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Suds and Sam For Hire

Page 14

by Stella Marie Alden

  “I’m really sorry, you guys, but this place wouldn’t take pets. I’ll make it up to you, as soon as I get home.” Tired of living in a hotel, my old room sounds inviting, despite the lack of privacy.

  “About that.” My cuz hesitates. “Vinny gave your room to Josi.”

  “Josephine? I thought she was in her last semester of law school?”

  Rose shakes her head, no doubt responding to my disappointed face. “She had a bit of a breakdown. In all fairness, we didn’t think you were ever coming back.”

  “No, no. It’s okay. I understand. Actually, it’s for the best. It will force me and Suds to find something else nearby.” I glance over at the bed when Sebastian stirs at the sound of his name.

  “So, is everything good again with your bodyguard?” Rose wiggles her eyebrows and I smile, recalling all the ways we made love last night.

  “Couldn’t be better.”

  Joey sounds in the background. “Girls! Youz decent? Frankie is here.”

  “Oh crap. You explain why you’re not here. I’ll go get everything ready.” There’s a short explanation then Frankie comes onto the line.

  “Samantha? Where are you?”

  “I, ah, had to make a quick trip to DC. I gave all your instructions to Mia and Rose. Actually, I think Chloe likes them better.”

  “Huh. Good to know. When you comin’ home?”

  “Soon, soon.”

  “Excellent. I might have a little side job to hand off to you.”

  I picture the kind of work a hitman might have for a private detective and shudder. “Ah, thanks. We’re already booking up fast but, ah… we’ll see.”

  “Thanks for taking care of my girl.” He says something smooshy to Chloe which I don’t quite catch. “I’ll send you a little something in way of thanks.”

  “No, really. She was no trouble at all. She is such a sweet, lovely, angel.”

  At that, Suds laughs, kicks off his covers, and smirks.

  Drooling at his morning wood, I end the conversation before my mouth gets me into trouble. “Something’s come up. Gotta go. Say bye to everyone for me.”

  Glancing down at his cock, Sebastian laughs at my turn of phrase. “Good morning, you beautiful liar, care to step into my office?”

  He points at the shower. “I believe you may have mentioned we have some business to discuss.”

  “To be precise, I said something has come up.” Licking my lips, I stare at his swollen length, my sex starting to swell.

  Later, I grab the hairdryer and tell him my news. “Vinny gave my room away to another cousin. We’re going to need to find an apartment.”

  “Good. No more blind dates.” He makes another cup of coffee from the tiny plastic machine provided by the hotel. Then, he sits down next to me, our thighs touching. His soft lips brush across mine as his hand grabs the back of my chair. I turn my computer screen so he can see what I’ve been working on while he was gone.

  “The Manhattan Slasher case has been closed by the FBI. Now, it’s all up to the attorneys.”

  “Let me look.” He reads for a moment. “No shit. He’s pleading insanity?”

  “Ah huh. Jeremy Townsend hears voices.”

  “Huh.” Suds scratches his beard while I open another tab.

  “Slate also sent us an update on the insurance case. The prosecution is going to lower the charges against Follet to manslaughter but I’m betting he won’t go to jail. No jury wants to sentence a guy about to die of cancer.”


  “And then there’s this.” I let Suds read my letter of resignation before hitting send. “Wow. That felt good. Now, all we need to do, is find a place to live.”

  “I was thinking. You know…. There’s a floor directly above our headquarters.”

  “It’s for storage. I’m not sure you can even stand up straight.”

  “In the middle, I can. There’s plenty of room to set down a futon, run some power, and for now, we can use the downstairs kitchen and bath.”

  “Ew. Did you see the shower?”

  “I’m a man of many talents. When I’m done tiling, you won’t even recognize it.”

  “Oh my God!” I jump into his lap and hug him. “This is it. We’re doing it!”

  He lifts me and plops me back on the bed. “Your wish is my command.”

  “What, you’re Aladdin now?”

  “No. I’m the magic genie.”

  “You don’t sound anything like Robin Williams.”

  “I’ll work on it. C’mere.”

  We finish making love, Suds goes out for coffee, and I call home. “Hey Mom. I quit my job. I’m coming back to New York.”

  The dead silence on the other end doesn’t halt my mission. “I need you to tell Dad to back off or I will stop visiting, for good.”

  She likes to pretend she has no say in their relationship. However, once in a blue moon, my mother puts her foot down. When that happens, my father better jump or else.

  “I take it you’re back together with your Marine?” Her voice sounds extra terse.

  “SEAL, mom. He was in the navy.”

  “Whatever.” She sniffs. “And I suppose you’re still considering that crazy notion of becoming a private detective.”

  “Yes we are.”

  “I see.” Her cold tone can’t possibly put a damper on my super-excellent mood.

  “Okay, Mom. I’ll see you for Sunday dinner. Set two chairs. One for Suds and one for me.”

  “Alright dear but don’t expect me to do miracles with your father.”

  “I’m sure you’ll manage if you ever want to see grandbabies.” As I hang up, my partner comes back with two twelve ounce coffees.

  “Jet lagged much?”

  “Maybe a little.” He stretches, cat like, and my clit twitches.

  “More like I’m Sam-deficient.”

  Chapter 37


  Back in Bensonhurst, I glance out our filthy window, eye level with the raised train platform across the street.

  “It’s no big deal.” Sam crawls off our futon as the rumble of the subway rattles our building. “We’ll make an appearance, in and out.”

  “That’s what he said.”

  Grinning, she tries to kick me but I grab her foot and catch her fall. “How about we spend Sunday in bed.”

  “We spent all of last week in bed.”

  “Not so. We painted our office and I even bought some furniture. Your uncle gave us a great deal.”

  “Wait. Vincent was our chair supplier?” Her mouth drops open and I grin, playing stupid while messing with her.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “What did he want in return? Our first born?”

  “He said we could keep the first but the second one is his.” I kiss her and tickle her ribs.

  When I stop, she attacks my underarms, the only place she can get revenge. Even though I clamp my arms tight, she manages to get at me and I laugh.


  “We’re giving it back, all of it.”

  “No way. My new desk is mahogany.”

  “Don’t care.”

  “The swivel chair is nice, too. Did you try it?”

  “Nope. I’m sending it all back and buying plastic folding chairs from the discount store.”

  “What about the waiting room? That couch is leather.”

  “I am not going to be beholding to my Uncle Vincent.”

  Done torturing her, I catch her mouth. “I’m just joshing with you. I know better. I found it all at a used office furniture place near Coney Island.”

  “You beast! I believed you.”

  Something small, like a baby, cries downstairs and for a moment, I think I’m back at our old apartment. I grab my robe and circle the iron spiral staircase.

  At the bottom, an orange tabby eyes me with green eyes. He looks a lot like Chloe, only younger.

  I hold the little fur ball in my arms and glance up at Suds behind me. “Where did you come from?”
r />   “I spoke with Frankie. She’s Chloe’s second or maybe third cousin.”

  “No way. He keeps track of stuff like that?”

  “Apparently. I didn’t ask for details.”

  The sun shines in our new office space, a lovely shade of plain white and downstairs, the door rings.

  Suds and Sam is open for business.

  “Quick. We need to get dressed.”

  We both run up the stairs, throw on clothes and come down seconds later.

  My Mom sits with her hands folded in her lap. “Oh, hello dear. The color you picked out is perfect. I want to hire you. I believe your father is cheating on me. I need some proof for the divorce lawyers.”

  Chapter 38


  My father can be a real jerk but no way would he cheat. This is almost as weird as the last time my mom came to visit.

  “Are you going to let that animal listen in on my business?” She wrinkles her nose at my mewing kitten, the more adult of my two guests.

  “She won’t tell a soul, I promise. So, why do you think Dad is fooling around?”

  She sighs. “A woman knows.”

  If I keep rolling my eyes like this, Nona said I would someday go blind. “Have you any proof?”

  “No. He’s just distant.”

  “Dad is always distant. Couldn’t this have waited until this afternoon?”

  “I’m not having supper today, or any other day.”

  I wait for lightning to strike, or a huge hole to open up in the earth because obviously, this must be Armageddon. “Excuse me?”

  “I’m letting your Aunt Marion host the family on Sundays from now on. I can’t. Not with my marriage on the rocks.”

  “Speaking of on the rocks, would you like a drink?” Suds comes to the rescue by opening a desk drawer.

  He pulls out a flask but my mother shakes her head. “No thank you, not before church.”

  I look to Suds for clarification but being Baptist, he shrugs. If I want to understand the rules about drinking before mass, I’ll need to ask Mia.

  “Mom, even if Dad is cheating which I am sure he is not, I can’t be your detective. It’s a conflict of interest.”

  She puts a tissue to her nose. “I see how it is. You’re taking his side.”

  “Why don’t you just talk to him?” I bug my eyes out at Suds, trying to get him to say something that sticks up for the male point of view.

  “No dear. The time for talking is past. This is for your retainer fee.” She opens her Gucci wallet, picks out one twenty dollar bill, hands it to me, and then leaves.

  At the sound of our outside door slamming, I hold up Jackson with thumb and index finger. “Is she for real? She thinks this is all we get paid?”

  “We could do it pro bono. Don’t you don’t want to spy on your dad?”

  “God no. Eww. Besides he’s the chief of police. How close you think we’d get?”

  “We could try.”

  “Maybe you’re right. Besides, Aunt Marion is a horrible cook. We need to fix this.”

  Chapter 39


  In that neither of us are planning on attending church and her mom’s rules don’t apply, I find a couple of paper cups and pour Sam a drink. Sitting on the couch, I pull her onto my lap as she sips my emergency stash of whiskey.

  “Why not call your dad?” I’ve never seen her so shaken.

  “I can’t. You heard her. She’ll think I’m taking sides. Oh my God. This totally sucks. I can’t believe she wants to hire us. That is so wrong in so many ways.”

  The kitty hops on the sofa and sniffs my cup, but before her tongue can lap my drink I push her little butt away. “No. You’re way too young.”

  The yellow ball of fur blinks big green eyes, jumps on Sam’s lap, and when it tries to climb up her outstretched arm, she laughs. “Oh my God, she’s more of a lush than Chloe.”

  “But with more expensive taste.” I finish my drink, the heat burning on the way down.

  With my courage fortified, I’m ready to deal with her parents. “Okay. How do you suggest we solve the Cheating Dad Caper?”

  “You sound like Watson. You’re not writing a book, are you?” She wiggles her behind on my lap and my cock takes interest.

  “I’m Sherlock, you’re the sidekick.” I tickle her ribs to get her to acquiesce.

  “Hee, hee. Wait. No Way. Stop. I’m the brains and you’re the brawn.” Laughing, she rolls onto the floor where the kitty pounces, attacking strands of hair.

  “Ow, ow.” She untangles the little yellow tiger, then kisses a wet, pink nose. “Bye-bye, sweet-ums. We got to go. Don’t break anything while were gone.”

  Rolling onto her hands and knees, she stands, and glances at the time on her phone. Then, she applies some makeup, grabs her coat from the closet, and hands me mine. “Well, come on, slowpoke. We got a mystery to solve.”

  “Zoykes. Where’re we going, Daphne?” I pull my hat and scarf from the sleeve then get ready for the cold and she does the same, eyes bright.

  “The second best place to hear gossip, Shaggy.”

  My brows raise as I tug on my gloves and start down the stairs. “And that would be?”

  “Church.” She hops down two at a time and I catch up at the bottom and stand in front of the door.

  “We can’t.”

  “Why not?” Her lower lip goes out and I kiss it.

  “I don’t know. Ask your Mom.”

  “No worries, she just made that up. I’m pretty sure it’s fine as long as you ask for forgiveness.”

  On the walk there, I figure it might be a good time to broach my own family issues. “You think you might want to come south and meet my folks sometime?”

  “Wow? You have parents?” She raises her brows and smirks so I poke her in the ribs.

  “Not funny.”

  “Well, I don’t think you’ve ever mentioned them, except in passing. They haven’t passed, have they? No, no. If they had, you wouldn’t very well be asking me to visit, would you?”

  “Very deductive reasoning.”

  “Thank you, Watson. And of course I’ll come.”

  “Wait, I thought I was Shaggy?”

  We walk to church and both manage not to sleep through Father O’Connell’s the sermon. Somehow water into wine equates with too much sleeping around buy I couldn’t quite follow his logic.

  After the final hymn, a few dash out the back door but many of the congregation linger and wander to the floor below.

  While I help myself to some much needed for coffee, Sam begins introductions. To make it easy, she starts with her priest who I already met over Christmas.

  “Good to see you son. When do you two start classes?”

  Sam grabs my hand and pulls me away. “Soon. Nice to see you, father. We have a new case to solve.”

  “Classes?” I catch my partner’s eye as she bites her lower lip.

  “For getting married. I told him we would be joining in the spring… Oh hi, Aunt Marion. I saw Mom this morning. We’re having dinner at your house this afternoon, right?”

  She wipes away a tear. “After all these years. I can’t believe your father is cheating on her. Are you going take some lurid pictures so she can take him for everything he’s got?”

  “Is he really sleeping around?” Sam grabs her arm and studies her face.

  The woman’s grief seems sincere. “Your mother says so. It must be true.”

  I have to ask. “Has anyone ever seen Mr. Sutcliff with another woman?”

  Sam’s aunt does a double take. “Of course not. He’s too sneaky.”

  “Right.” I lean into Sam while examining the room filled with mostly women. “Where is your father?”

  “Oh Dad? He never goes to church except Christmas and Easter.” Sam spies her cousins across the hall, near the coffee cakes and dashes over to give them a hug.

  “Did you hear?” Mia crosses herself. “Your parents are divorcing. Divorce is a mortal sin.”

��For God’s sake, they’re not splitting up and they’re not going to hell!”

  Sam rolls her eyes as Rose takes her hands. “What? Is your Mom going to forgive him?”

  “For what? Nothing happened.” My partner’s eyes implore me to join in but best I hold my tongue when it comes to these three.

  “Sleeping around.” Mia answers my question.

  Sam turns. “With who?”

  “Whom.” I correct her.

  “Whomever.” My pretty woman stomps her foot. “Stop it, all of you.”

  “Don’t worry. It wasn’t your fault.” Rose takes her into a hug.

  “What wasn’t?”

  “The divorce.” Mia chimes in. “Sure, they argued about you two, but it was his cheating that did them in.”

  “Oh my God! That’s it! Thank you, you guys. You solved the mystery.” Sam looks at me with her eyes wide and I grin.

  “Scooby-dooby-doo.” Back at home, I have a few hours alone with her before leaving for her Aunt Marion’s.

  “You sure, you want to do this, Holmes?

  “Elementary, my dear Watson.” When her sexy mouth smirks, I kiss it. “Maybe I will write a book. But it will have to be fiction. No one would believe your family is real.”

  Chapter 40


  My parents show up and act as any couple would on the verge of divorce, trying to hide it from their family.

  If I wasn’t so pissed off, I would nominate them for an Academy Award.

  “Stop glaring. You’ll give us away.” My partner kisses me and squeezes my thigh under the table.

  I feel guilty until I see my sneaky mother dab at her eyes. Time for the ’rents to get a taste of their own medicine.

  While doing dishes, I call her into the kitchen as Suds speaks to my father.

  “I have to show you something.” Using my cell phone, I show her the pictures I doctored up on Photoshop. “I’m so sorry. He’s seeing a new detective in his precinct.”

  Her eyes go wide and she covers her mouth. “He’s sleeping with her? Are you sure?”

  “You were right, all along. I’m so sorry I doubted you. I promise to get more evidence.” I pat her hand.

  She stomps into the living room where Dad glares furiously at Suds who turns his head and winks only for me.


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