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Visions of Lady Mary

Page 21

by Rachel Ann Smith

  Gilbert avoided her eyes. “I should have confessed this before we were married, but for as long as PORFs have existed, there has been a network of families that have pledged their allegiance to the Crown and to serve PORFs in any manner necessary. My mama’s family was one, and I have carried on those responsibilities. You too will now be honor bound to serve and assist those who hold the Hadfield, Archbroke, and Burke titles.”

  “Archbroke and Burke are PORFs?” Mary mulled over all that Gilbert had shared. “Is it only the men who hold the titles that I am obligated to assist?”

  “Technically it is any person who bears the mark of a PORF. That typically includes the wives and children, male or female, of those who hold the title. There have been a few traditions that the Neale family rejected, which resulted in Theo being the one to bear her family’s duties for a period, but that was all rectified when Hadfield received the mark.”

  Frowning, Mary said, “So Theo was a PORF even before she married Archbroke. Well, it’s no wonder their courtship was a whirlwind of misunderstandings. And because of your mama’s family, I am now too part of a secret network.” The burst of excitement and joy at being included had Mary smiling.

  “Lass, the role comes with many responsibilities and dangers. Burke’s actions have been in direct conflict with his role as a PORF, which means the others and the network have to—”

  She placed a finger upon Gilbert’s lips. Mary fully understood the dangers. Phillip’s and Lady Frances’s nattering all made sense now that Gilbert had explained her involvement.

  “Not to worry. I believe I comprehend the dire situation.” She leaned in and rested her head upon his shoulder.

  Gilbert’s hand came to rest upon her thigh. “I’m sorry that our wedding night was rushed. Rather than whisking you away for a romantic tour of the Continent, we are stuck traveling with a quad of men.”

  “This will be our future. Carrying out missions together. As long as you are happy for me to accompany you, I’m an eager travel partner.” Mary raised her head. “I’m willing because I love you.”

  Gilbert’s eyes flared to life. “Are you certain?”

  “My heart has belonged to you for years. I’ve not wanted to listen to it.”

  “I am guilty of the exact same behavior. Will you forgive me for making you wait until I came to my senses?”

  “We weren’t ready all those years ago.”

  “You are right.” Gilbert yawned. The poor man was exhausted. Mary shifted to give him more room but found herself lifted and placed upon his lap.

  Eye to eye, she said, “I usually am.” Mary threaded her fingers through his hair and guided his head down so that their lips met. Once she began kissing the man, she couldn’t stop. She should stop. Gilbert was exhausted, but as his hands roamed up her side and landed upon a breast that sorely missed his attention.

  Mary’s tongue trailed down the side of his neck. From their wedding night, she had learned if she could garner a guttural growl from him and lingered long enough upon particularly sensitive spots, she could induce the man to remain erect for an extended period. She gently sucked and circled her tongue over his ear lobe, mimicking the actions she longed to be making upon his shaft.

  “Lass, if you dinnae stop, I’ll not be satisfied until you ride me again.”

  Mary whispered in his ear. “And what if I told you I’ve been longing to ride all these past hours?”

  Grabbing her by the waist, he lifted her off his lap and, to her surprise, turned her to face away from him.

  Instead of straddling her husband as she had intended, she was sitting upon his lap. “Gilbert, I want—”

  “If I’m to uphold my promise and not impregnate you, I have to ensure that I can withdraw.”

  Looking over her shoulder, Mary asked, “but the other night.”

  Gilbert hitched up her skirts and reached between her legs. His fingers immediately sought out her core, which was already slick and ready for him.

  Gilbert growled and then said, “The other night, you had already milked me of my seed, and it is easier to control upon the second round. Would you prefer we stop?” His fingers ceased their circular motion, and Mary pressed her hand over his, urging him to continue.

  Stop. Was he mad? Her core ached. She was merely uncertain of how to go about things in this position. Gilbert spread his legs a little wider, and she felt his bulge nudge her bottom.

  “Lass, place your hands on the ceiling.”

  She did as she was told, which resulted in her nearly shimming off his lap, but his arm about her prevented that from happening.

  “Blast these falls.” Gilbert apparently was well skilled, for his fingers between her legs never stopped as he continued to struggle with his breeches.

  On a squeak, as Gilbert managed to find an ultrasensitive spot, Mary asked, “Do you need assistance, husband?”

  “I’m going to shift slightly forward. Keep your hands on the ceiling.”

  Cool air hit her bottom as Gilbert adjusted her skirts. Mary let out a moan as she finally felt the tip of him prod her center. Easing back, Gilbert entered her, but his fingers continued to bring her the most pleasure. It was like riding him in reverse. She still had control of the pace, and she was eager to find her release. Her arms began to ache. She let her hands fall upon Gilbert’s knees. With the additional leverage, she was better able to set the speed in which she rose and fell. Not for a moment had Gilbert removed his talented fingers. She was on the brink of experiencing the delightful explosion of tingling sensations when Gilbert pushed up, sending her over the edge.

  With a deep growl, Gilbert removed his hand from her core and wrapped both hands about her hips and guided her to rotate them slightly as she moved back and forth. Would it be greedy of her to want to experience the bliss a second time? She didn’t have to wait long as the weightless feeling overcame her. Floating back to reality, Gilbert plunged deep inside before releasing a moan as he pulled back—leaving her empty.

  She wanted him to experience the pleasure he had just given her twice. Falling to her knees, she took him into her mouth, and he rewarded her with a deep rumbling growl that had her muscles at her core clenching once more. With his hands threaded in her hair, he guided her to take more of him. He was no small man. Relaxing her muscles as her aunt had advised, she managed to take all of him. Over and over again. The tensing of his thighs indicated he was close to his release. Mary stroked his balls, and a salty burst of fluid slid down her throat. Swallowing, she slowly sat back upon her heels.

  Pleased to see Gilbert’s wide grin, Mary said, “I believe I’ve discovered a new favorite position.”

  Gilbert chuckled as he pulled up his breeches and adjusted his falls. “Lass, I haven’t even begun to show you all the ways we can make love.”

  “You haven’t?” Mary rose to sit on the seat, facing him. “How many more are there?”

  “Too many to show you now, but I promise as soon as we are done with this blasted mission, we will spend many, many days abed.” Gilbert reached for her and brought her to sit across his lap once more. Settling against the corner, he wrapped his arms about her and closed his eyes.

  Mary rested her head against his wide shoulder. Was it selfish of her not to want to have children? Her own parents had had four children. Not one of them received an ounce of affection or love from either parent. Her mama had spent all her time appeasing Papa, while that man sought out his pleasure with other women. No. Mary would prefer to love her husband wholly and share a life of adventure.

  Gilbert slept the remainder of the journey. Once they reached Calais, André confessed his preference to remain on French soil. Since he no longer bore the responsibility of the item his papa had given him, he felt no need to make the crossing. The young man promised to remain a day or two at the port to delay the ruffians should he come across them. It was more likely they had already set sail, but Gilbert believed it would be a wise precaution just the same.

  After sw
ift goodbyes, Gilbert and his former soldiers boarded the Quarter Moon while Lord Hadfield escorted Mary up the gangplank. She had several questions for Lord Hadfield, but they would have to wait until they gained some privacy.

  After they had set sail, Mary hunted Lord Hadfield down in his cabin.

  Looking out the porthole, Hadfield said, “You will have to have Waterford teach you how to enter without detection.”

  If she had wanted to startle him, she knew how to be stealthy, but this was not the time to debate her skills. “Perhaps.” Mary had come to retrieve answers. “Once we arrive in Dover, will we accompany you to meet with the other families?”

  He swiveled to face her. “No. I’ve already placed you in grave danger.”

  “But that is to be my life now that I’m married to Gilbert. We are honor bound to protect you.”

  “The item you gave me. It holds great significance, and Lord Burke will stop at nothing to obtain it.”

  “Please cease speaking in riddles and explain.”

  “Very well. The bearer of the coin holds the ultimate veto power among the families. It has been hidden for decades. But now that it is in my possession, I will need to confer with the others to decide what needs to be done with it.”

  Lady Frances had made it clear that it was fated for the coin to remain in Lord Hadfield’s possession. For out of the three, Lord Hadfield was the only one who would act out of pure selflessness, and that is why the coin had found its way into his hands.

  “I don’t understand the need to consult with others. It is you who possesses the coin. Why not keep it and oversee it all?”

  “Human nature is fickle. Power. Money. Too much can challenge or, better said, tempt a person to do what they otherwise might not.”

  “I believe that nothing occurs by pure happenstance. It is not by chance that it is you who holds the coin. You are worthy of the honor of being the bearer of the coin.”

  “My thanks, Mary. That is a kind endorsement. But I can confirm I am no angel.”

  “I didn’t say you were. However, your secret will be safe with Gilbert and me. You have our support. I would urge you to consider keeping it in your possession.”

  “What if it was best for one of the other families to retain the coin?”

  “How would you determine that?”

  Lord Hadfield appeared torn.

  Mary repeated Lady Frances’s sage advice. “When the time comes, you will know what to do.”

  Gilbert burst into the room and froze. “What the devil is going on in here?”

  Lord Hadfield placed a hand on her husband’s shoulder. “My thanks for keeping me safe all these months. When we reach Dover, your assignment ceases, and you are to take care of Lady Mary.”

  Gilbert asked, “You don’t want us to accompany you to London?”

  Oh, her husband was good at playacting.

  Earlier, Lady Frances had shared with Mary Lord Hadfield’s intention to alter Gilbert’s orders. In turn, Mary had informed Gilbert of the true treasure and of Lord Hadfield’s ability to lay claim and wield ultimate authority as the bearer of the coin. The brilliant solider that Gilbert was, he followed instruction beautifully—pretending not to know of Lord Hadfield’s plans.

  “No. You need to put those soldiers to work and enjoy some much-needed time alone with your beautiful wife. I will send word if there is a need for you to return to town.”

  Before Gilbert could answer, Lord Hadfield had turned and left.

  “Lass, is everything settled between the two of you?”

  “If you are referring to the matter of the coin that has Lord Hadfield’s mind and heart in a conundrum, yes. I shared with him my opinion, and now it is up to him to decide.”

  “Well, if he were wise, he would take your advice and not think twice about it.”

  Her heart soared at hearing her husband’s words. “You know exactly how to tell me you love me without using the tired old phrase of I love you. Promise you will continue to do so.”

  “I promise.” He sealed the promise with a kiss that left her wanting more. She grabbed his hand and pulled him along the galley back to their cabin.


  Seated at his desk in the freshly refurbished study, Gilbert opened the parchment that he was sure would be a summons to London. Mary had begun preparations for their trip into town three days ago. After being married to the woman for three months, he no longer inquired as to why she went about things that appeared to be out of order.

  Avoiding the temptation to seek out his wife again, he quickly turned his attention back to the note in front of him.

  Waterford -

  You and your wife are to attend Lady Grace Oldridge’s betrothal party, one week hence.

  Be prepared to stay in town for the remainder of the Season.

  Sorry to cut your honeymoon short.


  He read the note several times, debating if it was a forgery. In all the years Gilbert had worked for the Home Office, he’d never before heard the home secretary utter an apology.

  Being happily married must be the reason behind his superior’s altered behavior. Gilbert knew he too had changed for the better since marrying.

  Mary breezed in and plopped in the chair, facing him. “Why are you frowning?”

  “We are to remain in town until the end of the Season.”

  “Yes, and that is why it is taking me an extraordinary amount of time to arrange everything.”

  Uncertain as to why their length of stay posed a problem, he trained his eyes on Mary’s beautiful honey-brown ones, but he couldn’t resist gazing down at her delightful body. They had spent most of the morning in bed, yet his body still hungered for her.

  “Gilbert! Please focus.”

  “Lass, you look lovely. I admit I’m having a rather hard time remaining here behind this desk, resisting the temptation to take you to bed.”

  “Those activities will have to wait until you can retain more letters.”

  They had exhausted his supply of French letters much sooner than he had anticipated. He smiled. Perhaps it was fortunate that they were headed for town, for he wasn’t certain how long he could refrain from having Mary again.

  Eager to be on their way, he asked, “When do we leave?”

  “The earliest will be at dawn.”


  “The staff will leave this afternoon. We need to allow them time to prepare and ready the town house.” His wife’s mouth curved into a wicked smile. “We will have to make adjustments for this evening. You are resourceful. I’m certain we will manage.”

  Mary stood and left him to resolve the problem of how to ensure their activities would not result in her increasing. Withdrawing before he spilled his seed would be the most feasible solution, but it was not always easily done in the heat of the moment.

  He reached into his desk drawer to refer to the calendar he had meticulously maintained to keep track of her cycle. They had consulted with the local midwife as to how to best prevent a pregnancy. He had promised he would do everything in his power to honor her wish for no offspring. It came as no surprise to him that neither of them had a deep desire for children. Neither set of parents had been stellar examples.

  He, along with his father-in-law, had corresponded at length and had finally agreed that papers were to be drawn up to provide for Mary if he was to meet his maker first. It was surprising what the Crown would grant to a duke. However, it was Hadfield who he ultimately had to thank. Hadfield had drafted the papers for the special concessions and assisted in persuading the Crown to provide its seal of approval.

  Glancing at the calendar once more, he bowed his head. The midwife’s chart clearly indicated today would not be the best day on which to partially engage in marital affairs. Abstinence was the only way to ensure he kept his promise.

  Mary paced in front of the fire in Gilbert’s bedchamber. They had discussed the idea of her sharing the chamber since she had spent every nig
ht in her husband’s arms. It was an odd notion. Her parents had maintained separate chambers, one at each end of the hall. Mary pondered as to why that was. Her mama clearly loved her papa—why Mary would never understand. Her papa was not one to show affection, unlike Gilbert who had no issue kissing her whenever he desired and regardless of who was about. His Grace was never open about such matters. Mary was fully aware that her mama had to bribe the servants to obtain information. She was grateful that Gilbert openly shared each evening the details of his day, the issues he had to deal with regarding the estate, his successes of the day, and even his fears.

  Her marriage to Gilbert was everything and more that she had hoped for.

  But tonight would be a test of sorts for them both. Were they indeed in accord?

  Gilbert entered and stopped as soon as he saw her. Maybe she should have waited in her own chambers tonight.

  He started to approach. “Lass, what has you worried?”

  “I received a note from Theo today.”

  “What did Archbroke’s wife have to say that has you frowning?”

  “She requested my assistance while we are in town. I believe she and Lucy are scheming to somehow disentangle Lady Grace from her betrothed.”

  He entwined his fingers with hers and tugged her over to a chair. “That should come as no surprise. Lady Grace’s heart belongs to Harrington, always has.”

  Settling herself upon Gilbert’s lap, she said, “You of all people know how it feels when others interfere into matters of who one should or should not marry. If Lady Grace wants to break off the engagement, she is more than capable of doing so on her own.”

  “I would agree with you. But are we not proof that at times divine intervention is not enough and that human interference might be necessary?”

  Grinning Mary asked, “Are you trying once more to tell me you love me?”

  “No, lass.” Gilbert took her face in his large hands and kissed her slowly, with so much feeling she wondered how she had ever doubted him. “I am telling you that I love you.”


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