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Kensy & Max: Freefall

Page 19

by Jacqueline Harvey

  Max leaned around his parents. ‘He wasn’t feeling well. We saw him when we were having a tour of the statue and I think he was heading for the bathroom.’

  The revelation only seemed to cause his grandmother more distress.

  Kensy was watching Javier who was now loitering at the side of the pavilion. Fortunately he hadn’t yet noticed them. The fact that he had a gun was something of a problem.

  Max had his eyes on Dash.

  Meanwhile, inside the statue, Curtis was mopping Song’s brow. The man had received a brutal kick and had a lump the size of an egg on his forehead. He had not long ago woken up and was muttering deliriously. ‘Dash. Champagne. Poison.’ His eyes rolled back in his head and he was out cold again.

  Poison. Curtis wondered why Song had been knocked out so easily. According to Kensy and Max the man had a black belt in just about everything and could stop an attacker with a single finger. He rummaged around in his backpack and found what he was looking for then administered a dose, hoping it did what it said on the label. Fortunately the man immediately began to rouse and started muttering the name Juliet. Curtis had no idea who that was, but at least Song was awake.

  ‘Are you all right, Mother?’ Rupert asked. ‘Still got a plan, have you?’

  Cordelia eyeballed him.

  ‘Not now, Rupert,’ she said firmly and reached into the basket to open another card then smiled at a well-wisher who had stopped at the table. ‘If you want to do something useful, go and find Song and make sure that he’s in one piece.’

  Ellery Chalmers hadn’t left her father’s side since he arrived. ‘Are we going home soon, Dad?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes, darling. I think we’ve all had more than enough adventures for a while.’ He planted a kiss on her forehead. ‘Mummy must be eager to get back to all her lovely things.’

  Tinsley felt faint. Her hands were clammy. She needed to get the children out of there and fast.

  Waitstaff walked in processionals, delivering plates of food. A young woman with an earpiece arrived at the Chalmers’ table. She leaned down and murmured something in Dash’s ear, handing him an envelope. He turned it over in his hands and caught Dame Spencer’s eye. He’d been expecting this – the final instruction for how he was going to leave with Tinsley and the children. The man smiled and ran his thumb under the flap. A puff of air blasted his face and he recoiled.

  Kensy and Max looked at one another.

  ‘Uncle Rupert,’ they whispered then glanced across at the man who seemed completely oblivious to whatever was going on.

  For several seconds, Dash stared in their direction before his head hit the plate in front of him. Ellery Chalmers screamed hysterically, causing the entire room of almost a thousand people to be silenced.

  ‘No! No!’ Javier raced to Dash’s side. ‘Dash, what have I done? It was those children. They must have swapped the letters!’

  Now was their chance. ‘It was him!’ Max stood up and pointed. ‘That man there. The waiter. He’s the Postal Assassin! His name is Javier Hernandez.’

  ‘Javier!’ Conrad Chalmers shouted. ‘He was one of Dash’s best friends at school. What’s going on?’

  There was a gasp from the crowd and a woman entered the marquee trailed by a cameraman and a guy holding a sound boom. ‘It’s true. That man is the Postal Assassin and I have the evidence to prove it.’

  ‘What’s that reporter from the television doing here?’ Max said.

  ‘Well done, Tessa,’ Kensy mumbled to herself.

  In the blink of an eye a swarm of security guards had apprehended the man. Given the Deputy Director of the CIA and the Head of the FBI were both guests at the party, it didn’t take more than a few minutes for Javier to disappear – quite likely for a very long time.

  ‘Dash!’ Faye Chalmers stood behind her son, trying to shake him awake. ‘My darling boy.’

  Cordelia hurried to her friend’s side. ‘Oh, Faye, the ambulance is on its way. We’ll see that he has the best care. Mark my words.’ Cordelia embraced the woman.

  Tinsley hugged her daughter. ‘It’s all right, darling. Daddy will be fine,’ she soothed.

  Rupert stood beside her. ‘Faye, Conrad, please go with your son. I’ll look after Tinsley and the children.’

  A helicopter thumped overhead and Dash was stretchered out of the marquee, his parents by his side.

  Rupert turned to his mother. ‘I’ll be back as soon as I can.’ Kensy and Max stared at their uncle and he gave them both a wink.

  ‘Of course, darling,’ the woman said. ‘Perhaps we should abandon the party?’

  ‘Over my dead body,’ Hector said. ‘There is so much to celebrate tonight. And it ’as not been lost on me that we are ’ere in the shadow of Lady Liberty – a gift from my country to America and a symbol of enlightenment for all the world. She would be pleased with what ’as transpired.’

  Cordelia smiled. ‘Yes, but sadly it was none of my doing.’

  She looked at the twins and arched her left eyebrow. They both simply shrugged.

  After the initial shock, the noise levels in the marquee reached fever pitch with everyone speculating about what had just happened and whether or not Dash would pull through. Curtis and a weak-looking Song had arrived in time to see the whole chaotic scene and now Kensy and Max were explaining everything.

  ‘What are you going to do, Mother?’ Ed asked, a glint in his eye.

  ‘Hector’s right. I’m not going to let that scoundrel spoil my night. I’ve waited a long time for this and besides, I hear the dessert is going to be spectacular,’ Cordelia said, as she turned and walked to the podium.

  She cleared her throat and waited several minutes for the room to fall silent. ‘Dear friends, it would appear that tonight a major crime has been foiled. It is a great relief to the entire country that the Postal Assassin has been caught. I’m sure that you will all join me in sending your very best wishes to Dash Chalmers for a speedy recovery.’ Her throat almost dried up when she said that evil man’s name, but it was for the best.

  ‘Here here.’ A man halfway down the marquee stood up and clapped. Soon the entire audience had joined him and while the atmosphere was somewhat subdued for a short time, the party quickly regained its momentum and was everything the Spencers could have hoped for and more.

  On Friday morning the news headlines all carried the same story. The capture of the Postal Assassin and the tragic death of his fifth victim, Dash Chalmers.

  ‘Good morning.’ Cordelia Spencer kissed the top of her granddaughter’s blonde head as she arrived in the kitchen just after nine.

  ‘Morning, Granny.’ Kensy looked up from her cereal bowl. ‘I can’t believe we got him and that horrible Javier too. That was the best!’

  Max and Curtis were seated beside her along the island bench, chomping on their vegemite toast.

  ‘Yes well, thanks to you and your brother and Curtis. And no thanks to me and Song,’ the woman said as the butler passed her a strong cup of coffee.

  ‘I think it’s Uncle Rupert you have to thank the most,’ Max said.

  ‘I swear, ma’am, Dash was fast. I did not see him make the exchange of champagne glasses,’ Song said, still nursing a rather sore head.

  Dame Spencer’s plan had not been quite as foolproof as she had hoped. She’d run a huge risk inviting Tinsley and the children to the party. As per the deal she’d made with Dash when he had held her captive, she had agreed to hand them over to him that night. Except that what she’d really planned was to drug him with the spiked champagne then capture him with Song’s help. She hadn’t counted on Dash being so observant and Song so distracted. And she’d been so stubborn that she hadn’t listened to her own grandchildren. She would never have forgiven herself if something had happened to them.

  ‘Well, we’re very lucky that Curtis had the presence of mind to take that backpack of his along and that he’d stocked up on supplies downstairs – or things might have turned out very differently,’ Cordelia said.
br />   The lad smiled.

  ‘I think you’re going to be a welcome addition to the Pharos family, young man.’

  Curtis felt his chest puff out, even though he tried hard to keep it still.

  ‘What will happen now?’ Max asked. ‘To Tinsley and the kids?’

  ‘I’m not sure. Your uncle is going to help them work out what they’d like to do next. They might go back to Sydney or they could stay here,’ Cordelia said.

  ‘In the Eagle’s Nest – in the Barbizon building a few doors down?’ Kensy said.

  ‘Is there anything you lot haven’t worked out for yourselves?’ Cordelia smiled.

  Kensy grinned. ‘Well, we are spies too, you know.’

  ‘Trainees, darling,’ the woman reminded her.

  ‘We still haven’t worked out why Dash and Javier targeted those people with the letters,’ Max said. ‘But I suspect Javier did Dash’s bidding for money.’

  ‘That’s often a great motivator,’ Cordelia said. ‘As for the victims, you can be sure they all have links to Dash somewhere along the line. We’ll work it out. Unfortunately I’ll have to go to the funeral – for Faye and Conrad. But at least they’ll never know what a monster their son had become and for that I am grateful.’

  ‘We had some help last night before we got to the island,’ Kensy said. ‘Did you open a card from a girl called Tessa?’

  Cordelia’s eyes widened. ‘Yes. It brought a tear to my eye – most unexpected. I’d love to meet her. I believe she could be someone to keep in mind for the future.’

  ‘We can arrange that,’ Kensy said. ‘I suspect she’d make an awesome spy.’

  ‘Well, it sounds like she might be in for a sizable reward for solving the case of the Postal Assassin,’ Cordelia said.

  ‘That’s fantastic.’ Kensy smiled. ‘I’m sure she and her father will put the money to very good use.’

  Anna and Ed walked into the room. Hector and Marisol and Mim were already on the terrace, enjoying their breakfast in the sunshine.

  ‘Morning, Mother,’ Ed said, kissing the woman’s cheek.

  ‘Good morning, Cordelia,’ Anna said sheepishly.

  Cordelia set her cup on the benchtop and walked around to her daughter-in-law. ‘I owe you an apology, my dear,’ she said, her eyes glistening. ‘I know that you invited Faye and Conrad because you wanted them to share in my special night and if I hadn’t been so focused on my rather ill-thought-out plan to capture Dash . . . well, I’m sorry I was cross – it was cruel of me.’

  She hugged Anna tightly and the two of them brushed tears from their eyes.

  The children frowned at each other and Ed pulled a face.

  ‘How about we do something fun today?’ Ed said. ‘What about we hire a boat and go out on the river?’

  Kensy looked at her father. ‘Are you kidding?’

  ‘No way!’ Max shook his head.

  ‘Not voting for that,’ Curtis said.

  There had still been no progress on who was behind the cruiser plot back at Alexandria and that was the last thing they needed to be reminded of. Although in a disturbing twist, Dame Spencer had recently learned that Frank Fife had been poisoned by his own hand – or at least that’s how things appeared.

  ‘What about a stroll around the Central Park Zoo?’ Anna suggested.

  ‘Now that’s a much better idea. Maybe Song can bring his girlfriend – the one he has listed as Huang in his phone,’ Max teased.

  ‘What girlfriend?’ Cordelia snapped. ‘And why on earth would you give the poor woman that code name?’

  ‘Woo woo,’ Kensy teased.

  A deep blush raced up the man’s neck. ‘I was not sure that I wanted anyone to find out. In case things did not go the way I have been hoping.’

  ‘Come on, Song, you’re going to have to give us a little more than that. Does she have a name? How did you meet? Where does she live?’ Cordelia fired.

  Beads of perspiration ran down Song’s temples. ‘Her name is . . .’

  ‘Juliet!’ Curtis exclaimed loudly and was met by a sea of furrowed brows. ‘Song called her name last night when he was delirious.’

  ‘Did I?’ the man grimaced.

  Curtis nodded.

  ‘Tell us more,’ Cordelia urged.

  Song sighed. ‘We met in London, but she lives here in New York. We have not seen each other since I arrived but she is a very enthusiastic user of the telephone. I am worried that she is a little obsessed with me and my dumplings, and I did not want to introduce her to anyone until I was sure. I was shocked to see her at your gala last night, Dame Spencer – but then I realised she works for the events company. Anyway, Confucius says that wheresoever you go, you go with all your heart and I am afraid that my heart is not ready to be broken. What if Juliet does not fancy me as much as I fancy her?’

  ‘Well,’ Kensy said earnestly. ‘Given I am fast becoming the expert on relationships around here – just ask Max and Autumn – I’d say that you can’t be sure unless you actually see the poor woman. That’s not fair to either of you.’

  Max glowered at his sister.

  ‘Yes, come on, Song. You need to live a little,’ Cordelia said. ‘And if you’ve been worried that I’d be against the idea, goodness me, you clearly have no idea how many dates your brother goes on.’

  The children chuckled. So did everyone else.

  ‘He never told me that,’ Song said.

  ‘That’s because it’s his business, except that I’ve blabbed. Oops.’ Cordelia grinned. ‘A trip to the zoo it is – and you have to introduce us to your friend, Song. Or we’ll tease you mercilessly for the rest of your life,’ Cordelia said.

  ‘Granny’s right,’ Max agreed. He picked up piece of toast and popped it into his mouth when suddenly a random thought hit the boy that he could apply to his cipher puzzle. A swap – the envelope swap. What about swapping the letters of the alphabet in the note from Magoo’s office. What if he turned a few things on their head? Maybe that would work. He’d take a look after breakfast – and he’d talk to Alex too.

  ‘Anyone for pancakes?’ Song asked, desperate to divert the conversation. ‘I will make whatever you want.’

  ‘Stop trying to change the subject, Song,’ Kensy said, grinning.

  ‘Kensington, stop teasing Song,’ Mim called from the terrace.

  Hector glanced inside. ‘What a family,’ he said.

  Marisol patted his hand and smiled. ‘Oui, and I am very glad that they are ours.’

  Meanwhile in a secure facility thousands of miles away, Pharos had just taken delivery of a new prisoner. A handsome and charming man whose file was marked ‘Never to Be Released’.

  The A1Z26 code is a very simple code. As you know there are 26 letters in the English alphabet so if A equals 1, Z would equal 26 because it is the 26th letter in the alphabet.

  This is an easy code to crack, but could be made more difficult if you altered the corresponding order of letters and numbers. In that case you would need to create your own key to decode the messages that you write.

  The five Kensy and Max books so far have all used different codes and ciphers for the chapter headings; the Caesar Cipher, the Pigpen Cipher, the Atbash Cipher, Morse Code and now the A1Z26 code.

  The difference between a cipher and a code is that a cipher changes a message on a letter-by-letter basis, while a code converts whole plain-text words or phrases into other words or numbers.

  Jacqueline Harvey taught for many years in girls’ boarding schools. She is the author of the bestselling Alice-Miranda, Clementine Rose and Kensy and Max series, and was awarded Honour Book in the 2006 Australian CBC Awards for her picture book The Sound of the Sea. She now writes full-time and is working on more Alice-Miranda and Kensy and Max adventures, and some exciting new projects too.

  Jacqueline Harvey is a passionate educator who enjoys sharing her love of reading and writing with children and adults alike. She is an ambassador for Dymocks Children’s
Charities and Room to Read. Find out more at and

  Books by Jacqueline Harvey

  Kensy and Max: Breaking News

  Kensy and Max: Disappearing Act

  Kensy and Max: Undercover

  Kensy and Max: Out of Sight

  Kensy and Max: Freefall

  Alice-Miranda at School

  Alice-Miranda on Holiday

  Alice-Miranda Takes the Lead

  Alice-Miranda at Sea

  Alice-Miranda in New York

  Alice-Miranda Shows the Way

  Alice-Miranda in Paris

  Alice-Miranda Shines Bright

  Alice-Miranda in Japan

  Alice-Miranda at Camp

  Alice-Miranda at the Palace

  Alice-Miranda in the Alps

  Alice-Miranda to the Rescue

  Alice-Miranda in China

  Alice-Miranda Holds the Key

  Alice-Miranda in Hollywood

  Alice-Miranda in Scotland

  Alice-Miranda Keeps the Beat

  Clementine Rose and the Surprise Visitor

  Clementine Rose and the Pet Day Disaster

  Clementine Rose and the Perfect Present

  Clementine Rose and the Farm Fiasco

  Clementine Rose and the Seaside Escape

  Clementine Rose and the Treasure Box

  Clementine Rose and the Famous Friend

  Clementine Rose and the Ballet Break-In

  Clementine Rose and the Movie Magic

  Clementine Rose and the Birthday Emergency

  Clementine Rose and the Special Promise

  Clementine Rose and the Paris Puzzle

  Clementine Rose and the Wedding Wobbles

  Clementine Rose and the Bake-Off Dilemma

  Clementine Rose and the Best News Yet


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