiptyn would never fight back properly. All because of me.


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