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Balls: The Complete Players Collection (Sports Romance Box Set)

Page 76

by Teagan Kade

  She didn’t seem perturbed, standing there with her hands on her hips. I always marveled at the way women seemed to be able to knot a towel around themselves and never have it fall. Female black magic, it was. “I don’t know,” she said. “I’m kind of getting used to it.”

  I pointed behind myself, noting I stunk like French champagne. “Sorry about that, back there.”

  “You didn’t want to come to the club with me?”

  I debated what to do, but looking at her my mind was made up.

  I came forward and replaced the hands on her hips with my own. “I’d rather go to bed with you.”

  She gestured around the room. “There’s no bed,” her eyes darting sideways, “but there is a shower. Care to join?” She sniffed. “I think you could use one.”

  “In that case…”

  Now the towel dropped, falling away to reveal her perfect body.

  Our mouths were together but our hands moved in rapid-fire below, pulling and unzipping, doing everything they could to get me out of my clothes as fast as possible.

  The shower was already running, steam starting to fill the room.

  Naked, I drove her back and opened the shower door with one hand, helping her through and under the water.

  She pulled her hair back never letting the kiss break. The water was hot, scalding on my skin as I found her breasts with my one hand and her aching sex with the other, a finger slipping to the second knuckle inside her.

  I spoke down to her breathlessly. “This has gone way past a coach-player relationship you do realize. I care about you way more than that, about your career highlights. I want to create highlights of my own with you. I’m sorry, but I can’t ignore it any longer.”

  “Is this your way of telling me you want to go steady?” She smiled.

  “Perhaps,” I laughed.

  “I want to be with you, Scott, but I don’t know how we can make it work, publically, that is.”

  I placed a finger on her lips. “Enough of this.”

  I hitched her leg up under the thigh and moved my cock into position, letting her sink ever so slowly onto my length. The heat of the water mixed with the warm, silky glove of her pussy, an intoxicating mix of sensation.

  I pressed her against the wall and kissed her hard, my hands on her ass and the water streaming down my back as I drove upwards to fill her.

  She moaned, struggling to be heard over the gushing water.

  The steam enveloped us, cocooned us in a time capsule of sorts.

  I suddenly remembered the door to the dressing room. It had bounced open, only a foot or so, but enough for anyone wandering past to see what was happening, to see right into the shower.

  But did it matter?

  I realized I’d stopped. “What is it?” asked Rae.

  “The door,” I said. “It didn’t close all the way.”

  “It never does,” she smiled back at me. “Leave it.”

  That did it. I covered her ass with my entire arm, holding her up and plunging into her hard.

  She bit down on my shoulder and moaned with satisfaction, the slickness between her legs blending with the streaming water and running down the side of my leg, lubricating my fast-pumping cock.

  I couldn’t get enough of her. I couldn’t contain how much I wanted her. I kissed and licked, holding a breast to my mouth and then the back of her head, trying every which way I could to get further inside her, to make her mine.

  All the while she mewed and moaned and bent to take more of me, her thigh high against my ribs, our bodies coming together with a wet slap in the tight confines of the shower.

  I slammed a hand against the tile and drove deeper breathing hard and fast losing control.

  “Harder,” she begged.

  I complied, levering myself upwards with everything I had and groaning with the effort.

  “Oh, god…. God, god….”

  With a violent jerk she stuttered my name and came, shaking, buttressed against the cold tiles and the hard frame of my body, slung there unable to move.

  The sound of her voice, the flush in her skin… I couldn’t take it, one final thrust was all it took to feel my own orgasm barrel through my body.

  We held each other, our hearts beating as one, synchronized in time and spirit.

  Slowly, I let her leg down.

  I rested her head against my shoulder as we both tried to recover. I actually felt faint, like all the blood in my body had suddenly rushed to my cock.

  “That was…” she started.

  “Amazing,” I finished, “and one more thing.”

  I held Rae an arm’s length away, the shower continuing to stream between us. “Like I said, I can’t pretend I’m not falling for you any longer. For the first time in a long time, I’m actually thinking about the future, the future of us.”

  She smiled and that blood rushed right back up my body. “I don’t want to pretend either.” She pressed her head against my chest. “I want to be with you too.”

  I stroked the silky length of her hair. “We’ll still have to keep it quiet for the time being, keep it private until the right time.”

  “I agree,” she said, sleepy and distant.

  Through the shower screen I could see movement in the edge of the vanity mirror. I squinted, unsure what I was looking at and then realizing completely.

  It was Wanda, but the moment we locked eyes she backed away. A second later, she was gone.



  It had been a few weeks and things were starting to level out. Nine times out of ten I was on my game playing the best hockey I had in years. Nine times out of ten the crowd would respond positively. Tonight would not be one of those times.

  Vancouver was traditionally a major rival of Seattle and now, by association, the Kraken. There was a deep history of smack talk and fan-on-fan fisticuffs between the two cities. I was hoping, with fingers and toes crossed, tonight wouldn’t turn into a slug-fest.

  The reception was, to dial in the appropriate cliché, cold as ice. Entering out of the tunnel I was used to the usual wisecracks and heckling, but these insults were downright nasty. They would have made Gordon Ramsey blush.

  ‘Bitch!’ someone shouted.

  ‘Fuck off, Barbie!’ came another call.

  I leaned into Cormac. “I thought Canadians were all friendly and ‘how’s it going, eh?’”

  He simply laughed, shaking his head. “Oh, Rae, how innocent you are. Great scenery, better coffee, but the hockey fans?” He laughed again. “I could summon the ghost of Joe Malone and score eight goals and they’d still prefer me a bloody, beaten mess.”

  I shivered a little. “That bad, huh?”

  His giant hand fell on my back, enough to make me splutter forward. “Fuck ’em, Sunshine. You go out there and show them you don’t need a dick to ace this game.”

  Scott smiled when he saw me, quickly gathering the team together in a tight huddle. “Look,” he started, “it’s going to be fucking rough out there tonight, so look out for each other.” He was talking to the team, but his oceanic eyes were focused on me. “Don’t give them a damn inch.”

  Liam reached down and took hold of his dick. “Oh, I got eight inches of prime American muscle right here to fuck them over with.”

  Scott ignored him. “Watch the boards especially. These pricks love to use them.”

  We broke and headed out onto the ice, the crowd continuing to boo and carry-on. I’d always like the idea of Vancouver. But in that moment? I’d have happily preferred the North Pole.

  With Scott…


  His hands on me…

  His cock in me…

  The buzzer sounded, snapping me out of my daydream and into action.

  Scott was right. Vancouver was out for blood and they seemed especially intent on making it mine.

  The boys did their best to deflect the attacks, but the Vancouver attackers came at me harder and harder with every passing minute.

  A particularly large blow to the side sent me into the boards. Liam skated around to help me up. “Jesus H,” he muttered, “you good, Walsh?”

  I was trying to find where I’d left my diaphragm. “The size of these guys,” I muttered. “Are we in the land of the giants or something? Did you bring the magic beans?”

  Liam gave a short burst of laughter. “Oh, we need magic alright.”

  The half-time buzzer went off. I checked the board quickly and noticed we were one up on Vancouver, so there was hope, but it was going to be a tough fight to hold that lead.

  I sat on the bench and winced, already feeling like I’d been run through. Scott was nodding his approval in my direction attempting to remain stoic, but I saw the concern written deeper on his face. It was true. I wasn’t just a player anymore to him. We were far beyond that now.

  Intermission, and the crowd was starting to move around, the insults dying down as everyone headed off to grab a beer or hit the john. I decided I needed to stretch my legs a little.

  I stepped out of the box and into the main thoroughfare when something collided into my side, slamming me into the wall.

  If I’d been winded earlier, this hit damn near ejected my lungs completely.

  I could vaguely see one of the Vancouver defenders standing over me with a smirk on his face, but it was soon wiped off by a quick right from Liam.

  After that, it was chaos. The brawl started somewhere above me, a blur of color as Kraken players streamed out the box and came to my defense. It was the worst possible place for such a confrontation. Vancouver fans were trying to join in, security running forward and trying to break things up but struggling against the players.

  Cormac managed to find me, scooping me up by the arm and shielding me back into the box.

  I watched through watery eyes as more security flooded in, the two teams eventually separated.

  “And now,” a voice boomed over the loudspeakers, “a special message from the Jumbotron!”

  I was still focused on the fight, not really paying attention to anything else when I heard another voice — a voice I knew all too well.

  I looked up at the screen hoping, praying I couldn’t be right, but what I saw confirmed my very worst fears.

  I was on the screen, lit up there 30ft high, a younger me, but me all the same, caught in the throes of sexual intercourse.

  I couldn’t move. I was completely frozen to the spot, a gaping void opening up inside me so deep and wide it was basically a black hole. Because this couldn’t be happening, could it?

  But it was. The clip was shadowy, the darkness and bed sheets covering up most of my body, but the moment I turned to the camera, smiling at it while simultaneously grinding my hips down and moaning like a pornstar, there was no denying who was the star of the show.


  The stadium, only moments ago a cacophonic clash of sound, was now dead silent apart from my husky voice begging for more, for the mystery man on screen to ‘fuck me harder.’

  The clip shut off, the Jumbotron going blank, but I knew it was already too late. The damage had been done. It didn’t matter how it happened, who saw it, and for how long, it would be enough.



  Cormac and Liam were pacing before me in the locker room, a hornet’s nest outside.

  I was shaking sitting there on the bench, my arms wrapped around my body, my knees clasped tightly together. I still couldn’t believe this was actually happening, that eighteen-thousand people had just witnessed my ex and I crunching guts. And the sound. God… it was like I was everywhere at once.

  I brought my hands to my head and slumped forward staring at the ground and silently wanting it to open wide and envelop me for all eternity.

  “It could be worse,” said Liam. “You could have been blowing him or something, taking it in the ass…”

  “Shut the fuck up,” said Cormac. He crouched down in front of me, lifting my head up and locking eyes with me. “It’s bad, I know, but don’t let this mess with you. Don’t let them win.”

  I was more concerned with who was behind this, though given my short hair in the clip I was pretty sure it was my ex Greg, the kind of weaselly no-hoper you ever wondered why you got with in the first place. He was the only guy I was with during that period. How he got the clip up there on the Jumbotron was anyone’s guess, though I was pretty sure he’d had help.

  “Where is she?” It was Scott, looking nothing short of devastated as he approached me. He sat beside me on the bench, angled towards me, his hand on my shoulder. “You okay?”

  I noticed Wanda had entered the room behind him.

  “What the fuck?!” Jensen shouted to Wanda from the other side of the room, one hand over his twig and berries. “I’m fucking buck naked here!” He was busy trying to change into fresh underlayers.

  A beat passed where it didn’t seem like Wanda was going to budge, until a look from Scott sent her shuffling out in a high-pitched scoff. She was about the last person I wanted here right now with her judgy eyes and moral high ground.

  “I’m alright,” I managed to get out, “as much as you can be when one of your most intimate moments has been shown for the world to see.”

  “Admittedly,” said Scott, “you couldn’t see much.”

  “You could see enough,” I retorted.

  Scott lowered his voice, drawing himself closer. “What can you tell us, about the tape? I want to pin anyone who had anything to do with this to the fucking wall.”

  I shook my head. “Not a lot. This sleazy ex I was with told me he deleted the footage, and me, stupid me, believed him. I never gave him permission to keep it.”

  “We’ll find him,” Scott nodded, firm and resolute. “And when we do, so help me god he better kiss any sort of sex life he thought he had in the future goodbye. I’m going to feed his fucking balls to my goldfish.”

  “You don’t have goldfish,” I laughed, struggling since my chest was so tight.

  “I’m going to get some, just for that.”

  One of the team assistants poked his head through the door. “Five minutes.”

  I checked the digital clock on the wall. It was almost time for play to start. My sex tape premiere wouldn’t put a dent in that. The game must go on, as they say.

  Although my blood curdled at the thought of stepping back out there, I wasn’t about to let the team down. I started to stand, but Scott pressed me back down. “What are you doing?”

  I wiped at my nose and eyes with the side of my glove. “I’m going back out there.”

  Cormac and Liam stopped what they were doing, turning to me and then Scott, but he was too focused on me.

  “It’s a bad idea,” Scott said simply.

  I managed to stand up regardless, hunting around for my stick. “I insist.”

  The phone against the wall started to ring, Cormac picking it up, his eyes turning to Scott. He extended the handpiece. “Allie and Tripp, man, for you.”

  “Wait here,” Scott told me with an extended finger.

  I saw him pick up the receiver and mutter something. After that, he couldn’t seem to get a word in, his eyes finding me and then deflecting away. He hung up and paced over, drawing in a breath. “That was word from upstairs, Rae. Sorry, but you’re being taken off the ice.”

  “No!” I shouted, trying to get past Scott but his strong hands held me back. “It’s done, Rae. The decision has been made.”

  I shoved him in the chest, hot tears cutting down my cheeks. “No!” I screamed.

  “Yes!” he shouted back. “And that’s final.”

  I sat down fuming knowing there was no way out of this. Allie and Tripp… This was their team. What they said went, whether Scott wanted it or not, and I was pretty sure their interests were aligned here.

  Cormac was the last one to leave the dressing room, stomping over to me in his full kit and lifting my head up with the point of his stick. “It’s a shit deal, kid, I know
, but cheer us on, okay?”

  I did my best to force a smile. “Of course. Give them hell.”

  Cormac took his stick away and tapped it against the ground. “I’m going to give them everything I have. You can count on that.”

  And as I watched on the screen on the dressing room wall, he did, but it wasn’t enough. The whole thing had thrown the team off, just enough to break their cohesion and hand Vancouver an easy win. I watched second by second, pacing and going insane, yelling and screaming at the screen knowing it wasn’t going to do a damn bit of good.

  We were done.

  I was done.



  Rae had already left by the time I made it to the locker rooms. Calls to her cell went unanswered — all ten of them. I knew Allie and Tripp’s decision wasn’t going to sit well with her, but she would have been eaten alive out there.

  But you know she would have handled it.

  Perhaps it was my own insecurity. Perhaps I was the one who wouldn’t have been able to take it.

  Most of the stadium had filtered out by the time I left. It was freeze-your-balls-off cold outside, sheets of snow filtering through the perimeter lights like confetti.

  My cell went off. I scooped it out of my pocket thinking it was Rae.

  Tripp’s voice came through the receiver. It sounded like the poor bastard was still going through puberty he was so squeaky. “Scott, it’s Tripp.”

  “You don’t say,” I replied.

  “And Allie,” came her voice, far less pleasant. She was the whip of this operation. It would have been her idea to call. I had a pretty darn good idea why, but I wasn’t going to make it easy.

  “I suppose you want to talk about Rae, about how to handle this quickly and quietly and get back to training.”

  “Well…” started Tripp, but he was cut off by Allie.

  “There’s no easy way to say this, Scott, so I’m just going to come right out with it: Rae Walsh has got to go.”

  I expected as much. I put my hand on my hip, breathing out clouds of white. “That ain’t going to look good, you know, booting her out because some asshole thought it would be a good idea to show their sex tape to the world. Have you even called the cops yet?”


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