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A Snow Globe Christmas (Ornamental Match Maker Book 5)

Page 7

by Hayley Wescott

  “Oh, you’re so sweet. Thank you.” The older woman smiled and went back to her needlework as Kelsey turned to leave the room.

  Getting Mrs. Wilson ready for her discharge gave Kelsey something to focus on, and the next hour passed swiftly. She was almost sad as she wheeled the elderly lady to the hospital entrance to meet her son. Waving them goodbye, Kelsey was about to head back up to her floor, when she thought she saw Brett on the elevator to the mezzanine floor above. But that wasn’t possible. He was in Miami. She shook her head a little, wondering if she was seeing things–or even worse trying to make things what she wanted them to be.

  Back at the nurse’s station she was soon distracted. Traffic accident patients had been rushed in, and she was called down to the emergency room to help the team treat them. Since most of the patients on her floor had been discharged, she was an obvious choice to help out. Switching into emergency mode swiftly, she went to help with the young mother-to-be and assigned the woman’s husband to Dr. Rangan.

  The heavily pregnant young woman was gasping for air as Kelsey helped wheel her gurney into the cubicle for assessment. She had a number of cuts above her eye and a laceration on her arm. Otherwise, she looked remarkably unscathed, given the condition of her companion.

  “Hi, I’m Kelsey, I’m going to help you. We’re going to take good care of you. Can you answer some questions for me?”

  The young woman nodded. She was obviously petrified, and in some pain, as she suddenly gasped out loudly, clutching at her belly.

  “What’s your name?” Kelsey asked first.

  “Rosie,” the girl panted. “Rosie Miller. Is my husband going to be alright? We only got married a few weeks ago. We went to Vegas. Got married by Elvis. Tacky, but you know…” she tailed off, obviously realizing that she was rambling a little. “Sorry. TMI. I do that when I’m nervous.”

  “How far along is your pregnancy?” Kelsey asked, ignoring the wedding information. For the life of her, she didn’t understand waiting until your baby was almost here to get married. She met people in all sorts of situations and it wasn’t her place to judge any of them. Her job was to help them, and she always did that to the best of her ability. But there were times when she knew she’d never make the same decisions as some of the people she met had made.

  “I’m due in two weeks,” Rosie admitted. “But, I was getting Braxton-Hicks last week, and I think the real thing started this morning. My water broke, that’s why Dylan was driving so fast. He just didn’t see the red light in time. Is he going to be okay?”

  “I don’t know, Rosie. I wasn’t involved with his assessment. I’ll check on him as soon as we get you taken care of and let you know what’s going on.” Kelsey said calmly. “Right now, you and your baby are my priority. Dr. Rangan is one of the best doctors I know, so he’ll be doing everything he can for Dylan. Now, I need you to do what Dr. White, here, asks. We’re going to do a scan to see what your baby’s up to.”

  “She was kicking right up until the accident,” Rosie said, her voice shaky and quiet. “But, she’s been really quiet since.”

  “Alright, then Rosie. Let’s take a look.” Dr. White who had been looking at monitors since he’d joined them in the cubicle looked at the woman and smiled.

  “I’ll go check on the husband.” Kelsey leaned in to the doctor and spoke lowly. He nodded, and she left the curtained cubicle.

  Across the triage unit she could see where Dylan Miller was being treated. She stuck her head in to see what was going on. She saw Sarah Tomlin and caught her eye. “Hey, Sarah. How’s he doing? I need to give a report to his wife.”

  Sarah nodded. “He’s got a head laceration, a concussion, and some broken ribs. He’s banged up, but no internal bleeding or injuries. I don’t think Dr. Rangan’s going to admit him.”

  “Great, thanks. His wife’s about to have their baby. Any chance he can get patched up to make it to the delivery?” Kelsey raised an eyebrow not sure this was going to work out for the young couple.

  “Maybe. I’ll let Dr. Rangan know. Probably depends on how soon the baby comes.” Sarah turned and went back to her patient as Kelsey returned to hers.

  As she pushed the curtains back, she caught the last of Dr. White’s comments. “…baby looks fine. But we’ll need to get you up to Labor and Delivery.”

  Rosie looked up as Kelsey stepped in. “Dylan? How is he?”

  “The official word is that he’s pretty banged up, but there are no internal injuries. He has broken ribs, a laceration on his head, and a concussion. He’s going to be okay.”

  Rosie put a hand to her forehead and sighed. Then a big tear rolled down her cheek. “I’m so glad he’s okay.”

  “Dr. White’s sending you up to Labor and Delivery. Looks like you’re going to have a Christmas baby.” Kelsey started getting Rosie ready for her transfer out of the emergency room.

  “What about Dylan?” Rosie asked, suddenly anxious again. “I can’t have her without him. He wouldn’t want me to do this without him.” Tears began to fall down her cheeks again. It broke Kelsey’s heart, but there wasn’t much she could do other than get the poor woman moved to where she could have her baby.

  “I’m not sure he’ll be able to be there, Rosie. They’re going to see how he does, but all you can do right now is do what you have to do for your daughter. You can do this with or without your husband.” Kelsey gave as much of a pep talk as she felt she could. “I’ll be back in just a minute. I need to call up to let them know you’re coming.”

  As she walked out of the cubicle to do the rest of her part on this case, she couldn’t help but feel bad for them. They were so young, but hopefully they’d grow to be a big happy family one day.

  After letting Labor and Delivery know they had someone on the way up from Emergency, she went back in to help with Rosie. She was about to wish the girl well and get back to other work when she had an idea that might help the young couple out. “Rosie, do you have anyone else you can call to come be with you?”

  The girl shook her head and held up her phone. “I called my mom, but she doesn’t drive. Her friend can’t bring her because it’s Christmas Eve and she’s with her family.”

  “Where does your mother live?” Kelsey was immediately trying to help with this problem. “She’s local?”

  “Um, no. She lives in Miami.”

  Kelsey knew exactly what she could do to help. She wasn’t sure her plan would work, but it just might. After a few more questions she determined that Rosie’s mom lived near the Baptist hospital.

  “They’re going to take you now. Stay calm and know everyone is trying to get Dylan fixed up so he can be there. Just stay calm. Okay?”

  Rosie nodded as her gurney was wheeled out and towards the elevators. As soon as they were gone, she pulled out her cellphone and pulled up Brett’s number. She prayed he wouldn’t be so busy that he didn’t answer. He was truly the only person who could help her right now.

  She tapped her foot impatiently as the phone rang and rang. He finally answered just as she was about to hang up. “Hey, you okay?” he asked, his tone concerned.

  “I’m okay, still at the hospital. Hey, um, I know you’re busy, but I need you to do me the biggest favor.”

  “Anything,” he said, and Kelsey knew he meant it. Her heart sang, but she would have to wait to deal with her own stuff. Once he was here, she’d tell him everything.

  “I need you to pick up Mrs. Celia Russo. She’ll be waiting in her apartment lobby for you. Bring her here to the Mariners. Her daughter is having a baby, and her son-in-law has been in an accident. Rosie needs her mom.”

  “Tell her I’ll be there in twenty minutes,” Brett said.

  “Thank you.” Kelsey breathed a sigh of relief and gave him the address. After she hung up, she was suddenly more thankful for Brett than she’d ever been before. Yes, she had much to tell him.


  Mrs. Celia Russo was a short, portly and very anxious woman. Brett did his best to try
to calm and soothe her nerves as they drove from Miami to the Mariners where her daughter was about to have a baby. Every few minutes, Mrs. Russo would thank him effusively for his kindness. It made him glad to be able to help. “To tell you the truth,” he confided. “I was looking for a reason to go home anyway.”

  “You were?” Mrs. Russo said, a hint of an accent showing through, her eyes widening as she turned to him, hopeful he might elaborate on some intrigue or another.

  Brett decided to indulge her. It might just make her a little more relaxed. After all, it was quite possible that she and her daughter had a very long night ahead of them. Worrying wouldn’t be good for either of them. “I was. You see, the young woman you spoke to…”

  “The nurse?”

  “Yes, the nurse. She’s one of my dearest friends, and one of the very best people I know in the entire world.”

  “You love her?” Mrs. Russo said perceptively.

  “I do,” Brett admitted. It felt odd to say it out loud so proudly. “I adore her. She’s the biggest fan of Christmas you’ll ever meet. Yet, of all people, she’s going to be spending it alone. I’m supposed to be working and this is going to leave me far behind, but you know what, there are more important things in life than work.”

  “You’re right about that. Life is too short, Brett.”

  “That sounds as though you have experience of missing out,” Brett said gently.

  “Ah, not the way it might seem. My Matteo died ten years ago. We had so many plans. Once Rosie was grown, we wanted to travel around the country and go back to Italy and see family we haven’t seen in so long. I wanted to do those things with him, and now I cannot,” she said wistfully.

  “I’m sorry your dreams were cut short.” Brett sighed at her sadness and understood remembering the short time he’d had with his father. “It’s a lesson to make the most of all our moments.”

  “Indeed. I’ll soon be a grandmother and I plan to do just that. I just hope Dylan can recover quickly so he doesn’t miss much of his daughter’s first days.” Celia looked over at him with a weak smile showing her nervousness again.

  “My colleagues at the hospital are some of the best in Florida. They’ll do their best for Dylan, and I know that Rosie is in excellent hands.” He looked over at her briefly and smiled with confidence.

  “And your love, the nurse. When will you be getting married?”

  “Oh, we haven’t gotten that far. I haven’t actually told her how I feel about her. I think she has an inkling,” Brett admitted. “I just don’t think she feels that way about me, though in the past few days I’ve begun noticing little things that give me hope.”

  “Then you must tell her. Before it is too late and someone else takes her from under your nose.”

  “I think you may be right,” Brett agreed, as he took the turning off the interstate and began to drive through Tavernier towards the hospital.

  He parked close and the two of them hurried inside, Brett leading the way to the maternity unit. Mrs. Russo waddled as fast as her legs would carry her, and they were soon stood outside the door of Rosie’s suite. “I’ll leave you here,” Brett said, bending to kiss her on both cheeks. “It was a pleasure to meet you.”

  “I cannot thank you enough,” she said, and pulled him into a fierce hug before she opened the door.

  Bret glanced inside. Kelsey was sat by Rosie’s side. The young woman was clutching Kelsey’s hand, sweat pouring off her brow as she tried to push with the contractions. “Hey baby, Mama’s here,” Mrs. Russo said, moving to the other side of the bed and taking Rosie’s other hand. Kelsey looked up and beamed at Brett. He’d never seen her look so happy to see him.

  “Hey, Rosie, you’ve done great. You’re in good hands with your team and your mom.”

  Rosie nodded, but didn’t speak as she was focusing all her attention on the task in hand. Kelsey left the room and closed the door.

  “How’s she doing Brett asked, as they began to walk slowly towards the nurse’s station.

  “Great. She’s a tough cookie. You are a star, you know,” Kelsey said, giving Bret a look that warmed his heart. “I cannot tell you how happy I am to see you.”

  “You need me for anything else?” he asked. Her face fell, and Brett felt mean. But, he’d had the most brilliant idea, and there was so much he needed to do to organize it all.

  “Um, no,” Kelsey said. “I suppose you have to get back?”

  “Something like that,” he said trying to keep his voice light. “I’m glad you called me. Mrs. Russo is a sweet lady.”

  “Rosie’s a sweet girl,” Kelsey said. “I guess I just wanted someone to have a little Christmas miracle.”

  “You never know, maybe Mrs. Claus will bring you one too before the night is out,” Brett teased.

  “It was you, then,” she said. “You gave me the snow globe, I mean?”

  Nodding, he tilted his head and smiled shyly. “It was me.”

  “It was the Mrs. Claus thing that gave it away. Nobody else would remember that we always said she must help Santa out.”

  “Yet you thought it was Joe and invited him to your party?” Brett hadn’t meant for it to come out like that, with that bitterness in his tone, but he couldn’t help it.

  “I called him to say thank you. I never thought he’d come. And as soon as I’d left him a message I knew it couldn’t possibly have been him who gave it to me,” Kelsey said. “Annie said she thought it was you. Then Joe was there, and well things just got out of hand. I seriously couldn’t wait for him to leave, and then you—”

  “Let’s not do this now. You have to get back to work. We’ll talk soon, when we have more time,” Brett assured her.

  “You’re right,” she said. “Don’t go back to Miami. Stay here and see Christmas Eve become Christmas Day with me?”

  “Sure, I can do that.”

  He watched as she walked away, and then headed out of the hospital. He sat in his car and made a few calls before he drove off. He was going to make this Christmas the most special one that Kelsey Patrick had ever known.


  Kelsey finally left the hospital a little after seven. She’d heard that Rosie had given birth to a beautiful baby girl and Dylan had been able to get there just before she was born. It looked like Christmas miracles really did happen and she said a quick prayer of thanksgiving.

  When she got to her car, a small envelope was waiting under the driver’s side wiper blade. Kelsey took it and got into her car. She turned on the ignition. The radio blared It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year into the silence around her. She reached over and turned it down a little, then opened the envelope.

  Meet me at Plantation Key, at Coral Shores High School. Love, Brett x

  She smiled and pulled out her cellphone. She was exhausted and the last thing she wanted to be doing, was heading to Plantation Key. She paused. It really was a little mysterious though, and it reminded her of how he’d delivered the snow globe. She was beginning to wonder if there was a secret, romantic side to Brett Taylor, one he’d kept hidden from view. She had to admit he’d certainly piqued her curiosity, so she pulled on her seat belt and headed out before the evening fell deeper.

  It didn’t take her long to get to the High School. Brett was waiting for her, leaning against his car. His hair was a little disheveled, and his top shirt buttons were undone. She didn’t remember seeing him without his hair perfectly combed, or his clothes immaculately turned out. He looked a little rakish. She liked it.

  She got out of the car and walked towards him. “So, what have you dragged me back to your school for?” she asked him.

  “Well, I have a little gift for you.” He turned around and pulled out a box from behind him on the front seat of the car. It was the exact same shape and size as the one the snow globe had come in.

  “You didn’t?” she gasped, eagerly tearing into the wrapping.

  Brett laughed. “I have never seen you attack a gift like that before. You must have
really loved that snow globe if you think it’s another one.”

  “Oh, I did love it. It reminded me of home. It was the perfect gift,” she sighed. She opened the box and tore off the bubble wrap. When she saw the snow globe inside she giggled. “Where did you find this one?”

  “Oh, I have my contacts,” he said.

  Kelsey swirled her wrist, making the snow inside swirl. She smiled as it settled lightly on palm trees and a beach scene. “I’ve never even wondered what Florida would look like in the snow, but now I know.” She stood up on tip-toe and kissed Brett on the cheek. “It’s lovely. And so very thoughtful. Thank you.”

  “I’ll get the one of the Christmas tree replaced, too. But, I was always going to give you both of them. See, I wanted you to know that both places are your home, snow or no snow.” Brett looked a little sheepish at the sentiment, but Kelsey knew he meant every word.

  “What I wanted to say earlier, Brett, was that when you went to kiss me, I didn’t mean to push you away. I was tired and confused about it all.” She giggled and looked at him with a grin. “And I had a mouthful of food. Yuck.”

  He laughed. “You know, I guess that just didn’t matter to me at the time.”

  “Well, I just want you to know that I’m really sorry about how I reacted. I didn’t mean it the way it seemed.”

  Brett’s face lit up. “You know, it just was a bad decision all the way around. My timing was off and I didn’t take rejection well.”

  “No, you didn’t. But, I understand. And, to tell you the absolute truth, I wasn’t sure then–about you and me, I mean,” Kelsey admitted cautiously. “I’ve never had much luck with men, and I suppose I was worried I’d lose one of the best friends I’ve ever had.”

  “But, what do you think about it now? Us?” Brett asked her hopefully.


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