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Real Men Heal (Blackwood Pack | Paranormal Werewolf Romance) (Real Men Shift)

Page 8

by Celia Kyle

  He pressed a kiss to her overheated forehead and breathed her in. It was quite possibly the last time they would see each other alive and he wanted her scent lingering in his nose if Zeke managed to get the upper hand. Not that Drew planned on giving him the chance.

  Cupping her face in his hands, Drew used his thumbs to brush tears from her cheeks. Not all of them, though. Even if he used his entire palm, he couldn’t staunch the flood of tears streaming down her face.

  “You stay here. Got it? Stay with your mother.”


  “No buts. Your brother wants a fight that I’ll give him, but I need to know you’re safe, okay? Promise me.”

  Her blue eyes swam in a sea of sadness, but she nodded. That was good enough for him. Dropping his head, he kissed his mate so sweetly his heart ached to leave her. But he had a date with a raging alpha.

  As he turned to go meet his fate, Trina stopped him. “I’m sorry, Dr. Cooper. For telling Warren about…” She jerked her head toward Chloe. “I honestly had no idea you were mates. I just thought…”

  She trailed off, her cheeks pinking up with shame. Drew gave her a tight smile.

  “Thanks. It was going to come out anyway.” He glanced pointedly toward Chloe. “Make sure she stays here. Okay?”

  Trina sniffled and nodded. Then Drew walked out of the room without looking back. When he stepped out on the porch, he found Zeke on the front lawn, even larger and furrier than before.

  “If you think I’m going to let you murder my mother and steal my sister,” Zeke growled, his voice raspy with the strain of reining in his wolf, “think again, asshole!”

  He’d barely finished speaking when he shifted into an absolutely massive wolf the size of a small bull. He even snorted a bit like a bull. But bulls didn’t usually have reddish-brown fur, copper-flecked brown eyes, and canines as long as a man’s finger.

  Drew responded by releasing his own wolf, the beast only too happy to show the cocky alpha a thing or two. He had no interest in killing a man out of his mind with grief, but he wasn’t going to roll over and show his belly either. Descending the steps slowly, always watching Zeke for any sign of movement, he stopped several feet away from the alpha.

  The animals circled each other, teeth bared and low, powerful growls rumbling up from the depths of their souls. Foam collected around Zeke’s mouth, but one snap of his powerful jaws sent it flying into the dirt. He was ready to pounce. Drew sensed it and braced himself.

  Trying to fake out Drew, Zeke’s wolf acted as if it still prowled in a circle but then leaped toward Drew. The coppery wolf hurtled toward him, but he jumped sideways to avoid being tackled. The alpha landed on his feet and spun around, more pissed off than ever. He barked and snarled and slavered all over the place.

  Drew continued circling, hoping the alpha would tire out and realize what an ass he was being. He was vaguely aware of people streaming out of the pack house to watch the fight, but he didn’t dare take his eyes off Zeke to survey the situation. If they all shifted and ganged up on him, so be it. For the moment, he had bigger fish to fry.


  Zeke’s wolf was at least as big as Mason’s, who was the largest wolf Drew had ever seen. His fangs were twice as long as Drew’s and he ran on pure hate. Drew, on the other hand, was motivated by love. Love for Chloe. And as much as he didn’t want to hurt Zeke when he was already suffering, nothing and no one would stand between Drew and his mate. Ever.

  He waited for his moment to end the fight. In Zeke’s current state, he was all rage and no finesse. Drew spotted every one of Zeke’s futile attacks from a mile away and always evaded them handily. That only served to enrage Zeke further—exactly as Drew wanted. The more furious Zeke became, the less clearly he would think.

  When Zeke lunged at Drew the same way he had five times already, Drew feinted left, sending the alpha in the wrong direction. Then Drew darted in from the right and knocked the big wolf to the ground. Pouncing on top of his prey, Drew sank his teeth into Zeke’s furry neck.

  The taste of the alpha’s blood on his tongue sent Drew’s wolf into a frenzy, but he managed to maintain his control. This was not about winning. It was about stopping the insanity. It didn’t take long for Zeke to go still, panting heavily with exertion.

  Victory tasted anything but sweet. It tasted like failure at losing Deidre. It tasted like a lifetime of bad blood between him and his mate’s family. It tasted of bone-deep sadness. One more second of domination and he’d release Zeke, and then hopefully mend fences. But before he could, three outraged barks filled the air.

  Two of the wolves who surrounded the tussling wolves were strangers—probably sentries—but Drew recognized Warren’s scent on the third. As a beta, he wasn’t nearly as large as Zeke, or Drew for that matter, but he appeared just as pissed off as Zeke had been. Considering how much he cared for Chloe, maybe even more.

  Drew froze, his heart pounding in rhythm with Zeke’s. The bigger wolf took advantage of the surprise ambush and wriggled out from under Drew to join his crew. They paced a slow circle around him, snapping and snarling at him just to make him nervous.

  What they didn’t know—what they couldn’t know—was that Drew wasn’t the slightest bit frightened. Dying wasn’t part of his five-year plan, that much was true, but if it came to that, he’d die knowing his soul had found its perfect match in Chloe. Of course, he was going to fight tooth and nail—fang and claw—to the end. Chloe didn’t deserve to lose her mother and her mate on the same day, so he’d pull every dirty trick he could to survive.

  For her.

  On some kind of silent, psychic command from Zeke, the four Soren wolves advanced on Drew, ears laid back and quivering lips peeled in anticipation. He spun and snapped at each in turn, but they were too far apart for him to attack just one. If he did, the others would pounce in an instant.

  Didn’t matter. Backing down wasn’t an option. He owed that much to Chloe. Crouching low, he glared at Zeke. His muscles bunched and tensed, and a split second before he was going to launch himself at the cranky alpha, something large and heavy landed with a thud next to him.

  Expecting one of the other wolves, Drew spun around and snarled, but thankfully he didn’t attack. Before him stood the most beautiful wolf he’d ever seen. Luxurious dark red fur the color of an Irish Setter covered a relatively petite and muscular frame. He knew her scent without even taking a breath.


  A line of fur running from her tail to her head stood on end as she stood shoulder to shoulder with Drew, snarling at her own brother. Zeke blinked in surprise at the newcomer, giving Drew the chance to lock eyes with Chloe. Her flashing blue eyes were full of fierce loyalty. To him, not her pack. Whatever he’d felt for Chloe before that moment was childhood fantasy compared to the love that enveloped him now.

  They’d both spent their lives looking for love and acceptance, only to be denied over and over again. Now that they’d found it with each other, neither would give it up easily. They’d fight to the death together, if that was what it took.

  Zeke must have sensed it as well because he pulled back in on himself and shifted back into his human form. The other wolves looked to their alpha for direction. He glowered at Drew and Chloe for a long moment before giving his command.

  “Back off.”

  The two sentries shifted immediately, backing away from the scene to give the family space. Warren glared in Drew’s direction for a moment, as if he still wanted to attack, but a sharp look from Zeke finally brought him to his senses. Only once Warren stomped off a good distance did Drew feel safe enough for them both to shift.

  Standing together, clasping hands, they stared down Chloe’s brother. No way could an alpha kowtow to his little sister and an outsider, but he no longer seemed ready to tear Drew’s throat out.

  Baby steps.

  Addressing Chloe, Zeke asked, “You’re going to stand by this stranger?”

  Chloe rolled her shoulders back and
squeezed Drew’s hand tighter. “This stranger is my mate. He gave us our mother back, Zeke. In your heart you know that’s true.” She turned her gaze on Drew, filling him with hunger and joy and gratitude. “Yes, I’m ready to stand by his side forever.”

  Zeke crossed his arms and studied them. “And you’re sure he’s not…fudging with your emotions?” His tone grew softer, that of a big brother worried about his baby sister.

  Chloe pressed her lips together but failed miserably at hiding her happy grin. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”

  Drew’s eyes grew wide, but not as wide as Zeke’s. He snorted and then shook his head, as if he couldn’t really understand his sister’s thought process but accepted it just the same.

  The alpha sighed. “Well then, that’s that.”

  Zeke strode to Drew, looked him in the eye, and thrust his hand out. Drew glanced down, just to make sure he wasn’t holding a gun, and then shook the alpha’s hand. Maybe a tad harder than strictly necessary.

  Zeke smiled and slapped him on the back. Maybe a tad harder than strictly necessary. As the alpha, he couldn’t outright apologize, but that didn’t matter.

  “Welcome to the family, brother. I’d offer to give my new brother-in-law a hug, but…” Zeke glanced down at his nakedness and the two men burst into laughter.

  Zeke shooed his pack inside to give the new mates a moment of privacy before wrapping an arm around Warren’s shoulders. “You can’t fight fate.”

  Drew pulled Chloe into his arms, amazed this stunning creature was all his, forever and ever amen. Pressing his forehead against hers, he lost himself in her eyes. She smiled up at him and sighed happily.

  “No,” she smiled at her mate, “you sure can’t.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Chloe managed to control herself for a whole hour while Drew got cleaned up and then they climbed into her car. She even kept her hands off him during the drive from the pack house to her own home. But the moment they stepped out of her car, her resistance snapped. Maybe it was because they were so close to a bed—so near one place she could let loose and let her mate claim her.

  Just as she planned on claiming him in return.

  She made it two steps into the house when her world whirled, shifted and changed. Drew spun her in place and kicked the door shut in their wake before pinning her to the thick slab of wood. The moment her back collided with the flat panel, his lips were on hers. He held her captive then—with his body and lips—as he explored her mouth. She leaned into him, savoring each flick of his tongue and delicious caress from his lips. His hardness pressed into her, holding her steady, and a jolt of desire racked her frame. A shudder overtook her while Drew’s hands roamed her body, cloth keeping them apart yet arousing her just the same.

  She’d been on edge and ready to go with him the second she reached his side during the fight. Something about the adrenaline sent a rush of desire into her veins. She couldn’t explain the overwhelming flood of need, but she loved it and wanted to share every moment with Drew.

  Her Drew.

  The thought of being his—and him being hers—excited her even more. That anticipation doubled when his hands eased from her ass and drifted to her breasts. His mouth wandered down her neck, her mate peppering her in gentler kisses that made her giggle and squirm.

  “Do you want this, Chloe?” He slid one hand to her hip and across it, fingertips close to the juncture of her thighs.

  “Oh, sugar. I do,” she whimpered, and arched into his teasing stroke.

  Even she didn’t know if she’d cursed or come up with a pet name for him. All she did know was that she wanted him inside her. Deep. Over and over again.

  With her permission, his touch moved, still gliding over the front of her pants, but further north until he reached the button of her jeans. A flick and rasp of her zipper, and then his large hand burrowed beneath the fabric. He slipped past her panties with ease and her pussy clenched in anticipation. She ached for him. Ached to be touched, stroked, filled. For now, he simple teased her sensitive flesh, dipping south even more until his fingers slipped through the curls shielding her pussy.

  He didn’t stop there. He kept going, curling until he cupped her pussy with his blunted fingers. One digit slipped between her folds, the pad of his callused finger… She gasped, her nerve endings sparking to life. He tapped her clit and then circled the bundle of nerves. He swept over her swollen nub, a glittering sparkle of sensation overtaking her in that instant. She shuddered and groaned, her core tightening on air and she wished she had Drew inside her—so close until they felt like the same person.

  His finger slid through her folds with ease, her slick juices coating the way through her curls to the hard nubbin. She trembled and moaned, arching her back and rocking her hips into his caresses. But it wasn’t enough, not nearly.

  “Let’s…” she fought for breath. “Let’s go upstairs.” She finally got the words out and he chuckled as he leaned forward to press a quick kiss to her mouth.

  He slowly withdrew from her pants. Lifting his hand, he lapped at his fingers, cleaning them of her juices. “Delicious.”

  “Uhhh…” Chloe was in so much trouble.

  She grabbed his other hand and dragged him through the house, up to her bedroom—and her bed. The bed was the important part.

  The moment he recognized where they were headed, she found herself in his arms, cradled like a bride against his chest. And she felt like a bride when he carried her across the threshold of her bedroom and then tossed her into the middle of her bed. She bounced once, twice, and giggled the whole time, smiling widely and simply… happy. She hadn’t had a whole lot of happy in her life. She grinned while Drew stripped off his shirt and then kicked off his shoes before coming to kneel on the bed. She squirmed back, blushing in his shadow, her heart racing.

  “I’ll be gentle,” he growled, sounding in control despite the ravenous hunger she scented just beneath the surface.

  She gave him a quick nod. This feeling…. The feeling of his barely restrained power sent a thrill through her—one of an excitement so strong she never thought she could experience it.

  Drew reached for her then, deft fingers going to her shirt first and tugging it over her head. Her pants soon followed, his fingers hooking the top and tugging them down while she lifted her ass. Nothing but panties and a bra hid her from view, but even that was too much for Drew. He went for her bra first and tossed it aside. He swiped his tongue across his lips as he stared down at her exposed chest. But he did more than simply stare.

  He reached for one of her breasts, cupping the fullness and squeezing her gently, stoking the fires of her need once more. He rubbed a thumb over the stiff nipple and a gentle ripple of pleasure expanded through her torso. Just a tease before he reached for her panties. Her heartbeat tripled when he grasped the elastic and tugged, pulling the bit of silk and lace down her thighs, past her feet, finally tossing them aside.

  Now she was nude, bared to him fully in the light of day. As she watched him, his expression changed, hunger overtaking his features and she was sure that craving got the better of him.

  And it did. Drew gripped her hips and pushed his way between her spread legs, his mouth coming to her pussy as if he were starving for her. Nothing would sate his hunger but her wet pussy. He lapped at her sex lips, tongue licking the length of her slit, and she dropped her head back, unable to remain even marginally upright. With his next lingering lick, he slipped past the seam of her core, tongue flicking and tapping her clit.

  Chloe pushed her hips up into his attentions, following each bit of pleasure he gave her with each caress. He drank from her, taking pleasure in the bliss he gave her. Each stroke caused the tension inside her to swell, each bit of ecstasy joining together to form a massive ball of delirious sensation. It gathered in her low abdomen, increasing in size with his every movement, with her every breath.

  Drew teased and pushed her, urging her on and on, the strokes of his tongue on her clit relentless unt
il… Until she found herself reaching toward that precarious brink. He shoved her toward that edge, bringing her to the pinnacle, and she forced herself to push the sensations away. She reached down and fisted Drew’s hair, tugging and pushing him away from her throbbing pussy.


  He growled low, his gaze flicking up to meet hers. She found a wolf’s eyes meeting her stare and that fact merely added to the delirious pleasure threatening to overtake her.

  “Wait,” she whispered softly.

  He eased his head back, his lips and chin glistening with her honey.

  “I don’t want to come until you’re inside me,” she breathed.

  Would he give in to her request? Or would he—

  Drew didn’t give her long to wonder. He jumped from the bed as if it were aflame and stripped his pants and boxers from his body. His cock sprang free—stiff and proud—and her face heated with the rush of her sudden blush. He stared down at her—aroused, needing, craving—and she felt beautiful beneath his intent stare. Once again she was struck with awe, utterly floored that this glorious male was hers—would be hers—for eternity.

  “You sure, sweetheart?” he murmured. Standing there naked and wanting, he still gave her the opportunity to change her mind. Instinct drove him to claim her, yet he gave her a choice.

  When it wasn’t a choice to her at all. There was only one way forward and that was with Drew as her mate.

  “Claim me.” Chloe opened her arms to him, legs still spread as he’d left her.

  He moved without hesitation, his massive body coming to rest on the mattress. He knelt between her thighs, her legs lifting in preparation to wrap around his trim waist.

  “You’ll be mine.” His eyes flared amber. “No one else’s. Only mine.”

  “Yours,” she readily agreed, only too happy to be claimed by the fierce wolf.


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