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Ignited By Flames

Page 3

by Day, Vella

  Greer inhaled. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure. Anything.”

  “When we were in that warehouse and I was trying to heal you, was the sensation pleasant or painful?”

  His eyes turned pure teal before looking away. “I was kind of out of it if you recall, but I do remember heat and then light pouring into me.”

  Light was a good thing. It meant he could feel her healing powers. She waited for him to say something else—like he had been filled with lust—but he remained silent. Damn.

  “I felt this charge race through my veins,” she said, trying to urge him to comment. It is the same charge I am experiencing now. Please tell me you feel the same thing.

  Blake pressed his lips together. “Now that I think about it, it was pleasant.” He lowered his chin. “Fuck. Okay, it was more than pleasant, Greer, and you know it. We’re dragon shifters for goddess’ sake. But was what I felt real?” He leaned forward. “I’m in a relationship with another woman, so how could it have been?”

  Pain took her breath away. “I realize that, but…”

  “Blake?” A female with a slightly panicked voice and heels rapidly tapping on the tile floor rushed toward them.

  Blake’s face paled. “Crystal? What are you doing here?”

  The woman’s jaw hardened. “What am I doing here? Picking up some dinner after I finished work because you said you were too tired to let me fix you dinner. You claimed you needed to rest. I didn’t realize you had a date!” Bitterness laced her voice.

  “Crystal honey, it’s not what you think. This is Greer, the woman I kidnapped—without my knowledge, I might add. I needed some questions answered about what really happened and why.”

  So, this was his girlfriend. She was human and lovely—shoulder length dark brown hair, just the right amount of makeup to enhance her delicate features, and a dress that fit her body perfectly. Greer could see why Blake was attracted to her.

  Crystal looked over at Greer. “I’m sorry that happened to you.” While she sounded sincere, her voice came out tight.

  “Blake needed answers, that’s all.” Or was it? “I was just explaining to your boyfriend here about this other realm that most people are unaware of.”

  Her chin trembled. “You mean Earth?”

  “Not quite. This realm has entities that are made up from only light beings. The being that attacked Blake was one of the bad ones. Blake wanted to understand in order to find closure.”

  Crystal glanced back at him. “Why didn’t you tell me you were seeing her? You didn’t have to lie.” Her voice softened considerably.

  Blake pushed back his chair and stood. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that Greer would be willing to even talk to me after what I did.”

  The cashier at the counter called Crystal’s name. “I have to go. I’ll see you later. Maybe.” The last word seemed to be an afterthought.

  That didn’t sound good for Blake. He must not have thought so either because he lowered his head, and his shoulders stiffened. Sympathy swamped Greer. “Go talk with her and straighten things out.”

  “If only I could. Hell, I barely understand what’s happening myself.”

  I’m your mate, she wanted to say, but now wasn’t the time for that conversation. “Go. I’ll walk back.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “You are the best.”

  Greer would never pressure anyone into doing something he didn’t want to. After spending an hour with Blake, she knew they belonged together. The question was whether he would figure it out before he committed to Crystal.

  Shit, shit, shit. Could the timing have been any worse? “Crystal, wait up!” Blake called to her retreating back.

  Because he’d asked Greer to meet him for dinner, he quickly paid their tab. He totally understood why Crystal would be upset seeing him with Greer, but he’d explained a few times about shifters and their mates. The problem was that he and Greer were interrupted just as she was about to tell him something. From the way her eyes had turned that beautiful purple, she was going to say they were mates—or was that wishful thinking on his part? If Crystal hadn’t interrupted them, he might have told her himself.

  Even if that wasn’t what Greer was about to say, the moment he was aware of her, the spark between him and Crystal had evaporated. Hurting the woman he’d been with for six months was the last thing he wanted to do, but Fate wasn’t giving him a choice. Did he care for Crystal? Sure. He had only been with her because his mate hadn’t come along yet, and he figured they were so good together that they might as well get married. Was that a great reason to commit to someone for life? Probably not.

  He raced up behind Crystal and gently clasped her shoulder. “Can you stop for a minute, please?” he asked.

  She spun around. “I know what you’re going to say.”

  “What is that?”

  “That she means nothing to you, but I saw the way you looked at her.”

  His mouth turned dry. How long had she been standing close by? “What way?”

  “With lust.”

  That was true, but this wasn’t the place to tell her. “I barely know the woman.”

  Damn. He shouldn’t lie, but discussing this on a public sidewalk wasn’t the best place for it.

  “You went through a major ordeal together. That kind of things bonds two people together,” she said. This time her tone held some compassion.

  “It’s not that way.” It was more than that.

  “Look, Blake. I know you’ve been through a lot, and I think you need to take a few days off to figure out what you want to do.”

  “I don’t need time. Can we just talk? My car is parked in back. We can go back to your place if you want.”

  She exhaled deeply. “Fine, but no more lies, okay?”

  “I promise.”

  They walked around to the lot in back where he caught sight of Greer heading in the direction of the jewelry store. Damn. He hoped he hadn’t messed things up between them. He opened the door for Crystal and waited for her to be seated before closing it.

  His mind raced about how to tell her the truth. Blake hopped in the front seat, started the engine, and took off. Neither said anything during the short ride back to her place. Thankfully, Crystal rented an apartment close by so she could walk to work.

  Once they entered her apartment, she flicked on the lights. “Wine?” she asked.

  He wouldn’t have been more stunned if Crystal had pulled a gun and shot him. Not that a bullet would have killed him but still. “Yes, thank you.”

  Blake followed her into the small kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine from the rack on the counter. He opened it while she retrieved the glasses.

  “Is she your mate?” Crystal asked, her voice a bit strained.

  “Yes.” Blake had promised not to lie.

  “You said there was always the possibility that you’d find her, but I didn’t think it would be so soon.” Her voice came out close to a whisper.

  Blake’s chest constricted as he poured the wine. “Let’s sit down. To be honest, I truly believed I’d never be given a mate.”

  Crystal walked into the living room and he followed. “I’m glad you found her,” Crystal said. He might have believed her if her hands hadn’t been holding the wine glass as if it was a lifeline.

  “You’re just saying that to be nice, right?”

  She sat on the sofa and patted the seat next to her. Blake joined her. “I’m not sure what I’m feeling right now. What I do know is that we are great together.”

  “We are, so how can you be happy that I’ve found my mate?” She wasn’t making any sense.

  “Hear me out. I’ve known all along that this day might come. You did warn me. It’s why I’ve held myself back these last six months.”

  “Held yourself back?” This discussion was blindsiding him.

  “I care a lot for you, but to be honest, I’m not in love with you. I couldn’t let myself fal
l totally for you.” She placed her free hand on his knee. “I’ve been on my own since I was seventeen, and you know how hard that was for me. When you came along—a man who was so in control—I guess I believed that you were the family I needed.”

  Don’t let her story get to you again, his dragon said. Greer and you are mates.

  “I can see that happening, but why were you so upset at the café just now?”

  “I think I was more shocked than anything. You turned me down for a date, and I felt betrayed.”

  “I am sorry. I should have told you.”

  “It’s okay.” She squeezed his leg. “I had the sense you wanted to make our relationship official, but this is for the best.”

  His head spun. If she didn’t want to be with him any longer, he wasn’t going to try to convince her. He just wished she’d told him sooner. In his heart, he knew that being comfortable with each other wasn’t a good reason to marry. “Where do we go from here?”

  “I don’t know, but I’ll probably move to Hearndon Province to be near my cousins. I’m sure I can get a job there, assuming I can get my boss to write me a good recommendation.” A hint of smile crossed her face. She was hurt, but Crystal was trying to make the best of it.

  His head spun. “You are an amazing person, Crystal.”

  She stroked his face. “Thank you, but do me a favor?”


  “Be happy.”

  Greer had a rather restless night. She couldn’t help but worry that Crystal would convince Blake to never see her again. While she was convinced his dragon wanted them to be together, Blake seemed to be an honorable man and wouldn’t want to hurt Crystal. As much as she admired his devotion, she hoped he understood that Fate wasn’t to be messed with.

  Tory came out of the back room. “Hey, good morning. How was your date last night?”

  “It wasn’t a date.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Okay. It might have been a date if his girlfriend hadn’t shown up.”

  Tory’s eyes widened. “What? Did Blake freak?”

  “Kind of. She accused him of lying, because he told her he planned to stay home last night. Instead he was out with me.”

  “Ouch. What did he do?”

  “He left with her.”

  Tory opened the case and rearranged some of their silver bracelets. “I’m sorry that happened, but I can understand. They were almost engaged, right?”

  That had been Greer’s reaction. “Yes. In his defense, Crystal was understandably upset, and I told him to go after her to smooth things out. We had already finished talking about Mange when she showed up.” Greer leaned against the counter. “I will admit I was disappointed. I was in the process of learning if he thought we were mates. I mean, his eyes were flashing teal, and I swear I saw his teeth sharpen. His shirt was open at the neck and some black scales flashed. He told me that when I touched him while trying to heal him, he felt a connection.”

  Tory’s eyes sparkled. “That means he thinks you’re mates.”

  “Possibly, but we didn’t get that far in the discussion before Crystal showed up.”

  Tory relocked the jewelry case. “When are you going to see him again?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “If you are mates, I’m pretty sure he’ll want to talk with you first before he does anything like buy a ring. He’ll be dying to know if you feel the same. Because you are so cool under pressure, it is going to make it harder for him to know if you like him.”

  Heat raced to her face. “My scales were flashing, but I don’t think he noticed since they are so light colored.”

  “Personally, I’d give him a couple of days to figure things out. Then if he doesn’t reach out, you could call and ask if he has more questions about Mange. Keep it friendly.”

  “That is a good idea, but I don’t have his number.”

  “I bet Anderson does. He would have asked when he booked him.”

  Greer smiled. “You are a sly one. I’ll do that as soon as I figure out what I want to say.”

  Chapter Four

  Greer’s phone rang a few days later. When she noted it was an unidentified caller, she debated not answering it, until she realized she hadn’t heard from Blake since the fiasco the other night. It could be him. On the other hand, it might be Crystal calling to tell her to bug off.


  “Greer,” said a deep sexy voice that had her scales flashing. “This is Blake.”

  As if she couldn’t have guessed from the way her body had reacted. “Hey. Not that I’m complaining, but how did you get my number?”

  “I bribed your cousin Anderson for it.”

  She chuckled. “I doubt that. The man can’t be bribed.”

  “Okay, I asked nicely.”

  “I’ll have to thank him. How did it go with Crystal the other night?” She might as well address the dragon in the room.

  “Good, real good.”

  Her stomach tumbled. If they had patched things up, had he called just to see if she was okay? “I’m glad.”

  “Do you think I could take you on a real date tonight?”

  Greer almost fell over. “What about Crystal?”

  “She’s okay. It’s partially why I wanted to see you. I also need to apologize about that night. I don’t normally skip out like that on someone.”

  Good to know. “No, I get it. She thought there was something between us. Jealousy is painful.” She should know. Stabs of it were coursing through her body right now.

  “How about seven?”

  It took a moment to realize he’d given her a time. “Sure. Where would you like to pick me up?”

  “Your place?” He had such hope in his voice that she couldn’t disappoint him. She always had her dates meet her at the store, saying she needed to work late. That way when she returned from the date, it was easier for him to drop her off there—unless she really wanted to go back to his place.

  “Sure.” She gave him the address. “I’ll let the guardhouse know you’re coming.”

  “Fantastic. See you then.” He disconnected.

  “Who was that?” Tory asked as she stepped out of the back room.

  “Blake. He asked me out.” The joy in her voice was evident.

  Her eyes shone. “That’s fantastic, but what about his girlfriend?”

  “He said she was okay with things and that he wanted to talk to me about it tonight over dinner.”

  She grinned. “Sounds promising. Maybe he told her you two were mates, and she was cool with it.”

  Tory was a romantic. “I don’t believe that for a minute. No woman would willingly give up Blake Masters.”

  She shrugged. “You never know. I can’t wait to hear how it turns out.”

  “He’s picking me up at seven at my place.”

  Her brows rose. “At your place, huh? This is serious.”

  “He’s my mate.”

  “Then go home now and get ready.”

  “We don’t close for another half hour,” Greer said.

  Tory waved a hand. “I can handle it. Half the time we’re here alone anyway.”

  They only worked together three days a week. The rest of the time, they manned the shop by themselves. “I appreciate that.”

  Tory hugged her. “Good luck!”

  “I don’t need luck; I need to keep calm.”

  Her cousin laughed. “Go.”

  Greer took the elevator to the roof where she shifted and flew the short distance to the large field behind her townhouse. It was one reason why she chose to live on the outskirts of town—more landing room.

  Even though she had more than two hours to prepare for her date, she wanted to find the perfect dress and have time to put on makeup.

  Once Greer showered and washed her hair, she tried on many outfits, but she was unable to decide the best look. She should have asked Blake where they were going. That would have helped her decide. In the end, she figured what she wore didn’t really mat
ter if they were attracted to each other.

  Greer ended up mixing a pair of casual dark jeans with a rather dressy low-cut green top. She let her strawberry blonde hair hang loose, and then gave her eyes a smoky look. As usual, her lip and blush colors were subtle.

  The overall look was sophisticated but approachable. Perfect. Why she was nervous she didn’t know. From the confidence in his tone, Blake had already decided his path, which hopefully involved the two of them.

  When the doorbell rang at seven, she nearly jumped.

  Settle down, she chastised her dragon.

  I can’t. It might be a night to remember.

  No. We need to take this slow.

  Who says?

  The bell rang again. Sheesh. Greer hurried to the door, looked through the peephole to make sure it was Blake, and then inhaled. With a smile on her face, she opened up. As much as she had thought about this moment, nothing could have prepared her for the sight of hunky Blake Masters. He too had gone with the classy but casual look—medium colored blue jeans, black boots, and a white button-down shirt open at the throat that was topped with a navy-blue jacket. His still wet, dark hair was slicked back.

  “Hey, come in.”

  Because she rarely entertained, she hadn’t received much feedback on her design style—other than from her family members who never understood why she’d bought a townhouse on the edge of town instead of a downtown condo.

  He glanced around. “Nice digs.”


  His gaze returned to her, her décor apparently not holding much interest to him. “You look…amazing. I see we thought alike.”

  She laughed, but it came out a bit strained, which wasn’t her style. “We did. Let me grab my purse.” She picked it up from the sofa. “I’m ready.”

  Once she locked up, he placed a hand on her lower back and escorted her out the front door. He wouldn’t have done that if something hadn’t changed between him and Crystal, right?

  Once they were in his car, he looked over at her. “I should have asked what you like to eat.”


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