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Intrigue and a Bottle of Merlot

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by Bria Marche

  She showered and sprayed Chanel on her neck and wrists. Instinctively, she pulled a pair of tan dress slacks and a navy sweater from her closet and laid them across her bed. Damn it, I’m so pathetic! I’m almost screaming out I’m nearing forty years old, for crap’s sake. I need a full-body makeover, beginning with my wardrobe. Karen hung the pants back up and rifled through the dresser drawer for a pair of tight-fitting jeans. She knew there was a pair somewhere that had fit her perfectly last year when she was seven pounds lighter. Now they would be uncomfortably snug, just the way she wanted them. She discovered short brown boots toward the back of the closet. All she had to do was wipe the dust off them, and they would be fine. A long, floral scarf wrapped around her neck several times and tied in a knot gave off a youthful vibe, and large hoop earrings completed the ensemble. She let her hair dry naturally after applying a blob of styling cream with her head upside down. Scrunching the wet locks and flipping her head back up would give her the curly, unkempt look someone five years younger might have. She desperately wanted Mario to notice her as a fun-loving, young-minded woman who had beauty and plenty of brains, too. Today I’m going to flirt with him, damn it. No guts, no glory. After a piece of raisin toast and a few deep squats to loosen her pants, Karen was on her way to Peekskill.


  Mario seated himself at a booth in the back of Joe’s Diner on Main Street. The brown vinyl bench seat was split from front to back. A few crumbs remained from the previous customer, which Mario brushed aside before sitting down. He sat facing the glassed door entrance so he could watch for Karen. It surprised him at how often she popped into his mind. He thought about Karen living in Hunter and working at the store daily, the way he did. I should have been on the ball. I didn’t know Mia was going to offer her house to Karen when she moved in with Aaron. Now it’s too late, and it would be asking too much. Karen lives in Tarrytown now, where her friends are. I’ve never given her a reason to want to live in Hunter anyway. Mario thought back to the two weeks before Christmas, when Karen had stayed at his apartment with him. With the busy ski season and holiday rush, Mario needed her help. He remembered how they’d talked a lot at night and shopped together after work. It was fun having her around every day. He thought back to the night she’d ordered pizza over the phone and how he’d longed for her. He’d wanted to kiss her so badly. Those full lips and gorgeous face were meant to be kissed. Why didn’t I do something then?


  “Mario? Hello… is anyone home inside that head of yours?” Karen stood right in front of him, grinning at the vacant look on his face.

  “Karen! I didn’t see you come in… sorry.”

  “That makes me feel good—thanks, dude,” she joked.

  Mario stood and gave Karen a tight embrace. “Sit down. It’s good to see you. And I didn’t mean it the way it sounded. I just have a lot on my mind. You look different. Did you change something with your hair?”

  “Oh, this mess… I can’t be bothered. So, you’re looking as hot as always, Mario.” Jeez, Karen take it down a notch. He probably thinks you’re in heat.

  He laughed a full, hearty, “I’m with a fun gal” type of laugh. “You’re nuts, Karen.”

  “Really?” She made sure to maintain eye contact while trying to look sexy, which was tricky at nine in the morning.

  “Let’s get coffee. You want some breakfast too? I’m starving.”

  “Sure, why not?”

  Finally, at ten fifteen, they walked over to Geared Up. Max and Mario man hugged each other. They were as close as actual brothers might be. Max gave Karen a firm kiss on the cheek. The store was surprisingly busy for the end of March. It was the between-seasons time of year in Peekskill. People were still buying cold-weather clothing, but the shelves were being stocked and marked down with preseason sales on hiking and camping gear. New mountain bikes were being delivered regularly, and the repair and tune-up area in the back was buzzing.

  “So, you bums, what’s up? Let’s go into the office and talk. I have a fresh pot of coffee brewing.” Max stopped at the cashier counter to tell Lisa and Mark they would be in charge for a few hours, and they moved to the office.

  Mario set his briefcase on the floor next to the desk and took out the quarterly report for Gravity and the latest earnings for the Summit, too. Max pulled the first-quarter paperwork for Geared Up out of the file cabinet and set it on the desk with several calculators and notepads. With a hot cup of coffee in front of each of them, they started with the paperwork for the Telluride store. For over an hour, they scoured every page from the accountant and the bank statements for Gravity going back to January 1.

  “Well, did you guys see anything that looks off?” Mario asked as he leaned back in his chair and stretched.

  “The prices are set correctly, but it looks like they’re ordering much more than they’re selling,” Karen said. “If products aren’t moving out the door that fast, then why would they order so much? It seems like what should be your profits are going toward stocking the store instead.”

  “You know what that means, dude,” Max said. “Either the customers are stealing things, or your employees are.”

  “Yeah… it sure seems that way,” Mario said. “The idea of security tags on products never appealed to me. It gives the wrong vibe, but now I may have to rethink that.”

  “I know one thing,” Karen said. “Security tags would tell you if it’s the customers or the employees doing the stealing. Customers would get busted trying to leave, but employees can just take the tags off with the tool they have behind the counter. If the problem continued after the antitheft tags were in place, you’d know it was someone who worked there that was stealing.”

  “I think it’s time to make an unscheduled visit to Gravity. Karen, are you up for a road trip in a few weeks? I’ve got some things to take care of at the Summit before I can commit to a few weeks away.”

  “Huh? You want me to go along? Why not Max?”

  “I’ve got to help run Geared Up,” Max said. “We’re changing the product lines over to the spring season. I’m pretty busy, Karen. Go ahead—it will be a good experience for you. Maybe you’ll notice things at Gravity that need improvement, like you did here and at the Summit.”

  “What do you say, Karen, wanna hit the road with me?” The smile Mario wore made her loins quiver.

  “Um… okay, I guess. We have a few weeks, though, before we’re going, right?”

  “Yep. Okay, let’s break for lunch then go over the other books later. Max, you pick the place. You know this town the best.”

  “Sure. Let’s just go across the street to Reuben's. The food is always good there.”

  They ordered lunch, and the rest was a blur. Karen’s mind was going in a million directions. Why does Mario want to do a road trip when we could just fly and be in Telluride the same day? I’ve got two weeks to reinvent myself and turn into a hot, road-trip-worthy babe.

  The books for the Summit and Geared Up were fine and on target. That made them think something fishy was definitely going on in Telluride. There wasn’t an owner checking in daily and helping out at Gravity.

  Mario headed back to Hunter later that afternoon. He said he would spend a few days visiting Vic before they left for Colorado, and he promised to call next week so they could start planning the trip. He told Karen there might be time to do a little sightseeing on the way.

  She drove back to Tarrytown almost in a panic at the thought of spending that much time alone with Mario. Working at the store was different, somehow, because it kept them occupied. It would be the same once they arrived in Telluride, she assumed. It was the getting there and driving back that had her nerves on edge.


  “We need to have a serious powwow, Vic, or I’m going to go nuts. Mario wants me to take a road trip with him to Telluride. What the hell should I do?” Karen was beside herself with anxiety when she called Vic that evening. A bottle of Merlot was at her side, ready and waiting to be opened

  “We have to gather the troops,” Vic said. “Come to Tina’s house Sunday afternoon. The guys will be watching basketball on TV all day long, so they won’t miss any of us. We’ll figure everything out then. Don’t worry your pretty head about anything. There’s a good reason why my brother wants to do a road trip with you instead of just flying to Colorado. It’s a good thing, Karen. Get on board with it, babe, and enjoy the ride.”

  Vic was quite the optimist now that her life was sailing along smoothly. The only ones in the group without guys were Karen and Tina. In the next few weeks, things could change dramatically for Karen—at least she hoped so.

  Sunday at noon, Tina had a spread of delicious treats on her kitchen table. Mia and Sasha were already there and had helped prepare club sandwiches, potato salad, assorted cheeses, deli meats, chips, and wine or juice. Sasha brought grape juice for herself. They sat around the table and listened to Karen’s woes as they munched on sandwiches and snacks.

  “I don’t get where the bad part is in all of this,” Sasha said. “I thought you wanted Mario’s hot body, and what better way than to have him all to yourself than on a road trip? Do you know what the living arrangements will be for the two weeks you’re there?” As she spoke, Sasha scooted her chair closer to Karen so she could be eye to eye with her.

  “Sasha, you’re really too close to me. You’re freaking me out right now. You know, everyone has a certain amount of personal space they need around them. I’m asking you nicely to back away a little.”

  “Oh, for crap’s sake, we all want to hear the juice.” Sasha sighed.

  “Just back up, and I’ll speak louder. What juice are you referring to anyway? We haven’t even left the state yet. I don’t know shit about anything. The only thing I do know for certain is I’m six years older than Mario, and I need a full-body makeover in the next week. Sasha, you’re the youngest, so I need your input on how to shave a few years off my wardrobe. Tina and Vic, you guys need to freshen me up with a new hairdo and makeup choices. Mia, you have to do something—I just don’t know what it is yet. How about teaching me to be funny, coy, hip, or anything else Mario might be amused with?”

  “Why not be yourself? I think Mario likes you already,” Mia said.

  “Well, obviously he doesn’t like me in a hot, girlfriend kind of way. For God’s sake—I’ve known the man for seven months, and he hasn’t moved in for the kill yet.”

  “That’s true,” Vic said. “Should I talk to him? He is my brother after all. I don’t think he’s gay, but I can certainly ask. It would save you from wasting your time with him.”

  “Vic! I’ll absolutely kill you if you breathe one word to Mario about any of this, especially asking him if he’s gay.”

  “Fine, I’m just trying to help…”

  “Okay,” Tina said. “Be at Hair Brained Tuesday at nine o’clock. You’re going to be transformed into a thirtyish-looking goddess. Sasha, bring some of your clothes along so we can see what looks good on Karen. There, we have a plan of action. Now let’s drink.”

  Chapter Five

  Karen was more than excited, waiting for Tuesday morning to arrive. This was exactly what she needed. With an overhaul to make her feel as young as Mario, her self-confidence might be restored.

  “Where the hell are the outfits, Sasha?” Vic yelled out when Sasha walked in with nothing in her hands except a bag of donuts.

  “Do you have any idea how much clothing I own? Just do everything to Karen you guys can do here. We’ll go out for lunch after that then head to my house. It will make my life much easier. Don’t forget how many steps I have going to the second floor.”

  “That’s true. Okay, you get a pass. What kind of donuts did you buy?”

  “Filled and glazed, everyone’s favorites. I’ll start the coffee.”

  Karen sat in Vic’s chair, in front of the mirror, while her friends gave their opinions of hair-color swatches. Since she had beautiful auburn hair, they decided to add chunky blond highlights rather than changing her color completely. They all agreed on light golden-blond as the highlight color. Karen’s hair was colored and trimmed to give it tousled layers and bouncy curls. She hardly ever wore makeup, but a smoky liner, mascara, coppery blusher, and a hint of lip gloss gave her a sultry glow. Everything from the neck up was now a warm, welcoming color instead of no color at all. All that was left was the clothing update.

  The girls went to Morey’s for lunch. The news of Sasha’s pregnancy was out, and there were plenty of whispers among the female customers who were no longer getting any attention from Josh. They kept their voices down in the presence of the five crazy women though. They’d learned their lesson several months earlier.

  Morey’s and Bottoms Up now stocked grape juice just for Sasha. Morey prepared Sasha a cocktail of white grape juice and club soda with a pineapple chunk and maraschino cherry speared by a pink-flamingo swizzle stick. Two bottles of Merlot sat on the table for the rest of the girls to share. After lunch, they went to the Victorian. Kismet gave everyone wet kisses and begged to be petted. When she had finally had enough attention, she retreated under the kitchen window to sleep. The girls headed up the stairs to the master bedroom. With Sasha’s king-sized bed, there was plenty of room for everyone to lounge while Karen looked through the closet.

  “So, I’m the hippie hipster girl, and that’s the look I wear in public… or it was,” Sasha said. “Everything is too tight now except my carpenter jeans and sweatshirts. The rest of my clothes are a slutty style from my previous life. So, what’s left for Karen?”

  “Let’s see if the hippie hipster look would even work for her. Maybe she should go more boho, like baggy, torn jeans and really cool peasant tops,” Vic suggested.

  “Don’t you guys think I’m too old for that look?”

  “There you go, acting your age. You need to think young, honey, to pull this off. Let’s just mix it up. Think how cool Mario looks without even trying. He doesn’t have a set style, but it works for him anyway. He has that Colorado, cool vibe. I know—let’s look online to see what the hip mountain mamas wear. Just get slacks out of your head, or I swear I’m going to slap you. No more slacks until you’re at least sixty.”

  The five of them, still on Sasha’s bed, swarmed around her laptop, looking at photos of boutique shops in Park City, Aspen, Boulder, Flagstaff, and Jackson Hole. They were still coming up primarily with the boho mountain-mama style.

  “Okay, it’s settled. Jeans and peasant tops with a lot of jewelry and cute hats. We have to cut back on the makeup a little, which is fine because you’re naturally beautiful. Boots in the winter, of course, but what will you wear as a coat?” Vic was totally in her element. She should have been a personal assistant to the stars with the way she loved to take charge and reinvent people. “Here it is,” she yelled out. “It’s called an elf, pixie, Nordic, boho coat, and it’s perfect. Where’s your credit card, Karen?”

  “Jeez Louise, Vic, how much is it?”

  “Does it really matter? Can you put a price tag on looking five years younger?”

  “Fine. The credit card is in my purse downstairs. Just so you know, I don’t have an unlimited Visa Platinum card like Sasha.”

  Sasha giggled at her comment. “If you spend enough, they might upgrade you.”

  The coat was ordered with rush delivery. Karen needed it by next week.

  “So, here’s the deal,” Karen said as they sat around the fireplace in the dining room. Oak logs crackled, throwing out an occasional sizzle and pop. Sasha brought out a tray of mugs filled with hot apple cider. The ambiance was cozy enough to put little Kismet to sleep on Tina’s lap. “Mario and I will probably be on the road for three days each way. We’re going to get hotel rooms along the route. We’ll have hours and hours alone to talk. What the hell should I say and do?”

  “You were married before, and you have dated… a little,” Mia said. “Mario is a friend, and you’ve talked to each other, like, a million times.”

p; “I know all that, but how does a person turn a friend into more?” Karen asked.

  The girls looked toward Sasha and Mia.

  “Really?” they both squeaked.

  “You guys are perfect examples. Mia… you and Aaron were friends forever, and Sasha… you didn’t even like Josh, and now you’re preggers with his illegitimate child.”

  “Seriously, Karen, do people even say that word anymore? There you go dating yourself again.”

  “Sorry. I’m just frustrated. I don’t know what to talk about for two thousand miles, and I don’t know how the sleeping arrangements are going to go—on the road or when we get there.”

  “Just wing it. Mario will come up with things to talk about. The nighttime stuff… that’s on you, babe. You and Mario can figure that out together,” Tina said, giving Karen a wicked smile.

  “Tina, you’ll take care of Claire for me while I’m gone, won’t you? I mean, everyone else either has a dog or a man. Claire can keep you company.”

  “Wow, that’s an awesome image. I’m reduced to hanging out with a friggin’ cat. Yeah, I’ll watch Claire. Just make sure there’s plenty of litter and cat food at your house.”


  The apartment in Hunter was relatively quiet. Classical music played in the background as Mario thought about this trip. He cracked open a cold beer and relaxed in the recliner. Mixed feelings about going back to Telluride took over his mind. He had to find out what was going on at Gravity, and the only way to do that was in person. He could go by himself, but Karen would definitely help him get things back on track. Mario wanted to spend some alone time with her anyway, and this road trip would be the perfect opportunity. Everything they’d ever done together was work related or as a group of friends hanging out. He wanted to get to know Karen on a more personal level. There could be possibilities between them.

  But what if he ran into Sarah or Brad? Mario had left Telluride on a bad note, and it could be awkward running into them, especially if Karen was in the mix. I need to get them out of my head. They’re history. My life is in New York again, and there might be potential with Karen. Maybe I should sell Gravity so I can close that chapter of my life. Mario grabbed his tablet and looked for fun things to do on the way. He picked out a few possible tourist spots in Ohio. They could stop at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway or see the Gateway Arch in St. Louis. Mario wrote down six options that he would run by Karen. He was looking forward to the road trip, just not the destination.


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