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The Earl’s Dangerous Passion (Historical Regency Romance)

Page 21

by Ella Edon

  “Do it.” Amy leaned in close and whispered in his ear. “Find Lord Derby or Doctor Day. Quickly.”

  Dobson didn’t look happy about it, but he nodded and gave Amy a bow before leaving the enclosed area, stepping carefully around Leicester. The earl bared his teeth at the valet before turning back to Amy.

  “Are you that much of a whore, Amy?”

  “What?” Amy’s mouth dropped open. “I beg your pardon? What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about you having dalliances with servants.” Leicester arched an eyebrow. “Does Lord Derby know you’re having relations with his valet?”

  Amy took a deep breath. She didn’t have to explain herself to this man, but he was the one blocking her escape. She silently hoped Derby, or her stepfather found them quickly.

  “I’m not having relations of any kind with Dobson.” Amy was startled that her voice didn’t shake as Leicester advanced on her. “I consider him a friend, and last time I checked, it is allowed for people to converse with friends.”

  Leicester snorted.

  “From the way you kissed his cheek, that says you’re more than friends. And servants are not friends. The only time a girl like you would be around a servant like Dobson in private would be so he could search underneath your skirts.”

  “You’re disgusting! Dobson would never do that.”

  “I don’t believe you. You two looked awfully close.” Leicester reached out and grabbed her neck, hauling Amy close. “And I saw the way he looked at you. He wants you, much like his fiendish master.”

  His hand on her throat wasn’t tight, but Amy was panicking for breath. She tried to pry his hand off, but it wouldn’t budge.

  “Let go of me, Leicester.”

  “No, I won’t.” Leicester gave her a shake. “You’re meant to be my wife, Amy, and I won’t have you committing sordid affairs with servants!”

  Amy kicked out. Her foot caught Leicester in the knee, causing him to howl and hunch over, letting go of her neck. Amy pushed him away, sending the Earl onto the grass, and she backed away, edging towards the gap in the hedge.

  “You have no hold over me!” she shouted. “And even if I did marry you, how do I know you would be faithful to me? I bet you couldn’t even spell the word ‘faithful.’ Now leave me alone!”

  She stormed towards the exit, but Leicester moved faster than she expected. He was up off the ground and tackling her around the waist, lifting Amy off her feet. Amy screamed and tried to lash out, but nothing landed.

  “Let me go!”

  “Not until I’ve had my share.” Leicester grabbed her head and tugged it to the side. His lips grazed against Amy’s neck. “Dobson had his fill. Now it’s my turn.”

  Amy screamed against and scratched at his head. With a snarl, Leicester set her away and turned her around. Amy saw his arm come around in a swing, and she ducked, dodging out of his reach. She ran for the gap, running full pelt into someone hard and very solid. Arms went around her and stopped her from collapsing to the ground.

  “What’s going on here?”

  Amy looked up to see James glaring at Leicester with pure fury in his eyes.


  “I’ve got you, Amy.” James set her behind him and squared up to Leicester. “What is the meaning of this, Leicester? Why are you abusing my stepdaughter again?”

  “Get lost, Doctor.” Leicester straightened up, brushing the grass off his trousers. “My bride and I were having a private conversation.”

  “I don’t see a bride around here, and, clearly, it was one conversation that Miss Hartley didn’t want.” James jerked his head towards the house. “Get out of here.”

  Leicester sniggered.

  “You’re not Amy’s father, Doctor Day. You don’t have any sway over her life.”

  “Maybe not, but I can have sway over you in other ways.” Amy stared as she watched James flexed his hands. He was preparing for a fight. “If you would like to try it?”

  There was a significant age difference, with Leicester having age on his side, but James was clearly in better shape. Amy was sure he could give Leicester a good hiding. From the way Leicester started backing down, he was coming to the same conclusion. He bared his teeth at James, glowering at Amy as he stormed past.

  “I’ll be with Lord Hartley. He’ll have a few words for you, Amy.”

  The Earl strode towards the house. Amy could feel the air clearing as he left, and she found it easier to breathe. James turned to her, his anger dissolving quickly.

  “Are you all right, Amy.”

  “I’m fine.”

  But James was shaking his head, taking her into his arms. He cupped her chin and tilted her head up, inspecting her face.

  “You’re not. You’re pale. And you’re shaking.”

  Amy closed her eyes.

  “Just take me inside. Please.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Derby knew he should leave his sister to rest. She had been given a massive shock, after all. But, the confession Merseyside had given him earlier was gnawing away at his conscience. He had to tell her, even if it meant causing her more distress.

  Sarah often accused him of having bad timing. She was right, in this case.

  Climbing the stairs, Derby knocked on his sister’s door before entering. Victoria Fairley was sitting in a chair beside Sarah’s bed, both women deep in conversation. Victoria was up on her feet as Derby entered, dropping into a curtsey.

  “Lord Derby.”

  “Miss Fairley.” Derby beckoned her over. “Would you mind giving my sister and I a few moments in private?”

  “Of course.”

  Victoria put her book aside and hurried to the door, stepping out into the hall. Derby closed the door behind her and turned back to Sarah. His sister was sat up, looking white, and she was shaking. Her eyes were hollowed. She looked like a shadow of her former self.

  Derby hated seeing her like this.


  Sarah held out her arms. Derby hurried across the room and sat on the bed, hugging his sister tightly. Sarah sniffed, still shaking, but she didn’t cry. Derby wanted to say something, anything, but the words just stuck in his throat.

  “I…” He swallowed. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t need to.” Sarah sat back, rubbing at her reddened eyes. “We lost a good man today. And I...I don’t know how I’m going to cope without him.”

  “You will be able to cope. You managed through life before you married him, and you can do the same now.”

  “But he won’t be there,” Sarah protested. “Not for our baby. Oh, lord, the baby…”

  She pressed a hand to her belly. Derby could see she was getting worked up again. He cupped her face in his hands, making her look at him.

  “Sarah, listen to me. You need to stay strong. For the baby’s sake, if not yours. Don’t lose your child, as well. I know you can stay strong.”

  Sarah looked like she wanted to argue. She licked her lips and swallowed. Then she nodded. Derby kissed her forehead and sat back.

  “You can stay here as long as you like. You’re my sister, and I want to help you now.”

  “Thank you.” Sarah made a face. “I was going to ask if I could stay after all this mess is sorted? I highly doubt the Dowager Marquess will want me at the estate.”

  “She’s still causing problems?”

  “Always. I won’t be comfortable there without Kenneth, anyway. He made it bearable.”

  Now Derby was feeling awful, more so than before. He had to tell Sarah about this. She couldn’t be kept in the dark about it, and Derby couldn’t keep a confession like this to himself. He braced himself.

  “Listen, Sarah; there’s something I have to tell you. I…” He silently cursed himself. “It’s going to be rather insensitive, given the circumstances, but you need to know about it.”

  “Know about what?” Sarah frowned. She sat forward. “What is it, Daniel? What are you talking about?�

  “’s about your husband.”

  “About Kenneth?”

  “Yes.” Why did he decide now was a good idea? Derby wanted to leave, but the look on Sarah’s face said she wouldn’t let him go until he told her. “He told me something before he died and... I think you need to know about it.”

  “Please, Daniel, stop scaring me.”

  Here it came. Derby wanted to sink into the floor.

  “Merseyside...he...he confessed to me that he still loved you, but…” He found himself staring at the silk sheets. “He had fallen in love with someone else.”

  “What?” The bed moved as Sarah sat up. “Who? Who was it?”

  Derby took a deep breath.

  “Amy. He had fallen in love with Amy.”

  Sarah was silent for so long that Derby had to look up. His sister was staring at him with her eyes wide, her mouth open. She looked like she had been struck dumb. It was a moment more before Sarah got her voice back, and even then, she was stumbling over her words.

  “What...I... Amy...did she...did she know about this?”

  “Amy has no idea how Lord Merseyside felt about her. I haven’t said anything to her, and your husband certainly hasn’t. If it’s any consolation,” Derby added as Sarah’s mouth opened and closed, “Merseyside said he would walk away from her. He knew that what he was feeling was the entirely wrong thing to feel, and that’s the real reason he was leaving. I wasn’t about to let him betray you, and Amy would never have done that to you, either.”

  Sarah snorted.

  “I can’t see her becoming anyone’s mistress. Except maybe yours.”

  Derby didn’t respond to that. Amy would not have the title of mistress, in his opinion. Wife was a more acceptable term for him, although Mistress of his Household was a pretty good title.

  “But why are you telling me this now, Daniel?” Sarah demanded. “Why now when I’ve only just found out that he’s been murdered? Your timing is as bad as always.”

  “I know.” Derby winced. “I told Merseyside that he had to tell you. Confess everything. No secrets from his wife.”

  “You should have let him take this secret to his grave.” Sarah ran her hands through her hair. “I don’t know what to think now. Or what to do about it.”

  “Don’t do anything. Amy doesn’t know, and even if she did, she would have told you already.” Derby reached for his sister’s hand and was surprised when she didn’t pull away. “She’s an innocent party, just like you. Whatever your husband was doing shouldn’t affect your friendship with her. It’s not her fault.”

  “I know Amy wouldn’t have stood for it. She’s too loyal and too proud.” Sarah shook her head. “I just can’t believe Kenneth…”

  Derby felt guilty now. The confession was making him relieved that it was not on his shoulders, but now he felt bad that Sarah had to come to terms with the fact her husband was already in love with someone else.

  “Remember him as you knew him, Sara,” he urged gently. “Can you do that?”

  “Now that you’ve thrown this on me, I don’t think I can. You’ve tainted him.” Sarah pulled her hand away, and she sat back on the pillows. “Get out of here, Daniel. I want to be left alone.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.” Sarah looked towards the window, purposefully not looking at him. “Go.”

  Derby wasn’t about to argue. He had come and done what he had planned to do, even if it was the wrong time to do it. He slid off the bed and, with one final glance at his sister, headed towards the door.

  Bad timing, as always. But now Derby felt less guilty than he had been when he first entered the room.

  * * *

  “She’s getting worse,” Amy said as James drew the sheets up to Anna’s chin, stroking her sweating head before he straightened up.

  “You don’t know that,” he said as he took his stethoscope off, putting it into his bag. “It’s just a brief relapse.”

  “She’s been having relapses for months now.” Amy was wringing her hands, resisting the urge to pace. “I don’t recognize my mother anymore. She was never this weak. What’s wrong with her?”

  James sighed.

  “Maybe her body’s getting fed up with the constant fighting. Whatever is in her is wearing her down.” He turned to Amy and squeezed her shoulder, giving her a small smile. “She’ll be fine, Amy. I won’t let anything happen to her. Trust me.”

  “I do trust you.” Amy laid her hand over his, giving her stepfather a smile. “Thank you. For everything.”

  James’ smile was warm. He stepped in close and pressed a kiss to her forehead, hesitating before he pulled away and cleared his throat.

  “I...I’ll leave you alone. Let me know if you need anything.”

  With a final squeeze of Amy’s shoulder, James headed to the door. As it closed behind him, Amy sat on the chair by the bed and watched her mother as she slept, shivering even under the blankets. She had been shocked to come in moments before to find Anna writhing on the bed with moans that chilled her to the bone. Amy had never seen her like this before.

  It was a blessing that James was there. He had taken charge and had managed to get Anna to settle. If he hadn’t been with her, Amy would have panicked. She would have been in pieces.

  She couldn’t lose her mother. Not now. And how could this have happened? Anna had been strong, emotionally, and physically. But now, Amy could barely recognize the woman.

  It was frightening. Amy had lost a friend. She didn’t want to lose her mother, as well.


  Amy looked up. She hadn’t heard the door open. Sarah was there, watching her with a grim expression. She still looked pale, but her reddened eyes were clear. Amy rose to her feet.

  “Sarah. I thought you were in your room.”

  “I have to speak with you.” Sarah’s voice was clipped. “Now.”

  Amy didn’t want to leave her mother, but there was something wrong with her friend. Giving Anna one last look, Amy left the room, closing the door behind her. Sarah stood before her, hands folded in front of her. She was dressed in black, her hair pinned back and her shoulders back, her back straight. In the time between Amy leaving her room and now, the Marquess of Merseyside had undergone a transformation, and Amy wasn’t sure she liked it.

  “What is it? Are you sure you should be out of bed?”

  “I’m perfectly well. I just need to keep moving.” Sarah swallowed. “And I’ve just been given some distressing news that I need to confirm with you.”

  Amy was confused. Had someone been whispering something into Sarah’s ear? She searched her friend’s face, but there was nothing to give her away.

  “Hear what from me? What are you talking about?”

  “My husband confessed to Lord Derby…” Sarah took a deep breath and squared her shoulders again. “He confessed that he was in love with you.”

  Amy thought she had misheard her. She started to laugh, but Sarah didn’t crack a smile. She was very serious. Amy realized that this was not a joke.

  “I... did he really say that?”

  “I trust what my brother says.” Sarah was watching her closely. “He had fallen in love with you, and Daniel was not best pleased. That was why Kenneth was leaving. My brother wanted him to keep his distance from you. What I want to know is, did you know about this?”

  Amy was horrified at the thought. Merseyside had been in love with her? That didn’t seem possible. And yet he had confessed it to Derby, and Amy wasn’t about to discount anything he said. Derby wasn’t one to lie. She shook her head.

  “Of course, I didn’t! I would have told you had Merseyside said something to me, anyway. That’s not something I would keep from my best friend.”

  Sarah stared at her. Then she slumped, her expression crumbling. Amy went to her, taking her friend’s hands.

  “Oh, Sarah, I had no idea about any of this.”

  “I believe you. I…” Sarah bit her lip. Now she was look
ing less sure of herself. “I had hoped that it wasn’t true, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. He always came to your aid, close behind my brother. I thought it was due to his loyalty to Derby and myself, but it wasn’t.”

  “I wouldn’t have hurt you like that.”

  “I know that. But I did have a moment of doubt.” Sarah’s mouth twitched in a smile. “In any case, I can’t see you as a mistress.”


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