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Dirty Ballistics

Page 8

by Peyton Banks

  She noted that he still kept his weapon in his hands but now it was trained on the ground.

  “I’m Officer Reeves,” the shorter one said. He, too, kept his weapon in his hands.

  Aspen, not feeling too keen on them, stayed by Declan’s side.

  “We received reports of an attack on one white male and one black female here in the parking lot along with gunshots fired.”

  “That would be correct,” Declan snapped. He looked around as if seeing the chaos for the first time. “We’re the victims. Now are you going to take our statements or are you going to stand there with your gun in your hands?”

  They both jumped at his tone and put away their weapons. Cruz, appearing to be new, struggled to get his notepad and pen out while Reeves shot him an impatient look.

  “May we get the female’s name, please?” Officer Reeves asked Declan.

  “Aspen. Aspen Hale,” Aspen replied, clearing her throat. Her hands grew sweaty as her nerves rose.

  Where were the US Marshals?

  “And may I ask why you were at the zoo?” Cruz asked, scribbling in his notepad.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck you think we were doing here?” Declan growled.

  The two officer’s eyes widened at his snarl. Aspen held back a smirk at their reactions.

  Well, duh. They were just leaving the zoo. What did he think people did at the zoo?

  “Sorry. So were you leaving or coming to the zoo?” Cruz asked.

  “Leaving,” Declan replied. He was not even trying to hide his irritation.

  Aspen began to feel sorry for the young cop with the way Declan was glaring at him.

  “Please describe what happened?” Officer Reeves cut in.

  Declan blew out a deep breath and began to recount the story of them leaving the zoo. She leaned her head against his arm as he told their story. When it came to the part about shooting the man, Aspen’s heart lodged in her throat. Did Declan just say he shot him?

  “So you shot the man?” Reeves asked, asking for clarification.

  “No, you didn’t. I did.” Aspen shook her head. She didn’t want him to get in any trouble for this. If anyone was to pay for shooting the thug, it would be her.

  Aspen’s gaze landed on the EMTs lifting a stretcher with the body of the man she’d shot. She swallowed hard, tearing her eyes from the sight of them pulling a white sheet over his face. The other thugs were handcuffed and led to a black van.

  This madness needed to end soon, but even after she testified against Ray, her life would still not be what it used to be.

  She turned back and caught the two officers glancing at her.

  Declan gently turned her to him. His eyes searched hers.

  “I think you may be having some memory deficit from the attack. I think you hit your head when he dragged you from the car. I shot the man,” Declan said slowly.

  “We’re going to need both of you to come down to the station,” Officer Reeves announced.

  “Is this really necessary?” Declan said.

  “Sergeant, you know the routine. This involved a shooting with an off-duty officer. Both of you will need to come to the precinct for official statements and questioning.” Officer Reeves snapped his notebook shut and returned Declan’s stare. “And Sergeant, we will need to confiscate your weapon. Standard protocol.”

  “Fine. But we go together,” Declan agreed. He released the clip before handing the weapon to the officer. Declan dropped both into the evidence bag for them to secure it.

  Reeves nodded and motioned for them to accompany them to a squad car. Declan entwined his fingers with hers and walked alongside her. Aspen was relieved that she wasn’t going to be put in handcuffs. She glanced over at Declan’s face and knew he wouldn’t have taken her being put in the restraints well. A little tick in his jaw jumped.

  There were so many people in the parking lot. People taking pictures of the scene, people putting number signs down by evidence. Even Declan’s car was being processed. A growl vibrated from his chest when he got a look at his car.

  “Hold on. Where do you think you’re going?” a familiar voice spoke up from behind them.

  They paused, turning to look at the newcomer.

  The feds had arrived.

  “I’m US Marshal Elliot Ball. What in the hell happened here?” Ball barked, flashing his credentials.

  A couple of men in suits joined him. Aspen jumped at the tone of his voice but was still relieved he’d got her message. He’d have tracked her via her cell. His gaze landed on Aspen and dropped to her and Declan’s entwined hands.

  He stopped next to Aspen, his attention focused on Declan. “Who the hell are you?”

  “Sergeant Declan Owen. Since when does an assault in the zoo’s parking lot require the US Marshals?” Declan demanded, tightening his grip on her hand.

  “Declan, I can explain.” Aspen sighed, turning to Declan, trying to push down the bile that was threatening to force its way up.

  “You’ll do no such thing, Ms. Hale,” US Marshal Ball cut her off, motioning for her to come to him.

  He glanced down at his watch, and dread filled her. She knew what that meant.

  Her time in Columbia was over.

  “It’s time to go, Ms. Hale.” Ball’s voice broke through her thoughts.

  She glanced back to Declan, who stood with a confused expression on his face. She turned to him, tears blurring her vision. She reached up to grip his face and made him look at her. His eyes softened once they met hers.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, her heart slowly breaking. She’d known that eventually this day would come. She’d have plenty of memories of him to take with her. Once again, Ray Acosta had taken everything from her, and this time, he was locked away in a jail cell doing it. “For everything. I’ll never forget you.”

  “Forget me? Aspen, what the hell is going on?” His hand gripped her hip, pulling her close. His gaze shot over her shoulder to the US Marshals standing by to take her away.

  “We don’t have time, Aspen. We need to go now.”

  “She’s not going anywhere except down to the precinct,” Officer Reeves announced, apparently having found his balls. “Either she comes willingly or it’ll be in handcuffs.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.” Declan moved to stand before her.

  Cruz took a step back, but Reeves stood firm where he was.

  “On what charges?” Ball demanded.

  “Well, if you didn’t notice, we have a dead man and we have reason to believe it was Ms. Hale who shot him.”

  Chapter 13

  Declan paced the small room, infuriated. Once they had arrived at the precinct, the feds had taken Aspen away from him. He didn’t know what the hell was going on but he was going to get to the bottom of it. The feds had been closed-lipped on everything.

  What the hell do the feds have to do with Aspen?

  “You’re wearing a hole in the floor,” Mac’s voice broke through his thoughts.

  Declan blew out a deep breath. He was feeling trapped in the small interrogation room. The windowless space was a cliché of television drama shows with its bleak decor and mirror on the wall. The minute he’d arrived, he’d placed a call to Mac who’d appeared immediately. Without a doubt, Mac was the one person he’d call with any problems. “I’m sure she’s fine—”

  “She’s not fine. Those men were going to take her. If it was Sarena, what would you do?” Declan asked, cutting Mac off. It was a low blow. This situation was a slightly different from when Sarena had been kidnapped by a powerful gangster who would have killed her to extract revenge on Mac. But for Declan, seeing those men try to abduct Aspen put him in the same mindset that Mac had been in. He would have gladly emptied his clip into every single one of those men. Declan didn’t know what she was involved in and didn’t care. He’d finally realized what the haunted look in her eyes really was.

  Fear and loneliness.

  He would be there for her. Erase that sadness
from her eyes.

  During Mac and Sarena’s ordeal, Declan and the rest of SWAT had been right by Mac’s side doing everything in their power to get her back.

  Mac paused, his eyes darkening as he met Declan’s gaze. Their intense standoff was interrupted by the door opening. Captain Spook entered the room, his eyes shifting between Declan and Mac, having picked up on the tension in the room.

  “Have a seat, Sergeant Owen,” the captain ordered. His commanding presence drove Declan to have a seat next to Mac. He flopped down in the chair and glanced at Mac.

  “Sorry, man. That was low,” Declan muttered, running a hand along his jaw. Mac was as close to him as a brother, and they’d been through tough times. That didn’t give him any right to be a dick.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Mac sniffed.

  They turned their attention to the captain.

  “Now that you ladies are done with whatever the hell I walked in on, we have important matters at hand,” Captain Spook snapped, taking a seat across from them.

  Declan sat straight in his chair.

  “IRB will be here in any moment. Declan, they are going to be up in your ass since this involved an altercation while you were off duty.”

  Declan nodded, fully aware of the situation that was coming.

  “Now I want to hear from you exactly what happened.”

  Declan blew out a deep breath and retold the story he had already told the uniforms. Mac’s hands balled into fists as Declan got to the part where the men had appeared.

  “What has she said?” Mac asked.

  “Not much. The feds wouldn’t let her say anything. She just said she was sorry and she wouldn’t forget me. The feds are taking her.” Declan leaned his elbows on the table and gripped his hair in his hands. He squeezed his eyes shut, hating the feeling blossoming in his chest.


  A strong, comforting hand gripped his shoulder.


  He’d never been one to experience this before. Not when he was deployed, not on any SWAT call, but the sensation was there, weighing him down. Had he not yelled for her to open the glovebox, she wouldn’t have grabbed the gun. The guy she shot would have dragged her off, and there was no telling what they would have done with her.

  “Do you think it’s anything illegal?” Mac questioned the captain.

  Declan raised his head to look at the captain.

  “From what I was able to gather from Agent Ball, she’s in witness protective custody. After the air is cleared about what happened down at the zoo, I imagine they are going to take Ms. Hale and disappear.”

  “But the matter comes back to her firing my weapon and killing the suspect. Will she be charged with anything?” Declan was reaching for any reason she would have to stay.

  “Doubt it. There were enough witnesses leaving the zoo who saw what happened and called the authorities. She should be cleared from that, and knowing the feds, if they need her bad enough, this will be filled away as a righteous kill and swept under the rug.”

  “Can I speak with her?” Declan asked. He was dying to see Aspen. She had been shaken up after the ordeal. She’d barely let his arm go once the cops had arrived. His heart stuttered thinking that she was alone and afraid with the feds in the other room.

  “Let me see what I can do. Stay right here.” The captain glared at him.

  Declan knew the look, and if he didn’t want to be busted down to traffic duty, he’d keep his ass in the seat.

  The captain pushed back his chair and stood. “I’m going to see if I can delay IRB so we can work out what the hell is going on.”

  Declan and Mac remained silent until the door shut again. Mac blew out a deep breath, standing. It was his turn to pace the floor. His movements were that of a predator. Declan recognized it because it was how they were. That’s what made them perfect for SWAT.

  “What are you thinking?” Declan asked. He knew when Mac was lost in thought and planning.

  “Where was this relationship of yours going?” He turned and faced Declan.

  He scowled at Mac and flew from the chair, knocking it over.

  “Calm down. I’m asking because I need to know how far in we’re going to be.”

  “I’m all in for her.” He clenched his fist.

  Mac nodded and walked over to the door. He opened it and stood back while Zain, Iker, Ashton, Brodie, and Miles filed into the room. Each man was decked out in the black fatigues as if prepared to go out on a call. Mac shut the door behind them and moved to stand before them.

  His team.


  He met the eyes of each of his teammates and gave them an appreciative nod.

  “Aspen is your woman, then she’s one of us,” Mac announced.

  As always, Columbia Police Department protected their own.

  Aspen blew out a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves. Ball sat at the table with her while the detectives sat across from her. They eyed her with distrust on their faces. They’d gone over the story of what happened at least four times.

  She’d lost track of time since she’d entered the small interrogation room.

  “How did you get Sergeant Owen’s gun?” Detective Roth asked, cocking an eyebrow.

  She’d seen the look in his eyes before. It was the look of a cop who had already deemed her guilty just because of the color of her skin. As if all people of color were guilty of heinous crimes.

  “Right before those men attacked us, Declan made me get in the car and told me to open the glovebox. But before I or he could get it, the men jumped him, and the one I shot—” Her voice ended on a catch. She bit her lip to keep it from quivering.

  She’d taken a life.

  Her vision blurred, making it hard for her to see. She sniffed and ran a hand across her eyes to wipe the tears before they fell. She wasn’t a violent person and because of that man’s actions she’d had to protect herself.

  There was only one man to truly blame for this.

  Ray Acosta.

  “And your relationship with Sergeant Owen is what?” Detective Shots asked.

  She rolled her eyes. This was the second time he’d asked her the question. He’d only formed it a different way this time. She glanced over at Ball who nodded.

  “We’ve been seeing each other,” she replied. She looked him straight in the eye, not caring if she appeared agitated. She was tired, hungry, and worried about Declan. Since arriving at the police precinct, she’d yet to see him. They’d kept them separated, and she was worried that he was still trying to claim that he’d shot the dead guy. “It hasn’t changed since the last time you asked me.”

  Roth let out a snort and tapped his fingers on the table. Nothing she could say was going to change this man’s prejudice against her. He was probably counting down the seconds until he could handcuff her and throw her in a jail cell.

  “I’m just curious on why, if you are a regular woman dating an officer, the feds have to be here in the room—”

  “As I told you, you don’t have clearance to know why Ms. Hale has to have a federal agent here,” Ball cut off Detective Shots’ question. His demeaning tone wasn’t lost on any of them in the room. Neither of the detectives’ pay grade would allow them the privilege to know the details of Aspen’s case. “Now as I told you, there will be no charges against Ms. Hale. It was purely self-defense. You have about ten witnesses who reported those men were assaulting your coworker and trying to drag her off to kidnap her.”

  “Now see here—”

  The door opened, and a tall, older man in a uniform with an air of authority entered.

  “Good evening,” the man said. His gaze landed on Aspen before he offered his hand to her. “Hello, Ms. Hale. My name is Captain Spook.”

  She murmured a greeting before sitting back and watching him greet Agent Ball.

  The detectives stood from the table, offering their seats to the captain. He sat in his chair, his worn face looking as tired as Aspen felt.
r />   “Ms. Hale, I’ve recently gotten off the phone with the mayor, and it would seem there will be no charges brought up on the death of the man you shot,” Captain Spook announced.

  “What?” Shots and Roth echoed simultaneously. Their complaints were silenced with one stern glare from the captain.

  Aspen held back a smirk, watching the emotions cross Roth’s face. He had wanted to find a reason he could arrest her, but it looked like the feds must have spoken with the mayor.

  “Ms. Hale, you are to be released into the custody of the US Marshals.” Captain Spook nodded to Ball.

  “Thank you, Captain.” Ball stood and extended his hand to the captain, who took it.

  “Before you go, we have someone who wants to speak to Ms. Hale.” Captain Spook stood from his chair.

  Aspen already knew without question who would be outside the door waiting for her.

  “We don’t have time—”

  “Please,” she whispered, turning her eyes to Ball.

  His lips pressed in a firm line before he blew out a deep breath.

  “Fine. A few minutes, then we must go.”

  She nodded and stood, watching as the men filed out the room, ignoring Roth’s hard glare as he followed his partner out. Her attention was captured by the sight of a bruised Declan standing by the door.

  “You don’t have long, Declan. The captain patted Declan on the back. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Thanks, Captain,” Declan breathed before stepping into the small room. He shut the door and leaned back against it.

  Their eyes met as they stood staring at each other.

  She bit her lip to keep the cry from escaping her lips then rushed to him. He stepped forward and caught her in his embrace. His strong arms folded around her, and she squeezed him as tight as she could. Sobs escaped her.

  “I’m so sorry,” she hiccupped. Her face was buried against his chest as the sobs continued.

  “You don’t have to be sorry,” he murmured, his chest vibrating with his words.

  The strength of him brought her comfort. She sniffed, regaining control of herself. In his arms she no longer felt alone. In his arms was where she wanted to stay for all time, but there was a certain federal agent not too far away who would prevent it from happening.


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