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Scold's House

Page 15

by Marie Hall

  "Io, rest." He pushed her hand away and Io kicked her legs in an effort to keep him from touching her. She heard him sigh before he moved away.

  Breathing a sigh of relief, Io closed her eyes again. She heard Xavier when he opened his wardrobe and shuffled things about. She heard the squeaky door close. The groan of the bed frame surprised her. When she peeked she saw him sitting cross legged opening a small pot. Panic welled.

  "Xavier, no, please I am sorry. I am. Please. Do not." She turned her face and wailed into the covers. For as much as she wanted to run she feared it'd only be worse if she did.

  It took several moments, but then she heard him sigh. "Io, this is nothing more than a simple cream. You are marked. I intended only to clear up some questions, some matters. I did not intend that we would quarrel. I did not intend to be heavy handed with you." He might regret it now, but he should have known it'd end as it did.

  "We no longer speak without it ending like this for me," Io said turning her face away.

  "Then we should take some time and practice speaking to each other." Xavier sighed again. Three large fingers settled on the outer edge of her right cheek, cold and wet. He made gentle circles on her skin. Working downward from her hip to her thigh then coming a tad more inside and working back up, those ever capable fingers soothed the ache the very palm of the same hand created. They were both quiet for a long while. "You thought I was going to put the stinging nettles on you?" Xavier asked breaking the silence with the soft question.

  "Yes," she hissed when he rubbed a particularly tender spot.

  "For what cause, Io?" He continued at that spot until he worked out a good deal of the ache then continued working more and more area. Occasionally, he dipped his fingers back in the pot, to add more cream.

  "Whatever one you wanted I suppose."

  "Io," he almost gasped. "I do not punish you without cause I…" He stopped speaking when she lifted her head and glared at him over her shoulder. He'd the humility to look ashamed. Io put her head down and he sighed heavily. "You do not think I take pleasure in our disagreements? Do you? I do not. I do not care to upset you, or to have to punish you. I do try to avoid doing either."

  What he said was true, Io, knew. Many times she completely anticipated having hurt rain down upon her only to be given nothing but a long, harsh lecture. He'd some rules that were ridged in nature, not many. When those were broken, the penalty was costly.

  They were quiet a long while as Xavier continued to apply the cream. Only when a very tender spot was touched did it disturb her. At some point he'd stopped rubbing her arse and started on her lower back. Easing the pains so all that was left were the cramps and the headache.

  "Io." He laid his head next to hers and brushed away a loose strand of hair. "I did not mean for you to think I thought you a failure when I said what I said." She opened her eyes and met his. "I only meant… you need to be able to be… sterner with the people sometimes. Not always, not like Mother. But sometimes you must tell the people how it will be and what will happen if they do not comply. If there is a leak in the roof, that should take priority over the stables. Especially when the horse master is capable of handling that. You need to speak out. You need to say to them it will be the way you want or they will regret it."

  Io snorted. "And how do I make someone regret something? What am I to do, kick them?"

  Xavier chucked. "No, you come to me or to Lucas, Seth even Gunther and you report the man."

  "Ah that I should be the tale-bearing child of the house."

  "No, Io. So the people learn if they do not deal with you as they should, they will deal with me. And that will be much worse for them. It will not take long for them to conclude better to do as you say than to risk you say something to someone who will make them wish they had."

  "So again I am nothing, have no sway on my own." She felt defeated. "Nothing but your pan…" His look halted the self deprecating statement.

  "Io, there is nothing weak or shameful in using your status to…"

  "It is not my status. It is yours."

  "Io," Xavier sighed and rubbed at his temples. "It is your status. With or without me. You are a Countess and people must obey you. When they do not, then you come to me and I insure next time they will."

  "People, which people? Not all people," Io grumbled. What did it matter? She wasn't going to try too hard to command anything anymore.

  "Io." Again he rubbed at his temple. It was clear he was no abler to figure a way to set his mother down than she was. Perhaps it might be better to just do it her way.

  "I do not want a battle in this house, Xavier. Your mother hates me. She has from the day she arrived—"

  "Io, Mother does not hate you, she…" He gave up when she gave him a hard look. "Yes, I concede she has a dislike for you, but she dislikes everyone."

  "Not Lady Sabrina." She went on before he could say more. "You keep saying they will all be gone soon. So let them go and then I will spend my days here and not out in the shires."

  "Io, this is your home. I will not have you feel unwelcomed here." Xavier set his palm on her cheek. His thumb brushed a tear as it spilled over her lashes.

  "At least it is a feeling I am familiar with." She sniffed. Although she'd nearly forgotten how it felt.

  "Oh, Io," he sighed and kissed her forehead.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The jingling of the horses' tack was all Xavier heard in the late evening hour. He'd not wanted to take this ride. With Io down for this third day and nothing he could do for her, it seemed a good time to give his mother what she'd been demanding, a little of his time. Sarah would see to Io's needs and maybe by tomorrow Io would at least want to come back to bed rather than sleep on the floor.

  He shook his head. He should've known something wasn't right the night they fought and she'd reacted so dramatically to his criticism. He could've chosen better words. Calling her a failure was hurtful. But she rarely took hurtful words, meant or not, to heart. Truly it seemed much of the work he'd done to make himself more attune to Io's needs was for not. Even after more than a year, he could only tell what was in her head half the time. He chuckled a bit to himself, half the time was generous. With Io resting in their chambers, he'd the chance to speak with her, calmly, without the high emotion that seemed to have over taken both of them lately. Still he hadn't been able to get her to speak with him about why she viewed the situation the way she did. And until he could understand her mind, he couldn't work to change it. He shook his head again a smile on his face. He couldn't change Io's mind; it was hubris to think he could. No all he could do was keep showing Io he supported her and wait for her to come to the same conclusion.

  "You are in a pleasant spirit," his mother said breaking into his musings, tipping him out of that pleasant spirit he was in for a moment.

  "It is a pleasant evening and I am with pleasant company," he said mostly to be polite.

  "Well, it is a relief to know you are not completely at the mercy of that girl."

  And now the company was going to be unpleasant. "My wife, Mother. Io is my wife and I am settled with the fact." Xavier headed his horse towards the ridge line overlooking the lake.

  "You have settled," Charlotte snapped. "That girl is not at all suitable, she—"

  "She suits me, Mother. I am happy with the king's choice. It is done and I would have you be respectful of Io in our home."

  "What can you possibly find suitable about her Xavier? You do not know her family, her breeding. You do not even know her age for the love of heaven. She has no manners, no graces, no sense of modesty. I cannot understand why the king thought to burden you with her." They pulled their horses to a stop. He felt the glare from his mother but Xavier kept his eyes forward. "You have elevated yourself to a position beyond what I ever expected and you need a woman who will not shame and embarrass you."

  Xavier ground his teeth at the backhanded compliment. Why his mother always thought he'd end as a failure he couldn't understand.
His father never expressed such concerns. His father, once resigned to the fact Xavier wouldn't become a priest, told him whatever he was going to be he should strive for greatness and not stop until he achieved it. Xavier took the man's words to heart. He became someone so great he was entrusted with holding the throne for the king. Not just through the power of his sword, but though his commitment to Io who, if someone else had, might try and take it. It was no small show of confidence the king gave Xavier a royal as his wife. And even knowing it would shut his mother up forever Xavier wouldn't speak of Io's birth. Not when it could put Io in danger.

  "Io neither shames nor embarrasses me, Mother. She does things differently, but she does them well enough."

  "She is hardly more than a little wild animal. Well enough will not serve you when you host your peers. She will never be accepted at court the way she is," Charlotte said.

  "Mother, Io is my wife. She is mistress in my home and those things will never change." He worked to keep his tone neutral, to not lose his temper.

  "They will if you change them. You need a woman who presents well at court. One who will say the correct things at the correct time. You can still gain more with a good woman at your side."

  "I have a great woman at my side—Io. I do not require more."

  "Xavier, she is a fool. She knows nothing about how to make people work for her, for you." She reached across the space between their horses and set a hand on his arm.

  "Io directs the people here well enough. She is still new to this house and she will learn."

  "She will learn? You are in need of a wife who already knows. She is utterly ignorant, Xavier."

  "She is not ignorant. Not knowing the names of the prominent people at court does not make her ignorant. She knows everyone here by name and much more. She can well enough have an intelligent conversation on any number of topics."

  "Xavier, that is not what I mean and you know this." She sat back.

  He did. "I am not setting her aside, Mother." He turned his horse towards the house. "And I think it is a good time for you to make plans to visit Michael and Stephan. I will send out the necessary correspondence if you like."

  Her mouth fell open, and snapped shut before she spurred her horse into a full gallop. She was furious. Xavier saw it in her eyes. Well, let her be. As long as she understood his stance and stopped trying to meddle in his marriage.

  Xavier set his heels and started after her. He was a little more surprised than he'd have thought to hear his mother speak so plainly about ending his marriage. It wasn't something anyone in his family would've considered. It was also why he was so thankful he was matched to Io. His brothers and sisters had indeed settled in their marriages. Xavier didn't consider himself settled. Not with such a creature as Io was as his wife. Life was far too interesting with her. And he was happy with the challenge.

  * * *

  Io adjusted the pack on her shoulder then headed towards the group of riders. She wasn't sure what was going on but she wasn't going to allow any of them to ruin this for her. Not after it had taken her sometime to commit to actually leaving with Xavier.

  His mood was positively black the last few days. Even as they prepared for this retreat he claimed to want to take with her, he was distracted and irritable. Often he'd be called away to attend some matter with his mother and he'd return his mood even darker.

  Io scanned the yards. Xavier was nowhere to be seen so Io would have to correct this matter. She'd no issue with Xavier's mother or even Lady Claire. Although why they seemed ready to ride out she couldn't say. This day was for her and Xavier. And looking at these women she wanted it more than she'd moments ago, but for some reason Lady Sabrina was mounted on Wednesday. Io forced a smile and stepped up beside the woman on her horse.

  "Pleasant day, Sabrina. You plan to go riding as well?" Io set her hand on Wednesday's muzzle.

  "Stupid chit," Lady Claire said with a dramatic sigh. "She doesn't sit on the horse to sew."

  Io refused to be baited to anger by the woman. "I am sure she does not, but whatever her reason for sitting a horse today," Io turned and smiled at the older woman, "she sits the wrong horse. This is my horse, Sabrina. You will have to find another to ride." Io stepped back and waited for the woman to dismount.

  "Do not be impudent," Lady Charlotte gasped. "The lady Sabrina has chosen that horse to ride today. You find a mount. I should think a sow would be suitable for you."

  Io took a deep breath and waited before speaking. "Madame, your opinion of me is well enough known. However, it matters not. I am lady here, this is my horse and I am going to ride her today. Sabrina," Io's voice remained calm, "will you please dismount?"

  "She will not, you little—" Lady Claire stopped speaking and Io turned to see Xavier approaching with two horses.

  "There." Io pointed to the smaller horse Xavier had. "You can ride that one."

  Xavier stepped up and Io could swear his smile was forced. "Shall we be off?" he asked her.

  "As soon as I have my mount," Io said pointing to Sabrina who hadn't said a word or so much as shifted in the saddle.

  "Io, I brought you one," Xavier said holding the reins of the red horse out to her.

  The snort that escaped wasn't only made of surprise but a sad humor. "Xavier, I do not ride that horse." She gestured to the red one. "I ride this horse." She set her hand on the black and white mare.

  "Ride this one today, Io." Xavier again tried to hand her the reins.

  Was he being dense? He knew she only knew how to ride Wednesday. And she'd already given the command for Sabrina to dismount. "Xavier, I ride this horse. Lady Sabrina can ride that horse. I will ride my horse."

  "Why you disgraceful, ill-mannered, little tart." Io heard Lady Charlotte say.

  She knew she could back down now, but that would mean not going on the trip. She was mistress here. It was her horse. She'd use her horse today like she did every day. "You need to get off this horse." Io said looking right at Sabrina. Maybe no one else could see it but there was a challenge in the woman's eyes Io recognized easily. What had Xavier told her just days ago? That she need to state how it would be and not back down. "Get off my horse." Io repeated.

  "Xavier, are you going to allow such mistreatment of a guest in your home?" Charlotte's sneering voice grated but Io stood her ground. She was going on this trip with Xavier. They weren't going to take this from her.

  "I wait, Lady. Get off my horse and take the other mount." Io raised her voice just a notch.

  "Io, this horse is ready for you." Xavier took her by the arm.

  Io jerked from his grip and without looking said, "I ride this horse. The horse you gave me. The one you said was mine. She needs to get down so I can mount and we can leave."

  "Xavier." Charlotte voice held command and when Xavier again took her by the arm his grip was strong.

  "Io, you can ride this one today." He pulled on her but she resisted.

  "No, Xavier, I cannot." He should know this. "Sabrina needs to give me back my horse or I cannot ride with you."

  "Io, it is customary to allow a guest to choose their mount," Xavier said with a slight edge in his voice.

  "Choose another, Lady Sabrina. This horse is mine." Io struggled to hold her ground as Xavier pulled on her.

  "Io," he ground out. "Ride the roan today. You can ride Wednesday some other time."

  "No." Io turned to look at her husband. She waited to for him to show her the support he claimed he had for her. "She can ride the roan. I ride my horse."

  "You wait, my son. This is what you will have from the likes of her. How large your shame when she is just so and the guest is of some importance. Perhaps she will be like this towards the chancellor or Heaven forbid His Grace Lord Balbroke."

  Io heard Xavier growl deep in his throat before he jerked her violently away from Sabrina. "Guests will have the mounts they choose in this house, Io." He forced her towards the other mare which stood saddled. A taller horse which to Io seemed skittis
h and unsafe. Xavier snatched her pack from her shoulder and tossed it over the animal's back and setting his hands at Io's waist made to lift her.

  Io panicked. She couldn't ride this horse; she'd fall and break her neck. The thought heightened her fear. Was this a plan then to be rid of her? Io twisted wildly and Xavier let go. She pulled her bag down and stormed back towards Sabrina. She grabbed the woman's arm and made to pull her from Wednesday. Before she could unseat the woman Xavier grabbed hold of her and spun her to face him.

  "Io, you will not behave like this towards guests in my house." Again he pulled her towards the big red horse.

  "I do not ride any horse but mine. It is my horse. I want to ride my horse." Io's voice pitched as she struggled to get free of Xavier. His house?

  "You are going to be unable to ride any horse, Io, if you do not stop this," Xavier whispered.

  Io's eyes burned with unshed tears. What happened here? "This is supposed to be our day. Why are they even here?"

  "Io, they will ride with us awhile. Get on the horse and we can go."

  "I do not ride that…" She pointed to the animal he intended to place her on. "horse. I ride that…" She pointed to hers. "one."

  "Not today, you will be courteous to our guests and—" Xavier again set his hands at her waist.

  "They are not my guests. I do not want them here. I mostly do not want them with us today." Io wasn't quiet. When she heard all three women gasp she couldn't deny the surge of power that rose up. It was instantly crushed by the look on Xavier's face and his words. Both conveyed his utter disappointment.

  "That is the most hurtful, disrespectful, childish thing I have ever heard you say, Io." His hands dropped away and he stepped back. "Perhaps you are not ready for this." He took her bag from her then with a firm hand in the center of her back he started them towards the house.

  "What?" Io stuttered out as she was pushed along. "Xavier, we are going away together."

  "Not today. Today you will spend in our chambers. You will use your time reviewing Petrus Alfonsi that you might think on what manners are expected from you."


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