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Sunken Wind

Page 43

by Sara T K Fehr

  “I can make the structures.” Faadrin said somberly as he helped Gillian stand. “But we’ll need to work together to make sure that the power cannot escape once our tombs have been sealed.”

  “Just as we found them.” The Hero of Water nodded. “We will surround them in their bane elements so that they cannot be used.”

  “That temple in the sky where I found the power of Earth… it cannot be sealed.” Faadrin scratched his chin. “And I cannot build my own tomb, or I will be able to free myself from it.”

  “I have some ideas.” The Hero of Water smirked.

  “Jaeden, I need to speak with you.” The red headed woman whispered to the Hero of Wind.

  While the Heroes of Flame, Earth and Water discussed ideas that would eventually become the Shrines, Jaeden and the red headed woman pulled away. Miri followed curiously and found herself standing next to the well. She peered inside and gasped to see a liquid darkness flowing inside, just like the liquid light found at the Dawn Well.

  Away from the others, the pair took each other’s hands and looked lovingly into their eyes.

  “Arris do not try to talk me out of this. I will not allow myself to become a danger to Madaria or any part of Avanathar.”

  “I know.” She sighed. “I was not going to try.”

  “I am sorry that it has to end this way.” He brought a hand to her cheek and she placed her hand lovingly upon his hand. “But know that I have treasured our time together and my love for you is part of the reason why I must do this.”

  “I know.” She repeated as a tear escaped down her cheek. “At least I will have a little something to remember you by.”

  He frowned and then realization dawned on his face. He moved his hand to her still flat belly. “When did you know?”

  “Shortly after we sealed the Chaos Gate.” She smiled warmly at him. “I was not sure when to tell you.”

  “What about that power inside you?” He asked with concern. “Will it affect the child?”

  “I do not know.” Her smile faded. “But mine has never sought to control me or influence my actions as yours has. It has always been different, a part of me. I do not think you have anything to worry about, my love.”

  “But that Goddess…” He shook his head with worry. “She controlled you, what if our child...”

  “The Goddess is no more.” Arris rested her hands on either side of Jaeden’s head and brought his forehead to hers. “And the Chaos Gate has been sealed. We have nothing more to fear.”

  “You are right.” He nodded and the pair kissed.

  Arris then pulled away as a flood of tears erupted down her cheeks. “This is my punishment… for my foolishness… for my mistake that nearly destroyed the world.”

  “Do not think that way. We still have time together while we build these… these shrines.” He squeezed her tightly in an embrace. “And I intend to take advantage of every moment we have left.”

  Miri started to feel the vision fade from her and even though she saw their mouths continue to move she no longer heard the words, until the vision dissipated entirely.

  Miri woke to the sound of someone moving around the room. She sat up with alarm and drew a small dagger from her belt. The maid who had been tending to the bed gasped at the sight and held up her hands.

  “Forgive me Miss, I hadn’t seen you there, I thought this room was empty.”

  Miri caught her breath and returned the dagger to her belt. She was still reeling from the vision she had been given in the night. It had been so clear and confirmed what she and Mistress Avia had suspected. But it also had given her more questions than answers and she frowned as she puzzled over them.

  “Breakfast is being served Miss if you wish to join Princess Ezra and Lord Cassian.” The maid offered as she stood awkwardly against the wall.

  Miri realized that she was waiting for her to leave and so collected her things. The smell of breakfast made her stomach rumble and she followed it down the stairs and towards the dining hall.

  Ezra and Lord Cassian were already seated at the table enjoying a culinary delight that Miri had never seen before. It was some sort of flattened pastry that had been rolled up into a tube. Rolled inside was an assortment of fruits, and on top it had been covered in delicious looking creams and sauces.

  “I never expected you to be the type to sleep in.” Ezra looked up at Miri with a smirk. “You know that you don’t need to carry your stuff around with you right?”

  Miri’s eyes flashed towards Lord Cassian. As much as Ezra seemed to trust him, Miri had her reservations. Wordlessly she joined the pair at the table and was served her own plate of the delicious smelling breakfast. She kept out of the mundane conversation that Ezra and Lord Cassian resumed and instead focused on recalling the details of her vision.

  After breakfast she and Ezra were left to entertain themselves and ended up in Ralis’s room. He looked no different from last night. His face was still contorted in a grimace, tortured by the power that was now inside of him. Ezra looked at him sympathetically while Miri struggled with her inability to help in any way. Pacing around the room, Miri decided to keep her vision to herself. She dreaded that her newfound friends would also need to be sealed. The thought made Miri shudder, she didn’t want to think about that and decided to break the silence of the room and her mind.

  “What was it like? When you bonded with the power of Flame.”

  Ezra looked up from Ralis with a pained frown. “I thought that it was the worst thing imaginable. It feels like a battle for your mind or your soul. It… it’s hard to explain.”

  “Do you think he will win?” Miri asked, her heart fluttered as she looked down upon Ralis.

  “He’ll win.” Ezra answered resolutely. “It will just take time.”

  Hours later, lunch was brought up to the room, pea soup and fresh baked bread with butter. The two talked briefly as they waited for either Ralis to wake or for Lord Cassian’s mysterious dinner guest to arrive. They were both surprised when shortly after lunch there was a knock on their door.

  Ezra moved to answer it and laughed as she recognized Browen at the door along with Lord Cassian.

  “You’re not dead.” She smirked and led him inside.

  “Not yet.” Browen smiled back.

  “Is this all of your friends now Princess Ezra?” Lord Cassian crossed his arms with mild frustration.

  “Only Amri is left.” Ezra nodded.

  “Good.” Lord Cassian sighed. “We’re playing a dangerous game and too many guests coming and going from my estate could appear suspicious.”

  Ezra straightened. “I assure you Lord Cassian that there will be no further unexpected guests.”

  “Then I will see you at dinner for when my contact arrives. It would be best if you were all present.” With that Lord Cassian left the room.

  Chapter Forty Four


  Browen felt an overwhelming sense of relief to see the other three safe and together. That, and he was glad that Amri’s tip about Lord Cassian had not been some sort of trap. Reunited again, they could now focus on rescuing Amri.

  The three of them had spent the rest of the afternoon going over the details of the last few days. Browen was surprised to find Ralis in the same position that Ezra had been in only weeks ago, that he and Miri had alone sought out the Shrine of Wind. He was less surprised by Ezra’s tale, of course she had wrapped herself up in the political intrigue of Esper.

  They only barely finished their conversation when they were finally summoned for dinner. Ezra led the way down the opulent halls of the Alstrahd estate. It reminded Browen so much of home, and after his meeting with Forrens only the night before, he suddenly felt himself grow homesick.

  “Ah, and there they are.” Lord Cassian beamed as the three of them entered the dining room. “Lord Zaphir, allow me to in
troduce you to Princess Ezra, and her companions Miri Cavadash and Browen Serrelli. My Lady, Miri and Browen, this is Lord Zaphir, right hand of King-Regent Razmir.”

  Browen scowled. “You’re the contact at the castle?”

  Lord Zaphir seemed taken aback by the sudden hostility.

  Ezra stepped forward and shot Browen a precautionary glare. “A pleasure as always Lord Zaphir.” She remarked, extending her hand to him.

  Lord Zaphir accepted it and planted a kiss upon the back. “We missed you at the Masquerade, it has been too long Princess.” He then looked back to Lord Cassian. “You weren’t joking when you said you had a surprise for me.”

  “It completely slipped my mind that you two knew each other.” Lord Cassian beamed. “How delightful.”

  “Only in passing I’m afraid.” Lord Zaphir smiled politely.

  “Well that will soon change.” Lord Cassian then gestured towards the table. “Shall we?”

  Everyone moved to take a seat at the table, except for Browen who glared daggers at Lord Zaphir. He had not forgotten the way he had bent Amri to his will during the Queen’s arrival and then threatened her with more at the Masquerade. He shuddered to think how many times Amri had been forced into something against her wishes, all because of his words.

  “We can’t work with him.” Browen crossed his arms. “As you said, he’s the right hand of the King-Regent, how can we trust him? That and he’s been using charm magic to control Amri. I saw it while I was at the castle.”

  “I’m sorry who?” Lord Zaphir had taken a seat across from Lord Cassian and tilted his head curiously towards Browen.

  “The King-Regent’s pet.” Browen hissed angrily.

  “Lady Kirra?” Lord Zaphir cocked an eyebrow.

  Browen felt uncharacteristically mad and continued to glare at the cocky Na’tyr. “Her name is Amri.”

  “That’s not what she told me... interesting.” Lord Zaphir then gave Browen a charismatic smile. “I have not hidden who I am or what I do for the King-Regent, and as for your friend, I only did what I needed to do. My charms kept her safe more than anything else. I do understand that my identity can make trusting me an issue. But I will assure you as I have Lord Cassian, that I seek a change in regime.” He then turned to address everyone in the room. “While King-Regent Razmir was once a good King and a dear friend, I am afraid that he is no longer fit to be in a position of power. As his right hand I am responsible for his actions and of Esper, and both have gotten out of hand these past twenty years.

  “As for the Queen.” Zaphir turned to Ezra as if anticipating the Question. “I have never held any genuine loyalty to that creature. However, like all Na’tyr, I cannot simply stand against her. With that said, I am wholly for any efforts that take from Queen Zarrennia’s power and will aid them in any way that I can. Stealing Esper from her is a satisfactory start.

  “All that I ask, in exchange for my assistance in this, and I have spoken with Lord Cassian on it, is a home for the Na’tyr when all is said and done. My people have suffered greater than most and deserve some peace. I have requested the foothills at the edge of Esper’s borders. The disputed lands that the Allorrin Empire claims are theirs. When Esper is strong enough, I wish to end that dispute and claim that territory for my kind.”

  “The Foothills of the Forgotten?” Ezra asked curiously. “I have heard that there is nothing but ancient ruins and angry ghosts there. They say no other place in Avanathar is more haunted, that only the dead can live there.”

  “Indeed, they do say that.” Lord Zaphir gave her a wry smile. “Therefore, I doubt Esper will miss it much.”

  Browen wasn’t entirely convinced yet and looked to Ezra and Miri. “How do we know that he hasn’t charmed Lord Cassian? We shouldn’t trust him.”

  “My apologies Lord Zaphir.” Lord Cassian gasped with embarrassment. “I can assure each of you that I am in my right mind and that Lord Zaphir’s gifts have never played a role in our negotiations.”

  “It is quite alright Lord Cassian, those with my particular set of gifts are often accused of such things.” Lord Zaphir’s smile turned sour. “Some more than others.”

  Ezra shot another glare at Browen. “Sit down Browen. Lord Zaphir isn’t charming us right now, we know what that feels like and you know that it doesn’t work on me. This is the best shot we have at saving Amri.”

  Browen’s shoulders slumped in defeat and he took a seat opposite of Ezra.

  “Now if we’re finished with that unpleasantness shall we get to the heart of the matter?” Lord Cassian pressed. “Lord Zaphir, when last we spoke you remarked that a contract of blood has bound your kin to serve Queen Zarrennia. Since Princess Ezra has joined my cause I am curious if her blood would suffice for this contract?”

  Lord Zaphir’s eyes scanned Ezra and after a moment’s pause, he answered. “As you can see Lord Cassian, away from the Queen’s presence I am bound by nothing more than threats and promises. Yet, were she to come through that door I would be unable to resist her wishes and be forced to do as she instructs. While Princess Ezra’s blood certainly could wield such power over the Na’tyr, it would not be to the same extent as her mother. Her blood is weaker and as far as I know Princess, you have yet to control that power inside of you.”

  Browen noticed the twitch of a defensive scowl on Ezra’s face but she managed to resist the urge and instead gave a strained smile.

  “I assure you Lord Zaphir I have the power of Flame under my control.”

  “I’m sorry what?” Lord Zaphir’s eyes flicked to the prominent tattoo of green flames that coiled along Ezra’s left arm and his eyes widened in realization. “Where… when did you get that?”

  Ezra blinked. “Oh, you meant my normal magic.”

  “I did.” Lord Zaphir remarked as he looked between Ezra, Miri and Browen. “Curious how history repeats itself. How far along are you?”

  “We have two of the four powers.” Ezra answered despite Miri’s nervous squeak. “Our friend is upstairs still wrestling with the power of Wind.”

  “Then I have a request for you.” Zaphir leaned forward and locked eyes with Ezra. “When you seal the Chaos Gate, do not send my people through it. We have suffered in that prison long enough.”

  “Is it not where your people are from?” Miri asked timidly.

  “I would expect an Elf to think that.” Lord Zaphir glared. “That plane of darkness is a construct. The aftermath of a war gone horribly wrong centuries ago. The Na’tyr are native to this world, but it was stolen from us and we have been forced to live centuries in that evil place. All I ask is that you do not force us to return as the Elves did.”

  Miri leaned back in her chair with a look of shock on her face.

  “I see no reason to submit the Na’tyr to such a fate.” Ezra answered. “Our friend upstairs is half Na’tyr after all.”

  “Is he?” Lord Zaphir asked curiously. “And the other half?”

  “Human.” Ezra answered.

  “Interesting. When he is feeling better, I would like to meet him.” He smiled at her answer.

  “You’re not going to hurt him, are you?” Browen frowned at how much information Ezra was giving away.

  Lord Zaphir scowled. “I abhor that wicked law that Razmir has put in place. It was that ruling which finally pushed me against him. He has allowed his grief to cloud his judgment and forgotten that the blending of our blood is what made the Na’tyr strong once. That is why we are all so very different. Before that law your friend and everyone like him would have been considered a Na’tyr, no caveats.” He then looked back to Lord Cassian. “I suppose I ought to clarify my request. When I asked for a home for the Na’tyr I meant all of them, no matter the blood.”

  “It will be done.” Lord Cassian nodded firmly.

  “Good. And Princess Ezra, what are your inte
ntions in all of this?” Zaphir asked, steepling his fingers.

  “I don’t want to be part of my mother’s legacy.” She sat up straight as she responded. “I have seen firsthand the suffering her rule has caused. I’ve also learned of the consequences of her continued leadership. As you have ascertained, I seek to follow Miri and seal the Chaos Gate.”

  Zaphir raised a single eyebrow. “And after that?”

  She blinked. “I don’t have any plans yet, but I do not intend to demand my mother’s crown if that’s what you mean.”

  “Curious.” Lord Zaphir mused, then looked to Lord Cassian. “Unless the Queen herself steps in to intervene with your rebellion you have my followers. The Princess’s influence is minor, but it shall suffice for now. Perhaps when all is said and done Princess you would like to join us at the Foothills of the Forgotten?”

  “I will consider it.” Ezra noted with a polite nod.

  The door to the kitchens opened and the smell of a delicious meal wafted into the dining room. Servants moved through the doors and within seconds everyone had a glorious feast before them and a freshly poured glass of red wine.

  “Excellent! A toast to new friendships.” Lord Cassian raised his glass.

  Everyone except Miri did the same. Ezra rolled her eyes at Miri then explained what to do during a toast. Reluctantly, Miri then raised her own glass with a grimace at the wine inside. Everyone drank to the toast and Miri gagged on the small sip she had accepted and hurriedly returned the glass to the table.

  Their discussion shifted into a more casual direction as everyone hungrily enjoyed their roasted pheasant, creamy mashed potatoes, steamed cauliflower drizzled in warm melted cheese, and pan-fried asparagus. Browen still felt cautious of Lord Zaphir. Despite everything that had been said, he couldn’t shake the memory of Amri succumbing to his charms. He could think of no greater violation.

  As plates began to empty, Lord Cassian resumed the more serious discussion. “With Lord Zaphir’s forces, everything is nearly in place. With a few more months of careful planning, I believe that we will be ready to take the castle.”


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