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The Werewolf Mega-Bundle 1

Page 20

by Mia Harris

  Emily was embarrassed, and cast her eyes to the side. He grabbed her by the chin again and forced her to look at him.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. I am glad that you are innocent. It means that I will be your first… everything. I was the first man to kiss you, wasn’t I?”

  Recalling his lips roughly pressing against hers earlier, Emily blushed.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “Good. Now I’m going to be the first man inside of you,” he growled.

  He leaned down and kissed her again, and after a moment he broke away and moved his mouth down to her throat, planting soft, warm kisses up and down the delicate skin of her neck and collarbones. As he nuzzled her, Emily threw her head back and murmured softly, realizing that she was very much enjoying his touch. She didn’t even feel ashamed of her naked body as she lay pinned beneath him, despite her initial worry that she was too plump. Henry clearly wanted her badly, so she knew that that was no longer an issue she had to worry about.

  As he continued to nuzzle and kiss her, he slid his grey coat off to reveal dark clothing underneath, and Emily saw that her original assessment of his body had been correct. Under the black shirt that he wore, she could see the well-defined outlines of hard muscles, and she let out a little gasp.

  Henry leaned back and unbuttoned his shirt before throwing it to the ground beside the bed.

  “You like what you see, huh?” he growled, watching Emily’s reaction to his body. “Don’t worry, I’ll be all over you soon, and you’ll know what it feels like to have a man inside you.”

  His words sent an unfamiliar sensation coursing through her body, and she realized what he had meant when he had asked her if she was wet. Something odd was happening between her legs; there was a strange dampness between them that she could feel as she squirmed around.

  Henry spread her legs again and climbed on top of her, settling his weight on her so that she couldn’t move.

  “You need to stop squirming around,” he said, his eyes burning brighter now. “Now, let me feel you.”

  He reached one hand down over her soft belly, and Emily moaned softly at his touch as he slid the hand between her legs, probing a finger up and down her pink folds. She had explored the area between her legs a few times before with her own hands, but nothing had ever happened.

  This was different, though. As his fingers moved up and down her slit, she felt a pressure beginning to build deep within her belly. His touch was like magic; it felt as if a lightning bolt had come down from the heavens and was now streaming through her veins, and she began to breathe deeply.

  “My, my, you are nice and wet for me, aren’t you?” he murmured.

  Moments later, she let out a little moan and closed her eyes as his thumb settled on the most sensitive part of her, the part that had been throbbing earlier. He began to rub his thumb in small circles, and it felt ticklish, but incredibly good at the same time.

  Emily tried to squirm away, worried that it felt a little too good, but Henry growled and held her down, grabbing her wrists with his free hand and dragging them up above her head.

  “You will not try to escape,” he growled. “You are mine now.”

  “I wasn’t trying to,” she said breathlessly. “It’s just… what you are doing, it felt so nice… it can’t be right. Mama always told me that a woman’s job is just to have babies, not to feel good from a man’s touch. She said that only the man needs to feel pleasure.”

  Keeping her hands pinned above her head, he leaned in and slid his mouth over her ear.

  “Oh, really? Either your Mama is lying to you to keep you away from young men, or I feel very sorry for her. A man does need to feel pleasure to make a baby, but it is just as important to make the woman feel good. And I’m going to make you feel good, so much that I daresay you won’t be able to walk for hours afterwards.”

  His words sounded ominous, but Emily was no longer afraid, so she closed her eyes and let the gorgeous werewolf continue to hold her down, one hand rubbing between her legs. Suddenly, she felt the pressure that had been building deep within her seemingly explode out of her, and a wave of the most incredible ecstasy surged through her, flooding her entire body and mind with warmth and pleasure.

  “Oh… oh!” she gasped. “What’s happening to me?”

  Henry’s eyes blazed as he felt her body writhing underneath him, and he continued to hold her down, a wicked smirk creeping across his face.

  “That was a taste of the pleasures that I can bring you as your mate,” he murmured, sliding his mouth back over her ear.

  His words sent a shiver down her spine, even though she wasn’t cold at all. How is he doing this to me?

  “There’s more?” she gasped.

  “Oh, yes, my little girl, there is much, much more.”

  “Please… I want to feel it, then,” she said.

  He murmured softly into her ear.

  “You are very demanding. What am I going to have to do with you, you naughty little girl?”

  “Whatever you want.”

  Emily heard the words slipping out of her mouth, and couldn’t believe that she had actually said them. What would my parents think of me? Right now, she wasn’t sure she even cared what they would think. Henry growled and pulled his head up, allowing her to see the wild, barely-contained lust in his eyes.

  “I’m going to be inside you soon. Is that what you want, little girl?”

  “Yes. Please,” she whimpered, desperate to experience all the things that he was telling her of.

  She felt his hand creep back down her belly, but he didn’t touch her again. Her wrists were still pinned above her head, and he finally let her go. Looking down, she saw that he had undone his pants, and something thick, smooth and wholly unfamiliar had emerged from them. That… that’s the part that men have. Mama never told me it was so big.

  “You’ve never seen a cock before, have you?” he said, smiling nastily down at her as he sat up. “Go on, touch it.”

  The word sounded unbelievably crude to Emily, but only served to make her want him even more. She boldly reached down with her hands and felt it. It was a lot softer than she had imagined it to be, and very warm.

  “Oh, my,” she gasped. “Your… cock… it’s so big!”

  “All the better to please you with, my dear,” he growled.

  Pouncing back on her, he pushed her legs apart even further and began to grind his hips against her. With her hands now free to explore his body, Emily reached out and touched the hard muscles of his chest, reveling in the sensation of being finally able to feel a man. The little nub between her legs was still very sensitive, and she could feel it throbbing and pulsing.

  Something told her that it would only stop doing that when he was inside her with his… cock. She was getting used to the word now, and a little smile began to play on her lips.

  “What are you smiling about, little girl?” he said, a fierce expression crossing his face.

  “Nothing,” she lied.

  He growled, louder this time.

  “I don’t believe you,” he said. “Tell me what you want. Do you want me to fuck you?”

  The word that he had just spoken was even cruder than ‘cock’, and Emily gasped.

  “Does that mean…?”

  “Yes. Is that what you want? You want me to hold you down and fuck you, little girl?”

  “Oh, yes,” she said breathlessly.

  Henry slid one hand underneath her behind, pulling her closer to him, and the other hand pinned her wrists up behind her head. She was trapped underneath him again, but this time she didn’t care at all. Something about the idea of being held down and touched by the strong, masculine werewolf was clouding Emily’s mind, making her forget everything that she had ever learned about being a good girl, and she whimpered in frustration.

  “You really do want it,” he said, smirking again.

  Emily gasped as she felt his cock pressing against her warm, wet entrance. A girlfriend of hers who
was already married had once confided in her, telling her that on her wedding night, she had experienced unimaginable pain from her new husband. She had never given Emily any other details about it, so that coupled with what her mother had told her made her suddenly afraid again.

  “Wait… no… I don’t think that I can take it,” she whispered.

  “You can. Don’t worry. It will hurt at first, and then you will feel unimaginable joys,” Henry replied.

  Her heart raced, and her breath came shallow and quick as he pressed against her, and seconds later he was pushing inside of her, his thick cock invading her tight warmth and causing a sharp pain to shoot through her body despite her wetness. She cried out as he began to thrust in and out of her, and she desperately wanted him to stop.

  “Please! It hurts!” she begged.

  Seconds after she had spoken, the pain suddenly disappeared, and was replaced by a sensual pleasure, one which was even more amazing than the ecstasy that he had brought her to with his hands.

  “Are you sure you want me to stop?” he asked, his hips stopping mid-thrust.

  “Oh… no… it’s alright now. Please, keep doing it!” she said breathlessly.

  She began to relax around him, and she saw Henry’s jaw clench with arousal as she gasped and sighed beneath him. His cock was filling her tightness up with each hard thrust, and Emily couldn’t believe how good it felt as he continued to slide in and out, in and out, harder and faster. Their bodies were so close together that his groin rubbed against hers with each forward thrust, and she felt the sensitive bud between her legs throbbing even more.

  Another pressure was building deep in her core, and she knew that when she exploded this time, it would be even better. As he moved inside of her, it seemed as if she was flying and soaring to heights of pleasure that she hadn’t ever dreamed possible. Henry groaned, and the sound was unmistakable; her body was giving him as much pleasure as he was giving her with his.

  The pressure exploded out of her again, and she moaned in ecstasy as new waves of pleasure surged through her. Henry didn’t stop moving inside her, and she whimpered and moaned beneath him, still unable to believe how good he felt.

  “I’m going to fuck you harder now, little girl,” he growled, sliding his mouth over her left ear and nibbling her earlobe. “Is that what you want… hmm?”

  “Oh, yes… yes,” she gasped.

  “You like being dominated by me, don’t you? You want to be held down and fucked by a werewolf every day, don’t you?”

  “Mmm…. yes,” she said, moaning as he began to move his hips faster, slamming himself deeper and deeper into her.

  “Don’t worry, little girl. I’m going to fuck you like this every day and night for the rest of your life,” he growled.

  His words sent another flood of pleasure cascading through Emily’s body, and she screamed in delight. Seconds later, he groaned loudly again, and she felt him shudder before slamming into her one last time. She felt a warm, sticky wetness deep inside, and she knew what he had done.

  “Wait,” she gasped. “You shouldn’t have done that!”

  “Done what? Spurted my seed in you?”

  “Yes. That’s how babies are made.”

  “I am perfectly aware of that,” he growled. “As my mate, you will bear all of my children, and you will raise them with me.”

  Emily had barely even considered the idea of having children; she had always thought that she would worry about that after she was married. Something told her that she had no need to worry, though. The idea of raising Henry’s werewolf babies made her feel a surge of emotion that she had never experienced before.

  “And don’t worry,” he continued. “I will introduce myself to your parents, and let them know of my intentions to marry you. They won’t say no.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Look around you. This house is mine, and it is not the only one that I own. I come from a very wealthy pack, and you will not want for anything. I will take care of you and our offspring for the rest of your life. You will live here with me.”

  My dream cottage… and it’s mine. Something suddenly occurred to Emily, now that her mind was no longer clouded with sexual energy.

  ‘Wait… no, this is my Grandma’s cottage,” she said. “Oh, god… my Grandma!”

  Henry rolled over onto his side and laughed.

  “No, it isn’t. Don’t worry, your grandmother is fine.”

  “But my Papa said her cottage is number ten, and this is number ten.”

  A wolfish grin spread across his face.

  “I heard you back in the bakehouse, telling Mr. Prentice where she lived. This is number nine. I followed you, and after you fed me that delicious soup, I ran ahead and switched the signs.”

  “So that’s why I didn’t see a number nine at all.”

  “Yes. This is number nine. Your grandmother is my neighbor. And don’t worry, I have visited her every day since she moved in to make sure that she is okay. I took her some food this morning, and she is recovering from her cold quite nicely. The reason I was at the bakehouse was because I intended on buying some fresh bread for her… but then I realized that that was what you were doing.”

  “Why did you follow me?”

  “I told you already. Because I wanted you,” he growled, climbing back on top of her. “And now I think I want you again.”

  “Why did you want me to feed you?”

  “I didn’t. But you seemed to think that I was hungry, and I was hardly going to pass up a delicious bowl of chicken soup.”

  “Oh. So you visit my Grandma? You aren’t as scary as I thought, then. In fact, you’re… nice.”

  Henry gave her another wolfish grin.

  “I can be. All of the things that I want to do to you right now are certainly not nice. But first, perhaps we should take your apples and bread to your grandmother.”

  “I have no clothes.”

  “I’m sure we can put your dress back together somehow, and cover up the tears with that little red cloak of yours.”

  Emily smiled as he helped her get dressed, and moments later they were walking down the garden path and up the road to her Grandma’s cottage. She loved seeing her Grandma, but right now, she was already looking forward to when she could next be alone with Henry, the future husband that she had finally found, despite him being a werewolf. She was his, and he was hers… her mate.





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