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A Beautiful Mistake

Page 23

by Ashlee Price

  I glance over to my car. I can see Truff trying to fit his nose through the gap in the backseat window.

  Lt. Jackson chuckles. "Bomb detecting equipment and body sniffing dogs? You're a one-man SWAT team, Mr. Montgomery."

  I grin.

  He pats my shoulder. "Well, let's go save your wife and everyone else in there."

  I nod. As I continue to walk after Lt. Jackson, I glance at the hospital once more, this time with more hope than fear.

  Hang in there, Marian. I'm coming for you.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  "It's no use."

  I shake my head as I step away from the pile of rubble blocking the corridor. My hands, covered in dust, cuts and scrapes, fall at my sides.

  "We can't get through."

  After that explosion, Kelly and I got out of the supply closet only to find the corridor sealed from both sides. We're trapped.

  Kelly looks at her phone and frowns. "I can't get through to Dr. Patterson or Ned. They're not answering. And I'm just about out of battery."

  "Shit." I place my hand over my forehead.

  I sure hope they're okay.

  "I was able to call 911, though, and they said the bomb squad is already here trying to get the situation under control and that we should stay calm."

  "I am calm." I lean against the wall. "I just... I want to get out of here."

  I put my hand on my belly.

  "What if there's another explosion, Kel? You had chemistry and physics classes, too. You know there are plenty of things in this hospital that can explode."

  "I know." She places her hand on my shoulder. "And I know you're worried about your baby. But we'll be fine, Marian. Someone will come and rescue us."

  I shake my head. "You know, I hate this. We're usually the ones doing the rescuing."

  "I know that, too, and I feel just as anxious as you. But we have no choice but to stay calm and wait."

  I close my eyes and force myself to take a deep breath.

  Calm down, Marian. You can do this.

  Suddenly, my eyes fly open. "Shit."


  "I smell smoke."

  Kelly sniffs the air. "I don't."

  I look at her. "Well, my sense of smell is kind of keener than yours right now because I'm pregnant, you know?"

  She sniffs the air again. "Wait. I think I do smell it."

  And that's not a good thing. Where there's smoke, there's fire. It's not just a proverb. It's a fact. And if we can smell the smoke through the gaps in the rubble, that means the fire is near. It could be right up ahead past all these slabs of concrete.

  "Shit," Kelly mutters as she realizes the same thing.

  The fire may be on its way here. Kelly and I could get burned alive. If the smoke doesn't suffocate us first, that is.

  "We've got a fire extinguisher." Kelly points to the one in the corner.

  "And masks in the supply closet," I add.

  I head back inside to fetch them now. I grab bed sheets as well so that we can wrap them around ourselves if we have to break through a wall of fire.

  I hand one of each to Kelly and put on my mask.

  It will help keep the smoke out. We'll still need oxygen, though.

  Suddenly, something occurs to me.


  We've got a lot of that here at this hospital, and ironically, that might have aided the explosion. What if there are more oxygen canisters left to explode and feed the fire?

  I gaze at the wall of rubble, then close my eyes.

  Please, someone, help us. This whole hospital is a ticking time bomb. If we don't get out soon...

  "Marian?" I hear Dustin's voice in my ears.

  My eyes open wide. Dustin?

  "Marian, if you're there, answer me!"

  I take off my mask. "Dustin!"

  Relief swells in my chest. I can't believe it. I can't believe he's here.

  "Dustin, I'm here!" I shout through the rubble. "Kelly and I are here!"

  Beyond it, I hear a dog barking. Then two.

  "Cop? Truff?"

  They bark louder.

  I glance at Kelly, who looks a little confused.

  "I think my dogs found me."

  "Stay back! I'm going to try to clear a path," Dustin says.

  "Okay," I answer. "Hurry!"

  As I hear him working on the other side, I grab Kelly's hand and squeeze it.

  "We're going to be okay, Kel."

  I just know it. I just know that we're going to be okay because Dustin is here. He's here.

  Finally, I see light from the other end through a gap in the rubble. The gap widens. Then I see Dustin.


  I rush over to him with Kelly in tow. I let her hand go to put my arms around him.

  "Oh, I'm so glad to see you!"

  "As am I," he says before pulling away to look at me. His hand touches my cheek. "Are you okay?"

  I nod.

  Kelly coughs. "Um, shouldn't we be getting out of here?"


  I pet Cop and Truff. "You guys found me, didn't you? Good job."

  Dustin smiles. "I told you getting dogs was a good idea."

  He tugs at their leashes.

  "Let's go, boys. Lead the way back out."

  We start to walk straight ahead but stop when the ceiling in the room in front of us falls. Cop whimpers.

  "Okay. I guess we'll take a detour." He glances at me. "Just follow me."

  I nod. Right now, I'd follow him anywhere.

  I grab Kelly's hand and we follow him closely, stepping carefully over and around pieces of rubble. I keep my senses alert just in case something else collapses - while hoping with all my might that nothing will. I sure wish I had my four-leaf clovers right now.

  I watch my surroundings, too. So far, we haven't seen anyone else. I consider that a good thing. No wounded to treat. No corpses. Who knows? Maybe everyone else has been able to get out already.

  When we get to a burning room, the smoke quickly enters my nostrils and I cough.

  Dustin turns to me. "Are you okay?"

  I put on my mask and give him a thumbs-up sign so we can proceed.

  After a few more seconds, though, Cop collapses.

  "Cop!" I kneel over him and try to feel his heartbeat.

  Thank goodness it's there. He looks like he's struggling to breathe, though.

  "Maybe the smoke got in his lungs," Kelly suggests.

  That's what I think, too, which means we're running out of time.

  I look at Dustin. "We have to get out of here fast."

  Dustin hands me Truff's leash and picks Cop up in his arms. Then we continue. Faster.

  Finally, we see an opening - a wall that's been blown out. I see some green and I let out a breath of relief.

  We're almost outside. Just a few more steps.


  The voice weakly calling my name makes me stop in my tracks. I turn my head.


  I see him. At least, I see the upper half of his body. The rest seems to be trapped under rubble. I take my mask off.

  "Oh my God."

  I hand Truff's leash to Kelly and rush over to Liam. My eyes grow wide as they rest on the steel rod piercing his diaphragm. I clasp a hand over my mouth as I suppress a cry.

  "Marian?" Dustin calls me.

  "Go ahead," I tell him. "You and Kelly go ahead. I have to save him. I have to try to - "

  "Marian." Kelly's hand rests on my shoulder. "We have to go. We can't save him."

  I hold back a sob and shake my head.

  No. No. He's still conscious. The rod is keeping him from bleeding to death. If we can somehow -

  "Think of your baby."

  Those words sober me up almost instantly. I nod.

  Kelly helps me get back to my feet, but I feel Liam's hand on my leg.

  "I'm... sorry," he mutters.

  "It's okay now." I go back down on my knees and grab his hand. "I
forgive you for everything you've done. You were upset. That's all. And scared. Everyone gets scared."

  "I'm sorry," he says again as he looks into my eyes. "For... the hospital."

  My eyes grow wide. "You... did this?"

  No way.

  "I... didn't mean... to..." He coughs.

  My eyes go to his diaphragm, which quivers around the rod.

  "Shh." I rub his hand and swallow the lump in my throat. "It's okay. It's okay now."

  Kelly squeezes my shoulder. "Marian."

  "I... love you," Liam tells me.

  Tears brim in his eyes.

  I fight back the ones threatening to break through mine and force a smile as I squeeze his hand.

  "You were one of the best friends I ever had."

  The corners of his lips turn up into a smile.

  "Marian," Dustin calls.

  Kelly grabs my arm. "Let's go, Marian."

  Still, I hesitate to let go.

  "Go," Liam tells me. "I'm... letting you... go."

  His hand frees mine. I stare at it with my mouth gaping. A tear escapes from the corner of my eye.

  "Marian." Kelly pulls me to my feet.

  I look into Liam's eyes. "Thank you."

  Then I force myself to turn and run away without glancing back.

  I finally get outside. Following Dustin, Kelly drags me along until we get to the street. Dr. Patterson and some other doctors greet us.

  Dr. Patterson pats Kelly's shoulder and then turns to me. "Are you okay?"

  I don't answer as I watch a paramedic take Cop. Afterwards, Dustin runs over to me and wraps his arms around me. His hand goes to the back of my head.

  "Thank God you're alright."

  Am I alright? Right now, I feel numb. I know I should be relieved, but I feel numb.

  "We should get you to another hospital," Dr. Patterson tells me as he glances at my belly. "Just to make sure you and the baby are alright."

  I put my hand over it and nod slowly. "Okay."

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I stare at Marian's belly as she sleeps on the hospital bed.

  A baby?

  Now that I think about it, her belly does look a bit bigger.

  Marian's pregnant? With our baby?

  Ah. That probably happened on the farm after we went skydiving.

  Why didn't she tell me?

  I know she knew about it. That's why she got on her feet when Kelly reminded her of it. And yet she didn't tell me, even though she had an opportunity earlier. Instead, she asked for a divorce.

  She let me go because she knew I wasn't ready and she didn't want to force me to stay because she loves me.

  I glance at her sleeping face. My chest grows tight.

  Marian loves me. And me?

  When she asked me earlier if I loved her, I couldn't say yes. And yet, when I heard about the explosion, as I was trying to save her, all I could think about was that I didn't want to lose her. I couldn't. She said I'd lost her and I didn't argue, but once I thought that was true, I couldn't breathe.

  I can't lose her. And I guess that means I've already lost. I've already lost myself to her.

  I brush an autumn-colored strand of hair off her cheek.

  Marian Carver Montgomery. My wife. The only woman I've ever loved. Or ever will.

  Again, my gaze goes to her belly. Slowly, I press my shaking hand against it. I don't really feel anything beating or moving inside, but I do feel something.

  Joy. Pride. Excitement.

  True, I'm not ready to be a father. But I think I want to try being one.

  "The baby is about seven weeks old," Marian tells me.

  I turn my head and meet her gaze. I smile.

  "So I've been told."

  "You know what that means, right?" she asks me. "This baby was made on that farm, beside that fire, under those stars."

  I move my hand over hers. "I know."

  She touches her belly.

  "This baby was made on an amazing day and I'm sure he or she will turn out to be amazing, too." She pauses. "Even without a father."

  My eyebrows furrow. "What?"

  "You don't have to force yourself to be one," Marian says to me. "You never should have forced yourself to be a husband. And I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want, feel anything you don't feel, or be anyone you don't want to be. That's not love."

  I shake my head. "Maybe I didn't want to be a husband before. Maybe we only got married by mistake. And maybe I'm not ready to be a father. But now I know I want to be your husband and the father of this child. I want to be beside you both."

  "You don't have to. You saved us, and that's enough."

  "No, it's not," I tell her. "If there's one thing I learned today, it's that there are greater things to fear than losing myself or letting myself down."

  I look into her eyes. "I don't want to ever lose you again, Marian Montgomery. And I'm going to spend my life trying to make sure that doesn't happen."

  Marian's eyebrows arch. "Your life?"

  I nod. "Didn't we swear to be together until death?"

  She grins. "How do you know? You don't remember our vows."

  "Then I'll make a new one now." I squeeze her hand as I hold her gaze. "I love you, Marian Montgomery, and I vow that I am yours until death."

  She falls silent as she searches my eyes. I see the flicker of fear in hers.

  "What if things get boring?" she asks me. "What if things get hard? What if things don't measure up to your expectations?"

  "I'm not going to expect anything," I answer. "I'm just going to love you."

  Finally, the corners of her lips turn up to form a smile.

  "I think that's what commitment really means."

  I smile, too. "So, will you be mine?"

  Her smile vanishes as she glances at her hand. "My ring. And my necklace. I lost them both."

  "We'll get new rings," I promise her. "And a new good luck charm."

  She glances at her belly. "I think we already have a good luck charm."

  I smile wider, then turn serious.

  "You still haven't answered my question."

  "Yes," Marian finally answers. "I love you, Dustin Montgomery, and I will gladly be yours until death."

  I plant a tender kiss on her forehead and then another on her lips. Warmth and joy explode in my chest.

  I touch her cheek. "No more talk of divorce then, Mrs. Montgomery?"

  She shakes her head. "None."


  I clasp her hand firmly and bring it to my lips while holding her gaze. She glances around.

  "You didn't bring flowers this time?"

  My eyebrows furrow. "Because I thought you didn't like them."

  "I did," she confesses. "Feel free to bring me more."

  "I will."

  "Oh, by the way, how are Cop and Truff? Is Cop alright?"

  "Yes. They're both alright."

  Marian smiles. "We should reward them."

  "We should," I agree. "But let me remind you that I was the one who saved you."

  I plant another kiss on the back of her hand.

  "Right." Marian nods. "So you want a reward, do you?"

  I say nothing.

  "Let me guess. Sex?"

  I grin. "You know me well."

  She sighs. "Actually, I was wondering if maybe we could ease up on that now that I'm pregnant."


  She touches my arm. "Think we can make it without as much sex, Mr. Montgomery? Or are you thinking of going through with the divorce now?"

  "Of course not," I tell her. "No more talk of divorce. And as for the sex, or the lesser amount thereof, I'll manage."

  "Hmm." Marian doesn't look convinced.

  I kiss her cheek. "After all, we still have plenty of years after to have as much amazing sex as we want."



  Ten years later...

  "Good night, Leanne."

; I plant a kiss on my older daughter's forehead before climbing down the ladder so I can kiss my younger one.

  "Good night, Vienne."

  My four-year-old gives me a sweet smile. "Good night, Mommy."

  Unable to resist, I brush the red strands off her chubby cheek and give it a light, playful pinch. She smiles wider.

  "Sleep tight."

  I step away from the double decker bed and turn on the lamp. On my way out the door, I turn off the light and glance at my daughters one more time.

  "I love you, girls."

  "Love you, Mommy," they say nearly at the same time.

  I step out of the room and walk down the hall to the master bedroom. Dustin is in his black terrycloth robe on the chaise lounge. His phone is pressed to his ear, but when his eyes meet mine, he ends the call.

  "We'll talk tomorrow," he says.

  Then he puts the phone down.

  "Who was that?" I ask him as I sit beside him.


  I narrow my gaze at him. "Are you working on your next project already?"

  "Yeah. Best to keep the momentum going."

  I beam with pride. In the past ten years, he's had seven more successful inventions, three of which brought in billions.

  "You're not planning on putting up another hospital, are you?" I ask him.

  With all the money he's made, he rebuilt the hospital where I work and had another one built in Boston.

  "Why? Do you want another one?"

  I pause, then shake my head. "Nah. I have my hands full with the two of them."

  I've been traveling between the two to do obstetric surgeries.

  He takes my hand and kisses it. "Your million-dollar hands."

  I smile. Now that I'm a full-fledged surgeon and a fellow at that, I'm making more money, too, some of which I spent to buy a farm for the girls to spend summers on. We have a pack of dogs living there now - a Newfoundland, two Australian Cattle Dogs, three German Shepherds named Sarge, Lieutenant and Captain in honor of Cop, who passed away a few years ago, and two Labrador Retrievers for Truff to play with, though he doesn't play much now that he's so old. Oh, and there's one Basset Hound, too, all from shelters.

  "And now, I'm going to use these hands to please my husband," I tell Dustin.

  He grins. "Please do."

  Even after all these years, he still has the same sexual appetite. I'm not complaining. Well, not right now.

  Tonight, I want him just as much as he wants me.

  I put my hands on the back of his neck and kiss him. His hands go to my waist as he kisses me back. Lips part and our tongues begin to mingle.


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