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Intrigue and a Bottle of Merlot

Page 7

by Bria Marche

  “I’m sure. Anyway we just finished dinner. J. J., come here and feel your baby brother, or sister, moving.”

  J. J. jumped at the chance. “How can the baby breathe inside your belly?”

  “It’s just a miracle, honey. That’s the best way I can explain it,” Sasha said. “Believe me—over the next six months, you’ll be able to actually see the shape of the baby’s foot as it stretches and rolls.”

  “That’s sort of creepy, like The X-Files,” J. J. said, “and won’t it hurt?”

  “I imagine it might get uncomfortable at times, but I’ll be fine.”

  Mia gave Sasha a hug and whispered in her ear, “I love you, sister. I’ve never been more proud of anyone. I can’t wait to meet the newest edition to our family.”

  Sasha was elated as they lifted their glasses and made a toast to the first baby in this group of best friends.


  The drive between Salina and Burlington was flat, boring, and offered very little in the scenery department. Mario and Karen weren’t missing anything along the way as the moonless night engulfed the SUV. They played trivia games to pass the time.

  “Would you like a soda, Mario? I’ll grab a couple out of the cooler.”

  “Sure—thanks. Okay, back to trivia. I’ll make this one easy on you. Who was the first Hispanic musician inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?” Mario laughed, thinking Karen would know the right answer since they’d just been there.

  She snapped the pop-tops and handed a soda to Mario. She took a second to think of a witty response. “Um… Ricky Martin?”

  They both burst out laughing and clinked their cans together.

  “I’m just giving you shit, Mario. I know it’s really José Feliciano.” She smirked and threw him an air kiss as he drove.

  Mario shook his head and chuckled. “You know you’re nuts, right? We’ll be there in a half hour. Then, my pretty, you’re gonna get it.”

  “Yeah, yeah, promises, promises. I’ll be ready and waiting, hot stuff.”

  The night clerk at the Comfort Inn buzzed them through the glass doors of the vestibule after sizing them up carefully. It was apparent by his messed-up hair and squinty eyes he had been dozing in the back. It was a little after ten o’clock. He welcomed them and placed his bifocals on the bridge of his nose.

  “Hi there,” Mario said. “I called a few hours ago and reserved a room for tonight. The name is Alonso.”

  “Just one minute here, gotta get my bearings. Yep, one room for the night, but all I have is a double. Will that do?”

  Mario and Karen agreed it was fine, and they were directed down the hall to their room. It would be the last time they had to lug their suitcases into a hotel room for a one-night stay until the return drive to New York. The photos of the Cimarron Lodge in Telluride showed a nice vacation rental very similar to a cozy condo. They could settle in and relax during the week they would be there.

  “This isn’t bad, but I will be happy to finally get to Telluride,” Karen said. “The photos make it look like a gorgeous historic town.”

  “It is gorgeous. I just hope we’ll have time to enjoy some of the scenery and nightlife. Telluride definitely isn’t a town for all work and no play, but it might take a few days to get the security tags on the merchandise and install the door device. I’m really glad I ordered that stuff in advance and brought it along. I didn’t want to give anyone a heads-up that I was coming by having everything sent to Gravity. I do hate the thought of antitheft devices, but it doesn’t seem like I have a choice.”

  “We’ll get it figured out, and I’ll make sure we still have time for fun. Speaking of fun, let’s have a drink and relax.”

  “There you go, reading my mind.” Mario took of his coat and tossed it over the back of the chair. Karen did the same. The shoes came off next. Mario grabbed two glasses and snapped the tops off of the small whiskey bottles in the mini-fridge. He poured the whiskey and handed one of the glasses to Karen as he sat on the bed next to her. They each took a sip then kissed. The passion escalated. Mario set the glasses down and took Karen’s face in his hands. He kissed her deeply, hungry for her response, which she was more than ready to give. They moaned in anticipation of what would come next. It felt natural, and the time was right. The desire they had for each other had been building for months. Mario stripped off his shirt and unbuttoned Karen’s blouse, sliding it down her arms and off her body. She gazed at his rock-hard abs. Mario was fit, strong, and very manly. Just looking at him flashed hot,hot,hot in bright-colored neon lights in Karen’s head. She wanted all of him right at that moment. They both peeled off their jeans, and Mario yanked the blankets back. They lay on the bed, wrapped in each other’s arms, and made love for the first time. During the night, they woke and made love again. It wasn’t just sex. They felt a connection and closeness with each other. It was what they longed for and needed.


  The morning sunlight pierced the slight opening in the blackout curtains of the hotel room. Karen squinted and shielded her eyes. She rolled over. The clock radio read 7:12 a.m. The bed was empty to her right. The sound of water running in the bathroom told her Mario was in the shower. Karen launched herself across the bed and grabbed her cell phone from the nightstand. She hit Sasha’s number.

  “Good morning, Karen,” Sasha called out cheerfully.

  “Okay, stop talking. We did it.”

  “You got to Telluride?”

  “No, I mean we did it as in had sex.”

  “You and Mario did it? It’s about damn time. What day is it anyway? I’ve got to check my copy of the grid to see who won.”

  “Sasha, are you high? What the hell are you talking about? Aren’t you excited for us?”

  “Of course I am. Congrats, sister. So, is he good?”

  “Shit! I have to go. He’s done in the shower. Out.”


  “Damn it, I didn’t even get the juice.” Sasha quickly called Mia, Vic, and Tina before they left for work, putting them all on conference call. “Okay, everyone come to my house for lunch. I’ve got news.”

  “Is it about the baby?” Tina asked.

  “Nope, and I’m not saying another word. Be here at noon. I’ll make club sandwiches and dill pickles.”

  They pounded on the door at twelve o’clock sharp. Sasha opened it with a wide grin. She had a secret and was proud to be the only one who knew about Karen.

  “Okay, enough of your crap. Spill,” Vic said.

  “Not until we’re all seated properly at the table. Our food and beverages must be in place and napkins on our laps.” Sasha loved to drag out the suspense, torturing the rest of them.

  “Oh, for crap’s sake, Martha Destiny, are you practicing for an upcoming TV show or what? Fine, let’s sit,” Mia said.

  “No, I’m not practicing for anything, but you never know what the future might have in store for me. Okay, is everyone sitting?”

  Sasha pulled out a copy of the grid from her apron pocket and placed it on the table.

  “No friggin’ way!” Tina yelled. “Damn it. I just lost twenty bucks. They did it too soon. Give us the juice. When did she call? What happened? We want play-by-play details, and don’t leave anything out.”

  Vic jammed an index finger into each ear and began chanting, “La la la la la la la.”

  “What the hell is she doing?” Sasha asked, shocked by Vic’s behavior.

  “That means she doesn’t want to hear the yummy details.” Mia laughed.

  “Hello! He is my brother!”

  “I don’t have the juice anyway. Karen hung up too soon. All I know is it happened last night. So, who won?”

  They gathered around the grid. Mia and Sasha were the closest, picking one day from the actual event. Since they chose the same day, the winner would be decided by the nearest time picked.

  “What time did they do it?” Mia asked.

  Vic groaned and jammed her fingers back in her ears.

  “I don’t
know. She didn’t tell me what time it happened. She hung up too quickly. Now we’ll have to wait until she gets back to pick the winner.” Sasha pouted. “I could have gone shopping for something.”

  “Whatever.” Mia laughed. “She’ll be mortified anyway that we bet on her.”

  “This sucks for me,” Tina said. “Everyone is either hooking up or already engaged. I’m just sitting around being an old hag with Kismet. She and I will probably grow old together. I can truly say I’m the fifth wheel now.”

  “Now you really sound like me. Everyone copies me,” Sasha said. “And Kismet… you’d be lucky to have her as your best friend, Tina.”

  “Oh, knock it off, both of you. Look how everything has changed in less than a year. Jack got the boot, and we met two more wonderful women that are now our best friends, too. Three of us have real boyfriends, and Karen and Mario? Hmmm, the jury is still out on them since they just did it for the first time last night.” Mia chuckled. “Don’t worry, Tina. Some hot hunk of manflesh will sweep you off your feet before you know it.”

  “Well, if anyone knows that person, please make the introductions.” Tina picked up Kismet and gave her a scratch behind the ears. “It might end up being you and me, babe.”

  Kismet moaned.


  The silence in the Explorer was deafening as Mario drove west on I-70. The anxiety he didn’t want was creeping in anyway. They still had 250 miles to go, yet dozens of scenarios filled his mind. He worried about Karen and what would happen if they ran into Sarah. He’d never said a word about Sarah to anyone except Max, and that was months ago. He thought of telling Karen since she was a captive audience anyway. But she seemed happy just traveling with him to somewhere beautiful, and he didn’t want to ruin it. The last bit of news he’d heard about Sarah had been six months ago. She was still in Telluride and still with Brad as far as he knew.

  Maybe everything will be fine. So what if I run into her? We’ve gone our separate ways. It’s over for us, and I wouldn’t trust her again anyway. I just don’t want to hurt Karen’s feelings.

  “Mario, is everything okay? You’ve been awfully quiet today. Are you having doubts about us?”

  “What? Of course not.” He took her hand in his and kissed it. “I’m just going over the business stuff in my head. I think after we straighten everything out and get Gravity back on track, I’ll put the store up for sale. New York is my home. We can always vacation in Colorado, Idaho, or Utah. It’s beautiful anywhere in high country. Do you like to hike? I know you aren’t a skier.”

  “I love to hike. I bet Colorado is just as beautiful in the summer, isn’t it?”

  “It sure is. It’s only April, and the scenery is already beautiful. The Rocky Mountains are eye candy no matter where you are. Maybe next summer we can come out west on a hiking vacation. Would you like that?”

  “I’d love it.” Karen opened up a bag of granola and poured some in Mario’s hand. “How much farther?”

  “We’re almost to Breck. That means we still have five hours to go. Taking I-70 is the longer route, but unless it’s summer, you never know what the road conditions are like. The interstate is the safest bet. Do you want to stop for lunch somewhere?”

  “Sure. I’d like to get out and stretch anyway.”

  “Great. I know a cool place in Edwards. You’ll love it.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Darkness had set in by the time Mario reached the main street of Telluride. Strings of lights flickered on the building facades and on every potted tree next to the sidewalk.

  “Oh my God, this is so beautiful! Do they keep the downtown area lit like this year-round?”

  “Yeah, that’s part of Telluride’s charm. The downtown area is what draws the tourists in when ski season is over. Telluride is always busy, but when skiing ends, the restaurants and retailers depend on Colorado Avenue for their revenue. We’re going to pass Gravity in a minute.”

  “Are we stopping in?”

  “Nah… we’ll make our appearances tomorrow after a good night’s sleep. It’s coming up on the right. There it is. Looks like a decent amount of shoppers inside. Sales are good. Just the income stinks.” Mario smirked.

  “We’ll get it straightened out, Mario. Anyway, it looks like a great store. I can’t wait to get there tomorrow and really dig in.”

  Mario looked at Karen and smiled. “I guess I haven’t thanked you properly for coming along. I really appreciate everything about you, Karen. Let’s get checked in. I’d like to take you out for a nice dinner before we get too tired.”

  The vacation rental was perfect. The condo consisted of two bedrooms, two baths, a full-sized kitchen, and a living room with a beamed ceiling and a stacked-stone fireplace. Hardwood floors gave off a warm, welcoming feel. The balcony faced downtown and the mountain. Karen unlocked the sliders, pulling them open to inhale the crisp evening air. Mario put his arms around her as she gazed out at the mountain.

  The snow lingered, but officially, the ski season had ended last weekend. Children slid down the lowest part of the bunny hill on tubes and sleds while their parents watched from the hotel deck. Music coming from the restaurants’ outdoor dining areas echoed through the valley. The weather was cool but comfortable enough for people to dine outside with the outdoor heaters.

  “That place looks nice.” Karen pointed to the other side of the resort, beyond the bunny hill.

  “That’s Bella Vista, and it is nice. Let’s have dinner there.”

  Mario and Karen walked the brick-paved sidewalk lit by ornate street lamps. They passed boutiques, quaint stores, and coffee shops until they reached Bella Vista. They walked up the six steps to the main entrance. A friendly hostess led them to a table on the deck. The view was spectacular no matter which direction they faced. A mason jar on the white-linen tablecloth held a single flickering candle. Planters filled with hearty flowers were anchored to the railing next to them.

  Mario ordered a bottle of 2011 Napa Valley Merlot and crusty, warm bread with olive oil as an appetizer. The waiter returned with two glasses and the Mario’s approval. Mario nodded. It was delicious. Wonderful entrées filled the menu, making their decision difficult.

  The waiter returned and took their order. Karen chose the Rib Eye with Goat Cheese and Lemon Honey Mustard. Mario decided on the Pork Chops with Maple-Bacon Chutney.

  “Wonderful choices, both entrées are superb,” the waiter said before walking away.

  Mario finally relaxed and let his guard down. He’d done an inconspicuous scan of the establishment when they were escorted in and had seen no familiar faces. He didn’t want to accidently bump into anyone he knew. This evening was for Karen and him to enjoy alone. He was pretty certain the majority of customers who frequented this restaurant were tourists anyway.


  After dinner, they walked back to the condo. Mario asked Karen to join him in the shower, and she happily obliged.

  I don’t think I’ve ever showered with a man in my life, she thought as she stripped off her clothes and stepped in.

  The rain showerhead pounded welcoming hot water on their tired bodies. Karen lathered Mario’s neck, shoulders, and back. She caressed his achy muscles. Mario turned and kissed Karen’s neck while he lathered her breasts. He kissed every inch of her body. She leaned back against the shower wall and enjoyed being in the moment. Nothing could ruin her happiness and the desire she felt for Mario at that moment. He sat on the shower bench as Karen lowered herself onto his anxious shaft. He pulled her down and entered her fully. They made love while the shower spray warmed their bodies.


  “Okay, let’s do it,” Mario said as he parked the Explorer next to Gravity at eight o’clock the following morning.

  He opened the lift gate and pulled out boxes of security tags and the antitheft system for the front entrance. He unlocked the back door, disarmed the alarm system, and propped the door open with a rock. Between the two of them, they carried in seven boxes and the do
or device. Karen went back to the SUV and grabbed the two coffees and the bag of breakfast sandwiches with hash browns. That would be enough food to start their day. They could walk to any number of cute restaurants right in the downtown area for lunch. Mario had deliberately arrived early. The store didn’t open for another hour. Normally, the manager was supposed to arrive at least fifteen minutes prior to opening. Mario wanted to be there in advance to see how prompt and responsible his manager really was.

  Karen walked around Gravity, checking the layout and the vibe. “I like it, Mario. It really has the right feel and the perfect outdoorsy theme. Now all we have to do is talk to your employees to get a sense of things and put the security measures in place. How well do you read people?”

  “You tell me,” he joked. “Actually, I think I’m pretty good at it.”

  “Could you tell if someone was lying to you?”

  “Yeah, if it was someone I knew well. I hired both managers just off their resumes and interviews though. I didn’t have a chance to get to know them well before I left town.”

  “We could talk to them together. The other employees need to be interviewed, too. We should also find out if there’s been any police reports filed due to theft.”

  “Thanks, Karen. I’m really glad you’re here to help. Your opinion means a lot to me.” Mario saw Joe get out of his car and head for the front door with the store key in his hand. “I’ll let him in. I don’t want him thinking there’s a burglar in here.”

  Mario twisted the deadbolt on the front door. The shocked look on Joe’s face could have gone either way. It might have been true surprise at seeing Mario or worry that the boss had shown up unannounced.

  “Mario, what the hell are you doing here? I didn’t know you were coming. Rick didn’t say anything to me.” Joe paced around the store nervously while running his hand through his hair.

  “Rick didn’t know. I decided to do an impromptu visit. It is my store, and I wanted to check up on things. A little vacation time mixed with business never hurt anyone, right?”


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