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The Earl’s Dangerous Passion (Historical Regency Romance)

Page 30

by Ella Edon

  Derby fell back and rolled away, coming up as James charged at him. He grabbed onto the man, and then he spun around, twisting James’ body as he did. James ended up spinning around, stumbling onto his knees as he did, and then he was toppling off the bank and into the water.

  Amy watched as James momentarily disappeared below the water, only to resurface spluttering. Derby had slumped to the ground, watching as James rose up, the water coming to his waist, and James charged towards the bank.

  She reacted without thinking. Snatching up a rock at her feet, she ran towards the water. James was starting to climb out, reaching for Derby. Derby was tensed up ready for another fight, but Amy got there first. She got between them and swung her arm. James looked up at her, his eyes widening moments before the rock hit him in the face.

  It knocked James sideways, and he slumped onto the bank before slipping back into the water. Derby scrambled over and reached under the surface, grabbing onto the doctor’s shirt. Amy dropped the rock and fell to her knees, helping him pull her stepfather back onto dry land. Part of her wanted to let him sink and drown, but she couldn’t. Even after everything, the man had been a part of her life.

  She just wanted him to stop.

  James was still unconscious as Derby rolled him onto his back, blood coming from his head.

  “Did I kill him?” Amy asked.

  Derby checked James over, leaning his head over James’ mouth and nose. He shook his head.

  “No, he’s just stunned. But I’m not taking any chances.” He nodded back towards the tree. “Get the remains of the rope and help me tie him up.”

  Amy stumbled upright and went to the tree. It was then she realized there was no sign of Beatrice. But Amy didn’t care right now. She was more concerned about making sure a man intent on killing her mother stayed put.

  Snatching up the rope remains, Amy hurried back to Derby. He had rolled James onto his front, putting his arms behind his back.

  “We can get him restrained, and then you’ll need to go back and tell Lord Radford we need him out here.”

  “What about you?”

  Derby began to tie James’ wrists together.

  “I’ll stay here and keep an eye on him.” He glanced at her. “We’ll be fine as long as you’re quick.”

  “But I don’t want to leave you.”

  Derby’s expression softened. He cupped her cheek and kissed her.

  “It’ll only be for a moment. And then afterward, you won’t have to worry about me leaving you again. All right?”

  Amy had no answer to that. Swallowing, she nodded and rose to her feet. Then she ran back towards the house.

  * * *

  Lord Radford worked fast. As soon as he saw Amy, he leaped into action. He just told Amy to point him in the right direction and not say anything further. Amy was glad about that; she didn’t think she could.

  Her stepfather had killed five people, that they were aware of, and he had been willing to murder Beatrice, Derby and herself after she rejected him. Not to mention Anna through slow poisoning.

  Oh, God. Anna. Amy had no idea how she was going to tell her mother about this. Anna wouldn’t believe her. She would be in hysterics.

  This was going to tear her apart. Anna had had one husband abuse her, and she had escaped, only to marry another man who had found her as a way to get to the person he truly wanted, poisoning her to get her out of the way.

  James Day was sick. Amy had no idea how he had managed to get away with it for so long. Someone should have noticed the signs. Maybe someone had, and James had got rid of them. Amy shuddered at the thought. She didn’t want to contemplate how many people in association with her had been killed or got rid of in other ways because of his doings.

  Once Radford had sent servants off to the lake, he turned to Amy and urged her to go to her room. He would take her statement in the morning. That Amy was glad about. She didn’t think she could go through it all again.

  Even then, she wanted to go back. What if James had come around and attacked Derby? Was Derby all right? Amy didn’t know what to think. She ended up pacing around her room, wringing her hands and stumbling as her legs threatened to give way.

  At some point, the door opened, and two maids brought in a huge tin bath. Without saying a word to her, they set it down by the fire, and several servants started coming back and forth, filling the bath with hot water.

  “Lord Radford requested that we did this.”

  Amy jumped and spun around. Victoria was standing behind her. The woman gave her a smile and touched her arm.

  “He understood that you were suffering from shock, and a hot bath might help.”

  “I...thank you.” Amy looked over Victoria’s shoulder at the door. “Where’s Lord Derby?”

  “He’s just got back and is in with Lord Radford now.” Victoria’s smile widened. “I’m sure he’ll be up to see you as soon as he’s finished.”

  Amy hoped so. She was already itching to see him, just to know that he was real. She glanced at the bath, which was ready. It did look inviting. Sinking in hot water would be preferable to pacing around wringing her hands.

  With a squeeze of Amy’s arm, Victoria left behind the footmen carrying the buckets, closing the door behind her. Her hands shaking, Amy began to undress. Her mind was still in a whirl about what had just happened. James had shown her affection and attentive behavior, but he had never indicated that there was anything more. Amy just thought he was a warm, kind man devoted to his wife and accepting of his stepdaughter.

  And all the time, he had been planning…

  Amy didn’t want to think about it now. She still had no idea how to tell her mother that her second husband was a killer and had been trying to poison her.

  Dropping her clothes to the floor, Amy stepped into the bath. She sank into the warm water with a sigh and leaned back. Lord Radford had to be a magician to know this was what she needed. The tension wasn’t completely disappearing, but Amy was beginning to feel better.

  There was something that could make it better, and that would be Derby. Here, in the bath with her. There was enough for two. Maybe once they were man and wife, Amy could suggest…

  She sat up with a squeak as the wardrobe door opened, and Derby stepped into the room. He grinned and closed the door behind him, leaning on the wardrobe as he stared at her.

  “Now that looks like a welcoming sight.”

  Amy started to cover her breasts under the water, but Derby shook his head.

  “No need to hide yourself, Amy. I saw it all last night, remember?”

  “You shouldn’t be in here!” Amy hissed. “We’re going to get into trouble.”

  “After what’s happened tonight, I don’t think anyone’s paying much attention to the rules.” Derby crossed the room, shrugging out of his coat and dropping it onto the floor. “Besides, I don’t care anymore. Not after what I witnessed.”

  Amy fell silent as she watched Derby undress. She had witnessed this last night, but now with the candles lit, it was in stark color. She couldn’t tear her eyes away as Derby stripped off his shirt and tossed it to one side before he kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned his trousers. Amy licked her lips, which had Derby groaning.

  “You’re going to make me lose it if you look at me like that, Amy.”

  “Stop talking and get in.”

  Derby chuckled and pushed his trousers down.

  “As my lady wishes.”

  Kicking the rest of his clothes aside, he gestured for Amy to move over. Amy slid forward, and Derby stepped into the bath behind her. The water rose as he settled down, getting close to the top of the bath. Then he was urging Amy to lean back, lying against his chest. Amy felt his arms go around her, and she sank against his body as he embraced her with a heavy sigh.

  “God, Amy, you scared me back there. I thought he was going to kill you.”

  “I thought he was going to kill you.” Amy stroked his arm, feeling his heartbeat against her cheek. “I had
no idea any of this was happening.”

  “I know you didn’t. And I don’t blame you for anything.” Derby kissed her head. “I would have come to you sooner, but I was updating Lord Radford on everything. He sent for the local doctor as soon as I made him aware of what Doctor Day had been doing to your mother. The doctor’s just finished looking her over.”

  “Will she live?”

  Derby nodded.

  “She will, but she’s going to need to go to hospital for a while, so the doctors can keep a close eye on her. Doctor Mallory confirmed that your mother had been poisoned over a long period of time and that one more dose could have killed her. He was actually surprised that Anna was still alive when he saw the amount Doctor Day had in his bag.”

  Amy shuddered. He was so close to taking her mother away as well, and she wouldn’t have realized. Nobody would have realized.

  “And what about James?” she whispered. “Where is he now?”

  “He came around as we were carrying him back to the house. He tried to fight back, but my servants are pretty strong. He couldn’t get away.”

  “I won’t ask about the details on that.”

  “Wise choice.” Derby was stroking her hair. “He’s already been taken away by Lord Radford. Radford will be back in the morning to speak to us properly, and to Lady Beatrice.”

  “She actually came back?”

  “She came back screaming, and Radford couldn’t get a clear word out of her. She’s in hysterics in her room, as far as I’m aware.”

  Amy said nothing to that. She didn’t care what happened to Beatrice anymore. The woman had tried to ruin her life, had made her suffer. As far as she was concerned, Beatrice could vanish without a trace.

  Part of her suddenly wished that James had managed to kill her before he was caught. At least that would be one murder she would applaud him for. Maybe even Leicester. But certainly not the others.

  Now she sounded like she agreed with what her stepfather had done. Amy didn’t want that. What he had done was wrong, and she had narrowly escaped herself. She shivered.


  Amy looked up. Derby was watching her closely. He stroked her cheek, his thumb brushing across her mouth.

  “What’s on your mind?”

  “I…” Amy licked her lips. “I just can’t believe he managed to do all this. James made everyone believe that he was a loving husband, and he made Mama happy. And he was…”

  She couldn’t bring herself to say it. Derby sighed and pressed a kiss to her head.

  “He saw something he couldn’t have and then got it into his head that you and he could actually have a life together. He didn’t want anyone to have you.” He scowled. “And the fact he was a doctor with a good reputation made it easier to be above the law in everyone’s eyes.”

  Amy had come to that conclusion herself. She shuddered.

  “This feels like a bad dream.”

  “I know.” Derby cupped her jaw and tilted her head up, kissing her softly. “What about this? Is this part of the dream?”

  “Part of a good one.”


  He kissed her again, this time more firmly. Amy shifted around to face him, not breaking the kiss. Derby groaned and slid his tongue across the seam of her mouth. Amy gasped, and Derby’s tongue dove inside her mouth, tangling around her tongue and sucking it into his mouth. Amy shivered, clutching onto his shoulders.

  Still kissing her, Derby shifted her up, putting Amy’s knees on either side of his hips, so she straddled his lap. His cock brushed against her clit, and Amy moaned. Derby broke the kiss, one hand on her hip. The other reached between them and pressed the tip of his shaft against her wet lips.

  “Do you want me to stay?” he rasped as he gently pressed down.

  Amy shuddered as she slid over him. At this angle, he seemed to go in even deeper. She gripped onto his shoulders, waiting for her body to get used to his size again.


  Derby’s voice was tight. Amy smiled at him, leaning over to kiss him.

  “I want you to stay,” she said against his mouth, raising her hips up and back down, causing Derby to groan. “I want to know you’re still here in the morning.”

  “Well, I’m not going anywhere.” Derby sat up, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Wild horses wouldn’t get me out of here.”

  “Not yet, anyway.” Amy panted as Derby began to move her, his shaft sliding in and out of her. She rolled her hips, shuddering as he touched parts of her that sent sparks through her body. “I want you first.”

  Derby smiled against her chest.


  He devoured her breasts as he thrust up into her, his hand guiding her to meet his thrusts. Amy gripped his shoulders and rode him, ignoring the pressure on her knees from the bath. Water sloshed everywhere and was tipping out onto the floor, but she didn’t care. She wanted this. She wanted him.

  Derby’s hands slid down her back, allowing Amy to start her own rhythm. He groaned as he cupped her backside, squeezing her cheeks.

  “God, Amy, I love how you feel.” He nipped at her nipple with his teeth. “I love you.”

  Amy tried to respond, but she could scarcely draw a breath. Her pleasure was building faster than she expected, and she began to roll her hips more. Derby growled. One of his hands reached between them, and Amy started as Derby’s fingers touched her clit, rubbing fast circles.


  When her orgasm hit, Amy saw white lights go over behind her eyes. She was aware that she was screaming, but she couldn’t stop herself. Derby’s hands massaged her pleasure out, drawing it out for longer until Amy was shuddering in his arms. She could hardly breathe.

  “You’re so beautiful, Amy.” Derby grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her down, kissing her soundly. “I love being inside you.”

  His cock twitched, and Amy felt his release. She slumped against his chest, resting her head on his shoulder. Her heart was racing, almost as much as Derby’s pounding against her breast.

  Derby chuckled and wrapped his arms around her.

  “I’m certainly enjoying this practice for the wedding night.”

  Amy couldn’t help but giggle. She looked up at him, seeing the twinkle in his eye.

  “I’m enjoying it, too.” She kissed his jaw. “Maybe we should keep it down next time. God only knows how loud I was then.”

  “I want you to be loud. So, everyone can know that you’re mine.” Derby kissed her. “I love you, Amy.”

  Amy smiled.

  “I love you, too.” She sat up, using the sides of the bath to stand up and step out. She reached for a nearby towel, grinning at Derby over her shoulder. “Now, maybe we should go somewhere a bit more comfortable.”

  Derby’s grin was almost devilish as he stood up to his full height.

  “I like the sound of that.”

  The End?

  Extended Epilogue

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  Do you want more Romance?

  Turn on the next page to read the first chapters of my first full-length novel: The Earl’s Wicked Seduction

  It's the tale of two people that were never meant to meet like this...

  * * *

  The Earl’s Wicked Seduction

  Chapter One

  A Fortune Hunter Schemes To Catch An Earl

  Applewood Cottage

ll, England

  April 1813

  "Mother! Someone's coming!"

  Grace Margaret Miller hurried through the little stone cottage, stepping over and around the many crates and boxes still scattered over the floor. The family had arrived at Applewood Cottage only three days before and there was still so much to be unpacked, sorted out, and put away.


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