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The Earl’s Dangerous Passion (Historical Regency Romance)

Page 11

by Ella Edon

  Beatrice looked annoyed at that. Hartley growled.

  “When we’re away from home, we would prefer that Amy is with us.”

  “And she will be. Just not in the immediate vicinity.” Derby moved on before Hartley could argue. “I have a few activities in mind that all of you can partake in until dinner this evening…”

  “We’ll be in our room,” Hartley said sharply. “We’re all very tired after our journey.” Then he turned his stern gaze onto his daughter and snapped his fingers at her. “Come, Amy. Let’s go inside.”

  Amy wasn’t about to go to her room like a naughty child. It was a beautiful day, and it would be wasted inside. She had been kept in her bedroom like a prisoner for some months now. Amy wanted to do something fun.

  “I’d actually like to go riding,” she said, her voice a little higher than normal. “It’s a lovely day, and I want to make the most of it.”

  Hartley glared at her. Beatrice seethed.

  “Do as your father says,” she hissed.

  “I’m going riding.”

  Beatrice snorted.

  “You’re seriously contemplating going on a horse? You must be mad, child.”

  “I’m not a child,” Amy shot back. “And I can ride. It’s just been a while, and I want to do it again.”

  “I have no objection to Miss Hartley going riding,” Derby interjected. “We’ve got plenty of horses here. I’m sure my stable manager will be able to find a horse Miss Hartley can handle.”

  Hartley was shaking his head as Derby spoke.

  “She is not going on a horse. I forbid it.”

  “I didn’t realize I was asking for your permission, Father,” Amy said snidely.

  Hartley’s face turned red. Derby cut in hastily.

  “She won’t be left alone while she’s riding, Lord Hartley. I promise she won’t be. Nothing will happen to her.”

  Hartley grunted. He was still an angry red.

  “As long as she’s not alone with you. Come, dear.”

  With Beatrice at his side, the Viscount stalked into the house. Beatrice shot Amy a glare over her shoulder before sniffing and sticking her nose in the air, disappearing inside. Amy rubbed a hand over her eyes. The two of them could exhaust her just by being in her presence. Derby glanced at her, his expression softening.

  “Bad journey?” he asked.


  Derby grinned. His eyes glinted.

  “Then, let’s brighten it up.”

  * * *

  It had been some years since Amy had been on a horse, but she had loved the past-time. There was something freeing and exciting about riding through the countryside. Hartley had once been an avid rider, but ever since he married Beatrice, he had declared it was something no decent person should partake in. Amy had been forbidden even to try.

  Right now, she didn’t care. Anything to get away from her father and stepmother.

  Of course, Victoria had to come with them, and she looked very dubious about it. As they had walked towards the stables, Victoria had confessed she had never been on a horse before, and she had no idea what to do. Derby had simply smiled and promised to help choose the perfect, docile horse for the maid. And that’s what he did. Ten minutes after they had stepped into the stable’s courtyard, the three of them were riding out towards the lake.

  Amy found herself smiling as she felt the wind in her face, tilting her face up to the sun. It was perfect out here. And the air smelled fresh compared to London. She had forgotten what clean air was like.

  She kicked her horse into a gallop, and the horse sped up. Amy saw Derby draw up easily beside her, flashing her a grin. Amy momentarily faltered, which allowed Derby to draw ahead. Not about to be beaten, Amy urged her horse on. She had caught up with him and overtaken the Earl by the time they reached the lake. Derby laughed as he dismounted, tying his horse’s reins to a tree.

  “Still wild in the saddle, I see.” He strolled over to Amy, a glint in his eyes. “You certainly make me work hard.”

  Amy found herself getting very warm. She knew she was blushing. Such simple words, and yet there was a lot of meaning behind them. Something more...intense. She didn’t know how to describe it.

  “I...I guess I just needed the ride,” she mumbled.

  Derby’s grinned widened, and he helped her down from the saddle, but he didn’t move away, his hands still on her waist and his chest brushing against her breasts. Amy saw his eyes darken.

  “If you want a ride while you’re here,” Derby purred, “All you need to do is ask.”

  Amy bit back a gasp as Derby’s hands slowly slid up her sides, stopping just under her breasts. He had never touched her so intimately before. Neither had any man. She should have stepped away or even pushed him away, but Amy couldn’t. She found herself starting to lean towards him, raising her hands and pressing them against his chest. Derby made a growling sound in his chest, and then Amy started as his thumbs brushed against the underside of her breasts.

  She was struggling to breathe now, but Amy didn’t want to leave.

  The flurry of hooves and a cry of distress had Derby stepping away abruptly, causing Amy to sway and almost fall over. She caught her balance and looked around to see Victoria charging towards them, half in the saddle and clinging on for dear life as she shrieked. Amy tried to fight back a giggle as Derby hurried over, urging the horse to stop before he grabbed the reins.

  “Steady there, Miss Fairley.” His voice was laced with laughter as he caught Victoria around the waist and helped to untangle her skirts from the saddle. “You’re going to scare the horse if you keep screaming like that.”

  “Oh!” Victoria half-collapsed as her feet hit the ground, and Derby helped her to stand. She gave him an ashamed smile, her bright face red with her hair wind-whipped around her face. “Forgive me, my lord. I panicked, and I couldn’t get back up again.”

  “I noticed.” Derby led the horse to join his and tied the reins to a branch as the horse started to munch at the grass. “You just need to relax. Being tense in the saddle isn’t going to help anyone. The horse notices when you’re nervous.”

  “I noticed.” Victoria was still shaking, and she collapsed onto a tree stump. “Do you mind if I sit here? I’m struggling to find my feet.”

  “Of course.” Derby beckoned Amy over. “Tie up your horse, Miss Hartley, and then we can go for a walk. I’m sure your legs need to be stretched.”

  Amy almost tripped over her skirts as she hurried to join him. She was still trying not to burst into laughter as she tied the reins close to Derby’s.


  Derby was looking at her oddly. Amy covered her mouth with her hand, but she couldn’t stop the giggles.

  “Oh, dear. I shouldn’t be laughing at that.”

  “No, you shouldn’t.” But there was laughter in Derby’s eyes, a smile curving at his mouth. He offered his arm towards her. “Let’s take a walk. We won’t go far, so Miss Fairley won’t need to worry.”

  “All right.”

  Amy fell into step beside Derby, and they walked along the bank of the lake. There were small ripples on the water’s surface, and a family of ducks was flapping about in the shallows on the far side among the reeds. Amy could hear the quacks and the flapping of their wings. Water lapped up at the bank, glinting in the sun like sparkling jewels.

  It was beautiful here. Amy sighed.

  “I’d forgotten how delightful it was here.”

  “Maybe you should have come to visit more often.”

  “Not with my father about,” Amy grunted. “If he didn’t want to go anywhere, we didn’t.”

  “He prefers to keep his own company.”

  Amy made a face.

  “His and his wife’s. And it has to be his way. If it isn’t, he isn’t happy. Oh, he does whatever he can to save face in Society, but behind doors is something else.”

  “Including guarding his daughter with a maid.” Derby looked back at Victoria. “She’s stil
l watching us.”

  Amy glanced back. Victoria was still sitting, trying to sort out her hair and straighten her garments. She was watching them, but Amy could tell she was more concerned about her appearance than her current charge.

  “Why wouldn’t she go back to the house?” Derby asked. “I’m sure she would prefer to be away from the horses.”

  “She wouldn’t. She’s scared of my father.”

  “Scared enough to tell him everything?”

  “After the time we’ve spent together, I think she can omit a few things.” Amy stopped and stared up at him. “But tell him what, exactly?”

  “Something like this.”

  They had reached a crop of bushes and a collection of trees. Quick as a flash, Derby grabbed Amy’s hand and tugged her out of Victoria’s sight, pulling her into the shadows. Amy squeaked as Derby spun her around, pressing her against a tree. With his hands on her hips, he stepped in close, and Amy could feel every part of him from chest to knee.

  Especially with the hard muscle pressing into her belly. Amy whimpered as Derby reached up and brushed her hair out of her eyes with a tender hand. He sighed.

  “I’ve wanted to do this to you for a long time.”

  “What are…?”

  Amy’s questions were silenced as Derby covered her mouth with his.

  Chapter Eleven

  It was a gentle kiss to start with, a careful exploration of her mouth. Amy sighed and sank into the kiss, sliding her arms around his neck. It felt wonderful.

  Derby groaned, his arms slipping around her as he pressed her closer to his chest. He deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue across Amy’s lips. Amy gasped, and his tongue slid into her mouth, tangling around her tongue. This made Amy whimper, her fingers tightening in his hair. Derby broke from the kiss, but he didn’t pull away. His breathing was ragged and heavy as he rested his forehead against hers.

  “Just tell me to walk away, and I will,” he rasped. “I don’t know how, but I will.”

  Amy didn’t want him to leave. She didn’t want the dream she was currently experiencing to be ripped away from her. She shook her head.

  “I should, but I can’t.” She kissed his jaw. “I don’t want you to walk away from me.”

  Derby let out a shudder and kissed her again, cupping her head in his hands as he tilted her face up, grazing his teeth against her lower lip. Amy felt it all the way down her body. There was an intense throbbing between her legs, and she shivered. Derby lifted his head again.

  “I’m not hurting you, am I?”

  “No.” Amy’s heart felt like it was about to explode. She rested her head on his shoulder. “But we might need to slow down.”

  “I know.” Derby’s hands were shaking as he stroked her hair and back. “There is so much that I want to do with you, but this isn’t the time or the place.”

  “Time or the place for what?”

  The smile that spread across Derby’s face had Amy catching her breath. He bent his head, his lips brushing against her ear.

  “Amy, love, if I told you now, you would be shocked.” He brushed a kiss to her ear, then her cheek, and then her mouth. “I plan to leave that to when I have you to myself, no chaperone in sight.”

  Amy had forgotten about Victoria. And while she was already shocked by Derby’s words, she wanted to know what he meant. She licked her lips, which had Derby groaning.

  “Don’t do that, Amy. I’m struggling, as it is.”

  From the way his erection was throbbing against her pelvis, Amy could very well believe it. She stroked his cheek.

  “You’ve always wanted this?”


  “Why have you never said anything?”

  Derby sighed. His hold loosened on her, and he eased back, but he didn’t let go. Now he was looking a little bashful.

  “It’s not exactly something I’m good at admitting. I will admit, however, that my intentions aren’t entirely honorable with regards to you.” He traced his fingers down Amy’s neckline, moving down her chest. “They never have been.”

  Amy shivered as he brazenly cupped her breast. Her nipples were hard, pressing into his palm. She found herself arching into his hand as he gently squeezed her flesh.


  Derby groaned. He tugged her back and kissed her, his hand still on her breast. The other drifted to her hip and lifted her, pressing her more against his hardness. Amy gasped and clutched onto his shoulders as desire coursed through her body. She was beginning to lean towards throwing caution to the wind, uncaring that Victoria was close by. She wanted him.

  But, reluctantly, Amy eased back. Still keeping her in a fierce embrace, Derby buried his face in her neck with a heavy sigh.

  “God, I love it when you say my name like that.”

  “Like what?”

  Daniel pressed a kiss to the skin under her ear.

  “Like you want me to strip you naked, lie you on the grass and ravish you until you’re screaming my name over and over.”

  Amy shuddered. She had never heard anyone talk like this before. And she was not expecting it to have her whimpering and rubbing herself against him.


  “Careful.” Derby chuckled and lifted his head. “There’s only so much control that a man can have.”

  The hungry look in his eyes had Amy blushing. Reality came back like a slap in the face. They were out in the open with a witness nearby, and yet she was close to begging him to do as he wanted. She swallowed and released her fierce hold on his shoulders.

  “I know what I want.” She bit her lip. “But it’s not proper. We shouldn’t.”

  “Not proper?” Daniel barked out a laugh. “I think we passed proper a long time ago.” He cupped her jaw as he smiled at her. “I want Hartley to realize that I’m a better choice for you. Better than Leicester. I won’t let him have you.”

  “I don’t want him to have me, either,” Amy said firmly. “I would choose you. Always you.”

  “You would?”

  “Yes.” This was stepping into dangerous territory, but Amy didn’t care. She reached up on tiptoe and kissed him. “I’ve loved you for a long time. I wouldn’t turn you away even if I could.”

  Derby let out a long sigh, his shoulders slumping. Then he snatched Amy into his embrace, holding her tight. Amy realized he was trembling.

  “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to hear that from you.”

  She was aware that Derby hadn’t said it in return, but Amy didn’t care. She didn’t need words to know what Derby was feeling. Amy could feel Derby’s erection twitching against her belly, and she had a sudden naughty thought. What would he say if she unbuttoned his trousers and reached underneath, just to see how he felt? Not a lot, probably.

  But Amy was too shy to do that. What they had just done was the most she had ever committed in coming close to scandalous. Then again, they were way over the line of scandal. Luckily, Victoria hadn’t noticed.

  Amy eased herself back, leaning against the tree. She didn’t want to, but it was getting hard to think with his arms around her. Derby watched her go, a frown marring his forehead.

  “Amy? What is it?”

  “I just need to calm down. You make me feel too much.” Amy pressed her hands behind her to the trunk and leaned on them. That way, she couldn’t reach out for him again. “I just wish Father would listen to me. But whenever you’re spoken about, it’s with an extreme distaste. His hatred for you is surprising, and I can’t think why.”

  That was when Amy saw a shadow pass over Derby’s face. His smile faded, and the light started to dwindle. Derby turned away, walking towards the lake. He stood on the bank, staring out across the water. Amy pushed off the tree and hurried over to him.

  “Did I say something wrong?” She touched his back. “Daniel?”

  “No, you didn’t. You couldn’t do anything wrong.” Derby let out a heavy sigh. “You know my mother died in childbirth to my little brother.”

/>   “I do know.”

  Amy also knew that Alfred, Derby’s little brother, had died only hours after his mother. It had been a distraught time for the family. Amy remembered crying about it when she heard about it.

  “Well,” Derby took a deep breath, “Hartley believed that my father killed her.”

  Amy knew she was staring at him like a fool, but she didn’t care. She moved to his side, looking up at his impassive expression.


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