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Death's Mate

Page 4

by C. W. Gray

No more distractions, he told himself.

  “Sometimes it’s strange to live on a space station,” Death said, breaking the silence. “In all my cycles as Death, I always spent most of my time on the Crellic home world of Genarg. Before I melded with Death, I lived in a tiny research lab on Frost Veil. I spent over fifteen years there. I got used to having a planet beneath my feet. Charybdis Station is so big, I sometimes forget it’s wiring and metal beneath our feet.”

  Val nodded. “I usually spend my days in the innards of the station, but as soon as I’m on the surface again, it’s easy to forget.”

  Death took a breath and slowly released it. “I’ve never had a home, Val. When I served the Queen during my first cycle, I wasn’t ready to live. I was a frozen being, watching and studying the world around me. After she was corrupted, our cycles were spent killing and destroying on her command. There was no place for a home or family during those times.”

  “Then you met Seshia,” Val said, kissing the top of his head. Death loved that Val knew her name. That he didn’t mind knowing Death had loved someone else.

  “Then I met Seshia.” Death smiled softly. “It was odd at first. Her husband and mate’s body was my host. His soul became my soul. I felt, for the first time in a very long time. Love, adoration, determination, fear, joy, lust. Everything that Azilo felt became mine, yes, but I began to feel for myself as well. I suddenly had something to live for.”

  “I’m glad you’re mine, but I wish you would have had more time with her.” Val gave him a sad look. “Nora wasn’t my mate, but I loved her. Our years together were special. I wish you could have had that.”

  Death linked their fingers together. “I will get that. With you.”

  Val’s smile lit up his face. “Really?”

  Death suddenly wanted to smack himself. He hated that Val hadn’t known they were a sure thing. Remember to use your fucking words, Verion, he heard Sandra’s voice in his mind.

  “I…” he swallowed hard. “I care for you a great deal, Val.”

  The light in Val’s eyes dimmed a little. “I know you do.”

  Death squeezed his eyes shut. Why is this so hard? “I more than care for you. I hate leaving you in the morning. I wish I could have you by my side every single day. I want to spend every moment with you.”

  Val smiled again, patting his hand. “I want that to.”

  Just say it, Verion, the voice in his head growled at him. He was silent for a moment as he fought to find the words. When he shared a soul with Azilo, he had known what to say at the exact right time. As Verion/Death, he was shit out of luck. Damn it.

  A small rock hit the side of his head and he sat up, looking around. The two ghosts quickly disappeared when he looked toward them, and he couldn’t make out their faces.

  Scythe looked up and woofed softly before lying back down.

  “What was that?” Val asked, picking up the small rock.

  “I think a ghost threw a rock at me.” Death heard the shock in his voice. “They never do things like that. Spirits fear me. Plus, it takes a lot of energy to touch anything in the physical realm. Why would they waste it on tossing a rock at me?”

  “Well, clearly someone’s upset with you,” Val said, frowning. “I don’t like it.”

  Death shook his head and tried to focus back on the conversation. “Maybe I needed it. I’ve been dancing around what I want to say. I want to make a home with you, Val. Wyatt and I will have finished the work on the vaccine by the end of the week. After that, I want us to move in together.”

  Val blinked, surprised. “Really?”

  Again, Death wanted to hit himself. He clearly hadn’t been communicating well enough if Val was shocked that he wanted to be with him. “Yes. You know why we’ve waited.”

  Val nodded quickly. “You needed to fight the Queen, and she could have used me against you just like she did Seshia all those years ago.”

  “The Queen is gone now,” Death said, voice soft. “The war is over, and Charybdis Station is ready for the next phase of its existence. As am I.”

  Val’s grin slowly spread across his face. “I’m all in, Veri. Wherever you want Lorry and I to be, that’s where we’ll go.”

  A tightness in his chest that he hadn’t been aware of loosened, and Death breathed a sigh of relief. “Good. We’ll need something bigger than your apartment, however. I don’t want to shove Lorry out the door when he graduates, and the baby will need a nursery.”

  Val’s face went slack, and he would have fallen over if Death hadn’t held his hand. “Baby?”

  Death felt a flush creep up his neck and spread to his cheeks. “You’re aware I’m a hybrid, yes? I have both Wello and Havenite blood in my ancestry. I’ve always had the ability to carry a child, and while I never thought I’d conceive, here we are. I’m pregnant.”


  Death fought back his irritation. “Yes. Pregnant. Do I need to explain reproduction to you?”

  “You and I are having a baby?” Val blinked, eyes dazed.

  Death sighed. “I wasn’t this bad when Sandra told me she was pregnant with Wyatt. Of course, we were actively trying to conceive, but still.” His voice softened when he noticed Val was about to pass out. “It surprised me too. I’ve never worried about pregnancy before.” He paused. “Now that I think of it, Seshia, Sandra, and you are the only people I’ve ever been attracted too during any of my cycles. Of course, my previous hosts couldn’t bear children, so it wasn’t a concern, but I’m very aware of my own body, and I never even thought to take birth control. I’m a nitwit.”

  Val frowned. “You’re not a nitwit. I knew your bloodline, and I didn’t think about it either. Gods, I’m going to have a baby for my fiftieth birthday.” Val started laughing. “Nora and I got married and had Lorry quickly because that’s what you did in our neighborhood. We were told to have kids while we could.” His smile faded. “Life expectancy wasn’t very long, working in the factories on Union Station.”

  Death scowled. The air quality on Union Station had always been a problem. Now, of course, Union Station as it had been was gone. “You’ll live a very long life, Val. I’m not raising this child alone.”

  Val gave him a shy smile. “We’re going to be parents.”

  “We already are,” Death said dryly, thinking about Wyatt and Lorry. “My grandchildren will be older than their aunt or uncle.”

  Val started laughing again and pulled Death into his arms. He kissed him gently, then hugged him tight. “We’re having a baby.”

  Death set aside his worries for the moment and enjoyed his mate’s arms around him. They were having a baby. A child that carried his new, more complicated DNA. None of the Crellic Queen’s Elements had ever had children of their own. It simply hadn’t happened.

  That wasn’t even what worried him the most. “I’ll be better this time,” he said quietly.

  Val leaned back and gave him a hard look. “You made mistakes with Sandra and Wyatt, but you’ve learned from them. You will do better this time, but don’t worry yourself to an early grave about being a perfect parent. There’s no such thing.”

  “I don’t mean with the baby,” Death said, looking away. “I mean with you. I lost Seshia because the Queen killed me during that cycle, but I lost Sandra because I put my work before our family. I won’t do that with you. I swear. This is my third fucking chance at happiness, and I won’t ruin it.”

  Val hugged him again and settled his chin on the top of Death’s head. “We’ll work things out between us, love. We’re partners here. I know when to yell and holler at you. I’m good at that. If Nora were here, she’d tell you so.”

  Death chuckled. “Okay. Quinn offered to sell us her house since she’s moved in with Cordelia. It’s two houses down from here. Will that work?”

  He held his breath. Death honestly couldn’t imagine living anywhere other than the loud and chaotic neighborhood. His son and his family were here, yes, but so were all his friends and their families.

  Val smiled and nodded. “Of course, that works. Gods, this is happening so fast.”

  Death cleared his throat. “Alright, we’re moving in together next week. Then we’ll fix up a nursery and have a baby.”

  “Simple,” Val said, voice full of certainty.

  “Yes,” Death said, swallowing the knot in his throat. “Simple.”

  A flash of orange fire circled in the air above them and Death sighed. “Fire’s eavesdropping on us. You know he’ll tell the whole neighborhood by morning.”

  Val chuckled and looked up. “Come down here and hug us, Fire. We’re having a baby.”

  The circling flames zipped to the ground and the ancient Crellic Element shifted, taking form again. Fire wore the body of a young human with dark blond hair.

  Fire squealed and pounced on them, knocking Val and Death back, completely uncaring that he was fully naked.

  Scythe jumped up, barking excitedly as he ran around them.

  “I’m gonna be an uncle!” Fire wiggled in his arms. “I’ll love the baby and hold it really gently, okay? I’m good with Nina and Mordy. Just ask Sebby.”

  Fire adored his friend Sebastian and his two children. Death had to admit the Element really was good with children, even if it did make him nervous to think of Fire pulling their child into all kinds of trouble.

  Fire jumped back up and danced around the yard. “I got to go tell Sebby now. Bye.”

  In the blink of an eye, Fire took his elemental form and zipped away. Sebastian lived a few houses down, so it wouldn’t be long before they’d have no peace.

  Death leaned up and kissed Val, savoring his delicious taste and the feel of his muscular chest pressed against Death’s rather narrow one. “We probably have about fifteen minutes before the entire neighborhood descends.”

  Val hummed against Death’s mouth. “We had better hurry.”

  Scythe jumped on them and licked their faces, breaking up the kiss.

  Val made a face. “Dog kisses aren’t attractive, Scythe. Geez.”

  Wyatt’s window flew open, and his son looked down at them, face glowing with excitement. “You’re pregnant, Dad?”


  Val whistled as he handed Alois another box to carry. It hadn’t taken long for them to pack up the apartment. He and his friends had taken a day off from work to try to get everything moved while Verion was finishing up with his project at work.

  Lorry had insisted on going in to the office too, now that he was officially Verion’s gatekeeper. He had already pissed off a handful of well-known scientists and the King of Dramacus.

  Good boy, Val thought with a grin. His son was protective of family, and that was allowing Verion to focus on work.

  Plus, they had help. Poppy was next in line with Clyde behind her. Lorry’s girlfriend, Sai, and her sister, Salla were already carrying a load to the moving shuttle.

  Alois grinned at him. “How is it you’re just handing out boxes while we have to go up and down the stairs?”

  “There’s an elevator,” he pointed out.

  “It’s too slow.” Alois groaned and spun around to jog out the door.

  Poppy held out her arms and gave him a nervous smile. “Load me up, big guy.”

  Val gave her a curious look, then handed her the box. “Thanks.”

  She nodded and rushed out.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Val asked, giving Clyde a surprised look.

  His friend shuffled the box in his arms, refusing to meet his eyes. “The whole station’s heard that Death is having a…he’s pregnant.”

  Val grinned, happiness filling him at the reminder that he was going to have another child. I’ll love the baby no matter what. Just like I love Lorry. Oh, and Wyatt and all the grandkids if they’ll let me.

  “We were going to announce it later this week, but Fire overheard, and he told everyone.”

  “It’s just,” Clyde struggled to find the words. “What if it’s like Death? What if it’s a monster? Death can control himself, but a baby? Babies don’t know limits. They’re taught those.”

  Val narrowed his eyes. “Get out.”

  Clyde blinked. “What?”

  “Get the fuck out before I do something we’ll both regret.”

  Clyde set his box down and reached a hand out. “Val, I’m just trying–”

  Val shoved him toward the door. “Get out.”

  Clyde gave him a sad look, then left, shutting the door behind him.

  Val immediately paced the floor, running his hands through his hair.

  Midge looked up from where she napped on a pillow in front of the window. “Woof.”

  “Our child isn’t a monster, Midge. It’s gonna just be a baby. Veri, Fire, and even Sebastian can help the baby learn how to control itself if it does have gifts like its daddy. There’s no calling my baby a monster.”

  “Woof.” Midge’s small feet pitter pattered against the bare floor as she came to him.

  He picked her up and hugged her gently. Betonize males were bigger and stronger than most other species. He remembered learning how to control his strength when he was a kid. “It won’t be any different than that,” he mumbled against Midge’s soft hair.

  He turned his back to the door and looked over the shelf of holo pictures waiting to be packed. Nora’s smiling face looked back at him. His wife had been such a happy person. Even when she got sick, she always, somehow, managed to keep her inner joy.

  “I wish I could talk to you, Nora. You would know what to say to make them all understand. The baby is just a baby. Remember how scared we were when you had Lorry? You weren’t with us long, but I’d like to think I did okay by him. Veri and I will do the same for this baby.”

  “Mr. Philbert?” Sai’s voice pulled him from his thoughts.

  He turned around and gave her a shaky smile. Lorry’s mate was tiny in comparison to Val’s son, but Sai’s personality more than made up for her small stature. “Hey, let me get you another box.”

  “Are you alright?” she asked, eyes wide with worry.

  “I’m good.” Val cleared his throat. “Thank you for helping us, Sai. I know you’d rather be in the lab with Dr. Manning.”

  She grinned. “We’re researching a new type of metal. It’s supposed to be harder than even the hulls of our ships. Imagine what we could do with that.”

  Val’s smile was much more genuine this time. Sai reminded him so much of Verion. She was intelligent and passionate about science. Lorry and I are too much alike, he thought fondly.

  “Hello, hello!” Ma Brackenstone stood in the doorway. The lovely Grell woman was one of Val’s favorite people. Her husband went by Pops to everyone who knew him and happened to be Val’s boss. “We heard someone was finally moving in with his mate.”

  “Hi, Ma,” Val said, handing Sai another box. “We just have a few more things to put in the shuttle, then we’re ready to go.”

  Sai grinned and bumped her hip against Ma’s before leaving.

  Ma gave him a soft look. “Why is Clyde outside in the hall wringing his hands?”

  Val glowered at the door. “He said some stupid shit.”

  “He looks upset,” Ma whispered, hands pressed together in front of her.

  “Good.” Val tried to ignore the wiggle of concern, but he couldn’t stand the thought of being mad at his friend. “Damn it.”

  Ma patted his cheek. “I’ll keep things organized here. My girls are on the way, so we’ll have everything moved before lunch. Oh, and I’m not supposed to tell you, but my baby boy made something special for you and Verion. He left it at your new home.”

  Val gave her a concerned look. “Should I be worried?”

  Ma’s son was an engineering genius and, with the help of a couple of others, had managed to create a sentient race of androids called the Bracken. He had also created a new species of companion pets called Charybdis Station Fyrelings.

  Ma shrugged, eyes full of mischief. “I guess you’ll have to wait and see.”r />
  Val sighed and went to the hallway. Clyde paced in front of the door to his own apartment, limping slightly from his bad leg.

  “You shouldn’t say stuff like that,” Val said, unable to keep the anger from his voice. “Veri isn’t a monster, and our baby won’t be either.”

  Clyde looked up, eyes full of worry. “How can you be sure? The things he can do, Val. They’re frightening.”

  Val rubbed his face. “I know what he can do. I’ve seen it too.”

  “Then how can you trust him?” Clyde shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

  Val was quiet for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. “When I was about ten, I got in a fight at school. I beat the kid unconscious.”

  Clyde’s mouth fell open. “You?”

  Val nodded, bile rising in his throat. “He hurt my best friend, Nora. I was so mad, and I couldn’t stop. The thing is, he was Wello. I was a lot bigger than him, and we were just kids. He didn’t stand a chance.”

  “You’re the gentlest person I know. That’s why it upsets me when you get mad at me.”

  “I don’t have much of a temper, but my family and friends are who I will fight for. They’re who I’ll die for.” Val rolled his shoulders, trying to release some of the tension building up. “My Dad picked me up from school, and he told me something that’s stayed with me my whole life. He said that being bigger and stronger than people wasn’t an excuse for anything. We’re more than our bodies or our species. I chose to hurt that kid. I’m the one that lost my temper. It doesn’t matter that he hurt Nora first. What mattered was that I let anger take control.”

  Clyde swallowed hard. “You wouldn’t do that now. You were mad at me in there, but you didn’t hit me.”

  “No, I don’t like hurting people.” Val leaned against the wall and slid down it to sit on the hard floor. “Verion has more control than anyone I know. He’s not going to kill someone because they annoy him or anything. The only way he’ll harm someone is if that person hurts or tries to hurt his friends, family, or home. He’s not any different than one of the soldiers walking around the station. They could kill you or me in an instant, but they don’t. He just has the ability to kill more than you and me.”


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