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Page 2

by McKayla Schutt

  “Real thing is so much fucking better.” His strong hands wrapped around her tits and gently squeezed. “These are so fucking perfect.”

  Celina moved into a steady rhythm up and down his shaft while his thumbs played with her nipples and massaged the rest of her breasts. All her senses were heightened and tuned into Pico. His woodsy masculine scent filled her lungs. His heart beat under her palms and his gasps of breath filled her ears.

  Never before had she been so connected with another being, it scared the hell out of her. Instead of over thinking like she normally did, she let go and took her pleasure from Pico. With each thrust, the friction grew more intense. Pico’s hands moved to her hips and helped her move faster. His breath came out in short pants. Her body reached the edge.

  “Look at me,” Pico growled low. She did what he asked. Their gazes met as she reached her orgasm. Keeping her eyes open was the hardest part, yet it intensified the pleasure running under her skin. Holy shit, that’s amazing.

  The most amazing sex she’d ever had was with a man she barely knew but she wanted to. The only facts she was certain about were that he was a wolf, and they were now mates.



  His eyes stared at the white wall as the memory/dream of Celina replayed over in his head while he had slept. Not a day passed that he didn’t miss his little mate and daughter. His wolf howled with anger at how long it had been since he’d seen both of them. On Alia’s birthday, Celina had taken her into the city and he had sat across the street watching his little girl celebrate with her aunt and mother. The glimpses had been enough to keep his wolf at bay but the longer they were separated, the more restless he grew.

  He had tried once a year to gather the nerve to go see them but Celina’s words would come back to him. Pico wouldn’t admit that he knew the words were lies but he wasn’t going to force Celina to leave her coven. Even after all this time, Alia had never shifted and Pico wondered if the wolf was waiting in the background, but he didn’t see any evidence of that. Her scent was purely witch.

  His phone buzzed and Pico pulled it out to see his alpha’s photo.

  “Hello.” Pico rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of pants over his boxers.

  “I need you at the house, now,” Ian growled.

  “What’s going on?” Pico grabbed a shirt and made sure it was clean.

  “I have a favor to ask or you can think of it as a fucked-up challenge.”

  “On my way.” Pico needed the distraction from thinking about his mate. The memories of her spread wide open for him haunted his dreams and sometimes even invaded his waking hours.

  Pico pulled on a shirt and walked out to his truck. The scratch on the back of his pickup reminded him of Celina. They had gone into the woods to spend time away from the coven and her judgmental sister.

  “I can move the rock, hold on.” Celina hissed as she put her hands in front of her and closed her eyes. The large boulder shuddered and a chunk broke off, flying right into the pickup.

  “Shit,” Pico hissed as Celina started giggling and he joined her in the fit of laughter.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll pay to get it fixed.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Pico pulled her in for a kiss and she relaxed into his embrace.

  Pico sighed and climbed into the truck while the memory turned more erotic, making his cock stir in his jeans. Damn it. He turned up the music and tried to sing along to distract himself on the way to Ian’s house. Even with the singing, his cock pressed against his jeans, wanting to be free.

  Ian met him outside and his features contorted in anger.

  “Rumors reached me this morning that the North is planning an attack. The bastard alpha wants our land too.” Ian roared out and kicked the front tire. It groaned but stayed in place.

  “What do you need from me?”

  “I need you to sneak in and see if you can get more solid evidence they are planning an attack. Maybe see if we can get someone on our side.” Ian rubbed his hands over his face. “It’s fucking dangerous but I don’t know anyone else strong enough.

  “I’ve got your back, Ian. They won’t get our territory.” Pico looked north and wondered what Bev was thinking trying to challenge Ian for the land. Bev had most of the smaller towns around him under his fucking thumb. Each alpha had mysteriously bowed down to give him their pack.

  Pico turned toward Ian. The lines under the alpha’s eyes were deeper than normal.

  “You would think five packs rolled into one would be enough for him.” Ian shook his head.

  “I thought there were three additional towns.” Pico glanced north.

  “There’s a small pack in the desert, they still reside in some camp of trailers and get a visit once a month from Bev to make sure they are still loyal to him.” Ian rolled his shoulders. “He fucking uses them to patrol since they like their wolf forms more than their human sides.”

  “I’ll keep an eye out for them when I go patrol.”

  “Watch your back. I’m not sure if the rumors are a damn trap. I already have issues with the damn Lancaster Pack, I don’t need any more issues.”

  “What does Patty want now?” Pico was about to climb into his truck when he remembered the older alpha female, Patty. She was so head strong, that when her mate died, she took over the role of alpha until her son was old enough.

  “Reggie, the oldest, wants to take over but he has a sadistic streak so Patty wants Tom to take over. With the damn power struggle between the two boys, Patty wants my support backing Tom.”

  “Tom seems like the more logical choice but he still has another year maybe two before he can be alpha.”

  “That’s the other problem, their fucking pack is taking sides, fucking dividing the pack,” Ian growled and looked south. “If I back Tom and Reggie takes over he will see it as a fucking sign of betrayal and if I back Reggie and he gets power, we will still be in trouble.”

  “Well, I’ll leave those problems to you and go check on the border.” Pico patted Ian on the shoulder. The alpha problems never ended and Pico helped when he could but this time he couldn’t do anything.

  “Yeah. Some days I envy you.” Ian shoved his hand through his spiked hair. There were grooves from him doing this often.

  “How is that?” Pico didn’t envy his buddy but didn’t expect him to envy Pico.

  “You have a mate.” Ian pointed to him.

  “Yeah, but my mate isn’t here. Part of me would rather be single so I can end the pain of missing her.” Pico rubbed his chest absentmindedly.

  “You’re probably right but being single fucking sucks. At least you know where she is, I’m still stuck with the unknown of where my mate is.” Ian turned and walked into his house. Pico climbed back into his truck, he liked the distraction of the border patrol and wondering what the Lancaster pack problems might come to.

  He pulled the truck over to the side and turned it off. The road was mostly clear with a few cars zooming by. He looked around wondering if another wolf would come for him if he crossed the border.



  Celina looked around when she pulled up to the alpha’s house. She didn’t know where to start but this seemed like the best place.

  “Who are you?” An older man walked out toward Celina. His eyes reminded Celina of Pico and she prayed to the goddess they were related.

  “I’m Celina. I’m looking for Pico.” She swallowed hard trying to keep her composure.

  “Celina, looks like you might be a little late to the party.” He stood taller than Pico at least from what Celina could remember.

  “What do you mean?” Celina didn’t like how the man was scratching his head.

  “Well, you see, with you being gone and all, Pico’s been a little depressed. The alpha just sent him on a dangerous mission up north to the nomad packs.”

  “Why would he do that?” Celina looked around the area and tried to keep her breathing calm.

bsp; “He can’t keep living without you my dear.” He scratched his head with a shrug.

  “I’m guessing you’re his dad?” Celina pulled at her blonde hair. This wasn’t the way she wanted to meet her father-in-law.

  “Ricky. Kimberly is inside with Ian, the alpha. But, my dear, I think if you go after him it would be better.”

  “Thanks, Ricky. Can you tell me which way to go?” Celina didn’t drive all this way to lose Pico now. She needed to find him before he did anything stupid.

  “Honey, did you just say,’ Celina’?” A woman walked out, Celina recognized the same shade of hair as Pico’s.

  “Celina, this is Pico’s mother, Kimberly.” Ricky motioned for Celina to move closer. Before she even had a chance to open her mouth Kimberly wrapped her arms around Celina in a tight hug. It had been a long time since she had been hugged so tightly.

  “I knew you would come to find my Pico.” Kimberly kissed her head.

  “I can’t live with myself anymore.”

  “Where is my beautiful grandbaby?” Kimberly moved back to look into Celina’s eyes.

  “She is with my sister. I didn’t know how long it would take to find Pico. I didn’t want to take her from her studies too long.” Celina pushed back some of her hair.

  “Well, once you and Pico reunite you two can go get her.” Kimberly kissed her head and finally let go of Celina.

  “Ricky, where is Pico?” Celina asked. She wanted to get to him soon.

  “Pico is on official werewolf business.” A man around the same age as Pico walked out, the power radiated off the guy. Alpha, shit!

  “I’m his mate. I need to see him right now.” Celina gulped when his eyes narrowed in on her.

  “And how can I be sure you are Celina and not some witch trying to play tricks?” His eyebrow raised.

  “I guess you would just have to trust me.” Celina wouldn’t back down to the alpha. She may not be a werewolf with strength like crazy but she had her powers to protect her ass.

  “I don’t trust easily.” Ian scratched his jaw line. His wide body was slightly intimidating but she didn’t want to cower before him.

  “Ian, I know. I have a photo of Alia. Can you pull up one from your phone so we can compare? That should be proof enough.” Kimberly pulled out a folded photo. Alia smiled in the photo, it was taken from a distance and Celina recognized the place she’d taken Alia for her last birthday.

  “Yeah, I have tons of photos of her.” Celina grabbed her phone and pulled up a closer shot of Alia and Celina together taken the same night. She handed her phone to Kimberly, who smiled.

  “She will be breaking hearts just like her mother.” Kimberly handed over both items to the alpha who looked at them. He glanced up at Celina and then back at her phone. He handed them back to Kimberly with a nod.

  “Fine. But you can wait for him at his home. Ricky, you can lead her over there.” With that, the alpha walked back inside. Kimberly winked when she gave back the phone.

  Celina climbed into her car and followed her in-laws. Once they reached a small home, Ricky stopped. He climbed out of the truck and walked up to Celina’s car.

  “You need to go find him.” Ricky gave quick directions then drove off, leaving Celina alone.

  “I can do this.” Celina shoved her car into drive and hauled ass toward the pack border.



  Celina struggled to make her body move from her car. When she caught sight of Pico’s truck, she slammed onto her breaks and moved over to the side of the road. She had scanned around the truck and didn’t find Pico.

  “Hellfire.” She hissed and looked around. A small tail lead north and she ran after it. A large stone came out of nowhere, making her unintentionally scream.

  “Celina?” Pico’s voice filled her head and she looked up to find Pico running toward her. She stood and he stopped an inch away from her. His hot breath tickled her skin, making her knees weak.

  “I’m here, Pico,” Celina whispered. Before she could sort her thoughts, his lips crushed hers in a dominating kiss. Her thighs grew tight and her pussy pulsed with need for her mate.

  “What are you doing here?” Pico asked after he broke their kiss.

  “I’m here for you, Pico.”

  Pico turned around to scan the area. “This isn’t the best place to be.”

  “I know, but you need back up in this territory. Your mom and dad said you wanted to die.” She rubbed his face, feeling the light prickle of his beard growing out.

  “I need you to be truly here, Celina.”

  “I’m here and I can prove it.” Celina moved over to touch his strong arms. He was a bit older but still sexy as hell. Everything in her body screamed to have him and an idea sparked inside her head. She dropped down to her knees and looked up at him.

  “So, you’re...what are you doing?” Pico groaned as her fingers unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. Celina’s mouth watered at the sight of him rock hard.

  “I can’t wait to taste you.” Celina wrapped her lips around his tip making him groan.

  “Fuck, Celina.” Pico’s hands moved into her hair and she pulled more of him into her mouth. A small bead of pre-cum touched her tongue and she moaned around his cock. She sucked hard, making another moan leave his lips. Before she could get more of him in her mouth, Pico pulled her off his cock with a quick pop. She looked up at him through her eyelashes.

  “Damn it, woman. This is dangerous.”

  “I like to be a little dangerous.” Celina snapped her fingers and created a pile of clothes on the sand. Oh, I missed his body. My dreams haven’t done him justice.

  “Still fucking beautiful.” Pico grabbed her and placed her on the clothes. His tip pressed against her folds. “I’ll be slow next time.”

  In one swift thrust, he entered her sex, making her whole body bow up. Pleasure rushed through her. She missed this sensation so fucking much. He stilled inside of her so she could adjust to his swollen cock.

  “Oh, I missed you,” Celina whispered into his ear. He groaned just before slowly moving out then slamming back into her then repeating the movements. Each punishing stroke brought her closer to her next orgasm.

  He didn’t keep it that way for long, instead he adopted a fast thrust into her tight pussy. She needed her next release like she needed to breathe. His teeth raked across her shoulder, sending a shiver down her body. Her whole body tensed and then her orgasm rippled under her skin.

  Pico growled low into her ear as his cock swelled a bit when he reached his own release inside her. He leaned down and kissed the crook of her neck. Celina loved being so connected to Pico. This is what she needed.

  Slowly, their breathing returned to normal and she sighed with relief but Pico stiffened over her body.

  “What’s wrong?” Celina glanced around before turning to face him.

  “I’m pretty sure you were in heat and it’s about to end.” Pico’s words were tight.

  “Are you sure?” Celina remembered her first ever heat with Pico, twenty-four long hours of torture.

  “Not a hundred percent certain but it’s a fucking strong possibility.” He sniffed her neck and sighed.

  “Well, the sex was amazing.” Celina relaxed in his embrace.

  “Where is Alia?” Pico asked, but before Celina had a chance to explain anything, his head snapped up and looked north.

  “Get us dressed. Now,” he whispered quickly. Celina didn’t hesitate and snapped her fingers twice.

  “Who is it?” Celina asked as a wolf came into view.



  Pico tuned to Celina. “I can’t shift unless we’re in danger so be on alert.” He kissed her quickly and turned to see the wolf shift.

  “Who are you?” A naked woman stood behind a boulder, only her bottom half covered. Pico pulled Celina into a standing position.

  “Pico and Celina. We are here to talk.” Pico still had his hand around hers, his
mind racing to keep up with the change in events. His little mate stood next to him and yet he couldn’t believe it.

  “She isn’t a wolf. Only wolves allowed in camp.” She shook her blonde hair.

  “She is my mate, she comes with me.” Pico stood his ground. There was no way he would leave Celina just after finding her.

  “Why does she smell so strange?” The woman tilted her head to the side.

  “When was the last time you caught a human scent?” Pico redirected her attention to him.

  “It’s been a while.” The woman shrugged. “Fine. Follow me but stay in your human form.” The woman jumped into her wolf body, a light blonde coat of fur. Celina took his arm and they followed the wolf. There was no way he would have told the wolf Celina was a witch. The nomad wolves didn’t take to kindly to anyone who wasn’t a wolf, and anything more supernatural was a downright threat.

  “What exactly is your plan here?” Celina hissed toward him.

  “We’ll try to see if the little pack will side with us or at least explain why their alpha gave up to Bev.”

  “Do you really think they are just going to give out that information?” Celina looked over at him but he didn’t meet his gaze.

  “They need to or we might be in big trouble.” Pico puffed out his chest a bit to show strength. His wolf bristled at the threat to his mate, he was ready to pounce when the time came but his human side hoped he wouldn’t need to shift.

  The woman led them to more than a dozen campers, both old and newer. Some were even connected with wood and other material to create a makeshift house. She shifted and walked in with a short whistle. Celina stopped walking and Pico looked over at her.

  “What?” Pico asked.

  “I sense another witch here.” Celina hissed. “If I can sense her, then she can sense me.”

  Pico’s stomach hardened with the information. “I will protect you, Celina. We will see our daughter soon.” The words were for both of them, not just to comfort her.


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