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Calamity Rayne II: Back Again

Page 23

by Lydia Michaels

  Then I found the Davenports and realized there was my sort of weird and a whole other level I never considered. The sort of weird where fathers steal their children’s lovers and babies are seen as leverage, and scandal is a real word with serious consequences.

  I thought about Remington, no longer as furious as I’d been when I first discovered what he’d done. It still didn’t make sense though.

  How did bringing Jasmine into the family make Hale’s problems go away? I kept having strange visions of Thanksgiving dinner with the Davenports and Jasmine sitting to Remington’s left while her daughter sat between Hale and I. Mega weird.

  And I needed to stop thinking of Elara as being anything to her. Elara was ours—well, Hale’s.

  When I got out of the shower my phone had a charge and several missed calls and texts from Hale, but none from the last hour. I sat on the bed and considered if calling Remington was a wise choice or a very bad one.

  Undecided, I hit send.

  “I was wondering when I’d hear from you,” Remington answered.

  I sighed. “Remington … what have you done?”

  “Exactly what you asked me to do. I made a problem go away for my son.”

  Was she there right, listening to him talk? “By marrying her?”

  “Meyers, my heart died with Rachel. What difference does another wife make?”

  I scoffed. “It’s marriage, Remington.”

  “And we’ve discussed our different positions on the subject ad nauseam. This doesn’t change much for me, but it changes everything for Hale.”

  “She’s your wife now, Remington. She’ll be around forever.”

  “She’ll be gone when I die.”

  “Don’t say that.”

  “It’s the truth. Besides, holding the title of spouse doesn’t affect much more than a bank account. She’ll have her money and then some. For now, she’s on an allowance, meeting with realtors who can find her a home in Europe or any American city she wants. I get her attention whenever it suits me, and she’s legally bound to never cross my children or my grandchildren again. Hale’s safe. My granddaughter is safe.”

  “But what about Odette?” They were so cute together, singing dated jazz tunes and sipping old fashioneds.

  “Odette’s fine. She understands this is more of a business arrangement than anything else. She’s upstairs in my bed as we speak.”

  “Odette? She’s there?”

  “Of course.”

  “Where’s Jasmine?”

  “She went back to Europe yesterday. I imagine she’ll be there most of the time. Given the nature of how we met and my circumstances back then, she’s aware she didn’t marry a saint.”

  “And what about her loyalties?”

  He chuckled. “This ain’t my first rodeo, Meyers. Her prenup’s ironclad. Any signs of infidelity and it all goes away, the allowance, the houses, the widow perks. I might not be an angel, but I learned how to write a contract from the devil himself. Trust me when I say the situation’s handled.”

  He was so calm about everything, so accepting. “I just … don’t understand why you would do this. You changed so much so fast.”

  “I thought my motive was clear. I did it for Hale.”

  My lips pressed tight as I understood none of this was what he really wanted. It was an arranged inconvenience he’d tolerate for the rest of his life. But he’d suffer that if it made his son’s life a little easier. He was trying to make amends. Maybe trying to thank his son for bringing Elara into this world, even when she’d never know how she got there.

  “Oh, Remington.”

  “Now, don’t get all emotional. Christ. You asked me to help him and I did. That’s … what a father’s supposed to do.”

  Hale might not see it now, but what Remington did was significant. He’d never wanted a part of any of this, but he caved on account of his love for his son. “You’re a good dad, Remington.” Finally.

  “I’ve seen better. There are a lot of things I’m great at, but fatherhood isn’t one of them. I’m not too arrogant to admit Hale helped me. That child, my … granddaughter … she’s a Davenport. I think it will be interesting watching her grow up under a good father, which Hale is. I would never let one of my children play the pawn to someone else’s greed.”

  Only if his was the hand in control, I thought, but maybe he was turning over a new leaf. Remington said he’d never love anyone after he lost his first wife, Rachel, but maybe he was discovering a new love, the sort fussy old men discovered when their grandbabies were born.

  I didn’t know what to say. “Why didn’t you do this from the start?”

  “I didn’t want to.”

  I laughed. “Are you saying you wanted to now?”

  Remington was strangely silent. “Jasmine was a mistake I should never have made. I knew it the minute I left her bed and I knew it in the weeks that followed. I didn’t want my wife to know what I’d done. Rachel was different. I … loved her in a different way than all the others. But mostly, I didn’t want Hale to know. For a brief moment there, I thought they never would.”

  “Then you found out she was pregnant.”

  He sighed. “Rachel was devastated and my hands were tied. I’d do anything to prove she was it for me. I’d never been good with regret, but there was no escaping the mistake I’d made with Jasmine. I was trying to make it right, but…”

  Rachel had passed away suddenly.

  “Hale was a separate issue. The way he looked at me… I hope you never have a child look at you with such hate. I just wanted the entire mess to go away. I’d lost my wife. I couldn’t lose my son.”

  “But Hale wouldn’t let it go away.”

  “No. He’s always had a better moral compass when it came to doing the ethical thing. But he didn’t know what he was getting in to. I’ve met a thousand Jasmines in my lifetime and they’re vicious. She knew exactly what she was doing, betraying Hale to jump into my bed. She saw a bigger opportunity and went after it. I was just the dumb fish that took the bait.

  “When Hale told me what he intended to do, I panicked. Losing Rachel, the constant battling with my son, the heart attack… It wasn’t an easy defeat, but I’d lost. And then you came along.”

  “Me?” What did I have to do with any of this?

  “Yes, Meyers, you. Marta, the staff… They all adore Hale. The walls are only so thin and you’ve heard how loud we can shout at each other. They knew what I’d done and it didn’t make my days easy. But you… You came in, with your cheap clothes and clumsy chaos, and you looked at me like I might actually be able to help you in some way. It was the first time in months that I felt needed.”

  A soft smile curved my mouth. “No wonder you hired me. You were desperate.”

  He grumbled. “You were a delightful distraction. I probably would have tried to—”


  “It doesn’t matter. The minute Hale got involved I knew I’d never cross him like I had in the past. You were his the moment he set eyes on you.”

  “But what about all that warning me away stuff?”

  “I couldn’t bear to see him hurt again. He was all in. I needed to make sure you were just as deep.”

  I shut my eyes. “I’m all in.”

  “I know, sweetheart.”

  “So as you see, the time hadn’t been right to marry her before. But there was nothing holding me back now. I stole something from Hale that I can never give back. But he loves you. You’re a part of us, Meyers. You asked me to help him and I did. For Hale. For you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Now, I’m going to say goodnight. I’ve had a long week and Marta brought me a slice of cake that’s sitting here begging to be eaten and I have a company waiting upstairs. You take care.”

  “You, too. And Remington?”


  “I…” It was probably a mistake, but I said it anyway. “I love you.”

  “Don’t start, Meyers. You’ll spoil m
y dessert.”

  I smiled. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, sweetheart.” The line went dead.

  That wasn’t so bad. I actually had a better understanding of things now that I spoke to him. But my problems were far from over. Time to go after the man who owned the rest of my heart. I texted Hale.

  Can you come up here?

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “Felix Unger was asked to remove himself from his place of residence…”

  ~The Odd Couple

  There was a scratch at the door a minute later. “Come in.”

  “Hey,” Hale said, as I slipped my phone into the pocket of my robe.

  “I spoke to your father.”

  “I figured you would.” His hands were deep in his pockets and he looked like a censored young version of himself as he shuffled closer to the bed.

  “Do you know what it was like for me growing up without a dad, Hale?”

  He shook his head. “I imagine it was difficult. A daughter needs a father in her life.”

  “The funny thing is, she sort of doesn’t. But it’s always nice to have someone you can depend on, someone to go to when life gets tough and you feel like no one’s on your side. I’ve never had anybody like that in my life, but dads seem like they’d be handy in those situations.”

  “Not always,” he commented, coming to sit next to me.

  “No, not always.” I kept my gaze on the floor. “I have a dad, but he’s terrible. There have been moments in my life when I would have given anything to see him take an interest in me, even if it was to just pop in and tell me I was doing something wrong. I didn’t care what he might say. I just wanted to know he cared about me on some level.”

  His hand slid into mine and squeezed. “I’m sure he cared, Rayne. He just didn’t know how to show it.”

  “A trademark of fathers everywhere,” I commented, deliriously happy that Hale was actually touching me.

  Keeping hold of his hand, I turned and faced him. “Your dad loves you, Hale. What he did, it helped you. It helped us. There was no getting out of that mess without you suffering in some way or another. That lawyer would have pushed until there was nothing left. And when you couldn’t have squeezed out another dime, he would have threatened you with Elara’s custody. You would never have had a moment’s peace the way things were moving. Now, you can focus on what’s important. Leave the past behind.”

  He tried to remove his fingers from my grip, but I held tight. Looking away, he said, “I didn’t want him to interfere.”

  “I know you didn’t, but he did because I asked him to. I couldn’t bear seeing you so beaten down by this. You’re a good guy and you’re the hero in all of this, no matter who wrote the last chapter. What they were doing was wrong and I wanted it to stop. I want to protect you the same way you want to protect me.”

  Time stretched as he stared away from me. I knew his pride and experience with betrayal only made my actions more hurtful, but he had to understand my heart had been in the right place.

  He sighed. “I shouldn’t need my father’s shitty track record to prove I’m a good guy.”

  “No one said you do. He just makes all of us look a little better.” I gave him a shoulder bump. “But Hale, you are a good guy. She’s yours. No one will ever try to threaten your situation with her again. And I know you might have eventually hit Jasmine’s price, but you’ve already given so much. Let Jasmine be your father’s worry. Let Elara be yours.”

  “Maybe you’re right. I’m glad she’s off my back, but I hate that he ended it when he fought me so hard in the beginning. I told him I didn’t need him and I meant it.”

  “There’s no shame in counting on the ones we love to be there for us, especially when they’re willing to help. It’s over. That’s what’s important.”

  “It doesn’t feel over.”

  I gave him another shoulder bump. “Give it time to sink in.”

  He fell back onto the bed and pulled me with him. Our hands held, entwined, as we lay with our feet dangling off the edge. “I used to look at him the way you do, like a god or something all-powerful. Everything he touched turned to gold.”

  I waited, not wanting to interrupt his thoughts.

  “Then he put his grubby hands on my life and everything turned to shit. I never held deep feelings for Jasmine, but I loved him. It wasn’t what he did, but the fact that he tried to hide it when I continued on the same ignorant path. If not for the baby, I never would have known. I hated feeling so deceived by the one person I’ve always trusted.”

  “I can’t imagine how much that hurt.”

  “My hurt was one thing, but Rachel’s was another. She was so good to him, so loyal. When she died I remember feeling envious. I was that miserable. Everything I was and owned was tied to the person who betrayed me. I wanted to hate him. It should have been easy, but then he had a heart attack and … I just couldn’t.”

  My cheek pressed to his shoulder. “That’s because you have a good heart.”

  “It’s not right for me to ask you not to love him when I can’t command the same of myself. I get it. He has this energy about him that’s always been able to suck people in. I don’t have that.”

  “But you have other qualities he doesn’t. You’re honest and loyal and honorable. You do the right thing even when it’s the most difficult thing in the world. That’s what really matters, Hale. That’s what makes you the better man.”

  “I should have never talked to you like that the other day. I was angry.”

  “I know. But it wasn’t like I acted my age this week either. I mean… I kidnapped your kid.”

  He chuckled then sobered. “I couldn’t see anything past my rage. But when I woke up the next morning, hungover, and you and Elara were gone… It was too familiar. That miserable empty feeling… That’s how I felt every day before I met you. I can accept that you love me and love him in different ways, but you’ll always be my favorite, Rayne. I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you.”

  My heart seemed to dance in my chest at his words. “He’s probably the closest thing I’ll ever have to a father, Hale. It’s nothing like what I feel for you. You’re … my world. I don’t need a father. I need you.”

  “I need you, too.”

  I glanced at our hands, seeing the diamond anchor ring. “I love you.”

  “I love you more. Do you forgive me for the last few days?”

  “I think it’s safe to say neither of us was at our best this week. But if you can forgive me for kidnapping your kid and acting like a crazy person, I think I can overlook your drunken comments.”

  He laughed softly. “I forgive you.”

  “I forgive you, too.”

  I was so tired of bickering and strategizing. Now that everything with Jasmine was finally over, I could see the future. It was fuzzy, but alluring at the same time. I wanted to move forward. “Hale?”


  “Ask me.”

  He turned his head to face me. “Ask you what?”

  “Ask me…”

  “What do you want me to ask?”

  “For the love of Pete. Forget it.” I let go of his hand and sat up, fixing my robe and sliding off the bed. Men were so blind.

  “No, what are you talking about?” He sat up and frowned at me.

  “Moment’s over. Never mind. I thought we had this whole Felix and Oscar thing happening and were oddly in sync for a change, but I guess I was wrong.”

  I moved to the dresser to find a pajama shirt. Hale went to his. I changed out of my robe as drawers opened and closed behind me. Moving on, I decided we should order Chinese for dinner. I removed my robe and turned. “I’m in the mood for kung pao—”

  “Is this what you were hoping for?”

  My eyes went wide as I stared down at him, on bended knee, holding a small velvet box.

  “Where did you get that?” I wheezed.

  He shrugged. “I had it for a while … Oscar.”

  I w
as so the Oscar. “Are you going to ask?”

  He cracked open the box. “Rayne, I love you. Are you crazy enough to become a Davenport and marry me?”

  I laughed as chills raced down my shoulders making my fingers twitchy and then numb. I would forever be the Oscar to his tight-assed Felix. “Lucky for you, I’m just that exact amount of crazy, so yes!”

  He laughed and stood, pulling the ring out and tossing the box on the bed. “Come here, Calamity.” He jerked me into his arms and kissed me soundly. “I love you.”

  “I love you more. But I have to warn you, the sheets are about to get very, very messy.”

  He slipped the ring on my finger and nibbled my ear. “I’m not worried.”

  I looked down at my hand and gasped at the iceberg weighing down my ring finger. “I’m becoming very sparkly. This is lovely. Cracker Jack box?”

  “Nah, found it at the bottom of some Lucky Charms.”

  It was really rather incredible, and surprisingly heavy. As was my chest, my full heart now pounding rapidly with uncontrollable joy. “I love it, Hale. Honestly. It’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever worn.”

  “Good, because you’re wearing it for the rest of your life.”

  I grinned up at him. “There was a time a comment like that would have terrified me.”

  “And now?”

  “It’s the best promise I’ve ever heard.”

  He kissed me deeply, corralling me to the bed until we fell into the pillows, laughing and touching. “My future wife,” he purred, spreading my body out beneath him.

  “I like the sound of that.” I arched against him, so glad to be back home where I belonged.

  We made love until Elara awoke from her nap and then we ordered Chinese and had a picnic in bed. Hale was against crumbs mixing with sheets, but I persuaded him.

  “You should text Elle,” he said as we split an egg roll.

  “I’ll tell her in person. She’s on a date right now anyway.”



  “You okay with that?”

  “We’ll see. I threatened to cut off his penis if he hurts her.”

  “Do me a favor and keep away from my brother’s dick. If he hurts her, I’ll take care of it.”


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