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The Werewolf Mega-Bundle 1

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by Mia Harris

  The Werewolf Mega-Bundle (Ten BBW, Paranormal, Erotic Romance Stories)

  With stories from Mia Harris and Eva Grace

  Copyright © 2013 Mia Harris and Eva Grace

  Cover image licensed by Ingram Publishing

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Adult Reading Material

  The Werewolf Mega-Bundle (Ten BBW, Paranormal, Erotic Romance Stories)

  The Packmaster

  Wolves Want Curves

  Drinks With The Werewolf

  The Packmaster’s Mate

  The Cowboy’s Secret

  Werewolves Prefer Curves

  The Billionaire’s Werewolf Secret

  My Boss Is A Werewolf

  My Boss Is A Werewolf 2

  Big Bad Wolf

  The Packmaster

  By Mia Harris

  Tessa Tillsley rubbed her eyes as she stared at her work computer screen. Glancing down at the corner, she saw that it was already eight o’clock P.M. Crap, how did I lose track of time like that? she wondered. It wasn’t like she actually enjoyed her job at the accounting firm; in fact, it was the opposite. She hated it. All of her colleagues were either cold and nasty to her, or boring and thirty years older than her.

  The only reason she was there late was because of her recent breakup with her fiancé, Chris… or ex-fiancé now, that cheating bastard. She had decided that the only way to cope with the pain was to throw herself into her work, as tedious as it was. She hadn’t intended to stay so late, though.

  Sighing, she shut down the computer and packed her things away. Another thing she wasn’t looking forward to was the long drive home. Before the breakup, she and her fiancé had lived in an inner-city townhouse together, but after she had caught him cheating on her with the neighbor in their bedroom, she had barely been able to set foot in that house again, and immediately started looking for a new place.

  Unfortunately, with the way the rental market was in the city these days, the only place that she could afford on her meager income was a little house right out in the middle of nowhere. It was almost a forty-five minute drive down the highway leading out of the city to the northwest, and she was surprised that she hadn’t gone broke from buying so much gas for her car. Maybe I would have been better off getting a more expensive place closer to the city, she thought for the third time that week. My old car isn’t going to last all that much longer.

  Before she left the office, she used the bathroom and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Since the breakup with Chris, she had barely eaten, and gone from a size sixteen to fourteen within the space of a month, which was funny in a twisted kind of way, seeing as one of his pathetic reasons for cheating had been that she had apparently gained too much weight for him to find attractive.

  She knew that he was probably just looking for reasons to blame her instead of acknowledging that he was the problem, but hearing him say that had still stung. A lot. Every time she got dressed in the mornings now, she would look in the mirror and sigh, a tiny part of her brain wondering if he was right.

  Once she had left the office and reached the highway, she turned the radio on and listened to old songs from the sixties. Music was the only way to help pass the time on the boring drive. On one side of the highway, there was a seemingly endless stretch of farm land, and on the other, a huge forest.

  Just as one of her favorite old songs came on the radio, Tessa heard a strange grinding sound from the engine. No, no, no! Not now, please! Her mental pleas didn’t work, and the car spluttered to a stop on the edge of the road.

  “Shit!” she said to herself, before pulling her cell phone out of her handbag. No reception. Great. Could this night get any worse?

  After she had checked the engine out and realized that there was no way the car would be up and running any time soon, she decided to wait on the edge of the road, figuring that someone helpful would drive past eventually. Forty-five minutes later, seven cars had gone by, and every one of them had ignored her plight.

  Disgusted with humans in general now, she decided that she may as well try and walk to the nearest gas station. She knew that there was one about ten miles up the road, so it was going to be a long walk. I guess I could use the exercise, she thought, sighing as she trudged along the edge of the highway.

  It was cold, and she shivered as she bitterly thought about what her life was like at this exact moment. I’m freezing, stuck out here with no help, my job sucks, and I’m dealing with a breakup in a city where I barely know anyone. The only reason that she had moved here in the first place was to be with Chris. And now, I’m stuck here. I swear that as soon as I have enough money, I am getting out of this place forever.

  After she had walked around a mile, she noticed a small dirt road leading into the forest on her left. Wondering where it went, she peered down the road, confused at the lights she saw in the distance. She had been under the impression that the forest was part of a national park, and that no one was allowed to go in there, let alone drive cars or live there.

  Regardless, there might be someone who can help me, she thought, deciding to follow the little road to the distant lights. It was a long and winding road, and the lights seemed to get further away the longer she walked. She started to feel tired and disoriented, and stopped for a moment to catch her breath. I just need some rest. I’ve been up since five A.M.

  Suddenly, the lights seemed to disappear entirely, and she was surrounded by nothing but darkness, with the occasional hint of moonlight peeking through the heavy tree cover. It occurred to her that wandering into the woods alone at nine o’clock at night was probably a stupid idea in the first place, so she turned around and headed back down the road.

  Wait a minute… this isn’t the road, she realized. Somewhere along the way, she had turned off it and onto another smaller dirt path, and now she had no idea which way to go. She didn’t even remember leaving the first dirt road, and looked around as she rubbed her tired eyes. Forward or back the other way? God, coming in here was a mistake.

  A moment later, she realized just how big of a mistake it was. She heard a rustling in the trees, followed by a deep growl. Oh no. Turning around slowly, she saw two sets of glowing green eyes staring right at her. A tree swayed in the wind, and a beam of moonlight shone through, illuminating the area for a few seconds. Wolves. Run!

  Tessa turned on her heel and ran for her life, tears of fear springing to her eyes as she heard heavy panting behind her. Looking over her shoulder, she saw that the two wolves were gaining on her very quickly, and she knew that she wouldn’t be able to outrun them for much longer. They were enormous; bigger than any other wolves that she had ever seen, and their grey and white fur and glowing eyes would have been quite beautiful to look at had they not been chasing her down.

  Seconds later, one of them pounced on her from behind, and Tessa shrieked with terror as she fell to the ground. Still screaming, she was dragged onto her back by two strong arms, and a seemingly human male voice spoke to her.

  “You look like a tasty one. Don’t you agree, Micah?”

  Tessa had been squeezing her eyes shut in horror, but now they flew open. A large blond man was holding her down, and another smaller man was standing nearby. The wolves that had been chasing her were apparently gone.

  “What’s happening?” she cried.

  “You probably don’t want to know, little human girl,” the blond man said, smirking down at her. “You’re coming with us.”

  She kicked and screamed as he hoisted her over his should
er with ease, and then gasped as she saw the smaller man somehow transform into a wolf. His body sprouted fur, his hands turned into paws with long, sharp claws, and his ears turned to points on the side of his head. Seconds later, he was a grey and white wolf; the same as one of the wolves that had chased her.

  Tessa pinched her arm to see if she was dreaming, and the stinging pain on her soft skin told her that she wasn’t. This is really happening. She suddenly remembered rumors that she had heard of werewolves in the woods outside the city. When she had moved there, she had assumed that it was just an old folk legend, but now she realized that it was all true. The existence of werewolves was no legend… she had just seen one shift right in front of her.

  She bit her lip to stop herself from crying out again as the man holding her strode through the forest. From what he had said, it didn’t seem like she would ever get the chance to tell the world what she had seen. No wonder it’s all just a legend. No one survives once they’ve seen them.

  Closing her eyes, she resigned herself to her fate of being eaten by these creatures, and almost giggled crazily as a ridiculous thought popped into her head. I thought my night couldn’t possibly get any worse earlier, and now I’ve been taken by what I used to think was a mythical creature. Just goes to show… things can always be worse.

  The man holding her stopped, and a bolt of fear burst through her veins. This is it, she thought, preparing herself for the horrifying pain of being savagely clawed and bitten to death. Instead, she was thrown back to the ground. Opening her eyes, she saw that she was in some kind of village square, surrounded by a pack of wolves, all staring at her hungrily.

  Propping herself up on her elbows, she quickly looked around. This must be the lights I saw earlier. There were several houses and buildings around, and a large bonfire lit up the area that they were in.

  As she fearfully gazed back at the wolves, one of them raised its hackles and bared its teeth. It was much larger than the rest of the animals, and it lunged in her direction, turning away from her at the last second and pouncing on the blond man, who cried out in pain. Only seconds later, the large wolf had become a man, and he kicked the blond man, who was now lying on the ground moaning.

  “How dare you insult the sanctity of this place by bringing back a human prize? We do not hunt humans!” he hissed. “I know you are young, Dane, but if you ever do something like this again, you will be expelled from the pack. Now get out of here before I rip you into pieces!”

  The blond man, who Tessa now realized was named Dane, transformed back into a wolf and bounded away to one of the smaller buildings with his tail between his legs. The large man also admonished the wolf that Dane had addressed as Micah, and then sent him away as well.

  Tessa stared up at the man as he turned around and looked at her. He was tall, and his shirtless chest displayed hard, defined muscles with a smattering of dark hair across them. His strong arms looked like they could lift twice her body weight, and she gasped in fear as he moved towards her, holding his hand out.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” he said gently. “Please, stand up.”

  His voice was gravelly and entirely masculine, and his large hand on hers sent a much-needed burst of warmth through Tessa’s freezing body as she let him pull her to her feet to face him. Up this close, she could see that he was actually very handsome, with a strong jawline, aquiline nose and bright green eyes that seemed to burn with some unfamiliar expression as he took in her disheveled appearance.

  “I apologize deeply for the actions of certain members of my pack. I am Rohin,” he said. “What is your name?”

  “Te… Tessa,” she stammered in reply.

  She was no longer as afraid as she had been earlier, but she found the man’s touch and kind words to be quite unnerving. He was so strong and handsome… and I’m so weak and chubby, she thought, embarrassed that such a sexy man was seeing her in this vulnerable state.

  “What were you doing in the woods, Tessa?” he asked, his eyes seemingly boring a hole in her.

  “My car broke down on the highway. I thought I saw lights out here, and that maybe there was a house, and someone that could help me,” she said, casting her eyes down in shame. Such a stupid reason to go wandering into an unfamiliar forest at night… he must think that I’m a complete idiot.

  Rohin barked orders to two of the wolves that were still sitting around the bonfire, staring at them.

  “Find her car and fix it.”

  The two wolves immediately shifted into their human form.

  “Yes, packmaster,” they said in unison.

  Rohin turned back to Tessa.

  “Well, Tessa, let me give you a warm bed to stay in for the night. You will not be bothered by anyone, and you are welcome to everything in my home,” he said.

  Tessa was exhausted, and the idea of a warm bed seemed like heaven right now.

  “Thank you,” she said quietly. “That would be nice.”

  With that, he picked her up in his strong arms and carried her toward a large house towards the back of the village. I could get used to this, she thought. Being carried to bed by a gorgeous, muscular man has always been a dream of mine. It’s a shame that I’ll be sleeping alone, though…

  She knew it was silly after the night that she had had so far, but something about this man was driving her slightly crazy, and despite her exhaustion, heat was pooling between her legs and shivers were shooting up and down her spine. He looked down at her and smiled, and she felt as if she would have melted right into the ground had he not been carrying her.

  Once they had reached his house, he set her down on the ground before opening the door. Tessa gasped as she saw the inside of the house. It was everything that she had ever dreamed of in a home; spacious, yet warm and cozy, with a classic French-style interior decoration scheme.

  “This place is amazing!” she said, already feeling more alert as she marveled at the antique furniture in the lounge room.

  “Thank you,” he said. “My parents built and decorated it, and I lived here with them until they died.”

  “That’s nice. I mean, it’s nice that they built and decorated it. Not that they died,” she replied, realizing that she was babbling like a mad-woman.

  He studied her face for a moment, and then smiled.

  “I knew what you meant. My parents were amazing. It’s hard to not be reminded of them every time I sit in this lounge room.”

  “I’m sorry,” she murmured, wondering why he was revealing so much personal information to a stranger like her.

  “It was only a year ago that they died. It was an accident, but I was immediately made packmaster,” he continued. “And now I live here alone. So you are welcome to stay longer than one night, if you please. I miss having company here.”

  Tessa realized that the big, strong werewolf was actually lonely and probably almost as vulnerable as her, and she felt bad for him. He seemed so kind and hospitable; the least she could do is have a conversation with him, instead of staring at his gorgeous face and chest like he was a piece of meat.

  “What exactly is a packmaster?” she asked. “Up until about fifteen minutes ago, I didn’t even know that werewolves existed, so please forgive me if I sound ignorant.”

  “It’s exactly what it sounds like. I am the leader of this pack. The status is passed down from one generation to the next in this pack, and my family have always been the packmasters. As the only alpha male in my family, the honor was passed to me. I have two sisters, though. They are mated to others, and no longer live here.”

  When he said the word ‘mated’, his eyes seemed to burn even brighter, and he stared down at her.

  “I am probably boring you with all my talk. Would you like a hot shower, or would you prefer to go straight to bed?”

  “A shower would be wonderful,” she replied. “I’m all dirty after those wolves… men attacked me.”

  “Again, I am sorry for that. Dane and Micah are young wolves, and this isn’t the
first time that they’ve gotten in trouble. It is the last, though. They will be expelled from the pack should they do it again.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that they would have no pack to live and run with. Basically, no support system. We aren’t all related, obviously, but we are all still family, if you know what I mean. We take care of each other, and being expelled from a pack is the greatest dishonor one can bring upon himself.”


  “Anyway, I will show you the bathroom and the spare bedroom that you may have for the night.”

  As she followed him through the house, Tessa continued to gaze around in wonder. Rohin stopped and turned to her for a second, a smile creeping across his handsome face.


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