Triumph's Ashes (The Cassidy Chronicles Volume 5)
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Matthew Besselievre – Ensign, Communications
Brian Hageman – Ensign, Sensors
Lillie Stewart – Ensign, Helm
Judith Phelps – Lieutenant, Chief Engineer
OFFICERS & CREW OF THE TFS BonHomme Richard – a cruiser in Starfleet
Kenneth Porter – Captain
Greg Radabaugh – Commander, First Officer
Lance Pratt – Lt. Commander, Chief Engineer
John Benjamin – Lieutenant, Weapons
Russell Gilson – Lieutenant, Communications
Robert Glaub –Lieutenant, Helm
Kyle Davis – Lieutenant, Engineer
Gary Genrous – Ensign, Sensors
Richard Turpin – Ensign, Navigation
OFFICERS & CREW OF THE TFS AVERROES – a dreadnought in Starfleet
Joseph Maddox Newling – Captain
Brandon Cantillo – Lt. Commander, XO
Michael Holts – Lieutenant, Weapons
Ray Fogliano – Lieutenant, Defense
Leo Bonagua – Ensign, Communications
Tom Barbeau – Ensign, Sensors
CB Glover – Ensign, Helm
Mickey Jo ‘Taz’ Worth – Lieutenant, Chief Engineer
Joey Bowden – Petty Officer, Engineer
Tony Lavelle – Petty Officer, Engineer
Mark McMahon – Crew, Missiles
Jeffrey Merritt – Crew, Missiles
The political entity formed by Artemis and the Martian Colonies for mutual support, trade, and defense
ARTEMIS – oldest member of Union
Vasilia Newling – Empress
Tal Phalkon – First Councilor
Kreitzer Newling – Councilor of Technology
Daria Pitt – Councilor of the Treasury
Danna Pitt – Councilor of the People’s Justice
Daryl Jones – Councilor for Intelligence
Deborah Arnett – Councilor for External Intelligence
Michael Atkinson – Councilor of Defense
Merry Patterson – Assistant Minister of Technology, Power Generation
Steven Roberts – Assistant to First Councilor Phalkon
Midori Gillaspy-Chang – Senior Technician, Long-range Tracking and Observation
Rebecca Kesler – Delegate from the Foreign Ministry
Marc Heller – Dealer in information
Liberty Avera – member of Union navy
Mark Walker – member of Union navy
Autumn Newling – Former Deputy Assistant Minister of Production
Nour Zein-Hutter – Political prisoner, revolutionary
Sharon Mwangi – Political prisoner, revolutionary
Caitlin Novak – Political prisoner, revolutionary
Jose Roulstone – Lieutenant, Commander
Paul Gilles – Ensign, Communication
David Woodard – Lieutenant JG, Tactical, XO
Jim Warren – Ensign, Helm
Wayne Morgan – Lieutenant, Commander
James Wiebener – Ensign, Communication
David Morse – Lieutenant JG, Tactical, XO
Tim Echols – Ensign, Helm
Brian Korslin – Lieutenant, Commander
Robert Lyle – Ensign, Communication
Robert Mages – Lieutenant JG, Tactical, XO
J Dallas Jackson – Ensign, Helm
David Baer – Lieutenant, Commander
Robert McClymond – Ensign, Communication
John Hooper – Lieutenant JG, Tactical, XO
Drew Tipton – Ensign, Helm
Patrick LaRocque – Lieutenant, Commander
Ray Barata – Ensign, Communication
Patrick Grady – Lieutenant JG, Tactical
John Cook – Ensign, Helm
Lucas McGee – Lieutenant, Commander
William Bouldin – Ensign, Communication
Douglas Cahill – Lieutenant JG, Tactical
Scott Baca – Ensign, Helm
Officers and crew of the ANS MITCHELL – Cruiser
Dianna Deeley – Captain
Mark Cash – Lt. Commander, XO
Mark Nicholas – Lieutenant, Weapons
Timothy Beeler – Lieutenant, Defense
John Pierce – Ensign, Communications
Tony Walker – Ensign, Sensors
Ian Gwaltney – Ensign, Helm
DeDe Connors – Lieutenant, Chief Engineer
Officers and crew of the ANS IRWIN – Cruiser
Mary Clare Belanger – Captain
Douglas Grigg – Lt. Commander, XO
R.L. Huddleston – Lieutenant, Weapons
Houston Barnes – Lieutenant, Defense
Don Nutter – Ensign, Communications
Chris Vermillion – Ensign, Sensors
Robert Titman – Ensign, Helm
Russell Gilson – Lieutenant, Chief Engineer
Cole Shepherd – Captain
Wesley Casell – Lt. Commander, XO
John Potter – Lieutenant, Weapons
Hugh Robson – Lieutenant, Defense
Tony Richards – Ensign, Communications
Boyd Smith – Ensign, Sensors
Jay Baisden – Ensign, Helm
Frank Tait – Lieutenant, Chief Engineer
Mordy Fuchs – Petty Officer, Engineer
Michael Olesen – Captain
Brandon Cantillo – Lt. Commander, XO
Kevin Crystal – Lieutenant, Weapons
Dexter Guptill – Lieutenant, Defense
Charles Stover – Ensign, Communications
Bryan Szafranski – Ensign, Sensors
Christopher Bailey – Ensign, Helm
Philip Miners – Lieutenant, Chief Engineer
David Carden – Petty Officer, Engineer
UNITED EARTH GOVERNMENT – the primary unifying force on Earth and successor to the United Nations. Modeled after the European Union
Mya Hartman – Director, Distribution Directorate
Roosevelt Lynch – Director, Protective Services
Hunter Blackmon – Assistant Deputy Director, Reconciliation Directorate
William Lehman – General Counsel
Elizabeth Morris – Assistant to Hartman
Stefan Baytes – General Secretary
Mark Cockerham – Director, Reconciliation Directorate
Sydney Forman – Lawyer
Bethany Hodge – Senior Justice, Sonoran Republic
Dianna Chew – Lawyer
Kimberly Reed – Executive VP, Organization of American Reporters
Bill Trout – Assistant to Kimberly Reed
Susana Hall – Reporter, OAR
Deone Lex – Photographer, OAR
D. Alejandra Lopez – President, Global News Today
Alyssa Jordan – Director of Security, HLC
Ileana Margarita – Chief Justice, Sonoran Supreme Court
Anthony Tonelli – Justice, Sonoran Supreme Court
Christina Schroth – Plaintiff, Williamson et al v. Cassidy
Samantha Smith/Anna Elizabeth – Plaintiff, Williamson et al v. Cassidy
Jessica Rogers – Lawyer, co-counsel with Sydney Forman
Dick Evans – Forger, associate of Kendra’s during her OutLook years
Joe Buckley – Forger, apprentice to Dick Evans, former OutLook agent
Sam DiPasquale – Acting Captain, SS Bernardo de la Paz
Sid Dougl
as – Acting Engineer, SS Bernardo de la Paz
Harry Spitz – Acting Environmental Officer, SS Bernardo de la Paz
Kailie Winland – Acting Helm Officer, SS Bernardo de la Paz
Jillian Marie – Federation Envoy to Titan
Freyr and Freyja, 40 Eridani A b and c, presented the first concrete evidence of life beyond the bounds of Earth’s atmosphere. Additionally they provided strong support for both the Panspermia theory (life having a common origin and being seeded from elsewhere) as well as the Silurian Hypothesis (an advanced race of dinosauroids arose on Earth before their general extinction 65 million years ago). Extensive DNA and RNA testing has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that both the flora and fauna of the Twins (as the two planets are colloquially called) originated on Earth.
The discovery of chlorophyll by Ensign Kasidy Yates of the starship TFS Endeavour was recorded in June 2120. Unfortunately, their mission in the system was time-limited and they were unable to conduct a groundside examination of the flora and fauna present.
The follow-up visit, by the TFS Enterprise, was similarly brief. While a ground mission was executed they had only enough time for the barest sampling before forced to depart.
It wasn’t until the Enterprise returned, in July 2120, that a proper scientific exploration was planned. This mission was inadvertently aided by the abrupt departure of the Enterprise, leaving an independent group of scientists on the surface. With their commanders absent, risks were taken which might otherwise have been forbidden. As it was Dr. Breena Niew is credited with the initial observations which led to the discovery of a telepathic ability in the native species. (This discovery, incidentally, led to Niew and others being awarded the first-ever Nobel Prize in Exobiology several years later.)
The first species categorized was Freyr’s goats, or Capra eridani freyr. A bilaterally symmetrical species based on a hexagonal system of limbs, the goats are two to three meters long at adulthood and between one and one and a half meters tall. They possess two eyes, set on opposite sides of their head indicating their herbivorous/prey nature. They also have four ears, two sets of two, and closable nostrils mounted atop their heads. Their teeth are also characteristic of herbivores, square and blocky, designed for grinding food, not shredding it. They are exothermic and protected from the weather by a short, curly coat of fur.
They have six legs, though the forelegs are different from the other two pairs in that the toes are less muscular and have longer, thinner claws. While no Freyr’s goat has ever been seen using their forelegs as hands, it is certainly possible they might do so.
Like most of the fauna on the planet, Freyr’s goats have developed telepathy. There are a number of competing theories as to the origin of this adaptation. The most well-supported theory was first put forth by Dr. Niew and seconded by Dr. Phaedra Seabolt (at the time Commander, Starfleet). She posited this sense was evolved in response to the tidally-locked nature of the Twins.
Freyr and Freyja orbit each other every 10.5 days. As a result each ‘day’ provides 132 hours of daylight and 132 hours of darkness. As the animals on the planets have Earthly origins their ancestors were used to a far shorter day: 23 ½ hours. And while it is certainly possible for animals, Terrestrial or Freyan, to adjust their circadian clocks, adapting to a ‘day’ ten times longer than accustomed is a far different proposition.
The Niew/Seabolt hypothesis states that, in response to this evolutionary pressure, the ability to ‘sense’ other creatures in their vicinity was a necessity. As it is a sense which does not stop when the creature is asleep, it serves as an ‘early warning’ of potential approaching threats. Additionally it is not necessary for the approaching animal to be telepathic to be detected.
Freyr’s Goats are telepathic receptors; that is, they can detect the thoughts of other beings and respond to them. They have not demonstrated an ability to transmit via telepathy. Given their herbivorous nature this supports the Niew/Seabolt origin hypothesis.
The second creature which the Enterprise crew determined to be telepathic were the treecats: Felis eridani arboribus. These predators were discovered on the second, longer visit. First evidence for their existence was captured via a remote camera; this first encounter also provided the first evidence of their intelligence. The treecat in the video is seen to notice the camera, examine it, then begin to disassemble it.
Additional cameras, of differing types, were installed in the expected habitat of the treecats, but no further images were captured. Seabolt hypothesized the reason for the lack of images was a result of the treecats capturing the information from the humans’ minds via telepathy. Their subsequent avoidance of all camera and their image capture zones was also suggestive of intelligence.
Physically, treecats are roughly cat-shaped, though considerably larger: 80-100 centimeters long, not including their tail which can double this total, and 30-40 centimeters tall at the front shoulders. Like Freyr’s Goats, they are bilaterally symmetrical and hexipedal with two pairs of ears capable of independent movement. However, unlike the goats, their front limbs have definitely evolved into a manipulative arm/hand combination. Their eyes are suited for binocular vision, located above the muzzle and both directed forward.
Evidence of their ability to transmit telepathically, and proof of their intelligence, was provided in their official first contact with humanity. Two treecats, subsequently named ‘Orion’ and ‘Honey’, rescued the daughters of Dr. Aiyana Cassidy, then Commander, Starfleet and Executive Officer of the Enterprise, from a pack of what would later be designated near-martens (Martes eridani). In rescuing the children the two treecats established an individual telepathic link to a particular child, a bond. It seems that the bond is voluntary in the creation of the link; however, breaking the bond requires either death or traumatic brain injury to either the treecat or the bonded human.
Treecats communicate with each other through a combination of vocalizations and telepathy. They possess an organized society and live communally when possible, and had achieved roughly Stone Age level technology when they first encountered humanity. Since then they have adapted readily to human technology without becoming dependent on it.