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Rule: The Finale (Black Hearts Still Beat Book 3)

Page 13

by L A Cotton

  They had stood up for me against Riley.

  They had declared their side.

  I only hoped it didn’t mean war.


  * * *

  “Oh Rafe, good,” Riley smiled, darting in front of me and cutting off my exit. “I was hoping to talk to you. Listen,” she tucked her hair behind her ear, flashing a sheepish smile at me. “I’m sorry about earlier, what happened with Alistair. I know how it looks—”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Excuse me?” Her smile fell.

  “Why are you here, trying to apologize for acting like a bitch to Eva, when it’s not me you need to apologize to?”

  “Well, guess I thought you would—”

  “You thought I’d be your middle guy? You thought wrong.” My eyes narrowed. “I don’t know what game you’re playing, or what you’re hoping to achieve here but it’s not going to work. I’m with Eva. I love Eva. My allegiance will always be with her.”

  Her cheeks burned, but Riley rolled back her shoulders and met my stare head on. Geez, this lady had balls. Big ol’ balls of steel. And I got it. The industry was as cutthroat as it came, but I still couldn’t figure out her angle here.

  “I see.” Her whole demeanor turned cool. “I just wanted to apologize.”

  “Like I said, I’m not the one you should be apologizing to. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to get back to it.” I’d slipped out of the sound check to take a piss. Riley was the last person I’d expected to see.

  I stalked off down the hall. The place was a maze, like so many of the arenas we performed in. As I drew closer to the main stage, I could hear Eva’s voice. Soft. Sultry. That southern lilt that made my chest contract. God, I loved her voice. The way she sang right from her soul.

  Eva was born to perform, to share her talent with the world. But I couldn’t help but wonder where she saw her career going in a year... five… ten.

  Three years in, and I was already tired—so fucking tired. And I knew there would come a time when our paths would split. Right now, Eva was on tour with us, but what happened when she got offered her own tour?

  What then?

  “Everything okay?” Damon sauntered over to me as I entered the arena.

  “Fucking Riley. She cornered me in the hall, wanted to apologize.”

  “You’re shitting me. What did you say?”

  “I told her it wasn’t me she needed to apologize to.” I scrubbed my jaw. “I can’t figure out her angle.”

  “You think she’s really got it in for Eva?”

  “I don’t know. Part of me wants to believe it’s just her ambition, but, I don’t know, man. She acts... jealous.”

  “And we all know jealousy can send a woman crazy. You want me to talk to Alistair?”

  “Not yet. He seemed pretty pissed earlier. Hopefully, he talked to her and she’ll do the right thing.”

  “Well, you know we’re behind Eva all the way. If Riley is becoming a liability, we can go around her and Alistair.”

  “Thanks, that means a lot.”

  “Of course.” Damon nodded, staring over at Eva. She was busy talking to a set producer.

  “Did Letty tell you the video of the three of you went viral?”

  “You know I try to avoid all that shit.”

  “The fans went wild for it. They love her, man.”

  My brow rose, and he chuckled. “Okay, most of them love her. The Die Hearts were spouting their usual possessive bullshit, but it’s nothing we haven’t heard a hundred times before.”

  “Does their dedication to the cause ever freak you out?” I asked.

  “I guess I’ve never really thought about it.” He glanced back at me. “You’re still waiting for the penny to drop, huh?”

  “I just can’t shake this feeling that everything’s too good to be true. Eva’s here, and we’re stronger than ever. Levi seems to be handling things as best he can, and the tour is back on track.”

  “What happened to just enjoying the ride?” He clapped me on the back.

  “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”

  “I get it though. You have a lot to lose, I think it’s only natural to feel a little on edge. But relax, man. You deserve this, you deserve her.”

  Damon really was the best of us.

  “Hey,” Phoebe appeared. “Are the two of you okay?”

  “Yeah, we’re good.”

  “Eva sounds great, doesn’t she? I mean, I knew she was good, but seeing her stripped back like this... Anyway, Riley asked me to come tell you that you’re back on in five.”

  “Riley couldn’t tell us herself?”

  Phoebe shrugged. “I’m only the messenger.” She left us and went back over to where Letty was standing with a couple of the sound engineers.

  “What do you think of her?” Damon asked.

  “I can’t get a read on her.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. She seems genuine, but there’s a wall there.”

  “That or she’s hiding something.”

  “Then she’ll fit right in.” He gave me a wry smile and murmured, “Because we all have secrets here.”

  “Come here, you.” I prowled toward Eva as she hung out backstage with Letty and Phoebe.

  “Don’t you dare, Rafe. I just got done showering and you’re all sweaty.” She started to inch back.

  “Too bad, Starshine. I need you.” I lunged for her, hoisting her into my arms.

  “Rafe, you’re disgusting,” she groaned as I rubbed my damp hair against her chest.

  “Say cheese.” We both glanced up and Letty took a photo.


  “What? It’s for your Insta. It’s really taken off.”

  “My what now?” I asked, frowning.

  “Like you don’t know what I’m talking about Mr-I-Have-Over-Eight-Million-Followers.”

  “Shit, it’s that many? Wow, I had no idea.” I really didn’t because I let Letty and the team handle all that. “Now, where was I?” I began kissing Eva’s neck as she tried to wiggle free. “You were amazing tonight,” I whispered against the shell of her ear.

  “What has gotten into you?” She grabbed my jaw, looking into my eyes.

  “Do I need a reason to be happy now?”

  “No, but... it’s very disconcertin’.”

  “Thanks a lot,” I grumbled.

  “I gotta agree with Eva, Rafe. You do seem less broody.”

  “I do not brood.”

  They were all looking at me now.

  So what, I was happy? The show had gone off without a hitch. Levi and I had shared a few moments on stage, especially during The Ties That Bind. Eva had performed with us, and tonight we didn’t have to attend a party or do any meet or greets. We were heading straight for Philly, which meant in less than an hour, I would have Eva underneath me.

  Everything was good.

  Until Alistair delivered four little words that ruined my good mood.

  “We’ve got a situation,” he said around a grim expression. Beckoning the rest of the guys over, he waited for us all to gather. Travis and Fenton were close by with half a dozen other security.

  “There’s a situation in the parking lot. It seems the Die Hearts broke through the security barriers. The buses are swamped.”

  “So we’re stuck here?”

  “Local PD are en route, but honestly, this could turn into a media frenzy. Paparazzi are already gathering.”

  “Shit,” Hudson muttered.

  “I’ve spoken to security and we’ve agreed to make a break for it. The arena staff have their security guys trying to control the crowd, but I’m not going to sugarcoat it, it’s mayhem out there.”

  Just then, a rather breathless Riley jogged up to us. “We should think about moving now,” she said. “Security is concerned they may try to storm the building.”

  “You’ve got to be shitting me?” I hissed, tucking Eva into my side.

  “What did I tell you, man. Rock City girls are a special kin
d of crazy.” Hudson grimaced.

  “Is everyone ready?” Alistair asked.

  “We have some stuff in the dressing room still,” Eva said.

  “Leave it. I’ll have someone make sure nothing gets left behind.” Ali ran a hand down his face. “The most important thing right now is getting on those buses.”

  The hall became a hive of activity as bodyguards moved into position with their marks. I kept hold of Eva, forcing Travis and Fenton to flank us as we made our way down the long winding hall.

  “Fuck me, are you hearing that?” Hudson let out a low whistle. The wail was blood curdling.

  “We love you Levi. Rafe. Hudson. Damon. We love you.”

  “Stick with me or Travis, okay?” I said to Eva. Her eyes were wide with fear. She’d already faced her fair share of chaos since joining the tour, but this was different.

  We all felt it.

  It was in the way security flanked us a little too closely, and the way no one—except Hudson—was cracking a joke. We all knew what to expect when we burst out the doors, we’d lived it enough times. But no matter how many times you came face to face with a sea of overexcited and reckless fangirls—girls who would do anything for just one touch or one glance from the guys they worshipped—well, nothing could prepare you for that.

  Johnson shouldered the door open and all hell broke loose. “Move, now!” he yelled, Travis and Fenton jostling me and Eva between them.

  “Rafe, Rafe. Dump the country skank and come get yourself a real girl.”

  Eva inhaled a sharp breath, and I squeezed her hand. “Ignore them,” I yelled over the noise.

  “We need to keep moving,” someone yelled. “Get back. Get the hell back.”

  Girls were everywhere: hands clawing, their screams piercing the air like a band of wild banshees. These were Die Hearts all right, their grit and determination to get close to us unwavering.

  It was a strange thing, fan worship. The way rational thought flew out the window all because we played instruments and made music.

  “Rafe, Levi, I’ll let you...”

  I blocked out the voices. The things they were offering. Dirty depraved things. A couple of years ago, when we were new to the scene, we would have high-fived at our newfound fame and attention. But it was wearing. I tried to search for Hudson among the crush, knowing he was probably lapping it up. But when I found him up ahead, even he looked worried.

  “Back up. BACK THE FUCK UP!” Johnson roared, swatting away hand after hand. It was like an attack of bloodthirsty zombies and we were the hot-blooded snacks.

  Travis looped his arm around Eva, drawing her away from me. I knew he was only trying to do his job, to protect her, but it went against everything I felt.

  “Eva,” I yelled.

  She glanced back, her face pale and eyes wide. “Stay with Fenton,” she mouthed.

  “T’s got her,” my bodyguard said. “We’re almost there.”

  But someone had seriously underestimated the strength of a few hundred girls. We were swamped and despite the tenacity of our security team and the arena’s guys, it was a fucking shitshow.

  “Rafe, Rafe, over here,” someone yelled just as something hit me in the face. I grabbed the lace panties and threw them down in disgust. Fenton chuckled, and I shot him a scathing look.

  “Come on, Casanova, we’re almost there.”

  The rumble of the buses grew louder as we finally reached them. Fenton pushed me through the door, and I staggered up the steps. “Eva?”

  “She’s not here,” Levi said through gritted teeth.

  “What the fuck do you mean, she’s not here?”

  “She’s on the other bus.”

  “The other... are you fucking with me?”

  Damon shook his head over my brother’s shoulder.

  “I’m going to—”

  “Holy crap, that was intense.”

  I spun around to find Riley standing there. She smoothed her hair down and gave us a weak smile. “Is everyone okay?” Her brows knitted.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Levi barked.

  “Levi,” Damon warned.

  “I’m going,” I said. No way was I staying on the bus with Riley.

  I went to move around her, but the bus jerked forward. “Rafe.” A hand laid on my arm. My eyes snapped to Riley and she immediately snatched her hand away. “I’m sure Eva is fine. We’ll stop just outside the city and you can—”

  My cellphone began vibrating and I stalked into the bedroom, slamming the door. “Eva?”

  “I’m okay,” she breathed. “Before I knew what was happening Travis had me on the other bus. I didn’t—”

  “It’s okay, I’m just relieved you’re okay.”

  “That was crazy. I mean, I knew things could get... but not like that. They were wild. Is everyone okay?”

  “Yeah, we’re fine.” I forced myself to calm down. Eva was fine. That’s all that mattered. “What about you guys?”

  “We’re okay. Phoebe is a little shook up,” she lowered her voice. “She got a couple of scratches.”


  “She’s fine. Letty already broke out the liquor.”

  “I’m so fucking relieved you’re okay, Starshine. When I lost you in the crush, I almost—”

  “Seriously, everythin’ is fine.”

  I sank down on the mattress, raking a hand through my hair. “I’d feel a whole lot better if you were here right now.”

  “Me too. I hope everyone else is safe. Riley didn’t make it on the bus. Do you think she and Alistair are takin’ one of the SUV’s?”


  I hesitated.

  “Rafe, what it is?”

  “You should probably know Riley is here.”

  “What?” Her breath caught.

  “Here, on our bus. I don’t know why, but she’s here.”

  “I see,” Eva said coolly. “Well, she is your assistant. I guess it makes sense she’d want to check on you all.”

  “We’ll stop outside the city and everyone can switch.”

  “Yeah.” Her voice was tight.

  “None of us want her here.”

  “I know, I just... It doesn’t matter. Everyone’s safe. I’ll speak to you later. Goodni—”

  “Eva?” I rushed out.

  “Yeah, Rafe?”

  “I love you, Starshine. Don’t ever forget that.”


  * * *

  “I can’t believe she’s on their bus.”

  “Hmm,” I grumbled. My gut told me it wasn’t a coincidence, but there was nothing anyone could do about it now. We were already on the highway out of Detroit, the bright city lights growing small in the distance behind us. “What’s her deal, anyway?” Phoebe asked. She’d already changed into her pajamas and pulled her hair into a messy bun.

  “Who, Riley?” Letty rolled her eyes. “Oh, just your usual over-ambitious shark willing to do whatever, or whoever, to climb her way to the top.”

  “Is it true she’s sleeping with Alistair?”

  “He’s had a thing for her ever since she started at the label. But he was going through a messy separation and then there’s the company policy about dating the people you work with.” Letty looked at me, fighting a smirk.

  “In my defense,” I said, “I met Rafe before I knew who he was.”

  “I’m sorry, what?” Phoebe’s brows bit her hairline. “You’re telling me you didn’t know who Rafe was?”

  “I didn’t know who any of the band was. Hudson was judgin’ the talent contest I entered and if it wasn’t for my best friend, Molly, I would have been none the wiser.”

  “That’s... wow.”

  “Now you know why she’s such a hit with the fans. Eva’s the real deal.”

  I blushed as the two of them stared at me. “I’m exhausted, I think I’m goin’ to call it a night.”

  “Are you sure?” Letty frowned. “I had all these plans to stay up and corrupt Phoebe.”

ey, takes one to know one”. She chuckled, sipping on her drink.

  “I’m tired.” And the last thing I wanted to do was sit and obsess over Riley.

  “If we stop, I’ll wake you.”

  I waved them off as I padded down the bus to the bunks. Thankfully, Letty was prepared and had an emergency supply of clothes and toiletries on board. Slipping into the bathroom, I washed my face and cleaned my teeth before changing into an oversized nightshirt. It felt weird being back in the bunks, but as soon as I lay down, exhaustion seeped into every inch of my muscles. I checked my cell phone, straining to see the screen. There were no messages, not that I expected any. Molly and my parents had texted me after the show, just like they did every other night.

  Shoving it under my pillow, I closed my eyes, and let sleep claim me.

  “Eva, Eva.” The voice drifted on the edge of my consciousness. “We’ve made a pit stop. Do you want to switch to the other bus?”

  “She’s out cold, leave her be.”

  I pulled the thin sheet higher, falling back into a dreamless sleep. But then the rustle of the curtains gently coaxed me back to reality.

  “Rafe?” I choked out as he climbed in beside me. There was barely any room, our bodies pressed impossibly close.

  “Ssh, Starshine, go to sleep.”

  “But what are you—”

  He nuzzled my neck, slipping his arm around me. “Sleep.”

  I started to drift again, comforted by the knowledge that Rafe was here.

  “I love you,” I murmured.

  “I love you too,” were the last words I heard before sleep claimed me.

  I woke unable to move, plastered to a warm body.

  Rafe’s body.

  “Morning,” he drawled, smoothing his hand up my thigh, sending shivers skittering through me.

  “Mornin’,” I fought a smile. “These bunks really aren’t made for two people.” He had to be hanging off the thing.

  “I didn’t notice.” He pulled me closer. The air was thick and suffocating, and I really needed a glass of water, but I couldn’t find it in myself to move.

  When life ran at a hundred miles an hour, it was nice to pause and soak up the little things. My fingers drew lazy circles on his bare chest. I never imagined myself falling in love with someone like Rafe. A tattooed rock star with a tainted past. But now I’d found him, I couldn’t ever imagine loving anyone else.


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