Terra Nova

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by Dieter Duhm

  Fascism is the result of collective sexual and emotional suppression, as well as the result of a collective disenfranchisement. As Wilhelm Reich observed, the German people exploded into fascism under Hitler because they had been prohibited from expressing elementary sexual and emotional energies over centuries.10 Looking from this perspective we realize how imperative it is that we liberate our sexual and emotional relations from all falsehood and meanness if we want to create a future without violence. In Tamera we have a research practice that we call “trauma work” or “the dissolution of inner minefields.” We do this from the conviction that we need to concentrate our positive powers so that inner conflicts can no longer lead to fascist thoughts or actions. Once a community has established stable positive energy, nothing terrible can happen if two parties within it find themselves in conflict. These are powers of trust. If this process is omitted, a community will fall apart. With every failed community, a dream dies; the people involved are left bewildered and are disappointed yet again. The time we live in is full of such negative experiences. Over the last decades thousands of communities around the world have fallen apart, which is why barely anyone still wants or is able to believe in the dream of community or in the success of love.

  Yet new groups, determined to cooperate with life and never again with the forces of death, are sprouting up everywhere. Creating a common basis and a goal for these groups is what the global Healing Biotopes project is all about. We are creating a morphogenetic field of peace.

  Individual behavior is governed by the power of fields. Fields have more influence than private opinion. It is impossible for an individual to prevail against a forceful field. Fascism drew upon the power of the field of war, which is why it could gain such great sway over individual opinions. The peace movement has to learn to leverage the power of fields in a similar way. An individual, no matter how brave he is, will fail due to the power of the current field of war. In the case of the Ukraine, we have seen how the field of public opinion blocked every attempt to create peace. This field was driven by political and economic interests of power from the West, which shaped the general opinion in the western world and moved the rulers in Kiev to send their army into east Ukraine. They could not think it through for themselves, because they were part of a field from the very beginning.

  I would now like to offer some thoughts about the significance of morphogenetic fields. We need to know this in order to understand what happened during the era of German fascism, why it could happen, and how we can prevent it from happening again.

  What enabled the rise of Adolf Hitler? What powers brought almost the entire world to lie at his feet? The key to Hitler’s success is rooted in the historically developed morphogenetic field of war. The German population had been living in a latent field of war. The whole world had been under the demonic possession of this field. Hitler and his propaganda minister Goebbels were extremely successful in activating this morphogenetic field and in so doing moved all of Germany into a highly charged atmosphere of war. Individuals who wanted to counter this development with the Christ impulse (see Glossary), like the Protestant theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, had no chance; they were assassinated.11 In order to effectively confront fascism, new fields need to be cultivated. The morphogenetic field of war must be replaced by a morphogenetic field of peace. These two fields will not automatically be of equal strength. The morphogenetic field of war already exists; human hearts and brains have been steeped in it for many thousands of years. The morphogenetic field of peace does not yet exist; it still needs to be established. It is the task of the new centers and their media to establish and disseminate the morphogenetic field for peace. They thereby introduce a new culture. Once it is sufficiently developed it will be in strong resonance with the power of the Sacred Matrix, and will therefore be capable of overcoming the old field of war. The morphogenetic field of peace is comprised of more than the moralistic stance of individuals; it encompasses our relationship to nature and all fellow beings; it contains a new embedment of human society into the life of the universe. Peace among human beings, peace with all creatures, peace with the Earth.

  The Foundation of the Project

  After all the political, therapeutic, and spiritual stages we went through, we have returned to a basic source of humanity. Original human values such as truth, trust, love, and community are what triumphs over war and ensure survival. It is up to us to develop new ways of living that work according to these values: forms of coexistence that no longer force us to lie; communities where deceit and betrayal have no evolutionary advantage anymore; love relationships free of spite and hypocrisy. We set up “greenhouses of trust,” Healing Biotopes, to foster the trustful coexistence of people with all beings. Yes, we need this new direction of evolution wherein an age-old memory will reappear to us – the primal memory of life’s sacredness and the sacred alliance with all fellow inhabitants, both visible and invisible. In the 1970s our urge for this grew so strong that we needed to start.

  In Germany, in the spring of 1978, with Sabine Lichtenfels, Rainer Ehrenpreis, and five other friends, I founded a research group with the question of global healing. This gave rise to a community and later to founding Tamera in southern Portugal in 1995, where the project is now based. Tamera is a research station, where approximately 160 people are currently living and working with the intention of building a first model for Terra Nova.

  We have tried to find answers for the fundamental issues of human life – first to the social questions of sex, love, partnership, children, and community, and later increasingly for global problems concerning water, nutrition, and energy – in connection with our growing awareness of their interrelatedness. We have seen that the biological and technological prerequisites for a healthy human existence are linked with the psychological, sexual, ethical, and spiritual prerequisites.

  It is not easy to form an enduring community with people that did not know each other previously. We faced innumerable sexual, social, pedagogic, and ethical questions, which we did not yet have answers to. In the early days there were regular misunderstandings, not least because the founders themselves were unsure as to which way to guide. The project is growing and will long continue to grow because it corresponds to an objective necessity and because it established a social basis able to withstand difficult conflicts. We are looking forward to every new person that wants to collaborate with Tamera and in the global network.


  1. Pope Francis, “Evangelii Gaudium: Apostolic Exhortation on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World (November 24, 2013),” vatican.va, Point 59, last accessed July 19, 2015. Back to reading

  2. Id., Point 53. Back to reading

  3. Naomi Klein, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2014). Back to reading

  4. Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man (New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1959). Back to reading

  5. Master Eckhart, Das Buch Der Göttlichen Tröstung (Frankfurt: Insel Verlag, 1987). Back to reading

  6. Jacques Lusseyran, And There Was Light (Boston: Little, Brown, 1963). Back to reading

  7. Kireet Joshi, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: Glimpses of Their Experiments, Experiences, and Realizations. (New Delhi: Mother's Institute of Research in Association with Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1989). Back to reading

  8. Eike Braunroth, Heute Schon Eine Schnecke Geküsst? Grundlagenwerk Der Kooperation Mit Der Natur (Frankeneck: Wega, 2002). Back to reading

  9. Alice Miller, For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-rearing and the Roots of Violence (New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1983). Back to reading

  10. Wilhelm Reich, The Mass Psychology of Fascism (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1970). Back to reading

  11. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Ethics. (New York: Macmillan, 1955). Back to reading



  Chapter 6: What Will Happen After the Collapse of the Globalized

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  A Network of New Centers

  The patriarchal era began with the building of the Egyptian pyramids. With this an historic course was set in the evolution of consciousness. That which was originally recognized as eternal and sacred was distorted into an impulsive power. The pyramids, built to receive and concentrate cosmic powers, became a symbol and instrument of Earthly domination. Five thousand years have since past. This period has been characterized by the field of male, imperialist power and by the elimination of the feminine sources of life. Latest with the triumph of Rome two thousand years ago, the essential psychological features of the current era were instituted. The nineteenth and twentieth centuries were shaped by the law of capital, which quickly spread across the entire planet. This is a classic example of the effect of morphogenetic fields, unfortunately taking a catastrophic direction. All areas of life – production, energy, water, nutrition, art, morality, love, sports, et cetera – became subject to the laws of capital and humanity followed that law. Today a painting, however banal it might be, is considered to be artistically valuable when it is auctioned for ten million dollars. A business is deemed to be successful if it yields enough profit, regardless of how it is achieved. Florist companies become successful by creating flower plantations in Africa, the irrigation of which deprives native people of their groundwater. The entire planet suffered, and still suffers, from international barbarism for which nobody any longer wants to or can assume responsibility. Whoever wants to keep up must consent to the rules of this barbaric game. We are currently experiencing strange happenings in international politics; these are signs of the general decline toward dilapidation and lack of orientation. The system seems no longer capable to stand its ground. What will come next?

  Put very succinctly: the old mega-systems will be replaced by decentralized, small-scale, largely self-sufficient systems, which supply humanity with the basic material necessities (water, energy, food) as well as culture, spirituality, and Eros. This movement will lead to a gradual dissolution of nation states. They will be superseded by planetary citizenship. A person’s home will no longer be determined by the place of his origin, but by his position and collaboration in a grander plan. New international groups will form on all continents for the creation of Terra Nova. Young people will find the place where they can best exercise their strengths in service. The new communities will be organically interconnected through technological, political, and spiritual communication systems; together they will form the basic structure of a new global society. The upcoming era will emerge from a network of such autonomous centers; it is their task to build a morphogenetic field for the foundation of a new culture. To enable this they will collaborate within a network of global communication and information, sharing their new experiences with all who participate in them. This is how the new morphogenetic field arises as an historic process of ever-condensing information. It is the information of Terra Nova.

  The new planetary community will spread rapidly as soon as the first functioning models exist. The creation of Healing Biotopes, model universities, regional cultural centers, new functioning model villages with Water Retention Landscapes (see Glossary), ecological neighborhoods, futuristic desert cities, global communication systems, and networks of new kinds – it is probable that these are the things we will already see around the world within the next two or three decades. The world is pregnant with the great plan of Terra Nova. As soon as this plan is recalled and implemented somewhere, a planetary impulse for its manifestation ensues. All over the world – from the Anastasia group in Russia, to the human rights groups in Europe, to the peace villages in Colombia – new centers that are aware of their interconnectedness in the birthing of the new Earth will come into being.

  If this model prevails, thousands of such new living cells will evolve worldwide, for almost any terrain can be turned into fertile soil and provide humankind with sufficient nourishment. The information that humanity and nature are completely curable will sweep over the Earth with great force and ignite new sparks in human consciousness. When the dispersed elements of the great family of life are reunited, when the aforementioned groups around the world have established their networks, when love can once again enter the hearts of young revolutionaries, then the global chain reaction will be unstoppable.

  The imperialistic epoch has lasted for five thousand years. Now it is breaking apart because it does not correspond with the fundamental order of life and the Earth. The more humanity accepts the fundamental order, the further our trauma will be overcome – a trauma which planted a vile historic dead-end into the heart of the human race. Profound metanoia (see Glossary) will occur worldwide offering orientation toward the goal of the current global transformation. It is the conversion of the human being, an anthropological revolution.

  Terra Nova: An Alternative to the Colonization of Mars

  NASA, along with some private institutes, is engaged in an enormous research project concerning the colonization of Mars. This is no joke. Scientists foresee that Earth could soon become uninhabitable and are seeking new possibilities for human habitation. They are thus seriously considering transforming the ice-cold planet Mars, fifty million kilometers from Earth, in such a way that humankind can live there. The utopian nature of plans such as these fascinates me, as they show what is possible today if one is technically capable. Yet these visionaries fail to see that they would simply export all of the inner social, mental, and spiritual structures that led to the devastation of Earth to another planet. How much power, how much intelligence and money is invested into this insane project! Would it not be more intelligent to put thought into new ways of living on our own planet, enabling a future that is worth living here on Earth? Would this really be more difficult than colonizing Mars? The possibilities for a humane habitation of Earth have by no means been exhausted. We are just beginning to discover them. New doors are opening in all areas of research. In science and technology, in sports, medicine, and pedagogy we are encountering revelations which only a few decades ago we would have dismissed as utter nonsense. In this context I appeal to the high-tech workers of Silicon Valley and to all visionaries of the digital world: dedicate your abilities to collaborating on the Terra Nova project. The digital world and the spiritual world are closely related; both are based on information. This is why it is possible to translate spiritual information systems, the information systems of the living world and human consciousness, into digital systems. So please, activate the information of peace and trust, digitalize the Christ code (see Glossary), find an information program for the noosphere in which the universal frequency of life (the Alpha frequency – see Glossary) is harmonized with the Christ code. Enter it into your information systems. It would be a fascinating research assignment to develop a digital pattern for the morphogenetic field of a new culture described in this book.

  The Terra Nova project entails the creation of a new concept for inhabiting planet Earth by harnessing all potential inherent in a synergetic cooperation between humans and the Earth. Mars is still largely undiscovered. Is the same not also true for the Earth – its sand, its water, its creatures, and its own life? How would humanity manage water when it follows the discoveries of Viktor Schauberger? This man discovered secrets that will revolutionize our water and energy management in the near future. The last era was characterized by the exploitation of the Earth and its beings; the new era will be characterized by cooperation with its powers and creatures. I mean this literally. Cooperation with all we have hitherto fought and disregarded as “pests.” Nothing was more surprising in our project’s research than the cooperation with rats. They left our houses once we had established a field of genuine friendliness in relation to them; and to a great extent they complied with our proposed rules. (Whoever is wondering how something like this could work, might look into the concept of devas.1) Rats are no less members of the great family of life, to which we ourselves belong. The m
ore we enter into this family, the more deeply we recognize the interdependence of all its beings. We will support and not destroy them. This is a paradigm of the new era: we will engage with all fellow creatures with solidarity and readiness to help.


  1. Dorothy Maclean, To Hear the Angels Sing: An Odyssey of Co-creation with the Devic Kingdom (Hudson, NY: Lindisfarne, 1994). Back to reading

  Chapter 7: The Inner Operator

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  Satprem, a student of Sri Aurobindo, tells a wonderful story about his own salvation. It shows how an assassination is prevented through the intervention of higher consciousness. One morning Satprem was at the edge of a canyon, the place he used to sit for his morning meditation. Suddenly three men who were assigned to kill him appeared. He did not react but observed the whole spectacle as if from the outside. Thereupon the hand that went to swing at him dropped and the assassins ran away. They were no longer capable of carrying out the murder.1 The impulses to violence were extinguished, as Satprem gave no resonance to them, reacting without fear or hatred. The “inner operator” had intervened and transformed the scene. Satprem stood there without the fear he would normally have had. Violence dissipates if we do not give resonance to it through fear or counter-violence, which is why the assassins’ murderous intentions suddenly receded. No longer able to carry out their assignment, they simply fled.


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