Book Read Free

Sunken Wind

Page 32

by Sara T K Fehr

  “Good to see you again.”

  Browen froze but was relieved when he turned to see the soldier Erik from the gate. His mouth was set in a determined line.

  “Maybe I won’t need your help finding my sister after all.”

  Browen smiled despite his nerves and opened his mouth to make up an excuse but none came in time before Officer Korrigan called out to the remaining soldiers.

  “Congratulations. You were all chosen due to your exceptional skills, loyalty, or a combination of both. You’ll still need to meet with myself, as well as Commanders Althis, Karn and Illian. If you manage to impress each of us, you’ll be temporarily posted at the castle for the two days that the Queen will be visiting. You will also be financially compensated for your additional service to the crown. Now, Commander Althis if you could bring our guests in. Soldiers, please form a line shoulder to shoulder along the wall there and we will begin our inspection.”

  Commander Althis briefly left through the door nearest the head table, as the soldiers moved to follow their instructions. Like the crowds of Frellan, Browen felt himself forced along the flow of people and moved into place against the wall. He tried to swallow his terror as he realized that there was no way for him to flee the room without being noticed now. And he wondered if he could rely on Commander Althis’s intervention yet again.

  Commander Althis returned shortly after the soldiers found their places. He was followed by the hulking Na’tyr with paper white skin and splotches of grey from the King-Regent’s retinue. Like before he was dressed in a tailor-made suit that barely contained his massive muscles.

  Behind him was Commander Illian. He was just as Browen remembered him, except his cocky smile had been replaced with an angry sneer and the entire left side of his body was horribly burned. While much of the Commander’s outfit concealed the burns along his skin, what was visible on his face and hands looked painful even after so many weeks later. The once smooth turquoise skin on his left side was now black and red as it curled and cracked across his features. Browen shuddered at the sight. He almost felt sick as he imagined the pain that Commander Illian would have had to suffer through in order to survive when nothing else did.

  Erik had somehow positioned himself on Browen’s right and was looking at the horrible scars with horror. “What do you think happened to him?” He whispered to Browen.

  Browen shook his head and dreaded what sort of revenge Commander Illian was planning.

  “This is your best and brightest?” Commander Illian cursed as he looked up and down the line.

  Officer Korrigan appeared small and fragile beside the Na’tyr, but he stood tall as he answered. “Of those still in Esper, yes. Remember my Lords, most of the Human recruits have been sent to the Allorin or Grishtar fronts. But these are good men and will do the job well.”

  The Commanders and Officer began to walk along the line. They eyed up the soldiers as they passed and Browen felt a cold sweat on his brow with each step that they made closer to his position.

  “Commander Althis?” Commander Karn asked respectfully. “I presume you have done a thorough investigation of each candidate?”

  “I vetted every one of them myself. The Queen and King-Regent will be in good hands during the Masquerade.”

  “Very well.” Commander Karn nodded then turned to Commander Illian. “That is a satisfactory enough answer for me, shall we proceed to inspecting the castle grounds Commander Illian?”

  “That is satisfactory enough for you?” Commander Illian glared back.

  Commander Karn returned the glare. “I trust Commander Althis’s word.”

  Commander Illian shook his head. “We are at war Commander Karn and enemies of the Queen are loose in her territory. I will not be satisfied until I have inspected each of them myself. As a Har’na Sha’viir I expected better from you.”

  “Had a Har’na Sha’viir been in charge of the northern front, I’m sure that those enemies of the Queen, Princess included, would not have gotten away so spectacularly.” Commander Karn stated firmly.

  “How dare you say that to me bha’irm.” Commander Illian hissed.

  “I am curious Illian, was it only your failure with the Princess that led to you being the Queen’s errand boy or was it something else?” Commander Althis added with a sly grin.

  Commander Illian cast hateful glares between the other two Na’tyr. “I was chosen because I have proven myself loyal to the Queen. I have her best interests at heart and understand the true threat that is the Princess and her cohorts. This is a position of honor and respect, not that I would expect an old hobbyist or the lapdog of a mad man to understand.”

  “Have you forgotten that it was I who trained you? At least my hobby has proven useful over the years.” Commander Althis smirked. “How is your hoarding going Illian?”

  “Commanders, if I may, we have work that needs to be done today.” Officer Korrigan boldly interjected as the three Na’tyr continued to stand off.

  “Yes, we need to make sure that our defenses are satisfactory for that precious Queen of yours.” Commander Karn nodded with a slight hint of a smirk on his otherwise stern face.

  “She is your Queen too, do not forget it.” Commander Illian hissed as he turned to inspect the soldiers.

  “I serve the King, ha’viir na’ha Ra’tyr.” Commander Karn replied sternly.

  Commander Illian turned on Commander Karn with a wicked smile. “I’ll remind you that he is nothing more but a King-Regent now and that sort of talk is treasonous.”

  “Commanders?” Officer Korrigan attempted to interject again.

  “Officer Korrigan is right. It is so very vulgar to air such grievances in front of the soldiers.” Commander Althis shook his head. “It’s bad for morale.”

  “Very well.” Commander Illian grumbled and turned back to the soldiers. He stared hard at the nearest one. “Are you aware of who the enemies of the crown are and what they look like?”

  The soldier nodded as he answered. “Yes Sir!”

  “And?” Commander Illian waved his hand expectantly.

  “Oh, um, yes sir…” The soldier blanched. “Princess Ezra… Lord Browen Serrelli… um…”

  “An Elf girl Miri Cavadash, a street rat called Amri, and a half blood Na’tyr named Ralis.” Commander Illian hissed the remaining names with hate, then turned to Commander Althis. “Your best and brightest cannot recall a simple list of names?”

  “There are posters up all over the city Illian, if the enemies of the crown were in Esper we would find them.” He replied.

  Browen shivered and looked down as Commander Althis cast a curious glance his way.

  “That is no excuse. The enemies of the crown could be anywhere, especially where you least expect them. Your soldiers need to be ready.” Commander Illian then turned back to the soldiers, walked a little further down the line, and then asked another question. “If you suspected a threat to the Queen how would you proceed?”

  “I would report to my commanding officer, Sir!” The soldier answered quickly with a brief salute.

  “And if the threat was imminent? What would you do?” Commander Illian asked as he looked to the next soldier down the line.

  “I would… report to my...”

  “Imminent!” Commander Illian snapped interrupting the nervous soldier. “Do you know what that means?”

  “Many of my soldiers lack a formal education Commander Illian.” Officer Korrigan offered sheepishly. “The war effort has taken a priority over education these past few years.”

  Commander Illian sighed deeply. “It means that something is about to happen, that you wouldn’t have time to find your commanding officer. Now, what would you do?”

  “I would... assess the situation?” The soldier answered with an uncertain waver to his voice. “I would do what I could to keep the Queen safe.”

nbsp; “Would you sacrifice yourself for the Queen’s life?” Commander Illian’s familiar wicked grin returned.

  “I… I… I would, Sir.” The soldier nodded fervently after a brief moment of hesitation.

  “And you?” Commander Illian moved down the line again and stopped only a few men away from where Browen stood. “Would you lay down your life for our Queen?”

  “Yes Sir!” The soldier answered quickly.

  Browen could feel a cold sweat slide down the side of his brow. Commander Illian was so close to him, surely if he turned his head he would see and recognize him.

  “Perhaps I’ll save all of us some time, Illian.” Commander Althis stepped forward and addressed the group of soldiers. “All of you, who do you serve?”

  “Queen Zarrennia.” The soldiers, including Browen cheered in unison.

  “And if your Queen demanded your life, would you give it?” Commander Althis continued.

  “Yes Sir!” The soldiers again cheered.

  “See Illian, they are loyal to the Queen. Neither she, nor you, have anything to fear in Esper.”

  Commander Illian turned to Commander Althis and to Browen’s relief walked right passed him. “I suppose you’re right. Have it your way Commander Karn, take me through the castle grounds now.”

  “This way, Commander Illian.” Commander Karn said as he led the other two Na’tyr from the room.

  Browen nearly gasped out loud in relief as Commander Illian left the room. He had not noticed how tense his whole body had been, and his limbs felt like jelly in the wake of the threat. Officer Korrigan, for all of his confidence, also seemed relieved to be rid of the Na’tyr’s presence and addressed the soldiers with a congratulatory smile.

  “It would seem that you have all been accepted to serve at the castle. You’ll be debriefed on your responsibilities this evening and in the morning Commander Karn will collect you for your initiation. I will remind each of you that this is a temporary position, but that does not mean that it isn’t an important one. Give it your all and make Esper proud. Now, to your regular duties until this evening.”

  The soldiers dispersed and Erik gave Browen a smile as they left. “Guess we’ll both get to see our loved ones again.”

  Browen blushed at the assumption, even though it was true. “Yeah.”

  “Hey, I don’t know what it’s like in that castle, but I’ll watch your back if you watch mine.” Erik offered.

  Browen nodded. “That’s a good idea, we might need it.”

  Chapter Thirty Two


  It felt like a lifetime ago since Ezra had last lived in such comfort. Lord Cassian had certainly fulfilled his promise of treating her like the Princess she was. Not long after they arrived at his estate outside of Frellan, she had been offered a warm bath with a variety of scented oils and soaps for her to wash with. Dinner had been an exquisite feast of roasted duck, garlic potatoes, freshly baked bread, and a sweet red wine from the Isle of Gilthe. The room she was offered for the night had a king-sized bed with the finest silken sheets. It was the first time since leaving Verta that she had felt so well rested. Even the flame seemed tempered by the comforts around her.

  Breakfast had been served in bed by the servants of the estate and she had been left to her own devices that morning. It felt strange to suddenly have free time, and it took her longer than she cared to admit to decide what to do with it. All the while, she felt guilty for enjoying such comforts while her friends were in danger. Amri was in the hands of the mad King-Regent and his ridiculous whims, Browen could be recognized and executed at any moment, and then there was the absence of Miri and Ralis, the fates undetermined. Lord Cassian’s soldiers still had no news for her, which only made her worry and guilt feel worse. And yet, she could think of nothing more that she could do to help their situation. So in the end, she decided to enjoy the comforts of Lord Cassian’s lounge.

  As was to be expected of the noble house Alstrahd, the estate had an expansive personal library. It ranged from the histories of Esper to the intricacies of modern mechanics. She spent most of the morning browsing the catalogue and even read a few pages of a text that explained how the mechanical buggies operated. She had been surprised to find that it was a complex combination of the clockworks that Esper prided itself on, and the wonders of modern steam technology. The text then delved deeper into the theories and mathematics that made such functions possible and that was when Ezra decided to return it to its shelf.

  Exploring the lounge Ezra found a stack of parchment, a pen and a selection of inks in a drawer and decided to draw. It was a pastime that she hadn’t done in months and she was surprised at how much she missed such a simple pleasure. She and Arze used to draw together in their tower and make up stories about the fantastical things that they drew. Neither of them were very good at it, but it was a simple pleasure that they had both enjoyed together. Fennalee had called it childish and had increased the hours of their studies after he discovered the hobby.

  Drawing felt lonely without her twin. Where they usually drew from their imagination, alone Ezra found herself drawing the sights she had come across on her journey. The comfort of a creek after a long day of walking, Thia’s beautiful and ancient tree, the majestic landscape of the Ironside Mountains, and the snow golem that they had defended at first Shrine.

  She was surprised at how the hours flew by, and had not realized how much she had allowed herself to become absorbed in her art. She was startled when Lord Cassian spoke over her shoulder.

  “Princess Ezra, I did not know you were so talented.”

  She laughed after the initial shock. “Talented is rather generous.”

  “On the contrary my Lady, I would be honored to hang one of your pieces upon my wall.” He gave her a warm smile as he moved to the seat adjacent to hers and checked his pocket watch.

  “Any news about my friends?” She asked as she cleaned up her mess of papers.

  “I am afraid not my Lady, but I believe that this is a case of ‘no news is good news’. Speaking of which, I have reached out to the seven Lords of Esper and arranged for a meeting over dinner this evening. I would like you to be present as you will become an integral part of the upcoming stages of my plans.”

  Ezra nodded then cocked an eyebrow curiously. “Everything that I studied told me that there were eight Lords of Esper?”

  Lord Cassian released a breath that was a conflicted blend of amusement and bitterness. “There were nine Lords of Esper, they were the heads of the strongest and most powerful noble families in the country. The most well-known was house Vasarian, the royal family. When the Queen took Esper, she made sure to kill every last member of that bloodline and now they are nothing more than a chapter in the history books. The eighth noble family is house Serrelli, but as far as the other Lords of Esper are concerned, the Serrelli nobles are banished from Esper. Regardless of what the Queen says.”

  “What did the Serrelli’s do?” Ezra asked curiously. “Is it just because Lord Farris Serrelli is part of the Queen’s Inner Circle?”

  Lord Cassian’s face contorted in anger at the mention of Browen’s father and he shook his head. “Lord Farris Serrelli is an Oath Breaker my Lady. He, above all others, is not welcome here. It is thanks to him that the royal family was murdered, and the Queen so easily took Esper from us.”

  Ezra blinked in surprise, she had never known the details of how Lord Farris had earned the Queen’s trust or how he had managed to keep it over the years despite many missteps. She wanted to ask more about the details, but Lord Cassian beat her with a question of his own.

  “On that note, I am aware that one of your missing friends is the son of that Oath Breaker. While I understand that he is important to your quest, it would be best if the topic was avoided among the other Lords of Esper. As for myself, his presence will barely be tolerated a
nd only because of his connection to you. With that said, I want it to be clear that once Esper is free the Serrelli family will be officially banished from these lands. Traitors will not be tolerated.”

  “Browen isn’t…” Ezra began but then stopped herself, he had technically betrayed his family by leaving to join Miri’s cause. He was a good man, and she did not doubt that he would support freeing Esper, but Lord Cassian’s mind on the subject seemed to have already been made.

  “Treachery runs in the Serrelli family, Princess. I will not risk Esper by trusting another of that blood again.” Lord Cassian then sighed deeply. “You should also know that, like myself, many of the Lords of Esper are young and have been thrust into this role all too soon. When Esper fell any who did not bow down and offer their strength to the King-Regent were executed. My father, and most of the Lords of Esper, refused and they were killed in front of us. When the question of loyalty was then asked of their heirs, we all wisely lied. Lord Dorian Thanallin is the only Lord of Esper from the old generation.”

  “And you trust him?” Ezra raised an eyebrow.

  “I do. The Thanallin family has done more than enough to prove their loyalty to Esper. I would ask that you trust my judgement on this.” He then smiled and changed the subject. “Since you do not have a wardrobe with you, I would like to offer the services of my personal tailor. She is waiting in your room to design and prepare you an outfit for the evening. Also, if there’s anything else I can offer you Princess, please do not hesitate to ask.”

  “Is there anything else I should know about this meeting?” She asked as Lord Cassian stood.

  He adjusted the sleeves of his suit idly as he answered. “The Lords of Esper are unaware that you will be attending. While your safety is guaranteed by me while at my estate, you should be aware that some of the Lords may not see your presence as a boon like I do. Regardless of how they feel however, I am confident that they will not reveal your presence to the Queen. Such an action would only expose my machinations, which would put all of the Lords of Esper in danger. Will there be anything else my Lady?”


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