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The Change Up

Page 19

by Quinn, Meghan

  “Your hands fall to my quads. They’re cold at first, causing my muscles to convulse under your touch, but you like it. You like how strong my legs are, as you rub them up and down, moving your thumbs inward, along my inner thighs, higher and higher until your thumbs skim my balls, causing my cock up to jut in the air with each pass. Pre-cum’s on the tip of my cock and it leaks onto my abs as you move higher and higher until your hands are on my stomach, on either side of my cock. You don’t instantly grip me. You rub your hands under where my cock rests. It twitches, it jumps for your touch, and I suck in a harsh breath when you lower your body to my center, until your small tits gently drag along my length, your taut nipples teasing the hard veins running along my cock.”

  “Jesus,” she whispers, squeezing her eyes shut.

  “You slide up and down, up and down until I feel like I’m about to explode, and that’s when you lower your mouth to my cock and lick the pre-cum off the tip, your eyes trained on me. I’m to the point of begging, pleading for those fuckable lips, until you finally give me what I want and take me into your warm, wet mouth. I slide with ease and I lean back, my hand tangling in your hair and that’s where the fantasy stops,.”

  “Right there?” she asks, sounding breathless. “You don’t come?”

  I shake my head. “In my head, no, in my hand, yes. I can’t get past that fucking moment before I come and when I try to envision what it’s like, to have your mouth on me, how you would suck me off, I can’t picture it. It just turns to gray.”

  She nods and then looks away for a few seconds before she whispers, “I’d tease you at first with my tongue. Running it up and down, all the way to the base. Then I’d slowly move back up to the head and circle then fall to the underside to flick and flick and flick, not touching you anywhere else, not sucking you in, not even considering doing anything else but teasing you with my tongue. You’d groan, you’d beg for more, but I wouldn’t move. I’d watch as you grow larger, as you leak with pleasure, as your cock gets so tight that every vein would be visible, enticing me to taunt every one of them with my tongue.

  “Fuck,” I groan, my body turned on, ready to reenact this entire fantasy. “When would you take me in your mouth?”

  “When you begged me to.”

  “I’m begging,” I say, as her cheeks grow even more red.

  She presses her hand against her forehead and lets out a shaky breath. “Umm, that got hot pretty fast.”

  “Don’t stop,” I say. “You can’t leave me hanging like that, Kinny. Tell me how you’d take me in your mouth.” I see her becoming self-conscious as if the spell she was under vanished, and she’s realized what she was saying. “Babe, it’s so hot, hearing you talking like that. Listening to you describe how you’d pleasure me. Fuck, I want more. I need more.”

  She blinks slowly and when she opens her eyes, she fixes on a façade and says, “After you begged me, I’d move my mouth to the tip and suck, pursing against the head, moving my lips around and around.” Jesus Christ. “And then I'd pull away again, only to take my hand and rest it at the bottom of your cock, the very base. I would squeeze so hard that your hips shoot up from the pleasure.”

  My chest rises and falls at a rapid rate as my hand itches to fall to my aching cock, to relieve some of the pain that’s building, searching for release. But I keep still, not wanting to touch myself when I’m on the phone with her, not sure if that’s moving too fast. Hell, this conversation has taken me by surprise, but then again I’m not going to complain.

  “Then I’d lower my mouth back down and slip you in slowly, swirling my tongue, then sucking, swirling and sucking. I’d repeat the process over and over again until your hips started to thrust into my mouth. That’s when I’d know you needed relief, when I know you’re at the brink, because you’d never fuck my mouth. You’d wait out the pleasure. You’d let me explore you, but there’d come a point where you couldn’t take it anymore and you would fuck my mouth.”

  “I want to fuck your mouth right now,” I say, the words sounding like a grunt more than anything. “How would you stop me?”

  “I wouldn’t. I’d encourage it. I’d open wide and take you deep in my throat, so deep that you see stars. So deep that you’d never know what pleasure was until you felt the back of my throat, until you felt me swallow against your cock.”

  “Motherfuck,” I say, my hand falling to my briefs where I slip it under my waistline and grip the base. Jesus, I’m wound up.

  “I would let you fuck my mouth until you came. Over and over and over again, you would thrust. My eyes would water but not from pain, from happiness. I would enjoy every second of it, of feeling how out of control you become and then when you finally come, when your body stiffens and your cock swells, I would suck so hard that you would black out. Your body would turn into nothing as you explode in my mouth with such a feral cry releasing from your lips, you’ll try to decipher if that was really you who made that sound.” She sits up on her elbow, the blanket slipping down, exposing her hard nipples. “And it would be you. I’d tell you, that sound that echoed off the walls, that sounded so salacious, like a roar from the jungle, that was you . . . all because of me.”

  “Jesus . . . fuck,” I say, my hand so tight on my dick that my legs start to curl up.

  She picks up the camera and says, “Okay, I’m going to bed.”

  And just like that, she acts as if she didn’t just bring me to the brink of orgasm. “I love you, Maddox. Good luck tomorrow.”

  Pained, I say. “Love you, babe. Good night.”

  She smiles a devilish smile, her eyes knowing exactly what I’m about to do when I hang up. “Good night, Maddox.”

  The screen goes blank and I roll to my back, shucking the covers off me. I rub my hand to the tip of my cock where I collect the pre-cum and slide it over my length, using it to guide my hand. I’m already hard as stone, my balls tight. It doesn’t take long until pleasure coils. Until I’m furiously pumping my cock, so hard so fast—Kinsley’s body, her tits, flashing through my mind. Her fucking incredible description doing its job. The vision of her tongue dancing over me, her body rubbing against mine, her sinful mouth swallowing me whole . . .

  “Ahhhhh, fuck,” I groan as my cock swells in my hand and I come all over my stomach. Spurt after spurt, wracking my body until I have nothing left.

  I drape my arm over my eyes and let out a deep breath. Christ, that felt good, better than any jack-off session I’ve had in a while. I think it’s because Kinsley brought me there first.

  I get out of bed, clean up, and try to settle my excitement just as I get a text.

  A picture from Kinsley.

  I’ve never unlocked my phone so fast, hoping it’s a naughty picture.

  Instead of a nude, or even a shot of her in lingerie, it’s her middle and index fingers—and they’re glistening and wet.

  It’s not what I’m expecting, but it’s almost more erotic.

  Kinsley: Hope you came just as hard as I did.

  I flop back on my pillow, my mind swirling with holy fuck and how the hell did I get so lucky.

  I send her back a text, a giant smile crossing my face the entire time.

  Maddox: Probably harder, babe. Probably harder.

  * * *

  “Hello?” Kinsley winces when she answers the phone, the nightstand light, clearly too bright for her.

  “I’m sorry it’s so late,” I say, shoulders drooping, my mood at an all-time high of irritation. We lost, but this time, it was on my watch. Any loss is going to piss me off, but when I add a loss to my record as a pitcher, I’m not fucking pleased, especially when I pitched one hell of a fucking game.

  “It’s okay,” she says, her voice sleepy. What I wouldn’t give to be climbing into bed with her right now, rather than trying to get comfortable against these stiff hotel sheets. “I’m sorry you lost.”

  “I don’t want to fucking talk about it,” I say, my irritation obvious. “Ugh, fuck, sorry. I don’t mean to snap
at you.” I pinch my brow. “Maybe I should just call you tomorrow when I’m in a better mood.”

  “Or you can talk to me about something else,” she says, still sounding sleepy. That’s when I notice she’s not wearing a tank top.

  “Are you naked in my bed, Kinsley?”

  “Mmm . . . yeah. I wanted to feel the sheets against my body.” Her eyes open in a dream-like state. “They’re really nice, Maddox.”

  And just like that, my irritation vanishes and my curiosity grows . . . as well as other things.

  “Lower the sheet.”

  She smiles sleepily and shakes her head. “You wish.”

  “I do fucking wish. Let me see you, Kin.”

  “No.” She squirms under the sheet, moaning slightly. “Before you called, I was having a sex dream about you, and now I’m all wired with no one to take care of it.”

  “Let me,” I say swallowing hard.

  She shakes her head again. “No, I want our first time together to be in the same room, same bed, our bodies pressed against one another.” She shifts again and the sheets come close to falling down, exposing her breasts.

  “We can have fun at least.”

  “Has this become too sexual, too fast?” she asks.

  “You’re a sexual creature, you even said it yourself. You love sex, and that’s why you had your fling with Stan. It’s okay to be sexual, Kin.”

  “Didn’t say it wasn’t.” She hikes up the sheet and my hope of catching a peek diminishes. “I love my sexual freedom and how I don’t feel embarrassed about any act of sex.”

  “Hence the picture you sent me last night.”

  “Exactly.” She winks, her eyes opening a little more. “But with you, I think it could get carried away, and I don’t want to lose sight of what we’re trying to do.”

  “And what’s that?” I ask, wishing she would move again so I could catch a glimpse at the small swell of her breasts.

  “Building a relationship.”

  “We already have one, babe. The only thing we’re missing is the sex part.”

  “What about the dating?” she asks softly, and fuck do I feel like an idiot.

  “Shit.” I chuckle and press my palm to my eye. “Yeah, the dating.”

  She looks off to the side and presses her fist to her chin. I mentally take a picture of her like that, grab my notebook and pen and start sketching, wanting to capture this moment of her—naked in my bed, looking . . . reflective. Truly stunning.

  I make a quick outline of her body and then start filling it in with the features I know all too well.

  “That’s what I’m worried about, Maddox. That this will all be sex for you, when this is so much more for me.”

  My pen pauses as I stare at Kinsley though the phone. “Seriously, Kin?”

  “Yes,” she answers. From the look in her eyes I can tell she’s dead serious, and it stings that she thinks that of me. Yeah, I like sex, so does every other red-blooded male out there. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to be an asshole who never takes her out.

  Looks like I need to make things perfectly clear, let her know exactly where I stand when it comes to us.

  “Kinsley, I’m going to say this once and only once, because I can’t keep coming back to this. You either accept what I have to say, or we forget this ever happened, okay?” She rolls her teeth over her lip and nods. “I want to fuck you, yes. I want to fuck you so goddamn badly that the need pumps through my veins whenever I hear your name. But that strong desire doesn’t take away from the center of all of this. I want you to be my girlfriend. I want you to be more than just my best friend, which means I will take you out. We will date, we will do all the boyfriend/girlfriend-type things. I might be rusty, but I know one thing for sure: I’m not only in this for incredibly good sex. I’m in this for the good, the bad, and the naughty.” She chuckles and nods. “So, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to put the ball in your court when it comes to the physical side of things. I will kiss you, make out with you, hold you, touch you, all of the above-the-clothes stuff, but when it comes to the act of intercourse with one another, that’s on you. You’re the lead.”


  “I’ll let you know in some way how you make me feel, how I want you, how I think you’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen, but I will never push further than taking your mouth with mine. I’m going to follow your lead. You hold the power, Kin.”

  “But why?” she asks, a cute crease to her brow.

  “Why? Because I love being with you any way I can be. To show you that I’m not claiming you as mine just so we can have sex. Kin, the way I’ve treated you, taking you out to restaurants that suit you, holding your hand whenever I’ve seen an opportunity, kisses good night, eagerly coming home to your hugs . . . that’s who we already are. You said that you’ve longed for my touch each morning, well, so have I. Having you as my girlfriend will in some ways, just extend our physical connection. I think . . . in my heart, I’d already claimed you as mine.”

  “And what happens when I finally want to cross the physical line? Are you going to deny me?”

  That makes me laugh. “Not a chance. I’m so attracted to you, so every inch you give me, I’ll worship.”

  “Well . . . you sure know how to make a girl’s heart sing.”

  “Only yours, Kin.” And I now realize, that I’ve been only Kinsley Howard’s for a very long time. And I fucking love that.

  * * *

  Maddox: How’s Herman?

  Kinsley: I knew you cared about him.

  Maddox: Just checking to make sure he hasn’t shit in the apartment.

  Kinsley: How dare you insult his character like that.

  Maddox: He’s old, that means more accidents.

  Kinsley: Have faith in the old—oh no, he literally just shit on the rug.

  Maddox: Are you fucking serious?

  Kinsley: No. And I hope you had a minor heart attack, as you deserve it. This dog is a saint.

  Maddox: I think I prefer our FaceTime conversations over text messages.

  Kinsley: Yeah, well even though I miss you like crazy, this girl needs some sleep tonight.

  Maddox: What’s your night going to be like? Are you going to watch the game?

  Kinsley: I’ll have it on in the background, not as much fun to watch if you’re not pitching. But . . . do you have a second to chat, I want to tell you something big.

  I stand from my locker and go to one of the back offices where we’re allowed to take private phone calls when we’re just messing around, getting ready for the game. I dial her number quickly and she answers it on one ring.

  “Are you allowed to call me?”

  I chuckle and say, “You would be surprised the kind of leniency we get. What’s going on; everything okay?”

  “Yeah, everything is great actually. I wanted to call you and tell you something really . . .” Her voice gets choked up and even though I can’t see her, I know she’s starting to cry.

  “Kinsley, what’s going on?”

  “I’m sorry. I’m trying not to get emotional, but I can’t help it. I’m so happy.”

  Relief washes over me as I lean back in one of the cold, hard chairs in the office. “Okay, so happy emotion.”

  “Very happy.” She takes a deep breath. “The other day, when you, Lincoln, and Jason came to the shelter, we were inundated with follows on Instagram, which was out-of-this-world amazing. Our name is out there. Gaining support.” She sniffs. “So, I can’t thank you enough.”

  “That’s fucking awesome, babe. You’re welcome.”

  “But something happened today that nearly brought me to my knees.”


  “Chip was adopted,” she says on a squeak.

  “Chip, as in . . . Chip the cat, the longest resident of the shelter?”

  “Yes,” she says, a sob quickly following. Speaking through her tears, she continues, “An older man came in yesterday, told us his daughter, who fol
lows Lincoln on social media, told him all about the shelter and how there was an orange cat who looked like he needed a home. Apparently, this gentleman just lost his cat to feline leukemia and was looking for a new friend. He came in this morning and inquired about the longest resident in the shelter. I brought him over to Chip and”—she hiccups on a sob and my heart reaches out to this woman, falling for her more and more. Her soul is so beautiful, caring so much for these animals—“they hit it off immediately. Chip was purring, the gentleman was all smiles. We are running a background check, but if all goes well, Chip will have a new home tomorrow night. Can you believe it?”

  “That’s fucking great, Kin,” I say, meaning it sincerely. I know how much this means to her, which in return means a lot to me. “I’m glad we could help out in a small way.”

  “A small way?” She laughs. “Maddox, you coming to the shelter, it was a game changer for us. Not only are we able to expand the facility with the donation, but we’ve had more people come in looking to adopt than ever before just this week alone. We’ve also had more intake inquiries. Marcy was saying if we keep going at this rate, we might be able to hire another full-time employee.”

  “I’m happy to hear it, babe. Anything you need, you let me know. You can always rely on me to support you one hundred percent.” And I’d never deny her. God, I can’t imagine ever not loving this woman.

  She sighs. “You are too good to me.”

  “You’re too good to me,” I counter.

  She chuckles. “Three more days.”

  “Three more days.”

  “Are you going to kiss me?”

  “Fuck yeah.”

  “Are you going to snuggle with me?”

  “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  There’s a smile in her voice when she asks, “Are you going to let Herman give you a welcome-home kiss?”

  “Let’s not get too out of control.”

  She chuckles and the sound fills me with life. “I’ll let you go. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Love you.”


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