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Dirty Ballistics

Page 15

by Peyton Banks

  One figure stood out. One she was intimately familiar with. She’d never seen a more beautiful sight in her life.


  “Think, Ray,” another voice spoke. This one was calmer than Declan and Mac.

  If she remembered right, it was Ashton, the one who had come to the house with Mac. “We don’t want anyone else getting injured. Let’s do this in a civilized manner. Hand us the girl so she can get medical attention. We can all walk out of here.”

  “I’m good as dead returning to prison,” Ray yelled. The barrel of the gun pressed harder against her temple. “There is no way I’ll be returning to prison. I’ll be dead before the doors even shut. She comes with me. You’re going to let us—”

  “Not an option,” Declan growled.

  “Then you leave me no choice.” Ray barked a sinister laugh. “Her death will be on your hands. This is the last time I’ll say it. Let us both go, and you can get her later after she transfers her offshore account money to me so I can disappear forever.”

  “If it’s money you need,” Ashton began but was cut off by Ray.

  “Let me guess, you will provide it? What, do you think I’m stupid? I know how you cops work. No, Aspen hid enough money to allow me to disappear and live out the rest of my days.”

  “I’m sure the feds will offer protection,” Ashton replied.

  The SWAT team shifted, but their guns never wavered.

  “We can’t let you leave here with the hostage. She needs medical attention now. Let’s just get out of here safely together, and we’ll work something out.”

  “The feds? I bought them off and found where Aspen is. That’s easy as hell. I’ll be found in no time under the protection of the feds,” Ray snorted.

  He removed the gun from her head, and Aspen closed her eyes, not knowing what to expect.

  “There are always other choices.”

  Aspen braced herself. Time appeared to slow. Shouts could be heard, and the sound of a gun firing barked near her.

  Her body jerked from the close fire of Ray’s weapon. Ray’s hand slid off her body as his crashed to the floor behind her. Without the help of him holding her up, her knees buckled, and she fell to the floor. She groaned, turned over, and glanced back at Ray, finding a pool of blood underneath his head.

  Footsteps sounded towards them. She blinked, trying to fight the darkness from reclaiming her.

  “Aspen!” Declan flew to her side and rolled her over.

  She lost sight of Ray as people surrounded him.

  “Baby, are you all right?” he asked. He gripped her chin and brought her face towards him. His eyes, full of worry, gazed down on her. “Aspen. Can you hear me?”

  She reached up a shaky hand to his face and cupped his cheek. She closed her eyes and whispered the three words she never thought she’d get to say to him.

  “I love you.”

  Having said them, she allowed the darkness to take her.

  Chapter 24

  Declan sat beside Aspen’s bed. This time, there was no argument from anyone. He would have fought anyone who would have denied him entrance to her hospital room. It had been close to a week since that dreadful day when he’d thought he’d lost her. The sight of her being held with a gun to her temple had ripped a hole in his heart.

  In the end, Ray had taken the coward’s way out and shot himself in the head, ending everything.

  In his selfishness, little did he know he had set Aspen free.

  “My beautiful sleeping Aspen,” he murmured. He reached for her hand that was free from the IV tubing and ran his fingers along her smooth brown skin. She had been through so much.

  The minute Ray had fallen to the floor, his team had immediately kicked in. They’d secured the room, the other thugs were processed, and the medical team was then able to enter the room to work on Aspen. She had passed out, but not before saying the three words he’d held dear.

  I love you, she’d whispered.

  The medical team had whisked Aspen away, and she was immediately taken to surgery. Her leg had sustained damage by walking on it. According to the surgeons, she had been bleeding inside the wound, making the leg swell. They’d gone in and released the pressure and cleaned it out. Declan was told she may have a slight limp, but with good physical therapy, she should recover completely.

  They just needed her to wake up. The physicians had kept her in a drug-induced coma to give her body time to heal. She’d lost a lot of blood while being held captive. The hospital bed she’d been on down in the shipping area had been drenched with it.

  Had Ray not taken his own life, Declan may have assisted him along, seeing how Aspen had been treated. The other men who worked for Ray were currently sitting in jail.

  Now she was resting in a private room in the hospital. This time, no intensive care. Just a unit that offered privacy and the best of care.

  Right now, staring at her, he knew what he wanted. He wanted to hold her in his arms again and feel her curvy body against his. He wanted to be able to kiss her and let her know that she wouldn’t ever have to be scared of anyone else again.

  The sight of terror in her eyes had almost brought him to his knees when faced with her being held hostage.

  “How is she?”

  Declan glanced over at the door and found Mac and Sarena. He waved them in.

  “Same.” He blew out a frustrated breath. Once she did wake up, they were due for a talk. There was so much on his mind that he didn’t even know where to begin. Federal agents had come and gone. They, too, were waiting to speak to Aspen.

  “It may take time,” Sarena murmured. She stepped at the other side of the bed and offered a small smile.

  “That’s what the doctors keep saying,” he replied. At the moment, he wasn’t sure he could even smile. He ran his fingertips along Aspen’s arm, willing her to wake up. “I hate to say, I’m just impatient.”

  “Well, she’s been through so much. I’m sure she’s just waiting to make her dramatic entrance.” Sarena chuckled softly.

  “How are you holding up?” Mac asked, cocking an eyebrow. “You look like shit. When was the last time you showered?”

  “Marcas!” Sarena gasped. She took a seat on the windowsill and glared at Mac who promptly ignored her.

  They’d been friends long enough for Declan to know Mac was concerned about him.

  “I couldn’t even tell you.” Declan shrugged and ran a hand through his hair.

  “If you want, one of us can stay with her to allow you to go shower.” Ashton’s voice had Declan turning to the doorway.

  Ash and Brodie stood in the entrance while Iker, Myles, and Zain were present behind them out in the hallway.

  “Yeah. You don’t want the first thing Aspen smells when she awakens to be your funk.” Brodie chuckled.

  Ashton rolled his eyes and gave Brodie a slight shove with his arm.

  “Cut it out.” Mac glared at their team before turning his attention back to Declan. “They’re right, you know.”

  “We can hold down the fort. I’m sure the hospital has a shower you can borrow. I bought some clothes for you,” Myles announced, pushing past Ash and Brodie. He walked over toward Declan and tossed a duffle bag at him.

  Declan caught it and stood from the chair. He glanced down at Aspen and gave her hand a slight squeeze.

  “Well, if you insist,” Declan began.

  “We do,” Brodie, Iker, and Myles replied simultaneously.

  The tension was broken up by chuckles floating around the room.

  What would he do without his team? They were as close as brothers, and he wouldn’t want to work with any other group of men. They truly looked after one another.

  Declan shook his head and leaned down and pressed his lips to Aspen’s forehead. Her dark eyes remained closed. Her chest rose and fell in a slow, steady rhythm.

  “I’ll be back in soon,” he murmured.

  He straightened and moved away from Aspen. He stood at the foot of the bed and ca
ught the eyes of his team who filed into the room. Iker and Zain found a spot on the floor while Mac sat next to Sarena. Myles took the seat vacated by Declan while Brodie remained near the door.


  “No need.” Ash held up his hand, cutting Declan off. Ash leaned back against the wall and shook his head. “Just go. We’ll stick around until you come back.”

  Declan grimaced and ran his hand along his face, feeling the week’s worth of a beard filling out on his face. Brushing past his men, he headed down the hallway knowing Aspen would be in good hands until he returned.

  Aspen felt herself floating amongst the clouds in her dream. She didn’t want to leave the peaceful state. There, she’d been lounging around in Declan’s arms. If she didn’t know any better, she would have thought it had been real. She’d found safety and solace in his embrace and knew that like in real life, she wanted to stay there forever.

  But the vision of Declan vanished before her eyes, leaving her to float aimlessly amongst the white fluffy clouds. Her vision of the serene place began to dissipate, and reality hit her.

  She breathed in deeply and blinked. The walls of a hospital room greeted her once again. The sounds of beeping filtered through along with the slight rumbles of snoring. Her gaze went to the IV pump that was placed near her bedside. She tried to move her body and found her leg was just sore. Remembering the pain she’d felt before, she assumed they’d had her on pain medication.

  She turned her head to the opposite side of her bed, and her gaze landed on Declan slouched down in the recliner next to her. His dark hair fell over onto his forehead, and she ached to brush it back. In a dark t-shirt and jeans, he slept.

  Her lips curled up into a small smile as she took him in. Memories of him rescuing her came to mind, and she froze in place. Tears flooded her eyes, and everything came forward.

  The shoot-out.

  The hostage situation.

  Ray taking his own life.

  With him dead, she was free.

  A cry tore from her lips, and Declan’s eyes flew open.

  “Aspen,” he gasped, sitting forward. He stood and immediately sat on the bed next to her.

  “Declan,” she croaked.

  He reached over and grabbed a small cup of water and a straw and held it to her lips. She took a few sips to alleviate the aridness from her throat. He put the cup back down on the side table and turned to her. His large hands gently brushed her tears away off her cheeks.

  “Welcome back, baby,” he murmured.

  She gripped his hand and leaned into his touch. She closed her eyes and basked in the feeling of Declan.

  “Why the tears?”

  “Because it’s over with, right?” she asked. Her heart raced with the thought that she was finally free and would no longer have to be in protective custody.

  She could have her life back.

  “Yes, it’s over. With Ray dead, there is no need for you to testify.”

  Sobs racked Aspen’s body. Declan pulled her to him and enclosed his arms around her. She held on to him tight and let all of the emotions flow out of her. Without saying a word, he just held her and let her cry it out.

  She had lost so much, and now with Ray out of the picture, she could finally move on with her life.

  She’d lost track of time. She sniffed and knew Declan’s shirt was drenched.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “What do you have to be sorry for?” Declan asked. He slid a finger underneath her chin and tipped her face forward to meet her eyes. “After everything you’ve been through, I’d say you needed that.”

  “But I got your shirt all wet and I think there’s snot on it, too,” she whined, embarrassed.

  “I think I’m built tougher than that, Aspen. I’m here for you, and if you want to cry on my shoulder, I’ll take all the tears and snot.” He chuckled.

  She couldn’t help the smile that appeared on her lips. She swatted his shoulder.

  “Declan, there’s so much I want to say,” she began, but was cut off by his finger pressing against her lips.

  “Before you say anything, I have something I need to get off my chest,” he announced.

  Her heart raced with the possibilities of what he was about to tell her. She bit her lip and nodded. He removed his finger and smiled. “Aspen Hale—Irvin—I love you. I know you’ve been to Hell and back and will need to get your life back in order, but I want you to know that I am in love with you.”

  “Oh, Declan,” she breathed. Tears welled up in her eyes, and this time she brushed them away.

  How did she think she’d be able to walk away from him?

  “I was talking to the feds, and they are going to restore your life back to the way it was,” he began, and this time, it was her turn to put her finger to his lips.

  She shook her head. “I don’t want my life back to the way it was before all of this craziness.”

  He stared at her. “You don’t?”

  “No. If it went back to the way it was before I discovered what Ray had been doing or witnessed him shoot that man, I wouldn’t have you in my life. I need you, Declan.” Her voice cracked, and he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers.

  “You just don’t know how good it feels to hear you say that.”

  His unwavering gaze held hers, and she could feel herself getting lost in his eyes.

  “It’s the truth,” she admitted.

  “I’m not rich, Aspen,” he began. His hand cupped her cheek while his thumb slowly stroked her skin. “I’m a retired Navy veteran, living on a policeman’s pay.”

  “None of that matters to me.” She smiled gently. It didn’t. Even if she’d never saved money in those offshore accounts, she would be happy starting over in life as long as Declan was by her side. “I just need you to love me.”


  Chapter 25

  Declan stood back and watched while Aspen addressed the press alongside the federal prosecutor and federal agents. He couldn’t have been prouder of her in that moment. She was dressed in a killer business suit, her hair flowed down her back, and her outfit was completed by the fashionable cane Sarena and Ronnie had gifted her.

  He wasn’t sure where’d they found a cane with a fake diamond handle and a shaft decked out gold and black, but it fit Aspen’s personality perfectly.

  The media was having a field day on this story. Once the death of Ray Acosta was released, the media had been in a frenzy. Finding out that Aspen had been placed in protective custody and had not perished in the accident as reported, really had them salivating.

  He was sure answering questions over her ordeal was drumming up the bad memories, but Aspen remained cool and collected the entire interview.

  “No more questions,” Wilson Lloyd, the prosecutor, announced, holding his hand up.

  The small crowd groaned, seeing they wouldn’t be able to ask anything else. The cops and agents in the room directed the members of the audience to the exit to allow Aspen and Wilson to leave the podium.

  Declan’s feet carried him over to the stage. He held his hand out to Aspen and assisted her down the few stairs. Over the past weeks, she’d had to work with physical therapists. She’d done exceptionally well with all of her therapy since being released from the hospital. She handled everything with grace and determination.

  “You did good, babe.” Declan was rewarded with her killer smile, and his heart skipped a beat. He guided her toward the back entrance. “Let’s get out of here.”

  They left the room and began the trek down the hallway of the downtown federal building.

  “That was nerve-racking, but I’m glad we did this. It helped close the door to that chapter of my life.” She squeezed his hand.

  He slowed his stride to allow her to keep up with him. Her limp was still noticeable, but she had been determined to walk unassisted today.

  “Miss Hale, before you leave,” Wilson called out behind them.

  Declan slowed to
a halt and turned to see the federal prosecutor making his way to them. He shuffled along, dressed in his tailored suit, his briefcase in hand.

  Aspen moved closer to Declan, wrapping her arm around his forearm. He glanced down at her. Her weary gaze met his, and she let loose a sigh.

  “I just want to go home,” she said, leaning her head against his shoulder.

  They’d had a long day dealing with the feds and then the press.

  “Miss Hale.” Wilson arrived, stopping in front of them.

  “I need to get Aspen home. She’s tired from this circus,” Declan stated. He squared up and faced the prosecutor while sliding his arm around Aspen’s shoulders. He didn’t have a problem with dismissing Wilson. Aspen had done everything they’d asked of her. Her time of assisting the feds was over.

  She wanted to go home.

  He’d take her home.

  He would always protect her.

  “Of course.” Wilson nodded. “If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know.”

  “Thank you,” Aspen replied, leaning into Declan.

  “I just want to remind you that restoring someone’s life has never been done before—”

  “It’s okay. I know who I truly am. The new last name and social security number I can get used to. It didn’t change me. Ray may have caused me to lose so much, but I do have to thank him for one thing.”

  She patted Declan on his abdomen, and he squeezed her shoulders.

  He had to agree. Had it not been for Ray, she would have never been whisked away to South Carolina.

  “Again, if I can be of assistance, please don’t hesitate in calling me.” He held out his card, and Declan took it.

  “Will do.” Declan nodded and guided Aspen toward the door without looking to see which way Wilson headed.

  He’d parked his car right outside the back entrance of the building so they’d be able to make a quick escape. They quietly exited and made their way to Declan’s car. He helped her into the ride before jogging to the driver’s side and hopping in.


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