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Movies, Moonlight and Magic

Page 1

by January Bain

  Table of Contents

  Books by January Bain

  Title Page

  Legal Page

  Book Description


  Trademark Acknowledgements

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four


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  About the Author

  Totally Bound Publishing books by January Bain

  Brass Ring Sorority

  Winning Casey

  Chasing Lacey

  Romancing Rebecca

  TETRAD Group

  Racing Peril

  Racing the Tide

  Manitoba Tea & Tarot Mysteries

  Magic, Mayhem & Murder

  Manitoba Tea & Tarot Mysteries



  Movies, Moonlight & Magic

  ISBN # 978-1-78651-820-0

  ©Copyright January Bain 2019

  Cover Art by Erin Dameron-Hill ©Copyright September 2019

  Interior text design by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

  Totally Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2019 by Totally Bound Publishing, United Kingdom.

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  Book two in the Manitoba Tea & Tarot Mysteries series

  Charm McCall can solve a small-town murder, but can she figure out how to stop a man-stealing interloper?

  A movie production company has come to town…and so has an old family friend of the town’s sexy new Mountie, Ace Collins. His “old pal” turns out to be a scheming long-legged blonde who throws Charm right off her game. Even Auntie T.J. playing the bagpipes down Main Street to drive the trespasser away doesn’t work.

  Between catering for the world’s hungriest film crew, trying to solve the murder of the unit accountant who hired her and dealing with her new magical gifts, Charm’s a tad busy. But too bad, because she’s soon facing off against a bigger threat when more people become ill with suspected poisoning—and her own sister’s in the crosshairs. Charm’s left wondering if even Agatha Christie could have seen this one coming.

  But with so much working against them—including the whole town being dead set against them consummating their relationship—do Charm and Ace stand a chance?


  It takes a huge team of support players to write a book. A brilliant editor, a fabulous publishing house, helpful friends and family, but most of all it comes down to the reader. This book is dedicated to all my fellow cozy lovers out there.

  And as always, thank you to my darling husband, Don, for your undying love and belief. Right back at you, handsome!

  Trademark Acknowledgements

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Academy Awards: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

  An Officer and a Gentleman: Paramount Pictures Corporation

  Buick: General Motors Company

  Corner Gas: 335 Productions, Vérité Films, CTV Originals, Bell Globemedia

  Deadwood: Paramount Television

  E-squared: Pam Grout

  Ford: Ford Motor Company

  Gilded Tarot: Ciro Marchetti, Barbara Moore

  GoodFellas: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

  Grammys: The Recording Company

  Guinness World Records: Jim Pattison Group

  How the Grinch Stole Christmas! Dr. Seuss

  Inferno: Dante Alighieri

  iPhone: Apple, Inc

  Jeep: FCA US LLC

  Mazda: Mazda Motor Corporation

  Miss Marple: Agatha Christie

  Murder on the Orient Express: Agatha Christie

  Oklahoma: Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein II

  Pet Sematary: Stephen King

  Photoshop: Adobe, Inc

  Pod people: United Artists Corporation

  Real Magic: Dean Radin

  Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups: The Hershey Company

  Restylane: Q-Med

  Snow White and the Seven Dwarves: The Walt Disney Company

  Sparkling Cyanide: Agatha Christie

  Stetson: The John B. Stetson Company

  Superman: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

  The Exorcist: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

  The Monkey’s Paw: W. W. Jacobs

  The Princess Bride: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

  The Silence of the Lambs: Orion Releasing, LLC

  The Stepford Wives: Ira Levin

  The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: Robert Louis Stevenson

  The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: L. Frank Baum

  Top Gun: Paramount Pictures Corporation

  YouTube, LLC: Alphabet Inc.

  Chapter One

  “I’ve got it, Charm!” Star flew into the Tea & Tarot café, the ever-present star-pendant swinging wildly about her neck and a piece of paper clutched in her hand. The angel chimes holding court over the doorway accompanied her arrival, singing with enough enthusiasm to awaken the dead. Before I could move, she pulled me into a crushing hug, doing a spectacular impression of one of the black bears that our part of the world is renowned for.

  “Slow down, sis. What’s going on?” I pulled away to pick up the faded tea towel I’d dropped in the brouhaha.

  “I got the part! You know, the movie? Witches and Wolves! Get with the program, sis. See? I got confirmation right here.” She waved the crumpled piece of paper about as if it was a stock certificate. Maybe it was, for her. I had absolutely no interest in being in a movie, now or ever.

bsp; “What kind of part? Witch or wolf?” Tulip asked, shutting the lid of her laptop for once and joining us in the huddle. She and Star were gorgeous. Both blessed with blonde hair and tan-able skin while I looked like Snow White, only lacking the seven dwarfs, summer or winter. Go figure, and us triplets.

  “Duh! Witch, of course. And it’s a period piece, too, so we get to wear awesome costumes.” Star gave a faux-waltz step, obviously in love with the idea. As the town’s resident country and western singer and songwriter to boot, she was into looking good. Sometimes a bit too into it—she attracted more than her fair share of jealous stabs.

  “What’s it about?” I asked, squinting through the window at a couple who had just appeared walking down the street. They were looking rather chummy, if body language didn’t lie. Is that Constable Ace Collins? With a female? I slipped on a pair of polar ray sunglasses to sharpen the image.

  “A company coming to town to develop a tourist mecca by selling the outside world on the natural hot springs in the area having magical properties.”

  Hot springs laced with minerals we had for some weird reason, even though Snowy Lake perched on the Canadian Shield. Add in Skull Cave for the wolf clans, and the choice of location was now making a whole lot of sense. I shuddered. Caves gave me the willies. A nightmare left over from childhood.

  But the sheriff—as I liked to call the constable—and an unknown female? Who was she? Tall and slender with her golden-brown hair tied up in a ponytail, she had the best tan. She also made it easy for the males of the species to appreciate those long, bronzed legs, in her short shorts. Maybe it was time to try the spray tan special that Susie was offering at the Clip Joint this month? My blue-white legs could use some help. Desperately.

  Star, of course, kept droning on while I sidestepped to the front picture window for the best surveillance. “And it’s the werewolves’ territorial land, while the witches are upset they’ll be exposed, so they have to build an alliance to fight the conglomerate. But not everyone’s ready for a truce and all kinds of problems develop. It even features the use of arsenic by a suspected serial killer. They’ve got a poison expert on the set too, the daughter of the actress with the lead role—you know, Mimi Blake. Her daughter knows all about its uses. I forget her name. Oh, they need more billets for some of the extras. Can you think of people who might help with that?”

  The pair vanished into Snowy Lake Hardware, with Ace holding the door open with a flourish for Miss Perfect Tan. They shared some comment that made her smile, and possibly giggle—I was too far away to be certain. The hackles on my neck prickled. A light fixture blew out over the first booth in a cascade of exploding sparks. I sighed. Now I’d have to scout the street to find the ladder to change the bulb. Seemed someone was always borrowing the handy-dandy climbing device.

  “Sorry, what did you say about a serial killer and arsenic?” I focused on the part of Star’s intel that intrigued me.

  “Aren’t you listening to me? I said a serial killer uses arsenic to kill off characters. Where’s your mind this morning?”

  Star interrupted her spiel to make a spinning twirl, her usual performance piece when she was over-the-moon excited. The phone rang and I hurried to answer it, hoping it was who I thought it was. Yes.

  “Auntie T.J. What’s the scoop?” I normally had the common sense not to ask, but today was different. I needed intel.

  Her voice came over the house phone, all wheezy and breathy. Land lines were the only reliable mode of communication in Snowy Lake, where cell phones were a crap shoot. “Jennifer Morgan. She’s a geologist with Altima Explorations. A graduate student from the University of Manitoba. Good grades, though not brilliant. She’s here with a small team looking for precious minerals. Mark my word, a big gold strike is imminent. She lives close to his parents’ duplex in Winnipeg—did you know they live side by side? Families are old friends. I’m waiting on more information that I should have shortly. I think her father and Ace’s mother both work at that virology lab in Winnipeg. Will have verification soon.” With that my aunt stopped to take a breath.

  I kept a sharp lookout across the street. Fortunately, the telephone rested on the counter near the entrance where we sold all sorts of cookies and bakery goods alongside my favorite magical items, including the new Gilded Tarot by Ciro with its black and gold borders framing lyrical illustrations that whispered to me whenever I ventured nearby. The location was perfect, offering up a proper surveillance position. A stranger came into focus, drawing my full attention—he was so stiff-looking with his pressed beige chino pants, white shirt and black tie and an old-fashioned pocket protector lining up a series of identical pens. He was coming right towards the Tea & Tarot with a determined look on his pasty-white face. His short ginger hair was pressed into service with one section at the crown that wouldn’t commit to the status quo sticking up with military defiance.

  “I gotta go. Call me later when you know more.”

  “Roger that. Over and out.”

  I slipped off the sunglasses just as the angels tinkled a discordant note, announcing the visitor. He gave a harried look around, as though he had no idea how to go about what he needed, but needed it done—and done yesterday.

  “Can I help you?” I got to him first. Easy enough, when no one else looked remotely interested.

  “Yes, I’m here to check on catering. Do you do that?”

  “Catering? Sometimes. What for?”

  “I’m with Blue Vest Studios, the company producing the movie Witches and Wolves, and we need reliable catering six days a week at the movie set. You know, sandwiches, soups, salads, vegetable trays, desserts, that kind of thing. And especially anything chocolate. Can you do that?” He hurried his words, looking about with eyes that shifted so much I was concerned for his well-being.

  “Well, possibly. And we specialize in chocolate, so you’re in luck. You must try our death-by-chocolate slice. It’s worth dying for with its hooey-gooey center of chocolate ganache and liquid caramel.” I caught the gleam in his eye at my description. While I relished the idea of a catering job, I knew most of it would fall to Tulip and me as Star had a role and, no doubt, she’d play that up. Add her bi-weekly singing at the Boots & Lace Tavern and she’d work both excuses for the foreseeable future.

  “Would you like to try a sample?” I asked.

  “Yes, definitely.” The gleam in his eye was blinding now.

  I laid a square of the slice on a small plate, added a fork and handed it to him.

  He demolished it in two spectacular bites.

  “You do love chocolate.” I smiled at his satiated expression. Illicit drugs couldn’t have given him more of a sense of being in Blissville. “How many people are we talking about?”

  “About a hundred and fifty.”

  “A hundred and fifty meals a day?” My horror must have shown on my face, because he twitched and his eyes spun around like cartwheels.

  “Yes, but just simple meals. Nothing fancy. And we’d pay ten dollars a head. One meal will suffice, delivered around noon. Send enough and we can eat off the buffet for the rest of the day. We have refrigerators in most of the trailers. What do you say?”

  Hmm. Ten dollars a head times one hundred and fifty meals. Sweet. But I would need to hire an extra hand or two. No way could we manage all that on top of our usual workload. I made some swift calculations.

  “Make that eleven dollars a meal and we have a deal.”

  “Ten dollars and twenty-five cents. Then we have a deal. I’m Howard Smith, by the way, the resident accountant.”

  “Charm McCall. Ten-fifty. And I’ll even throw in our gluten-free dessert, Cake of a Thousand Faces.” The yummy cake was called by that quirky name because it could be dolled up any number of ways—its vanilla flavor went with just about everything else in existence. That, and we loved weird names that made people stand up and take notice. “A house speciality that substitutes almond meal for pastry flour. So, as long as the customer is not allergic to nu
ts, it works really well. Low-carb, high protein.”

  “Nice. Okay, that’ll work,” he agreed with a curt nod.

  I sucked up losing the extra fifty cents and nodded my acceptance. An accountant would be concerned about costs. I got that, being the one and only bookkeeper for our small business. Cutting costs was essential to survival. Still, it rankled. We’d do the town proud with our catering—I’d make sure of that—even if it ate into profits.

  He stuck out his hand for a shake and I was blessed with the dampest paw on the planet, accompanied by a zinger of an image. Howard cared about every penny because he was embezzling company funds, meaning there would be less to steal if I made a decent profit. Sometimes I wished Granny Toogood hadn’t banned swearing—I had a few apt descriptors for this weaselly dealer. I also hoped she was feeling better. The doctor had advised a few days of rest and that had me worried.

  Instead, I narrowed my eyes at him and he slid his hand from mine. Yuck. I dried my palm by rubbing it discreetly down the side of my jeans, half hidden by my Tea & Tarot apron.

  “Can you start tomorrow?” he asked, his desperation leaking through, making his face shiny with sweat. Probably because the only other quote he most likely got today far exceeded ours. Guaranteed. The Husky Service on the highway did some catering, but they didn’t come cheap. And their bakery goods came out of pre-frozen tubs and boxes. We prided ourselves on everything fresh baked, from scratch—my fingernails were reduced to rubble from constant work. Proof positive.

  “Tomorrow! So soon?” All the nerves in my body slammed into high gear. There was so much to do to prepare for such a large undertaking. Could it even be done that quickly?

  “We’d really appreciate it. Might even find you a bit part in the movie.” It wasn’t the incentive he expected—I just shook my head, giving his start date some thought. Sometimes it was best to jump into things, otherwise I’d never do it. I just prayed I could pull it off and do my family and our town proud.


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