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The Werewolf Mega-Bundle 1

Page 5

by Mia Harris

  “I speak English, yes. My name is Milos. Who is your friend? And what kind of accent is that?”

  Leah buried her head in her hands and hoped that James would leave her alone, but he pointed over at her.

  “I’m James, and we’re from Australia. That’s her. Her name is Leah.”

  The man laughed, and translated James’ request to the rest of the group. They all laughed as well, and one of them said something back to the English-speaking man in rapid Serbian. He looked at James and spoke.

  “Okay, get your friend over here. She will be going up against Nenad. No one has ever beaten him at this, you know, so she doesn’t stand a chance. But, it will be fun to watch.”

  Leah stood up and wandered over to the group, and hissed at James.

  “I’m going to kill you. But I’ll do it, just so you can feel bad when I die of alcohol poisoning.”

  She smiled at the rest of the men, who all watched her with amused expressions. Even in her black heeled boots, she was only five-foot-three, and despite her size fourteen frame, she still didn’t have a chance at winning as far as they were concerned. The tall, dark-haired man that she had been staring at earlier stepped forward and looked down at her. His eyes lingered on her for a moment. There was something strange about his expression; his eyes were blazing, but she couldn’t tell why. Is he angry that I challenged him? Leah wondered.

  After a moment, he smiled and said something in Serbian to Milos. His accent and deep voice made a shiver shoot down her spine, and she felt a warm sensation begin to creep down her neck.

  “He says he feels too bad to compete with you. You are a foot shorter than him; there’s no way you can handle as much alcohol as him. What makes you think you can win?” said Milos.

  “Because I’m from Australia,” Leah said, as if it were the most obvious answer in the world. She looked over at Nenad with a defiant expression on her face as she spoke. Milos translated, and Nenad spoke again, his eyes still blazing.

  “He has visited your country before, as have I. Your alcohol is weak; even your coffee is weak,” said Milos.

  “Well, that’s probably because the Australians took one look at you and thought that you looked like weak little girls, so they had better give you weak drinks,” she replied.

  As Milos translated her words, the men all laughed, except Nenad, who glared at her and said something. She didn’t understand, but the tone of his voice sounded angry.

  “Okay, let’s begin. He says he is fine with watching a stupid little girl like you destroy yourself,” said Milos.

  Leah glared up at Nenad as James brought over their drinks; two enormous glasses of beer. She gulped as she realized just how much it was; she doubted she could fit that much liquid in her stomach. Although, James had always teased her about how fast she drank and ate everything, so maybe she did have a chance after all. She took off the warm black coat that she had been wearing over a striped black and white long-sleeved dress and stockings, and pretended that she didn’t notice Nenad looking her up and down again. As she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, his eyes seemed to glow yellow for a second. A trick of the light? she wondered.

  She may have been a size fourteen and what some would call chubby, but her hips and waist still formed a gorgeous, curvy hourglass figure. Growing up, Leah had always been insecure about her full breasts and hips, but had come to realize in her late teens that she could drive a lot of men wild with her voluptuous body. Now, she was hoping that her figure might distract him a bit, but she was having no such luck. His face hardened, and he resumed glaring at her while saying something in heated tones to the man next to him.

  The drinks sat on the table in front of them, and Milos counted down from three.

  “Drink!” he shouted, once he had reached the number one.

  Leah picked up the glass, tipped it back and tried to pour it down her throat as quickly as possible. Too slow, too slow, her brain chanted as she continued to tip the beer into her mouth. She had always hated the taste of beer, but right now she didn’t want to lose and look stupid in front of this man. He was extremely attractive, but she had decided that he was incredibly arrogant, too; not a quality that she admired in any man. When the last of the liquid was drained from the glass, she slammed it down on the table, and was followed two seconds later by Nenad. Everyone started cheering, and James patted her on the shoulder.

  “Way to represent Australia, alco,” he said, laughing.

  Leah couldn’t believe that she had actually won. She wiped the small amount of beer that had dribbled onto her chin away, and looked over at Nenad. He was still glaring at her, and his face had turned slightly red. He’s embarrassed that he lost to a ‘little girl’, she thought, and smiled at him. His bright blue-green eyes seemed to glow yellow again for a split-second, and he turned away. Leah rubbed her eyes, wondering why she kept seeing things that weren’t there. I guess I’m drunk already. After another hour, the massive amount of beer that she had consumed really started to hit her.

  “I feel a bit light-headed. I think I’m going to head upstairs and lie down,” she said to James.

  “Alright. I’m going to stay down here and hang out with these guys for a while. I’ll see you in the morning,” he replied.

  Leah headed upstairs to her hotel room. James had booked two adjoining rooms for them, so that they shared the same bathroom but could still have privacy from each other. Still feeling lightheaded, she turned the TV on, climbed into bed and lay down. Half an hour later, she sighed. There was nothing good on TV, and she couldn’t sleep. Her head was spinning less now, and as she got up to get a glass of water, the hotel room phone rang.

  “Hello?” she said as she picked it up.

  “Hey, it’s just me,” said James, his voice slurring slightly.

  “Wow, you sound drunk,” she teased.

  “Yeah, anyway, you left that black coat of yours down here. I was going to bring it up, but then that Nenad guy got a bunch of drinks spilled on him. I told him that he could use our bathroom to have a shower, and he said he’ll take your coat up with him.”

  Ugh. The last thing I want to do is deal with that grumpy, arrogant prick.

  “Is that okay?” Jimmy asked when she failed to respond.

  “Oh. Umm, yeah, it’s fine. I’ll talk to you later.”

  When she had hung up the phone, Leah went to the bathroom to fix her hair and makeup. Even though she didn’t like Nenad after the hour or so that she had known him, something made her care about how she looked in front of him. Moments later, she heard a loud knock, and she opened the door. Nenad towered over her in the doorway, his white T-shirt covered in some kind of reddish-colored stain.

  Without a word, he handed her the coat and brushed past her.

  “Sure, come in, you’re welcome,” Leah said, a sarcastic smile on her face, before remembering that he didn’t understand.

  “It’s a shame you don’t speak English and I don’t speak Serbian, because then I could tell you what an arrogant asshole I think you are,” she continued whilst smiling sweetly at him. He probably thinks I’m saying nice, polite things to him, she thought as he looked down at her and smiled.

  He said something in Serbian, and then took his T-shirt off. Leah’s eyes lingered on his hard, muscular chest and arms for a moment, before pointing in the direction of the bathroom. He smiled again and threw the shirt on the floor, and she sighed. There was a mini kitchenette on the other side of the room, so she decided to try and scrub the stain out of his shirt over the sink. She couldn’t sleep anyway, and it wasn’t like she had anything better to do at eleven o’clock at night. The stain came out surprisingly easily, and she hung the shirt over a chair before sitting down on another one. She could hear the shower going, and despite her dislike of Nenad, she couldn’t help but close her eyes and picture his naked body standing under the warm water as it flowed all over him. Mmmmm…

  Her reverie was broken moments later when she heard a sound in front
of her, and she opened her eyes. The shower was off, and Nenad was standing next to where she was sitting, looking at her questioningly. He had a white towel wrapped around his hips, and his dark hair glistened with droplets of water. Saying something in rapid Serbian, he kept looking at her, and she sighed.

  “I have no idea what you’re saying, but your shirt is over there. I washed it for you, but it’s still wet. You may as well stay here and watch TV with me while it dries,” she said as she pointed over at his T-shirt and then at the TV.

  Nenad turned his head, looked in the direction that she was pointing, and then looked back at Leah. He said something else in his language, and Leah felt like she might melt into the floor. That accent. Suddenly remembering that she didn’t like him, she decided to continue insulting him in English for her own amusement.

  “You looked so sad and embarrassed when I beat you at that drinking game. You don’t like losing to little girls, do you? You think you’re a big, strong manly-man, don’t you?” she said, plastering an extra-sweet smile on her face.

  His eyes suddenly seemed to glow a bright amber color again, and he glared down at her.

  “Actually, I just don’t like losing to anyone,” he replied in perfect English.

  The smile immediately slid off Leah’s face, and her mouth dropped open. Her face burned with embarrassment, and she knew that her cheeks were probably turning bright pink as she spoke.

  “You speak English? What… what’s wrong with your eyes?” she said, rubbing her own eyes. I’m definitely seeing things now. I drank way too much tonight.

  “I never said that I didn’t speak English. You just assumed that I don’t, and I let you,” he said, ignoring her question about his eyes.

  “Why… why did you pretend that you didn’t understand us earlier, then?”

  His eyes burned an even brighter yellow as he stared at her, and Leah shifted uncomfortably in her seat. What the hell is happening?

  “So we could say things about you in our language without you getting suspicious,” he said, smirking at her. “Your boyfriend knew what we were saying, but he thought it was funny, so he didn’t tell you. Also, I let you win.”

  “James isn’t my boyfriend. He’s just a friend. And I definitely beat you,” she replied angrily, despite the fearful chill that was creeping down her spine.

  “Oh, I see. You know, you may think that you beat me, but you just aren’t a very nice little girl. My kind don’t often like mean little girls,” he said, a little smile playing on his lips.

  Leah looked down, unable to meet his eyes. Hang on a second… what does he mean, ‘my kind’? His eyes…

  “What are you?” she asked, jerking her head up.

  “You really haven’t figured it out yet?” he replied.

  She didn’t reply, and looked back down at the floor. Whatever he was, he was making her very nervous. Nenad laughed softly, and then spoke again.

  “Why don’t I show you?”

  As Leah gazed up at him in shock, he began to transform right before her eyes. His ears began to turn to points, his hands and feet became paws, and fur started to sprout on his arms and chest. Seconds later, an enormous, powerful-looking grey and white wolf was sitting in front of her on its haunches, and it was staring straight at her.

  Her hand flew to her mouth. He’s a werewolf? Oh god… James was right! As she stared at the wolf in horror, it lunged towards her. She got up from her chair and tried to run away, but it leapt on her. She fell backwards onto her bed and was immediately pinned down by the creature.

  “I’m sorry!” she gasped, terrified. “I didn’t mean to insult you! Please, don’t eat me!”

  She squeezed her eyes shut, and to her surprise, the wolf didn’t tear her apart with its claws and teeth. Instead, it softly licked her face, and then gently nipped her neck and shoulders. Leah kept her eyes firmly shut, and then heard a familiar deep voice growling in her ear.

  “It’s alright, I forgive you. You see, I said some not-so-nice things about you earlier on.”

  Leah’s eyes flew open, and she saw that she was now being pinned down by Nenad again, who was still wearing the towel around his hips. She felt her legs trembling beneath him as she whispered a reply.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Well… I don’t think a little girl like you could handle what I said,” he replied, grinning nastily at her as his amber eyes blazed.

  Leah gulped, and suddenly found her voice and attitude again. If he was planning on tearing me apart for being rude to him, then he would have done so by now. He must like it when I talk back to him.

  “I just beat you in a drinking competition, so I’m pretty sure that I can handle whatever horrible things you said about me!” she said, hoping that her voice didn’t betray her nervousness.

  “Oh… I didn’t say that I ever said anything horrible about you. I said they were not-so-nice things. That can mean more than one thing,” he said, his bright eyes still boring into her.

  He leaned closer to her, and Leah swallowed hard as a familiar heat started to creep down her neck again. The same look in his eyes that she had seen earlier had returned, and she realized that it was pure arousal. He was just as attracted to her as she was to him. As the heat spread down to between her legs, she told herself that it was just her body reacting to the alcohol. Nenad got off her, grabbed her hands and then pulled her to her feet.

  “Do you really want to know what I said about you?” he murmured, staring down into her big hazel eyes.

  As she looked up at him, he reached his hands into her wavy strawberry blonde hair and stroked her head. From this, Leah had a fairly good idea what he had said, but she wanted him to say it anyway. Despite her initial dislike of the man, her body was responding to him in a way that she hadn’t felt in years

  “Yes. Tell me. But first… tell me more about what you are,” she whispered.

  He didn’t reply. Instead, he leaned down and kissed her. As his warm lips gently pressed against hers, his tongue searched for a way into her mouth. Leah opened her mouth and let him deepen the kiss, and she moved her hands up to his chest, tracing the outline of his hard muscles as their tongues hungrily explored each other’s mouths.

  When he finally broke the kiss, he pulled her closer to his body, ran his hands down over curvy hips and came to rest on the small of her back. As she pressed up against him, she could feel something poking into her through the towel, and realizing what it was, she pulled his face down and kissed him again before sliding her right hand onto his abdomen. Slowly, she reached her hand into the towel, and he started to nuzzle her neck. Shivers ran down her spine, and she let her hand come to rest just above his hard cock. Nenad leaned back, reached down and gently pulled her hand away.

  “Not yet,” he murmured, before sliding his mouth to her neck again, nipping at her and moving them both closer to the bed.

  His hands moved around to her back again, but this time he slowly moved them up and located the top of the zip to her dress. Smirking, he pulled down the zip and pushed the dress over her shoulders and down to the floor. Underneath, she was wearing a black and blue lacy bra and matching underwear, along with her thigh-high sheer stockings. His eyes started to burn even more at the sight of her, and he ran his hands all over her body, caressing and stroking. Leah sighed as she felt his rough hands touching her, and responded by running her hands all over him as well.

  Nenad sank to his knees and grabbed the top of one of her thigh-high stockings. Looking up at her, he grinned and then slowly peeled it off her thighs, down her calf and then onto the floor. After repeating this on her other leg, he stood back up and ran a hand up her right thigh, coming to rest on her ass.

  “I want you to take these off,” he demanded, sliding his other hand onto the front of her underwear and slowly beginning to rub in small circles with his palm.

  Even through the lacy material, he could feel how smooth and bare she was. Leah was glad that she had decided to get a wa
x three days ago, even though Jimmy had laughed at her. ‘We’re traveling, do you really need to visit a beauty salon?’ he had asked, mocking her vanity. It was paying off now, though, because Nenad growled softly and bit her neck as he continued to rub, his eyes alive with desire for her.

  “Only if you tell me about your kind, and what you said about me,” she whispered.

  “I’ll tell you later,” he replied, running his hand up and down her back, and then squeezing her ass.

  His other hand continued to rub over the top of her underwear, and she sighed as she felt tingles shooting through her body. As he rubbed, she could tell that she was getting wet, and her underwear started to dampen under his hand.

  “I want to know now! If you’re not going to tell me, then I won’t take these off,” she said, her eyes burning into his.


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