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Ignited By Flames

Page 9

by Day, Vella

  “I can do something about that.”

  Greer had been about to suggest they finish undressing themselves to make things move faster, but the moment he slid his hands under her shirt and lifted it up, she realized this was so much better. After he removed her blouse, he took off her bra that thankfully unhooked in the front.

  The moment they finished ditching their shoes, she couldn’t wait any longer. “Your turn,” she said, though all that was left were his pants and briefs.

  Once they were both naked, Blake pulled her on top of him, his warm skin heating her through and through. She wiggled her hips. “I do love how your body is hard in all the right places.”

  He laughed. “I love that you are soft in all the right places.” Just as she was about to kiss him again, he rolled her onto her back and slid down until his lips found her breasts. “Especially these.”

  He took both of them in his hands, pressed them together, and then licked one nipple and then the other. Desire swamped her. Her nails sharpened, and her light-yellow scales gave off a bigger glow than the string lights around their little area.

  Dragging her hands over his broad shoulders and down the top part of his back, her fingertips thrilled every time he flexed. Greer loved his power and his size. For the first time in her life, she actually felt petite.

  As he slid lower, the cool air puckered her wet nipples, but she didn’t care. He heated her up from the inside—or else it was her dragon who was shooting flames up and down her spine. When Blake swiped his tongue across her clit, she bucked.

  “That feels so good,” she gasped.

  He looked up and smiled but didn’t stop his sensual assault. Possibly because he sensed she might be cold, he lifted his arms and cupped her breasts. His dexterous fingers twirled and plucked the slightly swollen tips while his tongue did an exotic tattoo on her pussy.

  Blake looked up through hooded eyes, his black scales pulsing and flashing against his lighter ones. When Greer started to pull away from him, he drew up onto his knees. She sat up, and with a slight touch to his right shoulder, Blake clearly figured out that she wanted him on his back. Once flat, he dragged her on top.

  “What are you going to do, dragon lady?”

  “Just you wait and see.”

  She straddled him. Blake snatched the blanket from beside them and dragged it over her shoulders and back. The warmth and caring made her fall in love with him even more. This was where she wanted to be. Greer leaned over, pressed her breasts against his chest, and kissed him.

  The pressure started off soft but then grew stronger as their need overtook them once more. When some of his talons poked through his fingertips, he fisted his hands. The fact he was so on edge ratcheted her desire further. But it was time. Almost too excited to continue, Greer grabbed his cock, rose onto her knees halfway, and aimed. When she slid down on his hard shaft, she swore some scales formed on her back, but she mentally banished them. A groan escaped from deep inside of her. What this man did to her.

  Once fully seated, she leaned over. Blake lifted up and feasted on her breasts while his fingers from one hand slid up her cheek and then threaded them through her hair. Between the clear night air mixed with his masculine scent and all of his sensual touches, her climax built too fast.

  Oh, how she loved every stroke of his cock, every lick of his tongue, and every touch of his hand. Blake Masters set her on fire.

  Blake grabbed her hips and moved her back just enough for his lips to reach hers. The kiss was not slow or seductive in any way. Rather it spoke of desperate need. After almost a hundred years of searching, both of them had finally found their mate.

  The faster their tongues dueled, the faster she pumped her hips. Her dragon was yelling, cheering, and swooning all at the same time, hastening her brimming climax. They moaned, touched, and fucked. As if her flashing scales were blinding him, he closed his eyes, broke the kiss, and turned his head. The rope lights illuminated his sharp teeth, but she doubted he would bite her tonight. Soon she’d insist he did though.

  On the next thrust, he yanked down on her hips to seal them together and came hard. Greer’s climax exploded a second later, and the yell that came out didn’t sound like it could have possibly come from her—yet it had. Blake grit his teeth and pressed his sharpened nails into her skin, but the slight pain only added to her pleasure.

  Once her climax ebbed, Greer collapsed onto his chest and tucked her hands under his warm skin. Blake adjusted the blanket once more to make sure she was covered. He then rubbed her back. “It gets better every time,” he said.

  “It does at that.”

  After they rested, they more or less cleaned up using his briefs, and then dressed. With their wine glasses in hand, they headed downstairs to finish cooking dinner.

  “I have an idea,” Blake said as he tested the meal.

  “I’m listening.”

  “Partly because that maniac who stole your lamp is still at large, and because I want to be near you, what do you think about moving in here with me?” He held up his hand. “Before you say you can take care of yourself, wouldn’t you like to be down the street from where you work?”

  “That is a plus.” He didn’t need to convince her. “I’ve never lived with a man, so it will be an adjustment.”

  “Ah, you think because I’m not as neat as you that there will be a problem? Not to worry. I can change.”

  She laughed. “Famous last words. It’s okay. Just because I like things orderly doesn’t mean your mess—assuming you make one—will bother me. I did grow up with many brothers—and trust me, they weren’t given any awards for being orderly.”

  He lifted her hand. “I realize it’s fast, but just knowing that creep can come back and break in will have me distracted all day, and I want to know you are safe at night.”

  Greer was a little disappointed that his reason for asking her to move in seemed to be to make sure she remained safe. That meant she’d have to do everything in her power to make him want to be with her because he was falling in love with her, like she was with him.

  “Then I say yes. After we find this creep we can reevaluate.”

  Blake leaned over. “I’m hoping to convince you to never leave my side.”

  Okay. Never mind. He did want to be with her. Greer couldn’t believe her luck. “After we eat, how about we go back to my place so I can pack a few bags. I’ll call Thane and ask him to install more security cameras, so if this guy tries to break in again, we’ll have him on video.”

  Now it was Blake’s turn to smile. “I like the way you think.”

  It was ridiculous for Brother Richard to still be shaken up this long after the huge dragon had followed him from that woman’s house, but the fear of burning to death by fire still gave him nightmares. Fortunately, today had been better. A lot better. He’d pickpocketed two people, and the poor suckers had never suspected a thing. The extra cash allowed him to have one fine dinner. Good times for sure.

  Now it was time to go for a run and explore more of Edendale and the surrounding area. He doubted that it only had one portal station, and Brother Richard was determined to find them all so he could return to Silver Lake a hero.

  He parked off to the side of the road where his stolen car would be hidden from view. After shifting, he took off. A bit paranoid that someone might find his buried sardonyx, he went to his campsite—if wolves even had campsites—and checked that it was still there. Once he was certain his hidden hole remained undisturbed, he headed out to enjoy some freedom.

  Another plus about this place was that the trees were taller and fuller than he was used to, which somehow helped soothe his soul. Brother Richard couldn’t be happier with the way things had turned out. Sure, he’d heard of a place where dragons roamed about freely, but he hadn’t believed it. He sure did now though.

  When he came back with all of the sardonyx, Brother Richard wouldn’t be surprised if his Clan made him their leader. In the last year, the Clan had been leaderle
ss and highly disorganized. He would save them all.

  He ran along some marked trails, across a few streams, and down some hillsides. While it was dark, he could see well enough to identify the amazingly large field in front of him. Going full out, he charged across the cut grass, enjoying the slight dew on the surface.

  “Halt!” came a stern sounding command.

  Being in his wolf form, Brother Richard might have ignored the man had he not spotted four dragons rimming the park like area, all of whom were breathing fire. Shit, shit, shit. How in the hell had he not sensed them? He knew: his thoughts had been someplace else—like going home a savior.

  Was one of these dragons the animal who’d followed him from the woman’s house? Only one way to find out? Shift. If he hadn’t been in a large open field, he would have chanced running into the forest. He had the sense that dragons would be fairly useless if they couldn’t fly, and Brother Richard was fast.

  He shifted. The four dragons followed suit. Okay, that was odd. They were all fully dressed. He however was not. How was that possible?

  Brother Richard lifted his chin. “What is the meaning of this? You have no right to stop me. It’s a free country.” He honestly had no idea if that was true, but the United States was free.

  “You are on the King’s property. Seize him!”

  What? “Wait a minute. I was minding my own business. You can’t do this.”

  Apparently they didn’t care. One minute he was facing them, and the next he was grabbed from behind and taken straight upward. Holy shit. As much as Brother Richard wanted to struggle, he feared the monster who had him would let go. A fall from this height might kill him, or at the very least, injure him significantly. He debated shifting back into his wolf form, but the change might also result in the dragon dropping him.

  Before he could wrap his head around how all of this had happened, a huge castle appeared. While Brother Richard had traveled in his time and had seen castles in Scotland, none were occupied. Given the amount of lit windows, this one was inhabited. His human instinct told him that this was the King’s property they spoke of. If that were true, where the hell was he exactly? Damned if he knew. For a few days now, he had the sneaking suspicion he might be in a realm other than Earth, and that scared him more than he was willing to admit.

  The dragon deposited him in front of this massive structure. As soon as his feet touched the ground, the creature holding him shifted into a guard—if his khaki colored uniform was any indication.

  “You have this all wrong,” Brother Richard said. “I was out for a run. I didn’t see any signs that said I was on private property. I apologize. It won’t happen again.”

  The first man grabbed his arm and led him to a large door. “You’ll be able to speak with someone tomorrow about your complaint.”

  Okay, that didn’t sound so bad. At least he thought so until this man led him down a series of corridors that had him lost in no time. After what seemed like forever, he’d had it—with the cold, the dampness, and the putrid smell.

  Needing to get the hell out of there, Brother Richard shifted and leapt at the guard, ready to rip him apart. He was in mid-air when the guard held out his hand. It was as if Brother Richard hit a wall, causing him to drop to the ground like a stone. What the hell kind of power did this man possess?

  The guard watched as Brother Richard scrambled to his feet. He’d be damned if he shifted back. It was bad enough being naked, but he didn’t like being treated like a prisoner.

  “Come,” the guard commanded.

  Brother Richard turned around and tried to race back to the entrance, only his legs refused to work. This was ridiculous. What had this man done to him? Deciding he had more control when in his human form, he shifted. “I demand to know what you just did to me.”

  “Come.” With that the guard turned around and continued down the path.

  Ass. While Brother Richard believed he could find his way back to the entrance, he doubted they’d let him walk out of there. Most likely those freaky dragons were right outside waiting to tear him apart. Tomorrow, he’d demand to be freed and this guard punished. This lowly man had no respect for anyone.

  Chapter Twelve

  Holy crap. Brother Richard was in jail! A real life, cramped, stinking jail cell—all because he decided to go for a run. There had to be a mistake. When he’d called out to the other prisoners, no one answered. Either he was the only one there, or they had been told not to speak to him. Jerks. Someone would pay for this kind of treatment.

  A shuffling noise came toward him. A moment later, a slumped over guard appeared, carrying a tray with some kind of food on it. Brother Richard jumped up from his lumpy bed. “I demand to speak with the person in charge.”

  He’d never seen this guard before, but the man just stared at him, acting a little daft. Once he placed the tray on the floor and shoved it through the opening, he left.

  “Hey, you! I need to talk with you.”

  Clearly, the man was deaf. When Brother Richard looked at the meal though, it appeared quite appetizing. He picked up the tray and proceeded to eat the whole thing. At least they had the decency to give him some good fare.

  Once he finished, he returned the tray to the slot, but then he suddenly had this need to rest. He hadn’t slept much if at all last night, so he had no problem lying down. It wasn’t as if he had anything else to do.

  He awoke to someone slapping his face.

  “Wake up, trespasser.”

  “Huh?” Brother Richard opened his eyes.

  He was no longer in his cell but rather in a hallway. Two guards were holding him up. At least someone had dressed him, though he remembered none of it. Pissed at being there at all, Brother Richard attempted to straighten, but his stomach revolted. He wouldn’t let them see how weak he was though. Pride made him straighten his shoulders and endure the discomfort.

  When he looked around, he was stunned to find he was in a part of the castle that was quite grand. The beamed ceilings had to have been forty feet tall. While the walls were all stone, the coats of armor and lit torches on the walls were impressive.

  Only then did he realize his hands were chained in front of him, and there was an additional chain between his feet. “Why am I here?” he asked in his most authoritative tone.

  “You are about to meet the man in charge. You are chained because we don’t want you to escape.”

  Given his surroundings, this person was someone special. That put a different light on things. “Why didn’t you tell me last night I would be seeing someone so important?”

  “We did.” They rapped on a magnificent hand-carved wooden door.

  “Enter,” came the response.

  The door opened, and one of the guards pushed him in.

  Brother Richard was stunned at not only the room’s opulence but with the man in the fine clothes sitting behind a desk. If Brother Richard believed in time travel, he would have pegged this to be somewhere in the seventeen hundreds.

  The man in the blue suit, wearing a cravat and more jewelry than Richard had ever seen in his life, stood and walked around his desk. “I’ve been told you are different.”

  Different? What did that mean? “If you say so. Are you the king?” Brother Richard asked.

  “No. I’m Prince Omar. My father, the king, is ill and is unable to attend this meeting.” The prince ran his gaze over Brother Richard’s body. “What kind of shifter are you?”


  “But not an ordinary wolf.”

  He was surprised the prince could sense the Changeling in him. “No. I’m not ordinary at all.”

  Needing to plea for his release, Brother Richard reached out and touched the man’s arm. The prince jerked back as if he’d been burned. “How dare you touch me, you vermin.”

  What an arrogant prick! “You don’t understand.”

  “I understand perfectly. Where are you from?” the prince asked.

  Why did it matter? “Silver Lake, Ten

  “Where is that?”

  Maybe there was something in the water, because no one seemed to understand anything. “In the U.S.” Doofus.

  His eyes widened. “You live on Earth? Ah, that explains a lot.”

  “Just like you,” he said without thinking.

  Then everything cleared. Holy shit. He was in a different realm, and his gut soured.

  The man stepped back around his desk, pulled out his chair, and sat down. “You, my odd little fellow, have no idea where you are. You are on Tarradon, a realm hidden from Earth.”

  The big swirling hole he’d stepped through must have been a portal to this other place. Holy shit. Before he could truly understand what it all meant, a charge shot through his body, just like it always did when he changed into another person. Only that couldn’t be what was happening now. He could only transform into some other being during a red moon, which came about once a month, and he certainly hadn’t spotted one last night.

  The prince pointed at him. “You! What did you do?”

  “Nothing, why?”

  The prince stood, but then stopped moving, almost as if he were dizzy. The pompous ass walked over to him, grabbed his arm, and dragged him in front of a mirror.

  Brother Richard stared at himself. Holy shit. He looked just like the prince.

  “How did you do this?” the prince asked. “I demand you return to your old self.”

  “I, ah, am not sure what happened.” When the prince raised his hand, Brother Richard babbled, “I’ll try.”

  He closed his eyes and focused on returning to his fifty-year-old self. When he was in Silver Lake, he remained looking like the person until the spell wore off, so he wasn’t certain he could do what the prince asked of him—but he would attempt to. With a great deal of concentration, a surge of power shot through him once more. When he opened his eyes and checked the mirror, he was back to being Brother Richard Donovan. Phew, that was close.

  The prince moved back to his seat and dropped onto the chair—or rather what looked more like a throne. “Guard!” he shouted.


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