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Cosmic Traitor

Page 5

by Perry Rhodan

  Khrest, who had remained unobtrusively in the background, gave admiring credit to the man who took his place in the pilot seat of the Stardust —Perry Rhodan, the Peacelord of the Universe.

  • • •

  With greatly reduced speed the destroyer formation of the Springers with the LEV XIV in its midst glided at low altitude over Goszul's Planet.

  The world bore the name of the trader Goszul who had discovered and conquered it Rhodan's mutants were amazed to see lovely landscapes and a vast industrial center on the observation screen. Even the genuine clansmen made no secret of their surprise.

  "So this is where they have their plants," said Dorget. He was perturbed and scratched his bald skull.

  Marshall appeared to contemplate his own thoughts. He had an absent look while he strained to recognize the thoughts of the pariahs. However, their knowledge of Goszul's Planet was based only on rumors. Levtan had been purged from the community of the Springers many years ago and at that time life on the planet had been a peaceful idyll.

  The destroyer formation returned in a wide curve to the impressive production center. It seemed that the LEV XIV had been granted permission to land.

  The ship had barely touched down when Levtan's order went to all cabins: "Get ready to leave the ship!"

  The mutants let the three real clansmen go first and hesitated to leave.

  "We'll be arrested," Marshall informed them. Their faces betrayed no astonishment. They had expected as much.

  Tama Yokida the Telekin glanced at the cache of formidable hand weapons hidden by Rhodan's robots in the cabin. John Marshall's face blanched a shade. Again he probed some thoughts and returned to reality. "We can't take it along," he decided. "Each one leaving the ship will be searched..."

  "Also with...?"

  Marshall had already understood Ishibashi's thought. "Yes, that too. We'll be spared for the time being only one thing: they won't put our brains through the wringer. The Springers trust Levtan no farther than they can throw him and I can't blame them for it. But now we must leave. We're the last ones.

  • • •

  Goszul, the discoverer of system 221-Tatlira and conqueror of the second planet—patriarch Goszul—still enjoyed the best of health. He was listening to the news about the landing of the LEV XIV .

  Three other patriarchs sat in comfortable armchairs at a round table and listened attentively to the reports. The name Perry Rhodan had been mentioned repeatedly and each time a patriarch's face expressed hate while breathing heavily.

  Etztak's breathing of vengeance had not escaped the sturdy old bald-headed Goszul. "Don't you approve of Levtan's landing or does the name of Rhodan arouse your ire?" The wily Goszul gazed with a piercing look at his friend who had once believed he could wipe out Rhodan and considered himself lucky to be the only one to have eluded the Earthling in the attempt.

  "I don't like either one," Etztak replied with amazing calm. "I know Levtan. He's a coward and nothing but a cunning criminal."

  "And what about Perry Rhodan? Why don't you say anything about him? I'd be interested to hear your opinion of him, Etztak."

  Etztak looked warily at Goszul. The other two patriarchs sensed the beginning of a sharp dispute and one of them interjected hastily: "Wouldn't it be better to wait first for disclosures from Levtan's interrogation? After that we still can discuss this Perry Rhodan."

  Etztak's voice hissed: "Not this Perry Rhodan, it's The Perry Rhodan who has found the World of the Immortal and knows who to get there! You can't deprecate such a man with a word like 'this'."

  The bald-headed patriarch Goszul grinned craftily. "You talk the way it suits you at the moment, Etztak. I've never believed that fairy tale about the World of Eternal Life. Let's end this useless conversation. We don't have much time. The conference is scheduled to begin in two hours and I have to attend another meeting before we can set the final program for the Great Conclave."

  • • •

  Perry Rhodan's mutants stood in the big aft lock of the LEV XIV and watched as one after another of the crew members passed inspection by the traders and were put on a vehicle under guard.

  "That doesn't augur very well for us," Tako Kakuta stated.

  At this moment a trader barked at them: "Do you want me to send you a special invitation?"

  Kitai Ishibashi went first calmly he let them search him for weapons. Then he was taken between two heavily armed traders to a vehicle to be driven away. "If you make one false move," he was threatened, "we'll shoot!"

  He listened without saying a word. When he had taken a seat in the vehicle with a guard, the car remained immobilized.

  "Why don't you get going?" the guard shouted at the driver who didn't move a finger to get started.

  "I'm supposed to wait for the three last men to get on," the young Springer replied quietly and registered no surprise when the loudmouth suddenly said agreeably: "That's right, we were told to wait for these traitors."

  Kitai Ishibashi smiled inwardly. He was happy with what he had accomplished. It was a great comfort to know his friends were near him.

  Etztak held a consultation with his clan.

  "Keep your eyes and ears open tomorrow when Levtan is questioned before the Great Conclave. Don't forget that Rhodan has almost succeeded in our downfall. So far I've been unable to make Goszul understand how dangerous Rhodan is..."

  His son interrupted him. The interruption was a gross violation of their customs but Etztak let it pass. "When you talk about Levtan, do you also mean Rhodan?"

  "Haven't I made this clear," the patriarch scowled at his son. "Levtan claims to have escaped from Rhodan's armament center. I know how difficult it is to elude his grip. I don't believe Levtan. He has always been false and I fear that he wants to betray us to Rhodan."

  "Do you believe Levtan's assertions that Rhodan has 22 super-battleships..."

  "If you interrupt me once more I'll make you clean a whole deck," Etztak bellowed at his son. "No! I don't want to hear any more stupid questions! No, I don't believe Levtan's stories. Rhodan has only two of the large ships, not 22, and neither does he have 100 cruisers. Rhodan has bought the pariah and is now trying to find out what we're planning to do about his meddling in our affairs. He knows his weakness.

  At the risk of being punished by being made to clean the biggest deck on his knees, his son broke in for the third time: "Father, do you call it weakness the way Rhodan has smashed our fleet?"

  Etztak was in an uproar but reason prevailed over the old man's wrath. His son had reminded him of a debacle from which he had suffered nightmares for four months, waking up bathed in sweat.

  Reluctantly he replied: "I've tried to tell Goszul again that Perry Rhodan was on the World of Eternal Life and that he has there obtained the mysterious weapon with which he can make ships simply disappear. But Goszul refuses to admit it. He thinks these rumors are only wild imagination."

  "Or he is loath to realize that Perry Rhodan must be considered a peril of the highest magnitude?" his son ventured to say again. "I don't think that Goszul has ever had to taste defeat."

  To everyone's surprise Etztak nodded condescendingly to his son and remarked: "I've often quietly wished that Goszul would get into a confrontation with Rhodan. One would be enough to make him think and talk differently. Now you and you and you," he pointed at three men, "will take part tomorrow at the Great Conclave as observers. You must be vigilant when Levtan makes his statements; he'll be required to show proof. Remember that he comes from Rhodan and never forget what Rhodan did to our ships!"

  • • •

  The four mutants had made careful mental notes of every detail as they drove by on their way to the prison in a fortress. The heavy artillery emplacement on the grounds bristled with guns similar to those of the Stardust II and their cruisers. The Galactic traders had built unassailable fortifications, strong enough to withstand any onslaught from space.

  The longer the ride, the clearer it became to the mutants how enormous
and insurmountable the task was

  they faced here.

  There were installations for every purpose and of many types: spaceship assembly plants, huge factories and thousands of robots for the variety of jobs. There were also masses of people with a reddish skin. They looked strangely like humans and made a very appealing impression.

  These lazy Goszuls...

  This was the only reference John Marshall was able to deduce from the minds of the Springers about the short red-skinned people with remarkably rich dark hair. They were called Goszuls by their masters, who despised them.

  After they entered the fortress the four mutants crossed a field divided in three sectors by two high wall systems secured by a curtain of rays as was quite obvious from the antennas on their ridges.

  John Marshall uttered his first remark to his guard. It was derisive and full of defiance. "You traders seem to have plenty of black sheep among yourselves! This prison is for monsters!"

  The guard on his left snapped viciously: "Take my advice, you scum, and don't open your trap in the future! You'll find out who's locked up in there..." And he thought about the lazy mob of Goszuls who stubbornly resisted the hypno-training and remained devious and treacherous in spite of their efforts.

  The vehicles stopped moving and set down in a row.

  "Get out!" they were ordered.

  A screen of protective rays was deactivated. A guard stepped out of a gate and asked gruffly: "Are these really the last of the traitors?"

  This was the name pinned on Levtan's people the minute they set foot on Goszuls planet.

  The escorts were glad to get rid of their prisoners—and one of them answered with annoyance: "What reason do you have to bellyache? I'd like to get a lazy job like yours. Sign the papers, take the prisoners away and get out of my sight!"

  The mutants looked at each other. This was noticed by a Springer and he kicked Tako Kakuta, hurling the slight Japanese against the gate sentry. The latter jumped to the side with a curse at the last moment and shouted at the Springer: "You idiot! You almost caused an accident I'm going to report you and you can bet that they'll come looking for you before night!"

  John Marshall followed his thoughts but he also recognized what Tako Kakuta was up to. Tako took his time getting back on his feet. Now he stood behind the sentry.

  "Get in!" the sentry growled at the others. They passed through and the guard signed the receipt for Levtan's men. The brutal trader took the receipt and turned to get back into the car. The sentry gave him a last disgusted look and was about to lead his new prisoners away when he heard a scream.

  John Marshall gulped and glanced furtively at Tako Kakuta. The Japanese had disappeared for a fraction of a second in a short teleport jump to retaliate against the cruel trader in kind, then quickly leaped back and stood again at the spot where he had been before in the hallway.

  Cursing wildly the trader picked himself up, holding his forehead. He had struck hard against a metal edge in his fall.

  "You kicked me!" he screamed at the sentry in a blind rage.

  "I kicked you?" the accused taunted him, pointing his weapon at him. "Do you believe I can do the impossible? You can see for yourself where I stand and where you are, you blockhead! You stumbled over your own feet. You can kick others but you haven't learned yet how to walk!"

  Tako Kakuta kept a straight face but chuckled inwardly.

  • • •

  Levtan had been brought before the three traders who regarded him with despise. He was relentlessly bombarded with unending questions and was barely able to think of his answers.

  "Don't expect mercy from us, you conniving coward!" one of the traders suddenly shouted at him. "Do you know who I am? I'm Gaxtek's son! I belong to the clan which you have robbed of the fruits of three expeditions to Casters star. Don't you remember me?"

  The outcast cringed as if beaten with a whip but a vile look still flickered in his eyes as he yelled back at them: "You don't have the authority to investigate me! I demand to be heard by the Great Conclave! It's my right! I came to bring information which will save us all from destruction!"

  "Bunk!" Gaxtek snarled, clenching his fists.

  "I've got proof!" Levtan defied him but a moment later he begged: "If you treat me and my clan decently..."

  Gaxtek laughed in his face. "You're a notorious liar you scum!"

  The tall, slender trader nodded his head in agreement The second, somewhat stouter man who had only posed an occasional question during the ceaseless cross-examination, commented: "We'll submit his statement to Goszul. Let the patriarch decide between truth and lie. I recommend that he be taken back to his cell."

  Levtan grinned maliciously. He was convinced that he would be vindicated and honored the next day and these three traders would be the first to feel his vengeance. He gave Gaxtek a vicious look before the two guards led him away to be locked up again.

  "Did you see his eyes?" Gaxtek was asked when the traders were alone again.

  Pensively he looked at his companions. "Yes," he replied, "I saw his look and I got the message. What if Levtan actually speaks the truth for once and produces proof of his claims? I think I'll go and visit Etztak..."

  "Why do you want to speak to that intemperate old man?" the tall slender trader asked in surprise."

  "To plant suspicion against Levtan's testimony. Etztak's the only patriarch who's had the shattering experience of a fight against Perry Rhodan and was forced by him to flee for his life. Topthor the Mounder lost his fleet. Haven't you realized yet what Levtan's role is?"

  They had failed to grasp the significance and stared at the questioning man.

  "Then I'll tell you the same as I'll tell Etztak: Levtan is a diabolical time bomb planted by Perry Rhodan to make us perish!"


  Kitai Ishibashi had applied his will in order to be placed alone in a separate cell with his mates and not in the large hall where most of the LEV's crew were held.

  Only Levtan was thrown into a single cell. The patriarchs of the Springers considered him their most valuable source of information and attached only secondary importance to his crew.

  The mutants were amazed to see that the native Goszuls were used as help in the prison. John Marshall had succeeded twice in starting a conversation with a Goszul through the peephole in the door but each time a guard of the Springers had appeared and broken off their contact.

  Nevertheless, John Marshall had been able by virtue of his telepathic gifts to gather some interesting information. After Yokida the Telekin had thoroughly searched their cell for hidden electronic bugs, Marshall whispered to his friends:

  "These Goszuls are all brainwashed and enslaved. They're forbidden to return to their families. And do you know why? So that the people of Goszul will be prevented from knowing the old fact that space travel has been achieved elsewhere!""

  Tako Kakuta didn't trust his ears. "How could they not—with all these spaceships coming and going here? The Goszuls aren't blind!"

  This was an obvious question for John and he explained: "I've already noted something about a certain lane of approach when Levtan came in for a landing. Now I understand why they used such special precautions..."

  "What a charming clan from the tribe of the Arkonides!" Tama Yokida murmured. "This place gives me the creeps." He made it plain that he toyed with the idea of lifting the solid prison door out of its hinges with his telekinetic powers.

  Rhodan had put Marshall in charge of the task force. He merely looked at Tama Yokida who deeply sighed and said in resignation: "Oh, shucks!"

  Steps were heard along the corridor. "Their cell door, which Yokida wanted to move telekinetically, was opened. A guard and two Goszuls peered inside.

  "Come out!" the guard ordered. He held a raygun in his hand.

  They left the cell but Tako Kakuta dawdled. He and Marshall had just cooked up something.

  When the three mutants walked past the Goszuls they looked at them with except
ional curiosity. Kitai Ishibashi detected sympathy and regret in their eyes despite a rather vacant look.

  John Marshall probed the confused thoughts of the guard. The man knew only that they were to be taken to an interrogation. The entire fortress was buzzing with one acute topic, namely Levtan,

  The tall thin-faced Australian tuned in on the thoughts of the Goszuls. He found what Kitai Ishibashi had also read in their eyes as well as the silent question Why did you come to our world? Don't you know you'll never be allowed to leave... like us?

  The guard berated Tako Kakuta who was still standing in the cell: "How long do you think I'm going to wait for you?"

  At this moment John Marshall couldn't suppress an amused smile. He had perceived the question in Tako's Tako's mind:Is this ruffian also going to kick me from behind?

  The guard saw Marshall's grin and took it as an offense. He jerked up his black raygun, pointed it at Marshall and threatened him with a dangerous glint in his eye: "Cut out your grin or..."

  Kitai Ishibashi stepped in. His will took possession of the guard. John Marshall's face had become rigid when the guard dropped his weapon and said pleasantly to Tako Kakuta: "Come, my friend! Don't keep us waiting!"

  Kitai Ishibashi discontinued his effort. The short treatment sufficed to keep the guard in good humor till they reached the interrogation room. Suddenly he felt the gaze of the two Goszuls directed at him and saw Marshall's gesture. Both Goszuls seemed to have weak telepathic propensities which however had been blocked by hypnosis and almost completely destroyed.

  The experience had an unsettling influence on the Japanese. Had Perry Rhodan figured when he designed his plan that they would encounter telepaths on Goszul's planet?

  The two serfs followed them a few steps behind. The now very amiable guard opened the door for them and invited them politely to enter.

  Etztak gaped flabbergasted at the guard and the four other traders also expressed shock beyond belief.


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