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Page 5

by Cooper McKenzie

  * * * *

  When a loud knock sounded, Annie tried to climb off Max’s lap. Problem was, he would not release her. “Shhhh, ladybug,” he said as he resettled her before he called in a louder voice, “Enter.”

  The door opened, and a man wearing a suit walked in. He was tall, dark, and looked enough like Max to be related, but Annie still cringed at being caught sitting on his lap.

  “Relax, sweetheart. This is my cousin, Victor Santi, who is going to help you deal with the insurance company,” Max said in a deep, soothing voice as he ran a hand up and down her back. “Victor, this is Annie Griffin who owned the craft shop where Cara used to work.”

  “Hello,” the newcomer said as he took the vacant seat on the other side of Max’s desk. “Max tells me you’re having trouble with some insurance claims?”

  Annie nodded and slid a folder across the table. “Yes. I had both my renter’s insurance and my business insurance with the same company. I lost everything, so I filed on both policies. They keep losing paperwork, put the wrong paperwork with the wrong claim, and ask for different forms to be filled out because the various departments can’t seem to talk to one another. I’m running out of time, and patience. My vendors are starting to grumble about not getting paid, and I can’t start replacing my personal stuff because I’m broke. Do you think there’s anything you can do to help me?”

  Victor flipped through the paperwork, which included copies of everything she had sent, along with notes on each stapled stack including fax coversheets with names and numbers. She had when she first opened the shop to religiously kept copies and notes about every dealing she had, whether it be an insurance company, a vendor for the store, or even a doctor’s office. Of course, all her notes and files had gone up in smoke, but she had most everything saved to the cloud and could access the files from her phone if need be.

  “What happened this morning?” he asked after he’d gone through all the paperwork.

  Before Annie could retell the story of her frustrating morning, there was another knock on the door. This time one of the men who she’d met that morning, though she didn’t remember his name, opened the door and carried in several bags of food and a tray of drinks. A nod from Max had him setting everything on the table before retreating and closing the door behind himself.

  Annie waited until the food had been sorted before retelling the story of her latest frustrating call to the insurance company. Victor took notes of his own, and glanced at the ones she’d made as he ate.

  Once she finished and took a bite of her nearly forgotten sandwich, Victor sat back and smiled. At least she thought it was a smile. He looked fierce and she grew nervous enough that she considered hiding behind Max and his big chair. She did not relax until he spoke.

  “Do you have any change on you, Annie?”

  Annie nodded slowly, and pulled out the sixty-three cents in her pocket. She dropped it on Victor’s palm when he held out his hand.

  “Thank you,” Victor said. He counted the money before pocketing it. “You’ve just hired yourself a lawyer. Now, I don’t want you to worry anymore about this. I’ll take care of it, and hopefully you’ll have your money within the week.”

  Annie knew her eyes grew wide enough to pop out of her head. “Really? You can get my money?”

  Victor gave her a smile that sent a shiver of nervousness through her. “If I don’t have your money in a week, your insurance company will have a lawsuit on its hands, and we’ll be asking for many, many times what your claims are…after we go to the local television station and share your experience with the world. Bad publicity is not something anyone wants these days. So, you just relax and let Max take care of you and know that everything will be all right.”

  “Thank you so much, Victor. But how much more will this cost? My finances are kind of nonexistent, but I will find a way to pay you for all this.”

  She froze when both men growled, actually growled, in response to her offer of payment.

  “Annie, you are family now, which means he shouldn’t have taken your change, but this way he can tell the insurance company that he is on retainer,” Max said.


  “Yes, ma’am,” Victor said. “But, if you have any single friends, I’d be happy for an introduction. Or if you get tired of this one, I’ll be happy to take you home with me.”

  Max snarled, “Go back to work, asshole,” which had Annie turning to look at her man in shock.

  “Be nice. He’s doing me a favor,” she said, patting his chest in the hopes he wouldn’t dump her off his lap to go after his cousin.

  “He’s hitting on you, ladybug, just like he does every woman he meets,” Max said, still frowning at his cousin.

  “Not every woman, just the single ones who intrigue me,” Victor said as Max gave another snarly growl. He chuckled as he quickly rose and left, taking Annie’s folder of insurance paperwork with him.

  The air seemed unsettled in his wake, and so Annie turned to look at Max, and found him studying her. His deep brown eyes glowed with a hunger that instantly ignited the one she’d tried to keep control of while she’d been on his lap.

  “So, what’s on the schedule for the afternoon?”

  Chapter Eight

  By the time they arrived home again, the day was gone, but Max was happy with the results of their afternoon. Not only had they found more clothes for Annie, both comfortable and kid-like to wear at home, but also several dressier business casual outfits to wear once she had her shop up and running once again. He had only had to pull her into a dressing room and spank her ass once when she tried to argue with him about how much he was spending.

  They had even found a glittery red motorcycle helmet for her to wear while riding on the back of his bike. She was also the owner of black motorcycle boots, and a black leather jacket that he would eventually have personalized with his property patches. While she chose the helmet, he had slipped away long enough to put the order in for her club vest that he would give her, once she agreed to be his forever.

  The last stop had been at the walk-in clinic where they had both had blood taken for screenings to make sure it would be safe for them to go without condoms, even though he had bought the largest box he could find at the big box store they had visited.

  After carrying the shopping bags, he looked at Annie and caught her yawning. “Naptime for you, ladybug,” he said as he stowed the bag in her closet. They would sort what went where later. Right now, they both needed a rest.

  “Can I sleep with you, Daddy?”

  Annie stood in the open doorway that led to her nursery but looked hesitant to go in alone. The fact that she called him Daddy made his cock, which had been hard most of the day, jerk with happiness. He knew that if she joined him in his bed, sleep would be the last thing either of them was thinking of.

  “No, ladybug. Naps are taken in your nursery. But if you’re a good girl, tonight you can sleep with me,” Max answered.

  He watched as Annie took a deep breath and sighed before shrugging. Her pouty tone had him grinning when she said, “Okay, but I’d rather sleep in your bed.” With that, she turned and disappeared into the nursery.

  By the time he walked around the bed and stepped into the nursery, she had curled up on her bed with Spike in her arms. She was still fully dressed, down to her sneakers. Max smirked as he crossed the room and pulled her out of bed.

  “No shoes in bed,” he said. He knelt and lifted one foot, stripping it of both shoe and sock. He then did the other foot. Then he reached for the waistband of her yoga pants and pulled them down her legs, eliciting a gasp from his woman.


  “You’ll rest easier without your pants,” Max said as he rose and pulled her in for a hug. Her arms wrapped around his middle and squeezed him tight.

  He dropped a kiss on her forehead before pulling away. With a pat to her ass, he said, “Under the covers for your nap, ladybug.”

  She crawled into bed and under
the covers, once again curling her body around the stuffed panda. She looked so sweet and innocent as she looked up at him with a sleepy smile. “Good night, Daddy.”

  “Sweet dreams, ladybug,” he said as he crossed to the window and pulled the curtains closed, effectively darkening the room.

  A glance to the bed showed him Annie’s eyes were already closed and she was well on her way to sleep. He stopped in the doorway and flipped the switch that activated the monitor, which would allow him to keep track of his Little girl. Easing the door nearly closed, he longingly looked at his own bed before walking out of the room and down the hall to his office. While his Little one slept, he would catch up on the business he had neglected most of the day.

  * * * *

  Two days after Max had moved her in with him, Annie stared at him over the breakfast table in shock. “You want me to what?” she asked, working hard to keep her voice to a normal tone and not screech at the man.

  Max smiled at her, the smile that melted her insides and made her willing to do anything he asked, just so he would continue smiling at her just like that. Taking a breath, she worked to stiffen her will against his latest request.

  “I’d like you to go to dinner with me tonight,” he repeated the words he had just said, “and my family.”

  Annie’s stomach knotted at the thought. “I can’t. Why don’t you go, and I’ll eat the leftovers while I finish writing my resume.”

  “Why are you writing a resume? I thought you were planning to reopen your shop?” Max’s well-shaped eyebrows dropped low in a frown that sent a quiver through Annie. It wasn’t fear, more dismay that she had disappointed him. It was the same sort of fear she’d felt as a child when her parents had given her that look of disapproval.

  “I am, but who knows how long it will actually take Victor to get my money, and for me to find someone willing to rent a space to me, and to fix up the space, stock it, and actually turn a profit. In the meantime, I need to be working and earning some money. I’ve been paying my own way since I was fifteen, and won’t stop now.”

  By the time she finished the little speech, Max was scowling. “I told you, it’s my job to take care of my Little girl, including any money you might need. I also want you to come to dinner so you can meet the rest of the family in a controlled situation, and talk to Nonna about a possible building for your new shop.”

  Annie thought over his words for a moment before asking the one question that caused her the most fear. “Are you sure they want to meet me?”

  Max’s scowl immediately cleared. Pushing off his barstool, he pulled her into one of the bear hugs she was becoming addicted to. “Of course they want to meet you. I’ve had a hard time keeping them from breaking down the front door and give us until tonight to get to know one another before they try to convince you to leave me for one of them. And you’ll get to see Cara tonight, too.”

  Annie snuggled deeper into his embrace as she considered his words. Finally, she took a deep breath and released it on a sigh. “All right. I’ll go to your Friday family dinner with you.”

  She smiled when he dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “Thank you, ladybug. I promise you’ll have a good time. If nothing else, you can ask Victor how things are coming with your claims.”

  “So, what’s on the schedule for today?” Annie asked, hoping it would include a morning nap where they didn’t sleep, but got down to some serious loving instead.

  Since her first bath where they had gone down on each other afterward, Max had limited their sexy interactions to cuddles, caresses, and watching one another masturbate to orgasm. While she loved watching Max handle his cock, she also could not wait to feel him slide it into her pussy. She knew he was waiting to hear back from the clinic, but she wanted him, and was getting a little impatient.

  “I need to go into the garage since I haven’t been there all week. There’s a couple of bikes the guys want me to look at. Would you prefer to stay here or go with me and hang out?”

  Annie thought over the options and looked at her hands. “Do you think I could borrow some money and a vehicle? I need to be doing something. I could go to the craft store and get some yarn and a hook or some needles and keep myself busy and out of your hair for the rest of the day.”

  Max looked thoughtful for a moment before he asked, “What would you be making?”

  Annie shrugged. “I’m not sure yet. Baby hats, or a prayer shawl, or maybe some crocheted animals. Something I can donate to someone in need. But don’t worry, I’ll be sure and pay you back for my craft stuff…” She broke off when Max’s frown returned. “Or maybe not.”

  Max shook his head as his expression slowly cleared. “You are an amazing woman, Annie Griffin. Yes, you can borrow the truck, and here’s my credit card. Buy whatever you need. Maybe you and Cara can get together tonight to see what, if anything, the rescue animals might need in terms of blankets or toys. I know Nico is picky about what he uses for them.”

  Annie brightened up immediately. “That’s a great idea. But for today, I think a couple skeins of yarn and a crochet hook to make baby hats will be all I need. Once I get the insurance money I’d like to replace my sewing machine and buy some material to make a quilt.”

  “You can make quilts, too?”

  Annie grinned up at her man. “You will find, Maximus Santi, that given the proper supplies, I can make all sorts of things. Including quilts, and costumes, and even jewelry, though I prefer dealing with yarn and fabric rather than wire and beads.”

  Instead of commenting further, Max bent his head forward and kissed her, thus ending that conversation. He did not lift his head again until they were both panting and holding on to one another in order to stay on their feet. Once they calmed, he patted her ass, which always made her grin, as long as she was wearing pants.

  “Go get dressed and collect whatever you need for the day, ladybug. We’ll have lunch with the guys since it’s Friday. Whatever you wear, we’ll be taking the bike to the shop and you’ll borrow the garage truck for your shopping expedition.”

  “Okay, Daddy,” Annie said.

  After carrying her dishes to the sink, she went to the master suite and changed from the oversized T-shirt she’d put on when she got up into bra and panties before pulling on jeans, a Santi Motors shirt, and socks.

  Once she was dressed, she got the wallet she kept her license, bank card, and last twelve dollars in and slipped it into her back pocket. Then she returned to the kitchen where Max had just finished loading the dishwasher. Closing the door, he turned to look at her and nodded. “Almost got the biker chick look down, ladybug.”

  Planting her hands on her hips, she grinned. “I’d have it totally down if you’d let me ride a motorcycle.”

  Max shook his head. “Nope. Old ladies ride with their men, no discussion.”

  “Can I personalize my helmet?”

  “Sure, ladybug, anything you want, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the function of the thing,” he said.

  Taking her hand, he led her from the house to the garage where his motorcycle waited. They had been using one of the family trucks for the past couple of days because of all the shopping they had done, and because it had rained the day before. But the morning had dawned clear and bright, perfect riding weather, or so said her man.

  Now he just had to teach her how to ride behind him since she’d never been on a motorcycle before.

  Chapter Nine

  By the time Annie climbed off Max’s bike in front of the garage, she was ready to throw the man to the ground and have her way with him, and she didn’t care who might see. Between the rumble and thrum of the engine under her ass, and being wrapped around Daddy like plastic wrap on a new DVD on her first motorcycle ride, the need for his cock that had been building in her for the past two days had grown to a point he needed to do something about it ASAP, and to hell with the blood test results. Otherwise she wouldn’t be responsible for her actions until he did relieve her need for his cock in he
r pussy.

  Once she was off the bike, she followed as Max wheeled it around and parked it beside several others in the small parking area to the side of the garage. Looking around, she saw there was no one around to see what she was about to do.

  Without taking off her helmet, she stepped as close to the still seated Max as she could get. She reached between his legs and cupped her hand around his denim-covered cock. “I need this in me, Daddy,” she said, just loud enough for him to hear. She tightened her grip as she slid her hand up and down, his cock stiffening from semi-erect to steel pole hard.

  Max looked at her. He opened his mouth, then snapped it shut before glancing around. Swinging a leg over his bike, he dismounted and faced her. He reached up and released the chin strap on her helmet, pulling it off. He repeated the process with his own then took the time to strap both to the motorcycle before turning to look at her with dark eyes burning with lust. Even that moment of cooling off did nothing to restore his control. She could see in his eyes the wildness that told her he needed his woman and he needed her now.

  “Ladies’ room. Now,” he ordered, his voice as deep as she’d ever heard it, his expression showing her that he felt the need just as much as she did.

  Keeping her head down so the men who worked for Max in the garage would not see her blushing cheeks and expression of anticipation, Annie hurried through the garage, past the office and down the hall to the restrooms tucked in the back of the building. Stepping into the one marked “Babes” she turned in anticipation of Max joining her immediately.

  Only he wasn’t right behind her. Stepping back to the doorway, she poked her head out and looked down the hall. Nope, he wasn’t there either. She was about to backtrack to find him when he appeared, his expression set in “don’t fuck with me” mode. He appeared to be a man on a mission. She wondered if that expression was for her, or to keep his employees from bothering him as he passed through the garage.


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